Segmental analysis | 2 Segmental analysis Operating segments The Group’s operating segments are established on the basis of those components of the Group that are evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. The Group has determined the chief operating decision maker to be its Group Chief Executive. The Group has a single group of similar services and products, being the supply of communications services and related products. In October 2023, the Group announced the disposal of Vodafone Spain which completed on 31 May 2024. In March 2024, the Group announced the planned disposal of Vodafone Italy. Consequently, Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy were classified as discontinued operations and they were no longer reporting segments of the Group. Revenue is attributed to a country based on the location of the Group company reporting the revenue. Transactions between operating segments are charged at arm’s-length prices. The operating segments for Germany, UK and Africa are individually material for the Group and are each reporting segments for which certain financial information is provided. The aggregation of smaller operating segments into the Other Europe and Turkey reporting segments reflects, in the opinion of management, the similar local market economic characteristics and regulatory environments for each of those operating segments as well as the similar products and services sold and comparable classes of customers. In the case of the Other Europe segment (comprising Albania, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Romania), this largely reflects membership or a close association with the European Union, whilst the Turkey segment sits outside the European Union and has different economic and regulatory environment characteristics. Common Functions is a separate reporting segment and comprises activities which are undertaken primarily in central Group entities that do not meet the criteria for aggregation with other reporting segments. Revenue disaggregation Revenue reported for the period includes revenue from contracts with customers, comprising service and equipment revenue, as well as other revenue items including revenue from leases and interest revenue arising from transactions with a significant financing component. The tables below and overleaf disaggregate the Group’s revenue by reporting segment. The table below presents the results for the six months ended 30 September 2024. Revenue from contracts Total Service Equipment with Other Interest segment Adjusted revenue revenue customers revenue 1 revenue revenue EBITDAaL €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Six months ended 30 September 2024 Germany 5,500 443 5,943 171 8 6,122 2,290 UK 2,891 517 3,408 14 26 3,448 707 Other Europe 2,410 322 2,732 61 11 2,804 784 Turkey 1,103 285 1,388 3 — 1,391 394 Africa 2,951 509 3,460 228 17 3,705 1,214 Common Functions 2 322 21 343 562 1 906 22 Eliminations (68) — (68) (32) — (100) — Group 15,109 2,097 17,206 1,007 63 18,276 5,411 Notes: 1. Other revenue includes lease revenue recognised under IFRS 16 ‘Leases’. 2. Comprises central teams and business functions. 2 Segmental analysis (continued) The table below presents the comparative information for the six months ended 30 September 2023. Revenue from contracts Total Service Equipment with Other Interest segment Adjusted revenue revenue customers revenue 1 revenue revenue EBITDAaL €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Six months ended 30 September 2023 Re-presented 2 Germany 5,722 503 6,225 173 7 6,405 2,527 UK 2,822 526 3,348 17 12 3,377 640 Other Europe 2,366 285 2,651 21 7 2,679 766 Turkey 828 297 1,125 3 — 1,128 254 Africa 2,924 473 3,397 178 15 3,590 1,241 Common Functions 3 282 24 306 624 (1) 929 (1) Eliminations (83) — (83) (42) — (125) — Group 14,861 2,108 16,969 974 40 17,983 5,427 Notes: 1. Other revenue includes lease revenue recognised under IFRS 16 ‘Leases’. 2. The results for the six months ended 30 September 2023 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are reported as discontinued operations and are therefore excluded. See note 5 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. 3. Comprises central teams and business functions. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDAaL, the Group’s measure of segment profit, to the Group’s profit before taxation for the financial period is shown below. Six months ended 30 September Re-presented 1 2024 2023 €m €m Adjusted EBITDAaL 5,411 5,427 Restructuring costs (58) (102) Interest on lease liabilities 220 217 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (12) (18) Depreciation and amortisation on owned assets (3,672) (3,613) Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures (40) (51) Impairment reversal — 64 Other income/(expense) 2 533 (67) Operating profit 2,382 1,857 Investment income 3 566 368 Financing costs 4 (843) (1,395) Profit before taxation 2,105 830 Notes 1. The results for the six months ended 30 September 2023 have been re-presented to reflect that the results of Vodafone Spain and Vodafone Italy are now reported as discontinued operations. See note 5 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information. 2. Principally comprises a gain of € 714 million in respect of the disposal of part of the Group’s interest in Indus Towers Limited (‘Indus’) (see note 10 ‘Disposals’ for further details), partially offset by € 238 million in respect of security arrangements provided to Indus over the Group's 3.0% interest in Indus. 3. Includes gains of € 242 million from debt and equity securities held at Fair value through profit and loss. 4. Includes a gain of € 238 million from the early redemption of bonds prior to their maturity dates. 2 Segmental analysis (continued) The Group’s non-current assets are disaggregated as follows: 30 September 31 March 2024 2024 €m €m Non-current assets 1 Germany 42,253 42,931 UK 7,871 6,863 Other Europe 7,424 7,564 Turkey 1,784 1,644 Africa 6,579 6,377 Common Functions 2,242 1,972 Group 68,153 67,351 Note: 1. Comprises goodwill, other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment . |