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AAPT, Ababa, ACN, Adam, ADB, Adif, AKL, AlchemyIT, Alexandria, allegedly, Altyapi, ApNet, Aracilik, Asfalt, Beheer, Belgian, Benito, Blue, Bulevardi, Bylsbridge, Cad, Campolide, Canard, Carter, cashflow, Castlebury, Chariot, Chase, Chime, Ciudad, Constantin, Crescent, Cunci, Cybertech, DAC, Deborah, Delphine, denoted, despacho, Destra, Dijital, Dualgrid, durable, Electronik, encompassing, Erasmusrand, Ernotte, Esenler, Eski, Ethiopia, Evde, exemplary, Explanada, FGS, Fier, Finansman, FTTB, Grandcentrix, Havuzlar, Hismetleri, Hizmetler, HQ, Hyrja, Ibrahim, ifte, iHug, iiNet, interbank, Internode, intragroup, intrapower, Islem, Jakov, Jiva, JPMorgan, Kapi, Kat, kati, Kerr, Kongresi, Kooee, Kule, Label, Lagjia, LEAP, leaver, LIBOR, Linkbase, Londra, Medya, Meijer, Mercury, moratorium, MSA, Netspace, Norte, Numillar, Olifant, Orchid, Oxley, Ozemail, pallati, Pasig, Pattinson, Paulista, PIPE, Povega, PowerTel, Pretoria, PropCo, reactive, Republika, Rigel, Robinson, Rugova, San, Sanayi, Schema, Sete, SICC, Sigorta, Simon, Sitesi, Sok, Soul, Spatial, SPTCom, Stephen, subheading, Taxonomy, Taylor, Ticaret, Tiran, Torre, Towarowa, unanimously, Urunler, Verwaltungsgesellschaft, VodaFamily, VtalkVoip, war, Westnet, Woreda, XBRL, Xchange, Xoxa, Yayincilik, Zahraa
ABB, abroad, abrogate, absolute, accelerate, accelerating, acceleration, acceptability, acceptable, accessibility, Accession, accommodation, accompanied, accountability, accountant, accreditation, accrue, accurate, achievability, acknowledged, acted, actively, ad, adapt, adding, addressing, adequate, adequately, adhere, adjourn, adjust, administrative, administratively, administrator, ADR, Adrian, ADS, advisory, affiliate, affiliated, affirmed, affordable, Afransi, AGCM, AGCOM, agency, agenda, aggressive, agm, agree, agricultural, ahead, Ahmed, Ahuja, ai, aiming, AKEP, al, albeit, Aldo, alert, allot, alteration, alternatively, ambition, amend, America, Ametsreiter, Ampere, ANACOM, analyse, analysing, ANCOM, annulled, annulment, ante, antennae, antitrust, app, appellate, appoint, apportioned, appraise, approving, Apr, architecture, ARPU, artificial, Asia, assignment, assist, assistant, assuming, ast, asymmetric, attach, attaching, attempt, attend, attendance, attended, attending, attention, attract, attractive, attribution, authorisation, authorise, automate, automating, automation, averaging, avoid, avoidance, awarded, aware, baby, backhaul, balanced, band, baseline, Baxter, began, belief, Bell, Bellcore, belong, benchmarked, bid, big, biggest, bill, binding, biographical, Bisio, bitstream, black, blackrock, blank, bleaching, blended, blocked, blowing, bn, BNetzA, boardroom, body, boiler, booking, border, Bosnia, bought, brand, breadth, Brexit, bribe, bribery, Bright, British, broad, broaden, broadened, broader, broadly, broken, Brooklyn, browser, bt, budget, built, bundled, BUPA, Busto, CA, Cadorna, CaixaBank, calculate, calling, cancelled, capability, capable, capacity, capex, capita, capitalisation, capture, capturing, car, career, carefully, carrier, cast, cbe, CDP, CDS, cent, Centrica, CEO, certification, certified, certifying, cessation, CFO, chair, chaired, chairing, chairman, chairmanship, challenged, challenger, championing, chance, charitable, charity, chart, ChemChina, chemical, cheque, child, children, chlorine, choose, chosen, circular, circulated, circumvention, Citigroup, citizen, claiming, clarity, clawback, clear, clearance, clearing, closely, closest, Cluster, CNMC, code, coding, Coimbra, Colao, collaboration, collated, collect, collected, collective, column, combine, comfortable, Commander, commencing, commensurate, comment, commerce, commercially, commissioned, commonly, communicate, community, comparability, comparator, compelling, competence, competent, competitively, competitor, complaint, complexity, compliant, complied, composed, computed, Computershare, computing, ComReg, concept, conduct, conducting, conference, confidence, confident, confidently, confirm, confirmation, confirming, conflict, conform, conservative, Consilium, consolidate, consortium, constant, constantly, constituting, constructively, consult, consultancy, consultative, consulted, consulting, context, continually, continuity, continuously, convene, convened, convenient, convention, convergence, convergent, cooling, cooperation, coordinate, coordinated, copper, core, correct, corrective, correlation, Corrupt, corruption, Cosmote, count, creation, credible, creditability, crime, crucial, CTU, cultural, culture, custodian, cycle, CZK, database, db, deadline, deal, dealing, debate, decade, deceased, declare, declaring, declined, declining, decree, dedicate, dedicated, deductibility, deduction, deep, deepen, deepening, deeper, defence, deferral, define, del, delayed, deleveraging, delivering, demanded, demanding, demerged, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, dense, departing, department, departure, deploy, deployed, deploying, deployment, deposited, depository, depth, deputy, desire, detrimental, Deutsche, Diageo, diagram, dialogue, differentiate, differentiated, differentiation, digitalisation, diligence, diluted, dioxide, directed, disabled, disadvantage, disapproved, discharging, discipline, disclosable, discrete, discretionary, discrimination, discriminatory, dishonestly, disintermediation, dismissal, dismissed, display, disposing, dispute, disruptive, dissemination, distance, distributable, distributed, dive, diverse, diversity, divide, division, domain, dominant, donate, donated, donation, DoT, double, doubt, Dow, draft, drafted, DSL, DTR, Dublin, dynamic, eac, earn, easier, easily, east, EBIT, EBITDA, ec, ECF, education, educational, Edward, EECC, EETT, effectively, efficiency, efficiently, EGP, elapsed, electricity, electromagnetic, elemental, eligibility, eligible, eliminate, Elsevier, embed, embedding, emergency, EMF, emission, Empire, empowered, empowerment, enabled, enabling, encourage, encouraged, encouraging, engineering, enhanced, ensured, ensuring, enter, entirety, entitlement, equalisation, equality, equally, Equatex, escalation, Essam, essential, essentially, establish, establishing, establishment, ethical, ethically, ethnic, ethnicity, EuroTop, evidencing, evolution, evolved, evolving, examined, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excessive, exciting, exclude, ExCo, execute, executed, executing, execution, exercisable, exited, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, experienced, expert, expertise, expiring, explain, explained, explanation, explore, export, expression, expressly, extending, externally, extraordinary, extreme, face, faced, facilitate, facilitated, facing, fact, factual, faith, family, fast, fca, FCF, feature, Feb, fee, feedback, feel, feeling, fell, fellow, felt, female, Fiber, field, figure, finalised, Finally, financially, Finder, fine, firmly, fit, fixing, fluctuate, focusing, football, footprint, force, forecasting, foregone, Forest, forfeited, format, formed, Forthnet, forum, founder, fourth, fraudulently, freedom, frequency, FSC, fte, FTSE, FTTC, FTTH, fuel, functioning, fundamental, gained, gaming, gap, gardening, gas, gave, GB, GDPR, gender, genuine, Gerard, GHG, gift, GigaKombi, glance, glide, globally, GLTI, GMP, gn, goal, governance, governmental, graduate, great, greenhouse, grew, growing, GSM, GSMA, GSTIP, guided, guideline, guiding, half, halve, handed, harm, harmonisation, Hasbro, headcount, healthcare, healthier, healthy, hear, heart, heightened, helpline, Herzegovina, highest, highlight, hired, historic, history, ho, holiday, home, honour, horizon, hospitality, hosted, hosting, housing, HR, HSBC, HUF, hybrid, Iberdola, IBM, ICASA, ICNIRP, ICT, ICTA, identify, identity, imited, implement, implementing, implied, implying, import, importance, important, impose, imposed, imposing, improper, improvement, improving, inactive, inappropriate, incentivise, incident, inclusion, inclusive, incoming, inconsistent, increasing, incumbency, incumbent, incurring, independence, induction, influenced, inform, informal, informed, infringed, inheritance, inherited, initiative, innovation, innovative, input, inquiry, inside, insider, insight, inspected, inspection, installed, installing, Institute, institutional, instruct, insufficient, insurer, integrate, integrated, integrating, integrity, Intel, intelligence, intentionally, interact, interaction, interconnect, interested, interface, intern, internationally, interpolation, interpretation, interruption, introduce, introducing, introduction, invest, invited, involve, iPhone, Iran, Iranian, ISO, JAC, Jackson, Jeffery, Joakim, job, Johan, join, joined, joining, journey, Jul, justified, Kenyan, kind, Kleisterlee, knighted, Kosovo, KPI, KPN, landing, Landmark, landscape, lapse, lapsed, laptop, latency, launch, launched, launching, laundering, lawful, lawfully, leader, leadership, Leanne, learn, learning, leave, left, legislative, Lender, Leopardstown, lesser, leveraging, LGBT, license, licensed, lifestyle, light, limitation, linear, linked, linking, listening, live, living, locally, located, lodged, Lord, lost, lowering, Lowi, loyalty, lte, Lynx, Macedonia, machine, MacLaurin, Madrid, Magyar, manufacturing, mar, marked, marketable, marketed, marketplace, Maseru, materialise, materialising, materiality, max, maximise, meaningful, meantime, measuring, media, medical, meeting, memorandum, men, mentioned, merchant, metering, metric, metropolitan, middle, migration, Milano, mill, mindful, Mine, minimise, minister, Ministry, minute, miscalculation, misconduct, mistreatment, mitigated, mitigation, MNP, modelled, modification, modified, momentum, monetise, monitoring, Montenegro, Morgan, motion, motivate, mou, move, moved, moving, Mozambique, MTN, MTR, multinational, Mum, mutually, MVNO, MWM, MyShareBank, myvodafone, nationwide, native, natural, navigate, ne, necessarily, networking, neutrality, ngn, Nick, nl, NMHH, nomination, noted, notified, notify, NPS, NRA, objectivity, occasion, occasionally, occurring, Ofcom, Omantel, omission, Omnitel, openly, opex, opted, optic, optimal, optimise, Oracle, oral, Orange, orderly, organic, organisational, organising, organization, orientation, origination, outgoing, outline, outlook, outperformance, overriding, oversee, overseeing, overseen, pace, panel, parallel, parcel, Parker, parliamentary, participated, participation, partnering, passion, path, payout, PB, peer, percentile, perception, permanent, permanently, permitted, perpetual, personal, personalised, perspective, petabyte, petition, PFIC, phased, phone, pipeline, plaintiff, planet, planned, platform, plausible, play, playing, political, poll, portable, positioned, positioning, positively, poverty, pps, predictive, prepaid, preparing, president, pressure, pride, principle, printed, prioritise, priority, privacy, pro, probate, procedural, procedure, proceeding, processed, produced, productivity, profession, proficiency, program, prolonged, promise, promoter, promoting, promotion, promotional, Pronto, proper, proposal, proposition, prosper, protect, protecting, protection, Protocol, proven, provisional, provisioning, proxy, prudent, publication, publicly, publish, publishing, purporting, pursue, pursuit, qualification, qualified, quantification, quantify, quantitative, quantum, quartile, questionnaire, quickly, quorum, Racal, Radiation, radically, radio, Raiffeisen, ranging, rapid, rateably, rationale, reach, reaching, realising, reality, reappointment, recent, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciled, reconnect, recordable, recover, recruited, recruitment, red, RedLovesGreen, reducing, Reed, refer, referenced, referring, reflective, regime, regional, register, registering, registrar, regret, reinvestment, reissue, Reiter, released, relevance, reliance, relocate, relocation, RELX, remit, remittance, removal, removed, removing, rendered, Renee, renewable, renewed, renewing, replacement, replicate, representation, reputation, requisition, research, Reserved, reshape, resident, resilience, resolved, resource, responded, responsibly, responsive, rest, restrict, restriction, retain, retained, retired, retroactive, returned, reusing, reviewing, revive, reward, rewarded, robbery, robotic, robust, Rosemary, Rostelecom, rouse, Royal, rue, running, rural, Russia, safe, safeguard, safeguarding, safely, safer, safety, sanctioned, Sanjiv, satellite, save, saving, SAYE, scale, scarcity, scepticism, scheduled, school, science, scientific, scope, score, Scottish, SDRT, secure, securely, seeking, selecting, selection, send, seniority, sense, sentiment, Sep, Serpil, serve, session, setting, settlor, sexual, shaping, sharegift, shift, shortly, sick, sim, simple, simpler, simplicity, simplification, simplify, simplifying, simply, situation, skill, skilled, slavery, slightly, slowdown, slower, smarter, smartphone, SME, sms, societal, society, soho, solid, solution, solvency, sound, sounding, sourced, sourcing, Spanish, spanning, speak, specifically, specification, speed, spending, squeeze, ss, stage, stakeholder, stamped, stand, standing, Stanley, station, stayed, steering, step, stepped, Stewardship, store, STOXX, strength, stretch, stretching, strive, strongly, structural, structurally, structured, study, sublease, subsisting, succession, sufficiently, summarise, summer, superior, superseded, supervision, supplementary, supplemented, supplying, supportive, surveillance, survey, suspended, suspension, sustainability, sustainably, sustained, swan, synergy, Syngenta, tablet, tackle, tackling, tailored, talent, taly, Tamimi, target, targeted, targeting, tariff, task, taxed, taxpayer, TCRA, team, telco, Telcordia, Telefonica, Telekom, telemetric, Telenor, Telkom, tenure, terminable, text, thematic, thereunder, Thodey, threat, TIC, ticket, tied, Tillman, timetable, Timuray, titled, TOBi, today, tolerance, toll, tone, tool, topic, touch, tough, town, trace, track, tracking, traded, traditional, traffic, train, trained, training, transferring, transform, transformation, transit, transitioned, transparency, transparent, transport, transposed, travelling, treat, turnover, UBS, Ukrainian, ull, unaudited, unaware, unbundled, unclaimed, underpinned, underpinning, understandable, understood, unexpected, unified, uniformly, unitary, universal, unnecessary, unpaired, Unresolved, unsatisfactory, unsolicited, untrue, unusual, unvested, upcoming, upfront, upgrading, upskill, upstream, urban, urgent, user, va, validated, validly, valorem, valuable, Varese, Variation, variety, vast, vehicle, velocity, verification, verify, Verizon, version, VGN, VHA, viability, viable, vice, video, viewed, violence, virgin, virtualised, virtue, vision, visit, Vittorio, vocation, volatile, volatility, voluntarily, vote, VOXI, VULA, vulnerable, VZW, warning, warrant, wary, waste, watchlist, Watson, wealth, weather, web, website, week, wellbeing, Western, whistle, whistleblowing, wholly, Wibergh, widely, wider, Wind, window, withheld, withstand, women, Wood, worked, workforce, workplace, wr, writing, youth
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 1.1 Exhibit 1.1
- 2.3 Exhibit 2.3
- 2.4 Exhibit 2.4
- 2.7 Exhibit 2.7
- 4.2 Exhibit 4.2
- 4.17 Exhibit 4.17
- 4.18 Exhibit 4.18
- 4.19 Exhibit 4.19
- 4.20 Exhibit 4.20
- 4.21 Exhibit 4.21
- 4.22 Exhibit 4.22
- 12 Exhibit 12
- 13 Exhibit 13
- 15.1 Exhibit 15.1
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
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