Loans, Notes, Trade and Other Receivables Disclosure [Text Block] | NOTE 8 The Company’s primary business activity is with customers located within its local Northeastern Ohio trade area, eastern Geauga County, and contiguous counties. The Company also serves the central and western Ohio market with offices in Ada, Bellefontaine, Dublin, Kenton, Marysville, Plain City, Powell, Sunbury, and Westerville, Ohio. Commercial, residential, consumer, and agricultural loans are granted. Although the Company has a diversified loan portfolio, loans outstanding to individuals and businesses are dependent upon the local economic conditions in the Company’s immediate trade area. Loans that management has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff generally are reported at their outstanding unpaid principal balances net of the allowance for credit losses. Interest income is recognized on the accrual method. The accrual of interest is discontinued on a loan when management believes, after considering economic and business conditions, the borrower’s financial condition is such that the collection of interest is doubtful. Interest payments received on nonaccrual loans are applied against the unpaid principal balance until accrual status is restored. Loan origination fees and certain direct loan origination costs are deferred with the net amount amortized over the contractual life of the loan as an adjustment of the related loan’s yield. The following tables summarize the primary segments of the loan portfolio (in thousands): June 30, December 31, 2023 2022 Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 187,919 $ 191,748 Non-owner occupied 385,846 380,580 Multifamily 58,579 58,251 Residential real estate 312,196 296,308 Commercial and industrial 209,349 195,602 Home equity lines of credit 126,894 128,065 Construction and Other 118,851 94,199 Consumer installment 9,801 8,119 Total loans 1,409,435 1,352,872 Less: Allowance for credit losses (20,591 ) (14,438 ) Net loans $ 1,388,844 $ 1,338,434 The Company’s loan portfolio is segmented to a level that allows management to monitor risk and performance. The portfolio is segmented into CRE, which is further segmented into Owner CRE OO, CRE NOO, and Multifamily Residential, RRE, C&I, HELOC, Construction, and Consumer Installment Loans. The commercial real estate loan segments consist of loans made to finance the activities of commercial real estate owners and operators and certain agricultural loans. The residential real estate and HELOC loan segments consist of loans made to finance the activities of residential homeowners. The C&I loan segment consists of loans made to finance the activities of commercial customers and certain agricultural loans. The consumer loan segment consists primarily of installment loans and overdraft lines of credit connected with customer deposit accounts. The increases in the allowance for credit loss for the C&I, RRE, and HELOC portfolios were partially offset by a decrease in the allowance for the CRE, Construction, and Consumer Installment portfolios. Management evaluates individual loans in all of the commercial segments for possible impairment based on guidelines established by the Board of Directors. Loans are individually analyzed when, based on current information and events, the Company will probably be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in evaluating credit loss include payment status, collateral value, and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower’s prior payment record, and the amount of the shortfall concerning the principal and interest owed. Once the determination has been made that a loan is going to be individually analyzed, the determination of whether a specific allocation of the allowance is necessary is measured by comparing the recorded investment in the loan to the fair value of the loan using one not Management uses a nine first five not not not To help ensure that risk ratings are accurate and reflect the present and future capacity of borrowers to repay a loan as agreed, the Company has a structured loan rating process with several layers of internal and external oversight. Generally, consumer and residential mortgage loans are included in the Pass categories unless a specific action, such as payment delinquency, bankruptcy, repossession, or death, occurs to raise awareness of a possible credit quality loss. The Company’s Commercial Loan Officers are responsible for the timely and accurate risk rating of the loans in their portfolios at origination and on an ongoing basis. The Credit Department performs an annual review of all commercial relationships with loan balances of $750,000 or greater. Confirmation of the appropriate risk grade is included in the review on an ongoing basis. The Company engages an external consultant to conduct loan reviews on a semiannual basis. Generally, the external consultant reviews a sample of commercial relationships greater than $250,000 and criticized relationships greater than $150,000. Detailed reviews, including plans for resolution, are performed on criticized loans on at least a quarterly basis. Loans in the Special Mention and Substandard categories that are collectively evaluated for impairment are given separate consideration in the determination of the allowance. The following table represents outstanding loan balances by credit quality indicators and vintage year by class of financing receivable and current period gross charge-offs by year of origination under ASC 326 June 30, 2023: June 30, 2023 Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year Revolving (Dollar amounts in thousands) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Amortized Cost Total Commercial real estate: Owner occupied Pass $ 10,850 $ 39,973 $ 42,655 $ 25,824 $ 12,336 $ 41,858 $ 3,693 $ 177,189 Special Mention - - - - 694 428 - 1,122 Substandard - - - 1,579 - 8,029 - 9,608 Total Owner occupied $ 10,850 $ 39,973 $ 42,655 $ 27,403 $ 13,030 $ 50,315 $ 3,693 $ 187,919 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 46 $ - $ 46 Non-owner occupied Pass $ 21,201 $ 70,716 $ 49,421 $ 23,189 $ 35,041 $ 131,402 $ 1,072 $ 332,042 Special Mention - 2,507 - - - 3,787 - 6,294 Substandard - - - - 3,650 39,140 - 42,790 Doubtful - - 674 - 4,046 - - 4,720 Total Non-owner occupied $ 21,201 $ 73,223 $ 50,095 $ 23,189 $ 42,737 $ 174,329 $ 1,072 $ 385,846 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multifamily Pass $ 4,380 $ 25,941 $ 4,346 $ 10,644 $ 1,413 $ 11,765 $ 90 $ 58,579 Total Multifamily $ 4,380 $ 25,941 $ 4,346 $ 10,644 $ 1,413 $ 11,765 $ 90 $ 58,579 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Residential real estate Pass $ 24,878 $ 54,709 $ 81,498 $ 40,720 $ 20,836 $ 87,159 $ 673 $ 310,473 Substandard - - 334 - 27 1,362 - 1,723 Total Residential real estate $ 24,878 $ 54,709 $ 81,832 $ 40,720 $ 20,863 $ 88,521 $ 673 $ 312,196 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 108 $ - $ 108 Commercial and industrial Pass $ 26,618 $ 47,057 $ 21,360 $ 28,956 $ 3,561 $ 8,627 $ 70,436 $ 206,615 Special Mention - - - - - 372 184 556 Substandard 14 17 - 370 143 1,017 621 2,182 Loss - - - - - (4 ) - (4 ) Total Commercial and industrial $ 26,632 $ 47,074 $ 21,360 $ 29,326 $ 3,704 $ 10,012 $ 71,241 $ 209,349 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ 50 $ - $ 6 $ 4 $ - $ 60 Home equity lines of credit Pass $ - $ 120 $ - $ 21 $ 66 $ 2,079 $ 123,290 $ 125,576 Substandard - - - 24 30 593 671 1,318 Total Home equity lines of credit $ - $ 120 $ - $ 45 $ 96 $ 2,672 $ 123,961 $ 126,894 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Construction and other Pass $ 26,915 $ 49,301 $ 27,432 $ 2,190 $ 3,401 $ 1,849 $ 3,747 $ 114,835 Special Mention - - - - 287 - - 287 Substandard - - 420 - 2,034 - 1,275 3,729 Total Construction and other $ 26,915 $ 49,301 $ 27,852 $ 2,190 $ 5,722 $ 1,849 $ 5,022 $ 118,851 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Consumer installment Pass $ 1,308 $ 1,433 $ 565 $ 142 $ 93 $ 6,260 $ - $ 9,801 Total Consumer installment $ 1,308 $ 1,433 $ 565 $ 142 $ 93 $ 6,260 $ - $ 9,801 Current-period gross charge-offs $ - $ 23 $ - $ - $ - $ 38 $ - $ 61 Total Loans $ 116,164 $ 291,774 $ 228,705 $ 133,659 $ 87,658 $ 345,723 $ 205,752 $ 1,409,435 The following table presents the classes of the loan portfolio summarized by the aggregate Pass and the criticized categories of Special Mention, Substandard and Doubtful within the internal risk-rating system (in thousands): Special Total December 31, 2022 Pass Mention Substandard Doubtful Loans Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 176,400 $ 6,873 $ 8,475 $ - $ 191,748 Non-owner occupied 331,584 6,387 42,609 - 380,580 Multifamily 58,251 - - - 58,251 Residential real estate 294,254 - 2,054 - 296,308 Commercial and industrial 185,674 7,936 1,992 - 195,602 Home equity lines of credit 127,080 - 985 - 128,065 Construction and other 90,728 308 3,163 - 94,199 Consumer installment 8,117 - 2 - 8,119 Total $ 1,272,088 $ 21,504 $ 59,280 $ - $ 1,352,872 Management further monitors the performance and credit quality of the loan portfolio by analyzing the age of the portfolio as determined by the length of time a recorded payment is past due. The following table presents collateral-dependent loans by classes of loan type as of June 30, 2023 ( June 30, 2023 Type of Collateral (Dollar amounts in thousands) Real Estate Blanket Lien Investment/Cash Other Total Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 3,728 $ 1,579 $ - $ 829 $ 6,136 Non-owner occupied 18,970 - - 674 19,644 Commercial and industrial - 200 - - 200 Construction and other 1,971 - - 1,695 3,666 Total $ 24,669 $ 1,779 $ - $ 3,198 $ 29,646 The following table presents information related to impaired loans by class of loans under ASC 310 December 31, 2022 ( December 31, 2022 Impaired Loans Unpaid Recorded Principal Related Investment Balance Allowance With no related allowance recorded: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 4,141 $ 4,141 $ - Non-owner occupied 1,042 1,042 - Residential real estate 706 770 - Commercial and industrial 450 547 - Home equity lines of credit 112 112 - Total $ 6,451 $ 6,612 $ - With an allowance recorded: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 1,509 $ 1,509 $ 407 Non-owner occupied 12,528 12,528 167 Residential real estate 317 317 28 Commercial and industrial 1,378 1,378 39 Home equity lines of credit 132 132 48 Total $ 15,864 $ 15,864 $ 689 Total: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 5,650 $ 5,650 $ 407 Non-owner occupied 13,570 13,570 167 Residential real estate 1,023 1,087 28 Commercial and industrial 1,828 1,925 39 Home equity lines of credit 244 244 48 Total $ 22,315 $ 22,476 $ 689 The table above includes troubled debt restructuring totaling $3.3 million as of December 31, 2022. December 31, 2022. The following table presents the average recorded investment in impaired loans by class and interest income recognized by loan, under ASC 310, three June 30, 2022 ( For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 709 $ 12 $ 716 $ 23 Non-owner occupied 5,173 57 5,214 115 Residential real estate 986 13 1,025 25 Commercial and industrial 1,239 51 1,022 65 Home equity lines of credit 248 2 249 5 Total $ 8,355 $ 135 $ 8,226 $ 233 The following table presents additional information regarding loans acquired with specific evidence of deterioration in credit quality under ASC 310 30: (In Thousands) December 01, 2022 December 31, 2022 Outstanding balance $ 7,919 $ 7,998 Carrying amount $ 6,019 $ 6,068 The primary risk of commercial and industrial loans is related to deterioration in the cash flow of the business, which may Nonperforming assets are nonaccrual loans, including nonaccrual troubled debt restructurings (“TDR”), loans 90 The following tables present the aging of the recorded investment in past-due loans by class of loans (in thousands): 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90 Days+ Total Total June 30, 2023 Current Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Loans Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 187,270 $ 586 $ 18 $ 45 $ 649 $ 187,919 Non-owner occupied 378,350 2,776 - 4,720 7,496 385,846 Multifamily 58,455 124 - - 124 58,579 Residential real estate 310,419 1,183 383 211 1,777 312,196 Commercial and industrial 208,991 308 25 25 358 209,349 Home equity lines of credit 125,362 1,380 56 96 1,532 126,894 Construction and other 118,322 529 - - 529 118,851 Consumer installment 9,783 18 - - 18 9,801 Total $ 1,396,952 $ 6,904 $ 482 $ 5,097 $ 12,483 $ 1,409,435 Purchase 30-59 Days 60-89 Days 90 Days+ Total Credit Total December 31, 2022 Current Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Impaired Loans Loans Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 191,748 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 191,748 Non-owner occupied 380,467 113 - - 113 2,992 380,580 Multifamily 58,251 - - - - - 58,251 Residential real estate 293,698 2,093 111 406 2,610 24 296,308 Commercial and industrial 195,532 62 4 4 70 - 195,602 Home equity lines of credit 127,494 415 145 11 571 - 128,065 Construction and other 93,997 202 - - 202 3,052 94,199 Consumer installment 8,096 23 - - 23 - 8,119 Total $ 1,349,283 $ 2,908 $ 260 $ 421 $ 3,589 $ 6,068 $ 1,352,872 The following tables present the recorded investment in nonaccrual loans and loans past due over 89 June 30, 2023 Nonaccrual Nonaccrual Loans Past (Dollar amounts in thousands) with no with Total Due Over 90 Days Total ACL ACL Nonaccrual Still Accruing Nonperforming Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ - $ 108 $ 108 $ - $ 108 Non-owner occupied 4,720 - 4,720 - 4,720 Residential real estate - 1,141 1,141 - 1,141 Commercial and industrial - 270 270 - 270 Home equity lines of credit - 655 655 - 655 Construction and other - 64 64 - 64 Consumer installment 158 - 158 - 158 Total $ 4,878 $ 2,238 $ 7,116 $ - $ 7,116 December 31, 2022 Nonaccrual 90+ Days Past Due and Accruing Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 69 $ - Residential real estate 1,431 - Commercial and industrial 186 - Home equity lines of credit 191 - Construction and other 68 - Consumer installment 166 - Total $ 2,111 $ - Interest income that would have been recorded had these loans not three six June 30, 2023, not three six June 30, 2022, On January 1, 2023, Prior to January 1, 2023 310 10 35 450 20 two Management reviews the loan portfolio quarterly using a defined, consistently applied process to make appropriate and timely adjustments to the ACL. When information confirms all or part of specific loans to be uncollectible, these amounts are promptly charged off against the ACL. The following tables summarize the ACL within the primary segments of the loan portfolio and the activity within those segments (in thousands): For the six months ended June 30, 2023 Allowance for Credit Losses Balance CECL Balance December 31, 2022 Adoption Charge-offs Recoveries Provision June 30, 2023 Loans: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 2,203 $ 811 $ (46 ) $ 3 $ 442 $ 3,413 Non-owner occupied 5,597 (1,206 ) - - (545 ) 3,846 Multifamily 662 591 - - 26 1,279 Residential real estate 2,047 2,744 (108 ) - 431 5,114 Commercial and industrial 1,483 2,320 (60 ) 20 341 4,104 Home equity lines of credit 1,753 (1,031 ) - 70 (69 ) 723 Construction and other 609 956 - - 319 1,884 Consumer installment 84 197 (61 ) 79 (71 ) 228 Total $ 14,438 $ 5,382 $ (275 ) $ 172 $ 874 $ 20,591 For the six months ended June 30, 2022 Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Balance Balance December 31, 2021 Charge-offs Recoveries Provision June 30, 2022 Loans: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 1,836 $ - $ 3 $ (36 ) $ 1,803 Non-owner occupied 7,431 - - (84 ) 7,347 Multifamily 454 - - (38 ) 416 Residential real estate 1,740 - 27 86 1,853 Commercial and industrial 882 (30 ) 208 153 1,213 Home equity lines of credit 1,452 (25 ) - 68 1,495 Construction and other 533 - - (134 ) 399 Consumer installment 14 (46 ) 71 (15 ) 24 Total $ 14,342 $ (101 ) $ 309 $ - $ 14,550 For the three months ended June 30, 2023 Allowance for Credit Losses Balance CECL Balance March 31, 2023 Adoption Charge-offs Recoveries Provision June 30, 2023 Loans: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 2,678 $ - $ (46 ) $ 1 $ 780 $ 3,413 Non-owner occupied 4,712 - - - (866 ) 3,846 Multifamily 1,371 - - - (92 ) 1,279 Residential real estate 4,967 - (108 ) - 255 5,114 Commercial and industrial 3,819 - (6 ) 9 282 4,104 Home equity lines of credit 809 - - - (86 ) 723 Construction and other 1,553 - - - 331 1,884 Consumer installment 253 - (3 ) 42 (64 ) 228 Total $ 20,162 $ - $ (163 ) $ 52 $ 540 $ 20,591 For the three months ended June 30, 2022 Allowance for Credit Losses Balance Balance Mar 31, 2022 Charge-offs Recoveries Provision June 30, 2022 Loans: Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ 1,765 $ - $ 2 $ 36 $ 1,803 Non-owner occupied 7,672 - - (325 ) 7,347 Multifamily 419 - - (3 ) 416 Residential real estate 1,801 - - 52 1,853 Commercial and industrial 904 - 59 250 1,213 Home equity lines of credit 1,355 - - 140 1,495 Construction and other 558 - - (159 ) 399 Consumer installment 18 (40 ) 37 9 24 Total $ 14,492 $ (40 ) $ 98 $ - $ 14,550 The increase in the ACL in 2022 The provision fluctuations during the six June 30, 2023, ● residential, C&I and construction loans are due to increases in outstanding balances. ● owner occupied CRE are due to an increase in criticized assets. ● non-owner occupied CRE are due to a decrease in reserves allocated using the individual allocation method to a historically problematic credit. ● multifamily fluctuation was driven by increases in the reserve because of an increase in adjusted historical loss rate. The provision fluctuations during the three June 30, 2023, ● residential, C&I, and construction loans are due to increases in outstanding balances. ● owner occupied CRE are due to an increase in criticized assets ● non-owner occupied CRE are due to a decrease in reserves allocated using the individual allocation method to two ● multifamily are based entirely on a decrease in the pooled loans reserve because of a moderate decline in outstanding loan balances The provision fluctuations during the six June 30, 2022, ● residential loans and home equity lines of credit are due to an increase in outstanding balances. ● commercial and industrial loans are due to an increase in the specific reserve on impaired loans. ● construction and other loans are due to a decrease in outstanding balances. The provision fluctuations during the three June 30, 2022, ● residential loans and home equity lines of credit are due to an increase in outstanding balances. ● commercial and industrial loans are due to an increase in the specific reserve on impaired loans. ● non-owner occupied commercial real estate loans are due to a decrease in outstanding balances. ● home equity lines of credit are due to an increase in outstanding balances. ● construction and other loans are due to a decrease in outstanding balances. Modifications to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty The Company adopted Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2022 02, 326 2022 02” January 1, 2023. 2022 02 The table below details the amortized cost of gross loans held for investment made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that were modified during the three six June 30, 2023: For the three months ended June 30, 2023 Modifications Payment Interest Rate Percentage of Deferral Reduction Total Loans Payment Term and Term and Term Held for Deferral Extension Extension Past Due Total Investment Commercial real estate: Non-owner occupied $ - $ 14,924 $ 2,507 $ - $ 17,431 1.24 % Commercial and industrial - 86 - - 86 0.01 % Total $ - $ 15,010 $ 2,507 $ - $ 17,517 1.24 % For the six months ended June 30, 2023 Modifications Payment Interest Rate Percentage of Deferral Reduction Total Loans Payment Term and Term and Term Held for Deferral Extension Extension Past Due Total Investment Commercial real estate: Owner occupied $ - $ 134 $ - $ - $ 134 0.01 % Non-owner occupied - 19,074 2,507 - 21,581 1.53 % Commercial and industrial - 100 - - 100 0.01 % Consumer installment - 8 - - 8 0.00 % Total $ - $ 19,316 $ 2,507 $ - $ 21,823 1.55 % As of June 30, 2023, not first 2023 Troubled Debt Restructuring Disclosures Prior to the Adoption of ASU 2022 02 TDR describes loans on which the bank has granted concessions for reasons related to the customer’s financial difficulties. Such concessions may one ● reduction in the interest rate to below-market rates ● extension of repayment requirements beyond normal terms ● reduction of the principal amount owed ● reduction of accrued interest due ● acceptance of other assets in full or partial payment of a debt In each case, the concession is made due to deterioration in the borrower’s financial condition, and the new terms are less stringent than those required on a new loan with similar risk. The following tables summarize troubled debt restructurings that did not For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Number of Contracts Pre-Modification Post-Modification Term Outstanding Recorded Outstanding Recorded Troubled Debt Restructurings Modification Other Total Investment Investment Commercial and industrial 1 - 1 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Number of Contracts Pre-Modification Post-Modification Term Outstanding Recorded Outstanding Recorded Troubled Debt Restructurings Modification Other Total Investment Investment Commercial and industrial 2 - 2 $ 1,225 $ 1,225 There were no subsequent defaults of troubled debt restructurings for the three six June 30, 2022. |