Rig Name | Rated Water Depth | Location | Customer | Estimated Contract End Date | Estimated Contract Day Rate | Unaudited Average Per Day Operating Costs (Not Including Tax) For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2009/Month Ended September 30, 2009 Only | Additional Comments |
Semisubmersibles: |
ATWOOD EAGLE | 5000’ | Australia | WOODSIDE ENERGY LTD (“WOODSIDE”) | FIRM WORK – (2 years) June 2010 | Approximately $405,000 | $139,000/$154,000 | A portion of the dayrate is subject to some change due to currency exchange rate variance. |
| | Australia | BHP BILLITON PETROLEUM | FIRM WORK – (One well deferred from previous drilling program which is now expected to be drilled during June or July 2010.) | Approximately $170,000 for 35 days and $465,000 thereafter until completion. | N/A | |
| | Australia | CHEVRON AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. (“CHEVRON”) | FIRM WORK – (Until new semisubmersible arrives in Australia) February/March 2011 | $430,000/$450,000 Depending on firm duration of Atwood Osprey Contract | N/A | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
| | Australia | CHEVRON | OPTION WORK – Has option to continue to use rig for a mutually agreed term after the new semisubmersible arrives in Australia. | $405,000/$425,000 Depending on firm duration of Atwood Osprey Contract | N/A | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
| | TBD | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The rig could incur around twenty (20) zero rate days in the first quarter of 2011 for regulatory inspections and planned maintenance. |
ATWOOD HUNTER | 5,000’ | Ghana | KOSMOS ENERGY GHANA HC (“KOSMOS”) (Approximately 135 days of the commitment has been assigned to Tullow Ghana Limited) | FIRM WORK - June 2010 (Estimated to take 270 days) | $538,000 | $110,000/$94,000 | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
| | Other West Africa Designated Areas | NOBLE ENERGY INC (“NOBLE”) /KOSMOS | FIRM WORK - October/November 2012 | $538,000 to $545,000 while operating | N/A | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
ATWOOD FALCON | 5,000’ | Malaysia | SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD (“SHELL”) | FIRM WORK – August 2011 | $425,000/plus approximately $4,000 of amortized per day revenues | $69,000/$82,000 | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
ATWOOD OSPREY | 6,000’ | Under construction in Singapore with Delivery Expected in early 2011 at which time the rig will be mobilized to Australia. | CHEVRON AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. | FIRM WORK – Early 2014 if three-year commitment or early 2017 if six-year commitments. (Contract provides for a commitment of three years with option to extend to six years at time of delivery of rig) | $470,000 (if three-year commitment) $450,000 (if six-year commitment) | N/A | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
ATWOOD SOUTHERN CROSS | 2,000’ | West Africa | NONE | FIRM WORK – NONE | NONE | $55,000/$40,000 | Contract opportunities are currently being pursued while rig is “ready stacked” in West Africa. |
| TBD | TBD | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The rig could incur ten (10) zero rate days in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2010 for regulatory inspections. |
Cantilever Jack-Ups: |
ATWOOD BEACON | 400’ | EQUATORIAL GUINEA | HESS EQUATORIAL GUINEA, INC. (“HESS”) | FIRM WORK – June 2010 (Estimated to take 240 days to complete the drilling of six (6) firm wells) | $110,000/plus approximately $5,000 of amortized per day revenues for 240 days. | $43,000/$7,000 (Operating costs for EG is estimated to be around $60,000 per day. In addition to the rig’s daily operating costs, we expect to incur approximately $7 million in costs to relocate the rig to EG which will be amortized over 240 days or $30,000 per day.) The rig’s operating costs were low in September due to its relocating to Equatorial Guinea. | |
| | EQUATORIAL GUINEA | HESS | OPTION WORK – February 2011 (Hess has options to extend its drilling program for an additional six (6) wells or estimated 240 days.) | $110,000 | N/A | |
| | TBD | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The rig could incur ten (10) zero rate days in the second or third quarters of fiscal year 2011. |
VICKSBURG | 300’ | Thailand | NUCOASTAL (THAILAND) LIMITED (“NUCOASTAL”) | FIRM WORK – December 2009 | $95,000 | $27,000/$40,000 (Operating costs were low in July and August due to the rig being in a shipyard undergoing an upgrade.) | |
| | Thailand | NUCOASTAL | OPTION WORK – Has option to extend program an additional three (3) months which must be exercised by January 4, 2010. June 2010 | $90,000 | N/A | |
| | Thailand | NUCOASTAL | OPTION WORK – Has option to extend program an additional six (6) months which must be exercised by April 1, 2010. December 2010 | $90,000 | N/A | |
| | TBD | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The rig could incur ten (10) zero rate days in the third or fourth quarter of fiscal year 2010 for regulatory inspections. |
ATWOOD AURORA | 350’ | Egypt | RWE DEA NILE GmbH (“RWE”) | FIRM WORK – April 2011 | $133,000 | $55,000/$54,000 | Subject to change due to cost escalation provisions in the contract. |
| | Egypt | RWE | OPTIONS – (1 Year) | TBD | N/A | |
Semisubmersible Tender Assist Unit: |
SEAHAWK | 1,800’ | Equatorial Guinea | AMERADA HESS EQUATORIAL GUINEA, INC. (“HESS”) | FIRM WORK – September 2010 | $90,000 | $70,000/$69,000 | Contract provides for dayrate increases based upon certain cost escalations as well as an approximately $20,000 per day reduction during periods when the rig is being relocated to a new drilling site. |
Submersible: |
RICHMOND | 70’ | US Gulf of Mexico | APPLIED DRILLING TECHNOLOGY INC. | FIRM WORK – End of November or Early December 2009 | $32,500 | $43,000/$43,000 | Contract opportunities are currently being pursued for additional work for the rig after it completes the drilling of the one-well program. |
| | US Gulf of Mexico | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | The rig could incur ten (10) zero rate days in the third quarter of fiscal year 2010 for regulatory inspections. |