Exhibit 1.01
Vodafone Conflict Minerals Report 2019
This Conflict Minerals Report for the year ended 31 December 2019 is presented by Vodafone Group Plc (‘Vodafone’) in accordance with Rule 13p-1 (the ‘Rule’) under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’).
The Rule applies to companies required to file reports with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act if any of the products they manufacture or contract to manufacture contain conflict minerals necessary to the functionality or production of the product (‘in-scope products’).
As defined by the content requirements of SEC Form SD, ‘conflict minerals’ include columbite-tantalite (‘coltan’), cassiterite, wolframite and/or gold or their derivatives, which are limited to tantalum, tin and tungsten (each a ‘3TG metal’). Please refer to the requirements of SEC Form SD for definitions of many of the terms used in this report, including ‘Covered Countries’ (Democratic Republic of Congo (‘DRC’) or an adjoining country).
Vodafone Group is one of the world’s leading technology communications providers, connecting people and organisations of all sizes to the digital society. We have extensive experience in connectivity, convergence and the Internet of Things, as well as championing mobile financial services and digital transformation in emerging markets.
Vodafone Group has mobile operations in 22 countries, partners with mobile networks in 42 more, and fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. As of 31 March 2020, Vodafone Group had 362 million customers, including 115 million mobile customers, 25 million broadband customers and 22 million TV customers in Europe and 168 million mobile customers in Africa. We generated revenues of €44.97 billion in the financial year ended 31 March 2020.
Vodafone’s American Depositary Shares are listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market LLC (‘NASDAQ’). We are therefore subject to the NASDAQ listing rules and file reports with the SEC under Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
We use electronic equipment in our operations and we sell a range of products to our customers, including mobile phones, tablets, SIM cards, fixed broadband routers, TV set-top boxes and Internet of Things devices. Vodafone Automotive also sells electronic products, such as anti-theft, parking assistance and telematics systems, to vehicle manufacturers.
Most of our products, such as smartphones, routers, and tablets that we resell to customers are produced by major companies with internationally recognised brands that report sustainability efforts in their own right. We also offer our customers a range of devices that carry the Vodafone logo. These devices are designed and built on our behalf by suppliers known as original design manufacturers (‘ODMs’). We contract ODMs to design and manufacture these products according to our specifications. Vodafone Automotive also operates a small technology device manufacturing plant in Italy.
The agreements in place with our suppliers give Vodafone the right to perform supplier quality audits and ensure that we only select vendors that work with integrity, safety and quality. Our Sustainable Business Report provides more information about our supply chain and how we manage relevant sustainability risks. It is available on our website.
In cases where we contract to manufacture products from suppliers, we have some degree of influence over the manufacturing of the product, such as specifying certain criteria for the materials, parts or components to be used. However, we do not own, operate or control the manufacturing plants where they are made.
Our products contain numerous components that may contain one or more of the 3TG metals. For example, tin is often used as a soldering material for electronic components, and gold and tantalum are typically used in components such as connectors or capacitors.
We conduct an annual analysis of procurement and manufacturing activities to determine which products the Rule applies to (‘in-scope products’) by:
· identifying the products that are likely to include 3TG metals. We do this by reviewing product categories through our supplier qualification process and, for Vodafone Automotive products, checking whether components are listed as including 3TG metals on the automotive industry’s International Material Data System.
· determining which of these products are likely to be ones that we contract to manufacture or, in the case of Vodafone Automotive products, manufacture.
For the year ended 31 December 2019, we identified seven types of products that were likely to include in-scope products:
· selected handsets purchased from ODMs
· connected home devices (i.e. routers, modems, set-top boxes and femtocells)
· datacards (i.e. mobile broadband dongles)
· Internet of Things tracker devices
· vehicle anti-theft systems, such as alarm sirens and intrusion sensors
· parking assistance products, such as sensors and electronic units that assist drivers in parking their vehicles
· telematic control units for vehicles, such as tracking systems based on Global System for Mobile Communications (‘GSM’) and Global Positioning System (‘GPS’) technologies.
Based on this applicability assessment, we identified 837 in-scope products that we purchased or technically accepted (the point at which our operating companies can begin ordering products from suppliers and selling them on to customers) during the year ended 31 December 2019. This is a significant increase from the year before because Vodafone Automotive products with small variations (colour, software, etc.) were previously counted as one product type.
The products identified as in-scope only account for a relatively small proportion (around 7%) of our total expenditure with suppliers that supply the above-mentioned products. We sourced these in-scope products, or their components, from 66 suppliers (‘in-scope suppliers’) in the year ended 31 December 2019.
In accordance with the Rule, we carried out a Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (‘RCOI’) and due diligence process to determine the origin of the 3TG metals used in our in-scope products.
The smelters and refiners (‘Smelters’) that produce 3TG metals, and the mines from which the minerals are originally sourced, are many steps away from Vodafone in the supply chain. We therefore rely on our suppliers to provide information to support our due diligence efforts.
We include conflict minerals reporting requirements as part of our suppliers’ contractual obligations. These require in-scope suppliers to conduct due diligence to identify the origin of the 3TG metals in the components or products they sell to us and ensure that the 3TG metals are sourced responsibly. Our direct suppliers are expected to extend similar requirements to their own suppliers and cascade them down the supply chain until the origin of the 3TG metals contained in the products supplied to us (either directly or indirectly) can be identified.
We conduct our RCOI based on the Smelter information received from our in-scope suppliers. We then compare this with the RCOI database compiled by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (‘RMI’), an industry initiative in which we participate to support the collection of information, increase transparency and establish a chain of custody over the mineral supply chain. The RCOI database contains aggregated data on the origins of 3TG metals from Smelters that conform with the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (‘RMAP’).
In some cases, information provided by our direct suppliers is incomplete and suppliers are unable to confirm the country of origin information for 3TG metals.
RCOI conclusion
Based on data collected from our suppliers for the year ended 31 December 2019, we have reason to believe that some 3TG metals contained in our products originate from Covered Countries and we have conducted due diligence as described below.
See Annex for the compiled countries of origin information and a list of the confirmed Smelters included in the conflict minerals reports submitted by our suppliers.
Vodafone’s commitment to sustainable business in the DRC
Our subsidiary, Vodacom Group Limited (‘Vodacom’), is the largest provider of telecommunications services in the DRC, with revenues of US$512 million in the financial year ended 31 March 2020.
We have been operating in the country, through our Vodacom subsidiary, since 2002. The supply of our products follows the same centralised procurement process in the DRC as it does in the other countries where we operate.
We contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions on the ground through technology solutions such as M-Pesa, which was launched in the DRC in 2007 and today is used for secure banking by 12 million customers.
As a service provider, we have limited possibilities for meaningful impact in the conflict minerals ecosystem through our supply chain. Nevertheless, we are constantly looking for opportunities to improve lives through connectivity and technology solutions and to work with other stakeholders to contribute to the positive socio-economic development in all the countries we operate in.
For more on our commitment to sustainable business in the DRC, see Vodacom’s Sustainability Report.
3TG metals come from many different Smelters in a complex and often opaque supply chain. Minerals are extracted from mines, Smelters procure minerals and process them into useable metals and these metals are then used to make components to go into electronic products.
We conduct due diligence to support our commitment to source minerals responsibly and to comply with relevant disclosure regulations. Our aim is to ensure that none of the products or components we buy contain 3TG metals that have helped to fund conflict.
Our process is designed to comply with the Rule and interpretive guidance, and conform with the internationally recognised framework set out in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (‘OECD’) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (Third Edition) (‘OECD Due Diligence Guidance’).
Our due diligence process follows the five-step framework set out in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
Step 1: Establish strong company management systems
We have established a policy related to the sourcing of conflict minerals. Overall accountability for implementation of the policy lies with our Group Chief Commercial Operations and Strategy Officer, who sits on our Group Executive Committee. The policy is overseen by our Group Product and Services Director, who leads the function responsible for sourcing mobile phones, tablets, set-top boxes and other such devices. Representatives from corporate functions provide legal expertise and subject matter expertise, and our procurement teams manage relationships with in-scope suppliers, all of whom support the implementation of due diligence activities.
We work together with specialist consultancy service providers to assist in tracking data, assessing risks and preparing our reporting. Additionally, we have engaged with a third party auditor to internally assess the processes and procedures of our conflict minerals programme.
We have established a process to identify in-scope suppliers (as outlined in the Applicability section above). We include conflict minerals clauses in supplier contracts. These require suppliers to conduct due diligence to identify the origin of 3TG metals in the components or products they sell to us and ensure that the minerals or elements are not from a source which directly or indirectly finances or benefits armed groups in the Covered Countries. Our direct suppliers are expected to extend similar requirements to their own suppliers and cascade them down the supply chain until the origin of 3TG metals contained in the products supplied to us (either directly or indirectly) can be identified.
The identified in-scope suppliers must report on their progress through the RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (‘CMRT’), which they are required to complete on an annual basis. The CMRT is designed to identify the Smelters from which any 3TG metals in each in-scope product are sourced.
We engage with in-scope suppliers to raise awareness of our processes and requirements, and help them understand how to meet the requirements of the contract clause on conflict minerals. We also share best-practice advice on how to complete the CMRT and apply lessons learned from the previous year’s disclosure process. In addition, we provide a dedicated point of contact at Vodafone to respond to suppliers’ questions on conflict minerals reporting.
Our established Speak Up process, outlined in our Code of Conduct, provides a company-level grievance mechanism for reporting any concerns related to allegations of illegal or unethical practices or breaches of Vodafone’s Code of Conduct and policies, including those related to conflict minerals. It can be used by employees, contractors, suppliers’ employees or contractors, business partners or any other individual or organisation to report concerns, anonymously if they prefer. Information on supplier ethics and Speak Up is available on our website.
Step 2: Identify and assess risks in the supply chain
To identify and assess conflict mineral risk in our supply chain, we requested that all 66 suppliers of in-scope products (identified through the applicability assessment outlined above) complete the CMRT. We analysed their responses to the CMRT. Where risks were identified, we followed up with suppliers to assess these.
We compared the Smelters identified in the supplier responses with the RMI List of All Operational 3TG Smelters, the RMI Smelter Revision History List, The RMI List of Conformant Smelters and the RMI List of Active Smelters. These lists are maintained online by the RMI and are frequently updated to reflect changes in the reported status of Smelters.
See Annex for a list of RMI confirmed operational Smelters, which were included in the reports submitted by our suppliers, together with their status of RMAP Conformant, Active or Non-conformant.
RMAP Conformant Smelters have successfully completed a RMAP audit and maintain good standing in the programme through a continual validation process. They have the systems and processes in place to support responsible sourcing of raw materials and can provide evidence to support their sourcing activities.
RMAP Active Smelters have signed an Agreement for the Exchange of Confidential Information and Auditee Agreement contracts. If they are deemed by the RMI not to be progressing toward a RMAP audit, gap closure or re-audit for a period of more than 90 days, they will be removed from the Active list.
Step 3: Design and implement a strategy to respond to identified risks
Our strategy to respond to identified risks includes a range of measures that form part of our due diligence process. We have established a communication and escalation process to notify and engage, if required, our Group Chief Commercial Operations and Strategy Officer where any potentially significant risks are identified.
We review supplier responses to the CMRT and follow up with suppliers to request clarification or more complete responses where necessary. Where any risks are identified, we engage with suppliers and request their commitment to corrective actions to manage these risks, including a commitment to improve data quality.
If in-scope suppliers identify Smelters within our supply chain that are either RMAP Non-conformant or Active, we ask them to encourage these Smelters to participate in the RMAP process or consider alternate sourcing arrangements.
We also participate in wider industry efforts to support responsible sourcing and audit Smelters’ due diligence activities through our membership (member code: VODA) of the RMI:

Participating in the RMI
We participate in industry efforts to support responsible sourcing of minerals as a member of the RMI. The RMI works to validate Smelters as conflict-free and assists companies in making informed decisions about conflict minerals in their supply chain.
The data that informs certain statements in this declaration was obtained through our membership in the RMI, using the RCOI report for the member listed as VODA.
Step 4: Carry out independent third-party audits of Smelter due diligence practices
We do not directly purchase raw minerals, ores or 3TG metals. We are many steps removed from the mines and Smelters that supply the minerals, ores and 3TG metals contained in our products. Therefore, our due diligence efforts rely on cross-industry initiatives, such as the RMI, to conduct audits of Smelters’ due diligence practices.
Step 5: Report annually on supply chain due diligence
In accordance with the Rule and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance, this report is publicly available on our website.
As we do not directly purchase raw minerals, ores or 3TG metals, we rely on our direct (Tier 1) suppliers to gather information about Smelters in our supply chain.
We received CMRT responses for the year ended 31 December 2019 from all 66 in-scope suppliers (100%). All RMI reference data and supplier information was based on data received as of 6 March 2020.

Based on supplier responses for the year ended 31 December 2019, we have identified 295 Smelters that are on the RMAP list of known Smelters. Of these, 80% were either RMAP Conformant or Active: 232 are certified as RMAP Conformant and five are Active. The remaining 58 Smelters were identified as RMAP Non-conformant.
Based on the RMI RCOI information provided for conformant smelters, 71 Smelters may source from Covered Countries. See Annex for the list of identified Smelters and their RMAP status.
We will engage with the in-scope suppliers that have identified the Non-conformant Smelters as being within their supply chain to encourage the Smelters to become RMAP Conformant or remove them from the supply chain.
The data provided by suppliers continues to improve with additional Smelter details being included in suppliers’ responses. However, there are still gaps in the information provided where suppliers further down the supply chain have failed to provide details for all components.
Responses from suppliers showed that there are still significant challenges relating to information about the country of origin of 3TG metals, and the Smelters from which 3TG metals were sourced, as this information is often unavailable, incomplete or potentially erroneous. We will continue engaging with suppliers to improve the completeness and quality of information provided.
Based on the RCOI enquiry and due diligence efforts described above, we have determined that some conflict minerals contained in our in-scope products originated in Covered Countries. As a result of the incompleteness of some suppliers’ responses received so far through our ongoing due diligence programme, we are unable to determine the origin of all conflict minerals contained in all our in-scope products. Nonetheless, we have made a reasonable good-faith effort to collect and evaluate the information concerning Smelters based on the information provided by our suppliers.
We are taking a range of steps to enhance the due diligence process and further mitigate any risk that conflict minerals used in the company’s products may benefit armed groups.
We are engaging with suppliers to:
· continuously encourage them to put a conflict minerals policy in place or improve their existing conflict minerals policies;
· improve the completeness and quality of information provided, particularly in relation to the identification of Smelters and the country of origin of 3TG metals, and in providing CMRT information on Smelters at product level; and
· seek their commitment to implement further improvements in relation to due diligence processes, including asking them to reach out to RMAP Non-conformant Smelters identified as being within our supply chain to encourage these Smelters to undergo a RMAP audit.
Through the RMI, we are participating in industry efforts to address issues related to conflict minerals in supply chains, increase the number of Smelters sourcing from the Covered Countries that are conflict-free and improve country of origin information.
We use legal and contractual mechanisms to obligate our suppliers to comply with relevant regulations.
Our aim is to ensure minerals used in our supply chain do not fund conflict, while continuing to support local economies by allowing the use of verified conflict-free material from Covered Countries.
The table lists the Smelters identified through supplier CMRT responses for the year ended 31 December 2019 and their RMAP status as of 6 March 2020.
Metal | | Smelter ID | | Standard Smelter Name | | Country Location | | RMI RMAP Conformance Status |
Gold | | CID000015 | | Advanced Chemical Company | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000019 | | Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000035 | | Allgemeine Gold-und Silberscheideanstalt A.G. | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000041 | | Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AMMC) | | UZBEKISTAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000058 | | AngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio Mineracao | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000077 | | Argor-Heraeus S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000082 | | Asahi Pretec Corp. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000090 | | Asaka Riken Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000113 | | Aurubis AG | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000128 | | Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) | | PHILIPPINES | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000157 | | Boliden AB | | SWEDEN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000176 | | C. Hafner GmbH + Co. KG | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000185 | | CCR Refinery - Glencore Canada Corporation | | CANADA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000189 | | Cendres + Metaux S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000233 | | Chimet S.p.A. | | ITALY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000264 | | Chugai Mining | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000359 | | DSC (Do Sung Corporation) | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000362 | | DODUCO Contacts and Refining GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000401 | | Dowa | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000425 | | Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000493 | | OJSC Novosibirsk Refinery | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000689 | | HeeSung Metal Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000694 | | Heimerle + Meule GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000707 | | Heraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000711 | | Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000801 | | Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000807 | | Ishifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000814 | | Istanbul Gold Refinery | | TURKEY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000823 | | Japan Mint | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000855 | | Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000920 | | Asahi Refining USA Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000924 | | Asahi Refining Canada Ltd. | | CANADA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000929 | | JSC Uralelectromed | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000937 | | JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000957 | | Kazzinc | | KAZAKHSTAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000969 | | Kennecott Utah Copper LLC | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000981 | | Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001029 | | Kyrgyzaltyn JSC | | KYRGYZSTAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001078 | | LS-NIKKO Copper Inc. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001113 | | Materion | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001119 | | Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001147 | | Metalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001149 | | Metalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001152 | | Metalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. | | SINGAPORE | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001153 | | Metalor Technologies S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001157 | | Metalor USA Refining Corporation | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001161 | | Metalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V. | | MEXICO | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001188 | | Mitsubishi Materials Corporation | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001193 | | Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001204 | | Moscow Special Alloys Processing Plant | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001220 | | Nadir Metal Rafineri San. Ve Tic. A.S. | | TURKEY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001259 | | Nihon Material Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001325 | | Ohura Precious Metal Industry Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001326 | | OJSC “The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant” (OJSC Krastsvetmet) | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001352 | | PAMP S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001386 | | Prioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001397 | | PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001498 | | PX Precinox S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001512 | | Rand Refinery (Pty) Ltd. | | SOUTH AFRICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001534 | | Royal Canadian Mint | | CANADA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001555 | | Samduck Precious Metals | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001585 | | SEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A. | | SPAIN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001622 | | Shandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001736 | | Sichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001756 | | SOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious Metals | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001761 | | Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp. | | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001798 | | Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001875 | | Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001916 | | The Refinery of Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001938 | | Tokuriki Honten Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001955 | | Torecom | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001977 | | Umicore Brasil Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001980 | | Umicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals Refining | | BELGIUM | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001993 | | United Precious Metal Refining, Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002003 | | Valcambi S.A. | | SWITZERLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002030 | | Western Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint) | | AUSTRALIA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002100 | | Yamakin Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002129 | | Yokohama Metal Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002224 | | Zhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold Corporation | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002243 | | Gold Refinery of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002314 | | Umicore Precious Metals Thailand | | THAILAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002459 | | Geib Refining Corporation | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002509 | | MMTC-PAMP India Pvt., Ltd. | | INDIA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002511 | | KGHM Polska Miedz Spolka Akcyjna | | POLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002516 | | Singway Technology Co., Ltd. | | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002560 | | Al Etihad Gold Refinery DMCC | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002561 | | Emirates Gold DMCC | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002580 | | T.C.A S.p.A | | ITALY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002605 | | Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002606 | | Marsam Metals | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002761 | | SAAMP | | FRANCE | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002762 | | L’Orfebre S.A. | | ANDORRA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002763 | | 8853 S.p.A. | | ITALY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002765 | | Italpreziosi | | ITALY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002777 | | SAXONIA Edelmetalle GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002778 | | WIELAND Edelmetalle GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002779 | | Ogussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt GmbH | | AUSTRIA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002850 | | AU Traders and Refiners | | SOUTH AFRICA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002863 | | Bangalore Refinery | | INDIA | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002918 | | SungEel HiMetal Co., Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002919 | | Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA | | CHILE | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002973 | | Safimet S.p.A | | ITALY | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003195 | | DS PRETECH Co., Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003424 | | Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. North Plant | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003425 | | Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. West Plant | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000092 | | Asaka Riken Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000211 | | Changsha South Tantalum Niobium Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000456 | | Exotech Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000460 | | F&X Electro-Materials Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000616 | | Guangdong Zhiyuan New Material Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000914 | | JiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID000917 | | Jiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001076 | | LSM Brasil S.A. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001163 | | Metallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd. | | INDIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001175 | | Mineracao Taboca S.A. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001192 | | Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001200 | | NPM Silmet AS | | ESTONIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001277 | | Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001508 | | QuantumClean | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001522 | | RFH Tantalum Smeltery Co., Ltd./Yanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001769 | | Solikamsk Magnesium Works OAO | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001869 | | Taki Chemical Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001891 | | Telex Metals | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID001969 | | Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC | | KAZAKHSTAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002492 | | Hengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002504 | | D Block Metals, LLC | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002505 | | FIR Metals & Resource Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002506 | | Jiujiang Zhongao Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002508 | | XinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002512 | | Jiangxi Dinghai Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002539 | | KEMET Blue Metals | | MEXICO | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002544 | | H.C. Starck Co., Ltd. | | THAILAND | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002545 | | H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002547 | | H.C. Starck Hermsdorf GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002548 | | H.C. Starck Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002549 | | H.C. Starck Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002550 | | H.C. Starck Smelting GmbH & Co. KG | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002557 | | Global Advanced Metals Boyertown | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002558 | | Global Advanced Metals Aizu | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002707 | | Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002842 | | Jiangxi Tuohong New Raw Material | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tantalum | | CID002847 | | Power Resources Ltd. | | MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000228 | | Chenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000292 | | Alpha | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000402 | | Dowa | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000468 | | Fenix Metals | | POLAND | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000538 | | Gejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000555 | | Gejiu Zili Mining And Metallurgy Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000760 | | Huichang Jinshunda Tin Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000942 | | Gejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLC | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001070 | | China Tin Group Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001105 | | Malaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC) | | MALAYSIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001142 | | Metallic Resources, Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001173 | | Mineracao Taboca S.A. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001182 | | Minsur | | PERU | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001191 | | Mitsubishi Materials Corporation | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001231 | | Jiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001314 | | O.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | | THAILAND | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001337 | | Operaciones Metalurgicas S.A. | | BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF) | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001399 | | PT Artha Cipta Langgeng | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001453 | | PT Mitra Stania Prima | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001460 | | PT Refined Bangka Tin | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001477 | | PT Timah Tbk Kundur | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001482 | | PT Timah Tbk Mentok | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001539 | | Rui Da Hung | | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001758 | | Soft Metais Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001898 | | Thaisarco | | THAILAND | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID001908 | | Gejiu Yunxin Nonferrous Electrolysis Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002036 | | White Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002158 | | Yunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002180 | | Yunnan Tin Company Limited | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002468 | | Magnu’s Minerais Metais e Ligas Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002500 | | Melt Metais e Ligas S.A. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002503 | | PT ATD Makmur Mandiri Jaya | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002517 | | O.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc. | | PHILIPPINES | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002706 | | Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda. | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002773 | | Metallo Belgium N.V. | | BELGIUM | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002774 | | Metallo Spain S.L.U. | | SPAIN | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002834 | | Thai Nguyen Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. | | VIET NAM | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002844 | | HuiChang Hill Tin Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002849 | | Guanyang Guida Nonferrous Metal Smelting Plant | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003116 | | Guangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003190 | | Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003205 | | PT Bangka Serumpun | | INDONESIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003325 | | Tin Technology & Refining | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003379 | | Ma’anshan Weitai Tin Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003397 | | Yunnan Yunfan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000004 | | A.L.M.T. Corp. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000105 | | Kennametal Huntsville | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000218 | | Guangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000258 | | Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000499 | | Fujian Jinxin Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000568 | | Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000766 | | Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000769 | | Hunan Chunchang Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000825 | | Japan New Metals Co., Ltd. | | JAPAN | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000875 | | Ganzhou Huaxing Tungsten Products Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000966 | | Kennametal Fallon | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID001889 | | Tejing (Vietnam) Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | VIET NAM | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002044 | | Wolfram Bergbau und Hutten AG | | AUSTRIA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002082 | | Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002095 | | Xinhai Rendan Shaoguan Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002315 | | Ganzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002316 | | Jiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002317 | | Jiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002318 | | Jiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002319 | | Malipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002320 | | Xiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002321 | | Jiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002494 | | Ganzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002513 | | Chenzhou Diamond Tungsten Products Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002541 | | H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002542 | | H.C. Starck Smelting GmbH & Co. KG | | GERMANY | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002543 | | Masan Tungsten Chemical LLC (MTC) | | VIET NAM | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002551 | | Jiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002579 | | Hunan Chuangda Vanadium Tungsten Co., Ltd. Wuji | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002589 | | Niagara Refining LLC | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002641 | | China Molybdenum Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002645 | | Ganzhou Haichuang Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002649 | | Hydrometallurg, JSC | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002724 | | Unecha Refractory metals plant | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002827 | | Philippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc. | | PHILIPPINES | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002830 | | Xinfeng Huarui Tungsten & Molybdenum New Material Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002833 | | ACL Metais Eireli | | BRAZIL | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002843 | | Woltech Korea Co., Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002845 | | Moliren Ltd. | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID003182 | | Hunan Litian Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID003388 | | KGETS Co., Ltd. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID003407 | | Lianyou Metals Co., Ltd. | | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | | CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002502 | | Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd. | | VIET NAM | | CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002290 | | SAFINA A.S. | | CZECHIA | | ACTIVE |
Tantalum | | CID003402 | | CP Metals Inc. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | ACTIVE |
Tin | | CID003409 | | Precious Minerals and Smelting Limited | | INDIA | | ACTIVE |
Tungsten | | CID002647 | | Jiangxi Dayu Longxintai Tungsten Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | ACTIVE |
Tungsten | | CID003408 | | JSC “Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant” | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | ACTIVE |
Gold | | CID000103 | | Atasay Kuyumculuk Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. | | TURKEY | | NOT CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000180 | | Caridad | | MEXICO | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000197 | | Yunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000343 | | Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000522 | | Refinery of Seemine Gold Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000651 | | Guoda Safina High-Tech Environmental Refinery Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000671 | | Hangzhou Fuchunjiang Smelting Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000767 | | Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000773 | | Hunan Guiyang yinxing Nonferrous Smelting Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000778 | | HwaSeong CJ CO., LTD. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000927 | | JSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID000956 | | Kazakhmys Smelting LLC | | KAZAKHSTAN | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001032 | | L’azurde Company For Jewelry | | SAUDI ARABIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001056 | | Lingbao Gold Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001058 | | Lingbao Jinyuan Tonghui Refinery Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001093 | | Luoyang Zijin Yinhui Gold Refinery Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001236 | | Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat | | UZBEKISTAN | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001362 | | Penglai Penggang Gold Industry Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001546 | | Sabin Metal Corp. | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001562 | | Samwon Metals Corp. | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001619 | | Shandong Tiancheng Biological Gold Industrial Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001909 | | Great Wall Precious Metals Co., Ltd. of CBPM | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID001947 | | Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002282 | | Morris and Watson | | NEW ZEALAND | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002312 | | Guangdong Jinding Gold Limited | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002515 | | Fidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd. | | ZIMBABWE | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002525 | | Shandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002562 | | International Precious Metal Refiners | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002563 | | Kaloti Precious Metals | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002567 | | Sudan Gold Refinery | | SUDAN | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002584 | | Fujairah Gold FZC | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002587 | | Tony Goetz NV | | BELGIUM | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002615 | | TOO Tau-Ken-Altyn | | KAZAKHSTAN | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002708 | | Abington Reldan Metals, LLC | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002852 | | GCC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd. | | INDIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002853 | | Sai Refinery | | INDIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002857 | | Modeltech Sdn Bhd | | MALAYSIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002865 | | Kyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAO | | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002867 | | Degussa Sonne / Mond Goldhandel GmbH | | GERMANY | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID002872 | | Pease & Curren | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003153 | | State Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology | | LITHUANIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003185 | | African Gold Refinery | | UGANDA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003189 | | NH Recytech Company | | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003324 | | QG Refining, LLC | | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003348 | | Dijllah Gold Refinery FZC | | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003382 | | CGR Metalloys Pvt Ltd. | | INDIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Gold | | CID003383 | | Sovereign Metals | | INDIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID000448 | | Estanho de Rondonia S.A. | | BRAZIL | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002572 | | Electro-Mechanical Facility of the Cao Bang Minerals & Metallurgy Joint Stock Company | | VIETNAM | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002573 | | Nghe Tinh Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company | | VIETNAM | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002574 | | Tuyen Quang Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company | | VIETNAM | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002703 | | An Vinh Joint Stock Mineral Processing Company | | VIETNAM | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002756 | | Super Ligas | | BRAZIL | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID002858 | | Modeltech Sdn Bhd | | MALAYSIA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003208 | | Pongpipat Company Limited | | MYANMAR | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tin | | CID003356 | | Dongguan CiEXPO Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID000281 | | CNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
Tungsten | | CID002313 | | Jiangxi Minmetals Gao’an Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. | | CHINA | | NON-CONFORMANT |
The following 81 countries of origin were identified based on the Smelters reported in suppliers’ CMRT responses for the year ended 31 December 2019 and the RMI 2018 mineral mine production by country report published in March 2019, compared against the Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry Data we received through our membership of the RMI as of 4 March 2020.
Country | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Argentina | | Gold | | | | | | |
Australia | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Austria | | | | Tantalum | | | | Tungsten |
Azerbaijan | | Gold | | | | | | |
Benin | | Gold | | | | | | |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Botswana | | Gold | | | | | | |
Brazil | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Burkina Faso | | Gold | | | | | | |
Burundi* | | | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Canada | | Gold | | | | | | |
Chile | | Gold | | | | | | |
China | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Colombia | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the* | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Cuba | | Gold | | | | | | |
Cyprus | | Gold | | | | | | |
Dominican Republic | | Gold | | | | | | |
Ecuador | | Gold | | | | | | |
Egypt | | Gold | | | | | | |
Eritrea | | Gold | | | | | | |
Ethiopia | | Gold | | Tantalum | | | | |
Fiji | | Gold | | | | | | |
Finland | | Gold | | | | | | |
France | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Georgia | | Gold | | | | | | |
Germany | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Ghana | | Gold | | | | | | |
Guatemala | | Gold | | | | | | |
Guinea | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Guyana | | Gold | | | | | | |
Honduras | | Gold | | | | | | |
India | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Indonesia | | Gold | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Iran** | | Gold | | | | | | |
Ivory Coast | | Gold | | | | | | |
Japan | | Gold | | | | | | |
Kazakhstan | | Gold | | | | | | |
Kenya | | Gold | | | | | | |
Laos | | Gold | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Liberia | | Gold | | | | | | |
Madagascar | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Malaysia | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Mali | | Gold | | | | | | |
Mauritania | | Gold | | | | | | |
Mexico | | Gold | | | | | | |
Mongolia | | Gold | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Morocco | | Gold | | | | | | |
Mozambique | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Myanmar | | | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Namibia | | Gold | | Tantalum | | | | |
New Zealand | | Gold | | | | | | |
Nicaragua | | Gold | | | | | | |
Niger | | Gold | | | | | | |
Nigeria | | | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Papua New Guinea | | Gold | | | | | | |
Peru | | Gold | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Philippines | | Gold | | | | | | |
Portugal | | | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Puerto Rico | | Gold | | | | | | |
Russian Federation | | Gold | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Rwanda* | | | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Saudi Arabia | | Gold | | | | | | |
Senegal | | Gold | | | | | | |
Serbia | | Gold | | | | | | |
Sierra Leone | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Slovakia | | Gold | | | | | | |
Solomon Islands | | Gold | | | | | | |
Somaliland | | | | Tantalum | | | | |
Spain | | Gold | | Tantalum | | | | Tungsten |
Suriname | | Gold | | | | | | |
Sweden | | Gold | | | | | | |
Taiwan | | | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Tajikistan | | Gold | | | | | | |
Tanzania* | | Gold | | | | | | |
Thailand | | | | Tantalum | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Togo | | Gold | | | | | | |
Turkey | | Gold | | | | | | |
Uganda* | | | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | | Gold | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
United States of America | | Gold | | | | | | Tungsten |
Uruguay | | Gold | | | | | | |
Uzbekistan | | | | | | | | Tungsten |
Venezuela | | | | | | Tin | | |
Vietnam | | | | | | Tin | | Tungsten |
Zambia* | | Gold | | | | | | |
Zimbabwe | | Gold | | Tantalum | | | | |
* Covered Countries
** At the time the minerals originated from this country, there were no relevant or applicable sanctions in place.