Exhibit 99.A.10
oMassachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Springfield, Massachusetts 01111-0001 | oMML Bay State Life Insurance Co. | oC.M. Life Insurance Co. 140 Garden St., Hartford, CT 06154 |
1. Name of Proposed Insured(First,Middle, Last and Suffix) | 2. Sex oMoF |
3.U.S. Citizen: oYesoNo | If “No,” what country? | Type of Visa:oPermoTemp |
4. Social Security Number: | 5. Birthplace: |
6.Date of Birth: | 7. Policy Date: | 8.Save Age: |
9. Residence of Proposed Insured(Street & No., City, State, Zip) | 10. Business/Employer Name and Address(Name, Street & No., City, State, Zip) |
4Owner(Complete only if owner is other than the proposed insured)*If trust,signed trust certificate (or a trust copy) is required
11. Owner: | oIndividual(or his/her estate) oCorp.(its successors or assigns) oTrust* oOther(see memo attached) |
Name(If trust,give full name of trustee(s) and date of trust agreement) | SSN or Tax ID No. |
Address(Street & No.,City, State, Zip) | Relationship to Insured |
| |
12. Beneficiary: | oIndividual(s) oCorp.(its successors or assigns) oTrust oOther(see memo attached) |
Primary: Name(s)(If trust, give full name of trustee(s) and date of trust agreement) | Relationship to Insured |
Contingent: Name(s) | Relationship to Insured |
oUTMA/UGMA Custodian- During minority of the named child(ren),__________________________ ; (name of adult to act as Custodian)
shall be Custodian for said child(ren) under ______________________the Uniform Transfers/Gifts to Minors Act.
(state) 4Life Insurance(Complete one of the following three sections)
413. Whole Life | D. Loan rate | G. Other Riders |
| | | A. Plan of Insurance | oAdjustable | oFixed | oADB | $ _________________ |
| | | oWL | oLPWL | o10PL | E. Dividend Options | oIPR | $ _________________ |
| | | oEWL | oLPL85 | o20PL | oCash | oReduce prem. | oALIR | $ _________________ |
| | | oMWL | oLPL65 | o________ | | oPaid-up additions | oSID | oLISR | $ _________________ |
| | | B. Amount of Insurance | | oAccumulate at interest | (1) Annual Prem. | $_________________ |
| | | Face Amount $__________________ | | o_______________________________ | (2) Lump-Sum Pymt. | $_________________ |
C. Automatic Premium Loan | | F. Waiver of Premium Riders | o ______________________________________ |
| | | oYes oNo | | oInsured | H. ALIR Dividend Option |
| | | | oApplicant: ______________________ | oSame as basic policy oPaid-up adds. |
414. Term Life | B. Amount of Insurance | D. Other Riders |
| | A. Plan of Insurance | Face Amount $_____________________ | oADB $_________________ |
| | oT5 | oT15 | oAPT80 | C. Waiver of Premium Riders | |
| | oT10G | oT20 | oBCE10 | oInsured | o_________________________________ |
| | o_____________________________ | | | | | |
415. Variable &Universal Life | E. | DBO | o1 | o2 | o3 | o_____ | | I. | Other Riders |
| | A. Plan of Insurance | F. | Loan rate | oAdjustable | oFixed | o OIR |
| | oVUL | oUL | | o_______________ | G. | Definition of Life Insurance | | iexcl Self | $ | _____________________ |
| | B. Amount of Insurance | o | Guideline Premium Test | | iexcl Other | $ | _____________________ |
| | | | | o | Cash Value Test | |
Face Amount | $ | _________________ | H. | Waiver of Premium Riders | | (if other, complete separate application) |
| | C. First Prem. | $ | _________________ | o | Monthly Charges/Deductions | o GIR | $ | _____________________ |
| | D. Planned Prem. | $ | | _________________ | o | Disability Benefit | | | o _______________________________ |
4Premium Payment Information |
16. Billing Types | 17. Frequency | | | 18. Premium Payer | | |
| oPAC | | oAnnual | | | | oInsuredoOwner | | | oOther _________________________ |
| oIndividual | | oSemi-annual | | | Mailing Address | | |
| oGroup | | oQuarterly | | | | oInsured’s home | | oOther _________________________ |
| Plan Account # | | oMonthly | | | | oInsured’s business | ________________________________ |
| __________________ | | o __________________ | oOwner’s address | ________________________________ |
19. Has the first premium been paid? | oYes | oNo | If “Yes” amount paid: | $________________________________ |
4Other Insurance/Replacement Information |
| Life Insurancecurrently applied for,contemplated, or now in force on the Insured inother companies. If none,check hereo |
20a. | Company | | Year(s) Issued | Product | | Amount |
20b. | Total amount ofnewinsurance to be placed currently inall companies $ ___________________ |
21. | Is the insurance now being applied for intended to replace or change any insurance or annuity, in whole or part, issued by this or another company?oYesoNo “Yes” complete information below |
| Company | | Policy Number | Product | Amount | 1035 Exchange |
| o |
| o |
22. | If 1035 exchange: approximate value of exchange $ ___________(In Remarks, indicate how 1035 money will be applied on the new policy.) |
4Juvenile(Complete this section only if insured is a juvenile) |
23.Total life insurance currently applied for, contemplated, or now in force on the insured’s father, mother, siblings inallcompanies. |
(Name, age, and amount - explain in Remarks if none)
| |
Father: | Sibling: |
Mother: | Sibling: |
4Personal Information Regarding the Insured(Explain “Yes” answers in Remarks) |
24. | Insured’s Occupation and Duties _____________________________________________________________________ |
25. | Insured’s current driver’s license # _________________________ | State ____________________________ | Yes | | No |
26. | Does the insured anticipate any foreign travel? | o | | o |
27. | Within the last 3 years has the insured been, or expect to become, a pilot, student pilot, or crew member of any type of aircraft? (If “Yes” complete Aviation form) | o | | o |
28. | Within the last 3 years has the insured taken part in, or now expect to take part in, underwater diving, hang gliding, para sailing, para kiting, parachuting, skydiving, mountain climbing, or organized racing by automobile, motorcycle,motorboat, or snowmobile, or any other form of hazardous activity?(If “Yes” complete Avocation form) | o | | o |
29. | Within the last 5 years has the insured been in a motor vehicle accident, been convicted of a moving violation, or received a driver’s license restriction or revocation? | o | | o |
30. | Within the last 10 years has the insured been convicted of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs? | o | | o |
31. | Has the insured ever been convicted of a felony? | o | | o |
32. | Is the life insurance being applied for the benefit of a viatical company, are there any plans to viaticate the policy after it is issued, or will it replace a policy that has been, or will be viaticated? | o | | o |
33. | If the policy applied for will be used in connection with an employer-sponsored plan involving both males and females, will the policy be issued on a Unisex basis?(Complete this question only if applicable) | o | | o |
34. | Remarks | | | |
4Non-Medical(Complete this section when required) |
35. (a)Name and address of your physician |
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
(b)Date and reason last consulted ________________________________________________________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________________________________ |
36.Family History | | |
| Age if | State of health | Age at |
| living | or cause of death | death |
Father | | |
Mother | | |
37.. | Height in shoes __________ ft. ______ in. |
| Weight in clothes __________ lbs. |
| Any change in weight in the past year? | | o Yes | | o No |
| oGainoLoss Amt. _______ | If “Yes,” give details in 47 below |
38. | Have any of your parents or siblings had: | Yes | No |
| (a) Cardiovascular disease prior to age 60? | o | o |
| (b) Diabetes, kidney disease or any other familial disorder? | o | o |
| If “Yes,” give details in 47 below | | |
39.Have you ever been advised of, treated for, or had any known indication of the following? | oYes oNo |
If “Yes”, check condition(s) and give details in 47 below
| |
| | | | | |
o | Arthritis | o | Diabetes | o | Physical |
o | Asthma | o | Emotional | | impairment |
o | Cancer | | disorder | o | Prostate disease |
o | Chest pain | o | Heart attack | o | Seizures |
o | Chronic fatigue | o | Heart murmur | o | Sexually |
o | Chronic | o | Hepatitis | | transmitted |
| respiratory disease | o | High blood | | disease |
o | Congenital | | pressure | o | Sleep disorder |
| disorder | o | Lupus | o | Stroke |
o | Depression | o | Paralysis | o | Tumor |
40.Have you ever been advised of, treated for, or had any known |
indication of a disorder of the following?
| oYes | o | No |
If “Yes”, check condition(s) and give details in 47 below
| | |
| | | | | | | |
o | Blood | o | Eyes | o | Pancreas | | |
o | Blood vessels | o | Head | o | Reproductive |
o | Brain and | o | Heart | | organs | | |
| nervous system | o | Immune system | o | Sinuses | | |
o | Breasts | o | Kidney | o | Skin | | |
o | Colon | o | Liver | o | Urinary system |
o | Digestive | o | Lungs | | | | |
| system | o | Lymph glands | | | | |
o | Endocrine | o | Musculo- | | | | |
| system | | skeletal system | | | | |
If “Yes” to any question, give details in 47 below | | Yes | | No |
41. | | Other than in Q. 39 & 40, within the past five years, have you had any emotional disorders, physical illness orinjury, infection, consultation, hospital admission, surgery, diagnostic tests, or procedures, or been advised or plan to seek surgical or medical advice or treatment? | | o | | o |
42. | | Have you applied for life, disability, or health insurance and been declined, postponed, rated, or restricted, in thelast 10 years? | | o | | o |
43. | | Have you ever been treated for, or been diagnosed by a member of the medical profession as having a deficiency of the immune system such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)? | | o | | o |
44. | | Are you currently taking any prescribed or over the counter medications, food supplements or herbal remedies? | | o | | o |
45. | | Have you ever used barbiturates, narcotics, or other drug or chemical substances not prescribed by a physician or been advised to restrict the use of alcohol? | | o | | o |
46. | | (a) Have you smoked cigarettes in the past 12 months? | | o | | o |
| | (b) Have you used tobacco or nicotine in any other form in the past 12 months? | | o | | o |
| | (c) Have you used tobacco or nicotine in any other form in the past 3 years? | | o | | o |
47. | | Details:For questions answered “Yes” give particulars below. Include nature of ailment, date, duration and attending physicians. | | | | |
4Agreements and Signatures |
The Application- This is Part 1 of an application for Life Insurance. The application includes any Part 2 that may be required and any amendments and supplements to either part. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the person(s) signing below, all statements made in this Part 1 are complete and true and were correctly recorded. Each person signing below adopts all of the statements made in the application and agrees to be bound by them.For Variable Life Insurance, the applicant acknowledges- That the variable value of the policy may increase or decrease in accordance with the experience of the separate account; that the death benefit may be variable or fixed under specified conditions.
Beneficiary- Unless otherwise requested, surviving beneficiaries in any class shall take equally. If percentages or fractions are indicated and any beneficiary dies before the insured, payment shall be made proportionately to the surviving beneficiaries in that class. If no beneficiary is entitled to the payment at the time of claim, the proceeds shall be made to the owner, if living, or the owner’s estate.Liability of Company- The insurance applied for will not take effect unless the first premium is paid during the lifetime of the person to be insured under the policy and the application must be approved by the insurer at its Home Office. If the first premium is paid to the agent/producer in exchange for a Temporary Receipt or Conditional Receipt signed by that agent/producer, the insurer shall be liable only as set forth in that receipt; otherwise, the policy must be delivered to the Owner named in the policy and, at the time of payment and delivery, all statements made in this application related to the insurability of all persons to be insured under the policy must be complete and true as though they were made at that time.
Authority of Agents/Producers- No agent/producer can change the terms of this application or any policy issued by the insurer. No agent/producer can waive any of the insurer’s rights or requirements or extend the time for any payment.
Changes and Corrections- Any change or correction of the Application will be shown on an Amendment of Application attached to the policy. Acceptance of any policy issued shall be acceptance of any change or correction of the application made by the Company. However, any correction or change in the amount, classification, plan of insurance, or riders applied for in this application must be agreed to in writing.
Authorization to Obtain and Disclose Information (For The Insured And/Or Applicant)- I have received the notice about the Medical Information Bureau, Inc. (MIB). I have also received the notice about the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I understand and authorize an investigative report to be made. This report may include information about my character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living. I hereby authorize certain parties that have any records or knowledge of me and my health (or my children and their health if juvenile insurance), to make such information available to the company, its reinsurers, and MML Insurance Agency, Inc. These parties include: any licensed physician, medical practitioner, hospital, clinic, other medical or medically related facility, the MIB, or other organization. I agree that the photocopy or facsimile of this authorization may be used to obtain information.
Taxpayer Identification- The Owner of the Policy applied for herein certifies, under penalties of perjury, that (i) the number referred to in 4 and 11 of this application is his/her correct Taxpayer Identification Number (or he/she is waiting for a number to be issued); and (ii) he/she is not subject to backup withholding either because he/she has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that he/she is subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or the IRS has notified him/her that he/she is no longer subject to backup withholding. If the IRS has notified the Owner that he/she is subject to backup withholding and he/she has not received notice from the IRS that backup withholding has terminated, he/she should strike out language herein (ii) that he/she is not subject to backup withholding due to notified payee underreporting.
The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications to avoid backup withholding.
| |
4Signature of Proposed Insured (if age 16 or older) | Date |
| |
| |
4Signature of Owner (if not Proposed Insured) | |
| | | | |
Applicant, if not owner: | oInsured | |
| oOther |
| |
| | (print name) | |
| |
4Signature of Applicant (if not owner or insured) | |
| |
4Signature of Soliciting Agent/Producer | Signed at (city/state) |
| |
Print Agent/Producer name | General Agent submitting application/Agency # |