| | | | | | | | |
Mtg Date | Company | Security/ | Mgmt | Vote | Record | Shares |
/Type | /Ballot Issues | Proponent | Rec | Cast | Date | Voted |
05/10/06 AGM | Accor | F00189120 | | | N/A | 98,000 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 1.15 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filling of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/09/05 EGM | Affine(frmly Affine(Ex-Immobail)(frmly Societe Financiere Im | 4458274 | | | N/A | 16,678 |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of Up to EUR 1.81 Million for Bonus Issue | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of One Bonus Share for Every 25 Shares Held | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Capital Increase of Up to One Percent of Issued Capital for Restricted Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Shareholder Proposal | | | | | |
| | Amend Share Repurchase Proposal Submitted to Shareholder Vote at April 28, 2005, Annual Meeting | ShrHoldr | Against | Against | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/21/06 MIX | Affine(frmly Affine(Ex-Immobail)(frmly Societe Financiere Im | F8827M109 | | | N/A | 17,345 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 2.90 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Stock Dividend Program | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Maryse Aulagnon as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Appointment and Reelect Alain Bonte as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Andre Frappier as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Michel Garbolino as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Holdaffine BV as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Burkhard Leffers as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Paul Mentre as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Jacques de Peretti as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Francois Tantot as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Banimmo Real Estate SA as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors and Censors in the Aggregate Amount of EUR 90,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filling of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association to Reflect Changes in French Legislation Re: New Quorum Requirements at Extraordinary General Meetings | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association to Reflect Changes in French Legislation Re: Attend Board Meetings by Way of Videoconference and of Telecommunication | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association to Reflect Changes in French Legislation Re: Related-Party Transactions Threshold | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Re: Change Reference to Legal Texts | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filling of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Alexanders, Inc | 014752109 | | | 04/14/06 | 75,000 |
| | Elect Director David Mandelbaum | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Arthur I. Sonnenblick | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard R. West | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. | 015271109 | | | 03/31/06 | 263,300 |
| | Elect Director Jerry M. Sudarsky | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Joel S. Marcus | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James H. Richardson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard B. Jennings | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard H. Klein | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Martin A. Simonetti | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Alan G. Walton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richmond A. Wolf | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/12/06 EGM | AM NV | 4627308 | | | 01/06/06 | 117,417 |
| | Open Meeting | | | | | |
| | Receive Announcements (Non-Voting) | | | | | |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Notes on Public Offer by Koninklijke BAM Groep N.V. | | | | | |
| | Approve Sale of All Issued Shares in the Capital of AM Development B.V., Conditional Upon the Offeror Proceeding with the Offer | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect L.C. Brinkman, W. van Vonno, and A.H. van Tooren to Supervisory Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize All Management Board Members to Represent Company with Regard to All Actions Concerning Public Offer and Sale and Delivery of All Shares in the Capital of AM Development B.V. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Allow Questions | | | | | |
| | Close Meeting | | | | | |
04/28/06 AGM | AMATA CORPORATION PUBLIC CO LTD | Y0099Y167 | | | 04/11/06 | 7,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Annual Report and Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Chavalit Yodmani as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Chackchai Panichapat as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Chai Sophonpanich as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Thomas Hamlin Reese as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Viboon Kromadit as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/11/06 AGM | AMB Property Corp. | 00163T109 | | With | 03/07/06 | 255,000 |
| | Elect Director Hamid R. Moghadam | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director W. Blake Baird | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Afsaneh M. Beschloss | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director T. Robert Burke | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David A. Cole | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lydia H. Kennard | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Michael Losh | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Frederick W. Reid | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey L. Skelton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas W. Tusher | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/10/06 AGM | Apartment Investment & Management Co. | 03748R101 | | With | 03/03/06 | 136,900 |
| | Elect Director Terry Considine | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James N. Bailey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard S. Ellwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Landis Martin | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas L. Rhodes | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael A. Stein | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approval of High Performance Units | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/17/06 AGM | Archstone Smith Trust | 039583109 | | With | 03/27/06 | 227,500 |
| | Elect Director James A. Cardwell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ernest A. Gerardi, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ruth Ann M. Gillis | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ned S. Holmes | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert P. Kogod | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James H. Polk, III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John M. Richman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John C. Schweitzer | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director R. Scot Sellers | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert H. Smith | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/13/05 EGM | ASCENDAS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST | 6563875 | | With | N/A | 1,138,500 |
| | Approve Acquisition of a Land Marked Pte Lot No. A1897601 and Comprised in Government Resurvey Lot Nos. 2308K Pt and 2813T Pt Mukim 1 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Tuas (Pte) Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of a Land Marked Pte Lot No. A1897603 at Changi North Rise and Comprised in Government Resurvey Lot No. 4148W Pt Mukim 31 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Tuas (Pte) Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of the Unexpired Portion of the Leasehold Estate of 30 Years Commencing May 16, 2003 in Respect of Lot 2399C Mukim 7 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of the Unexpired Portion of the Leasehold Estate of 30 Years Commencing May 16, 1993 in Respect of Lot 6300A Mukim 5 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Tuas (Pte) Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of the Unexpired Portion of the Leasehold Estate of 30 Years Commencing June 16, 1995 in Respect of Lot 6864P Mukim 5 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of the Unexpired Portion of the Leasehold Estate of 60 Years Commencing July 9, 1996 in Respect of Lot 5471P Mukim 23 Including the Building to be Erected and Equipment from Ascendas (KB View) Pte Ltd. (Ascendas KBV) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Acquisition of a Land Marked Pte Lot No. A1897604 at Changi North Rise and Comprised in Government Resurvey Lot No. 4148W Pt Mukim 31 Including the Building to be Erected, Plant and Equipment from Ascendas Tuas (Pte) Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issue of Techview Consideration Units to Ascendas KBV at the Issue Price | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issue of New Units as Required to Raise Up to SGD 240.0 Million in Gross Proceeds | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Placement of New Units Under the Private Placement Tranche of the Equity Fund Raising to MGM Singapore Pte Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/21/06 AGM | ASIAN PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC CO LTD | Y0364R186 | | | 03/31/06 | 3,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Results and Financial Statements | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.14 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Anuphong Assavabhokhin, Pichet Viphavasuphakorn, Chaiyarat Thampeera, and Vilas Pilakasiri as Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Bonus Payment to Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Debentures not exceeding Baht 1.1 Billion or its Equivalent in Other Currency | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
11/17/05 AGM | Barratt Developments PLC | 0081180 | | | N/A | 100,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 17.99 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Charles Toner as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Re-elect David Pretty as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Harold Walker as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Bill Shannon as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Barratt Developments plc Co-Investment Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Barratt Developments plc Long-Term Performance Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Proposed Performance Targets for Future Awards Under the Barratt Developments plc Long-Term Performance Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 5,798,886 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 1,210,056 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 24,201,114 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Adopt New Articles of Association | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/01/06 AGM | Beazer Homes USA, Inc. | 07556Q105 | | With | 12/05/05 | 70,000 |
| | Elect Director Laurent Alpert | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Katie J. Bayne | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Brian C. Beazer | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Peter G. Leemputte | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ian J. McCarthy | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Maureen E. O'Connell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Larry T. Solari | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/13/06 AGM | Bellway plc | 0090498 | | With | N/A | 100,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 18.25 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Peter Stoker as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Leo Finn as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect David Perry as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of the Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Adopt New Articles of Association | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 707,682 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 11,322,912 Ordinary Shares and 20,000,000 9.5% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares 2014 for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/03/06 AGM | Boston Properties Inc. | 101121101 | | | 03/15/06 | 341,500 |
| | Elect Director William M. Daley | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Edward H. Linde | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director David A. Twardock | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Declassify the Board of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Performance-Based | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
12/21/05 EGM | Brandywine Realty Trust | 105368203 | | With | 11/15/05 | 316,600 |
| | Issue Shares in Connection with an Acquisition | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/02/06 AGM | Brandywine Realty Trust | 105368203 | | With | 03/23/06 | 316,916 |
| | Elect Director Walter D'Alessio | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director D. Pike Aloian | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas F. August | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Donald E. Axinn | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Wyche Fowler | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael J. Joyce | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Anthony A. Nichols Sr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael V. Prentiss | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Charles P. Pizzi | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gerard H. Sweeney | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | BRE Properties, Inc. | 05564E106 | | With | 03/15/06 | 218,000 |
| | Elect Director Robert A. Fiddaman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Roger P. Kuppinger | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Irving F. Lyons, III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Edward E. Mace | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Christopher J. Mcgurk | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Matthew T. Medeiros | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Constance B. Moore | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeanne R. Myerson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gregory M. Simon | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Non-Employee Director Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/10/06 AGM | Brixton PLC (formerly Brixton Estate plc) | G15932109 | | With | N/A | 674,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 7.65 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Nicholas Fry as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect David Scotland as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 12,619,706 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 3,364,014 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 26,912,117 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Brixton plc Share Matching Plan 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Brixton plc 2002 Long-Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/03/06 AGM | Brookfield Homes Corp. | 112723101 | | With | 03/06/06 | 253,966 |
| | Elect Director Ian G. Cockwell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Joan H. Fallon | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert A. Ferchat | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Bruce Flatt | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Bruce T. Lehman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Alan Norris | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Timothy R. Price | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David M. Sherman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert L. Stelzl | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/08/06 AGM | CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. | 124830100 | | With | 03/13/06 | 415,900 |
| | Elect Director Martin J. Cleary | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Matthew S. Dominski | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John N. Foy | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
07/14/05 AGM | Centex Corp. | 152312104 | | With | 05/26/05 | 100,000 |
| | Elect Director Barbara T. Alexander | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Juan L. Elek | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Timothy R. Eller | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James J. Postl | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ursula O. Fairbairn | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/28/06 AGM | Central Pattana PCL | Y1242U219 | | | 04/07/06 | 9,342,300 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.4 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Vanchai Chirathivat as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Suthichai Chirathivat as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Sudhitham Chirathivat as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Prin Chirathivat as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Kanchit Bunajinda as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association Re: Amount of Capital Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Cancellation of Clause 4 of the Company's Regulation Re: Preferred Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
10/05/05 EGM | CH Karnchang Public Limited Co. | 6713670 | | | 09/14/05 | 3,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Sale of 1.45 Million Shares in Thai Tap Water Supply Co., Ltd. to Bangkok Expressway Public Company Limited at Baht 290 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/28/06 AGM | CH Karnchang Public Limited Co. | Y15663142 | | | 04/07/06 | 3,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous EGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve 2005 Operational Results | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Sale or Transfer of Option to Purchase Shares in Thai Tap Water Supply Co. so as to Limit the Company's Shareholding in Thai Tap to a Maximum of 49 Percent | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of Baht 0.35 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect New Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Names and Number of Directors Who Have Signing Authority | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Debentures not exceeding Baht 3 Billion or its Equivalent in Other Currency | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/26/06 EGM | City Developments Ltd. | V23130111 | | With | N/A | 695,000 |
| | Adopt New Articles of Association | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Share Repurchase Program | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/26/06 AGM | City Developments Ltd. | V23130111 | | | N/A | 695,000 |
| | Adopt Financial Statements and Directors' and Auditors' Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Declare First and Final Dividend of SGD 0.075 Per Share and Special Dividend of SGD 0.05 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 241,028 for the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2005 (2004: SGD 220,000) and Audit Committee Fees of SGD 47,500 Per Quarter for the Period From July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 (July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006: SGD 42,500 Per Quarter) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Chow Chiok Hock as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Kwek Leng Peck as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Chee Keng Soon as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Tang See Chim as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares and Grant of Options Pursuant to the City Developments Share Option Scheme 2001 | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Mandate for Transactions with Related Parties | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/14/06 AGM | CITYCON OYJ | 4491097 X1422T116 | | | 03/03/06 | 4,522,000 |
| | Matters Pertaining to the AGM as Stated in the Company's Articles of Association (Items 1-9) | | | | | |
| | Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | | | | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Dividend of EUR 0.14 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and President | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors and Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Number of Directors at 8 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Amir Gal, Raimo Korpinen, Tuomo Lahdesmaki, Carl Nordman, Claes Ottosson, Dor Segal, and Thomas Wernink as Directors; Elect Gideon Bolotowsky as New Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Fix Number of Auditors at One; Editorial Changes | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Ernst & Young Oy as Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Creation of EUR 67.5 Million Pool of Conditional Capital with Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Cancel April 5, 2005, Board Authorization to Increase Share Capital without Preemptive Rights; Approve Creation of EUR 37 Million Pool of Conditional Capital without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/14/06 MIX | Club Mediterranee | 4204370 F18690101 | | | N/A | 132,000 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Omission of Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Aggregate Amount of EUR 305,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Gilles Pelisson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Re: General Matters | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Restricted Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/14/06 AGM | Clublink Corp. | 18947K400 | | | 04/21/06 | 150,100 |
| | Elect Directors Paul J. Atkinson, Patrick S. Brigham, Paul D. Campbell, Robert B. Poile, K. (Rai) Sahi, Brian J. Semkowski, Bruce S. Simmonds, Donald W. Turple and Jack D. Winberg | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | COMPANY SA | P3093Y100 | | With | N/A | 732,400 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Interest Over Capital Payment | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Capitalization of Reserves for Bonus Issue or Increase in Par Value | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Cash Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/01/06 AGM | Comstock Homebuilding Companies, Inc. | 205684103 | | | 04/07/06 | 291,628 |
| | Elect Director Gregory V. Benson | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Norman D. Chirite | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Socrates Verses | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/21/06 AGM | Corporacion Geo S A De Cv | P3142C117 | | With | N/A | 2,611,300 |
| | Present Financial Statements and Statutory Reports Including Audit Committee's Report for Fiscal Year Ended 12-31-05 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Management | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors, Supervisory Board, and Board Secretary | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Chairman to Audit Committee and Corporate Practices Committee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors, Supervisory Board, and Board Secretary | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Set Aggregate Nominal Amount of Share Repurchase Reserve | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/21/06 EGM | Corporacion Geo S A De Cv | P3142C117 | | With | N/A | 2,611,300 |
| | Amend Articles Re: Compliance with Mexican Securities Regulations Passed December 30, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/26/06 AGM | D.R. Horton, Inc. | 23331A109 | | | 12/01/05 | 584,332 |
| | Elect Director Donald R. Horton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Bradley S. Anderson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael R. Buchanan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard I. Galland | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael W. Hewatt | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Donald J. Tomnitz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Bill W. Wheat | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Increase Authorized Common Stock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Report on Energy Efficiency | ShrHoldr | Against | Against | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. | J11508124 | | With | 03/31/06 | 200,000 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 0, Final JY 20, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Share Exchange Acquisition of Daiwa Kosho Lease | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Share Exchange Acquisition of Daiwa Rakuda Industry | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Share Exchange Acquisition of Daiwa Logistics | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Amend Business Lines - Authorize Public Announcements in Electronic Format - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Non-Executive Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/18/05 EGM | DAWNAY DAY CARPATHIAN PLC, DOUGLAS | B0B6653 | | With | N/A | 1,800,000 |
| | Approve Cancellation of GBP 13,860,900 of the Share Premium Account | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/21/06 AGM | DAWNAY DAY TREVERIA PLC, ISLE OF MAN | G2759M103 | | | 03/19/06 | 6,500,000 |
| | Ordinary Resolutions | | | | | |
| | Re-elect Ian James Henderson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-lect Peter Richard Klimt as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Re-lect David John Parnell as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-lect Christopher Henry Lovell as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-lect Martin Johannes Bruehl as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Resolutions | | | | | |
| | Authorize the Cancellation of 20 Percent of the Company's Share Premium Account | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of up to 10 Percent of the Issued Share Capital of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize the Allotment of Ordinary Shares up to an Aggregate Nominal Value Equal to the Authorized but Unissued Share Capital of the Company | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/23/06 AGM | Deerfield Triarc Capital Corp. | 244572301 | | With | 04/04/06 | 340,600 |
| | Elect Director Gregory H. Sachs | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Howard Rubin | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/23/06 AGM | Derwent Valley Holdings Plc | G27300105 | | With | N/A | 110,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 9.725 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect John Ivey as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect John Burns as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Robert Farns as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint BDO Stoy Hayward LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 891,208.20 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 133,681.20 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 5,347,249 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/09/06 AGM | Developers Diversified Realty Corp. | 251591103 | | With | 03/20/06 | 476,726 |
| | Elect Director Dean S. Adler | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Terrance R. Ahern | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Mohsen Anvari | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert H. Gidel | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Victor B. MacFarlane | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Craig Macnab | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Scott D. Roulston | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Barry A. Sholem | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William B. Summers, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Scott A. Wolstein | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Diamond City Co. Ltd. | J12201109 | | | 02/28/06 | 166,700 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 15, Final JY 15, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Authorize Board to Determine Income Allocation - Limit Directors' and Statutory Auditors' Legal Liability - Authorize Public Announcements in Electronic Format | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors and Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Diamondrock Hospitality Company | 252784103 252784301 | | With | 03/24/06 | 3,609,100 |
| | Elect Director William W. Mccarten | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Daniel J. Altobello | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director W. Robert Grafton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Maureen L. Mcavey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gilbert T. Ray | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John L. Williams | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/28/06 AGM | Dusit Thani Public Co. Ltd | Y21773133 | | | 04/10/06 | 178,600 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Performance Results | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Final Dividend of Baht 1 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
07/15/05 EGM | Eastern & Oriental BHD | 6468754 | | With | N/A | 1,000,000 |
| | Approve Proposed Offer to Acquire the Remaining E&O Property Development Bhd (EOPD) Shares, New EOPD Shares that May be Issued Pursuant to the Exercise of Warrants in EOPD, and the Remaining Warrants in EOPD Not Already Held by Eastern & Oriental Bhd | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Proposed Compulsory Acquisition of the Remaining Offer Shares Not Acquired Under the Proposed Offer Pursuant to Section 34 of the Securities Commission Act, 1993 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/28/05 AGM | Eastern & Oriental BHD | 6468754 | | | N/A | 1,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for the Financial Year Ended March 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Henry Chin Poy Wu as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Aloysius Choong Kok Sin as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors for the Financial Year Ended March 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve First and Final Dividend of 2 Percent Less Income Tax for the Financial Year Ended March 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights in Any Amount Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Renewal of Authority Granted on Sept. 29, 2004 for the Proposed Special Issue of an Aggregate of 33.7 Million New Ordinary Stock Units of MYR1.00 Each in Eastern & Oriental Bhd to Identified Bumiputera Investors | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Renewal of Authority Granted on Sept. 29, 2004 for the Proposed Allotment and Issuance of New Stock Units Not Exceeding Five Percent of the Issued and Paid-Up Share Capital of Eastern & Oriental Bhd to Azizan bin Abd Rahman | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Renewal of Authority Granted on Sept. 29, 2004 for the Proposed Allotment and Issuance of New Stock Units Not Exceeding Five Percent of the Issued and Paid-Up Share Capital of Eastern & Oriental Bhd to Kamil Ahmad Merican | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Implementation of Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/25/06 EGM | Eastern & Oriental BHD | 6468754 | | With | N/A | 1,000,000 |
| | Approve Increase in Authorized Share Capital to MYR 800 Million Divided into 800 Million Ordinary Shares of MYR 1.00 Each in Eastern & Oriental Bhd (EOB) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve the Ff: Renounceable Two-Call Rights Issue in EOB Shares with a Sale Offer of Shares in E&O Property Devt Bhd; Renounceable Rights Issue of Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks (ICULS) in EOB; Restricted Issue of EOB ICULS | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of 10.43 Million EOB ICULS to Tham Ka Hon | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of 10.43 Million EOB ICULS to Aloysius Choong Kok Sin | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/06/06 AGM | Empresas Ica S. A. | P37149104 | | With | N/A | 1,099,583 |
| | Present Report on Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended 12-31-05 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Supervisory Board's Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Audit Committee's Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended 12-31-05 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Members to the Board of Directos, Supervisory Board, Board Secretary and Their Respective Alternates | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors and Supervisory Board Members | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/13/06 AGM | Engel East Europe NV | N3093Y102 | | | N/A | 775,000 |
| | Open Meeting | | | | | |
| | Receive Report of Management Board | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Dividends of EUR 0.0068 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business (Non-Voting) | | | | | |
| | Close Meeting | | | | | |
05/10/06 AGM | Entertainment Properties Trust | 29380T105 | | With | 02/15/06 | 485,800 |
| | Elect Director Morgan G. Earnest Ii | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James A. Olson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/24/06 AGM | Equity Office Properties Trust | 294741103 | | With | 03/31/06 | 475,883 |
| | Elect Director Marilyn Alexander | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas E. Dobrowski | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William M. Goodyear | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James D. Harper, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard D. Kincaid | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Sheil Z. Rosenberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen I. Sadove | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Sally Susman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jan H.W.R. van der Vlist | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Samuel Zell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/25/06 AGM | Equity Residential | 29476L107 | | With | 03/31/06 | 253,700 |
| | Elect Director John W. Alexander | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Charles L. Atwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen O. Evans | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James D. Harper, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Boone A. Knox | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David J. Neithercut | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Desiree G. Rogers | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Sheli Z. Rosenberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gerald A. Spector | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director B. Joseph White | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Samuel Zell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/09/06 AGM | Essex Property Trust, Inc. | 297178105 | | With | 02/28/06 | 69,000 |
| | Elect Director George M. Marcus | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gary P. Martin | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William A. Millichap | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/10/06 MIX | Euro Disney SCA | 4320878 | | | N/A | 14,750,000 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Treatment of Losses | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Transaction with a Related Party Re: Approve Construction Contract Signed with Euro Disneylnd Imagineering SARL | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Continuing Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Appointment of Michel Corbiere as Supervisory Board Member | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect James A. Rasulo as Supervisory Board Member | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Jens Odewald as Supervisory Board Member | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit as Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Etienne Boris as Alternate Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Managing Partner of Euro Disney Associes SCA to Vote on Specified Related-Party Transactions at AGM | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Reverse Stock Split | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 10 Million; Authorize Capitalization of Reserves for Bonus Issue or Increase in Par Value | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 10 Million | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Board to Increase Capital With or Without Preemptive Rights in the Event Demand Exceeds Amounts Proposed in Items 15 and 16 | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Capital Increase Reserved for Employees Participating in Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/19/06 AGM | Eurobank Properties Real Estate Investment Company | X2379J101 | | | N/A | 75,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Appointment of Independent Accountant for Valuation Purposes, and Determination of His Fees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Directors' Remuneration for 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board and Managers of the Company to Participate in Boards and Management of Similar Companies | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/31/06 AGM | Eurocastle Investments Limited | G3222A106 | | | N/A | 141,000 |
| | Ordinary Resolutions | | | | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Mr. Keith Dorrian as a Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/09/06 AGM | FADESA INMOBILIARIA, S.A., A CORUNA | E4971D103 | | With | N/A | 296,000 |
| | Approve Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements and Management Report, Allocation of Income and Distribution of Dividend of EUR 0.41 Per Share, and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young, S.L. as Auditors for 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Capital Without Preemptive Rights Through Issuance of Shares at a Nominal Value of EUR 0.10 per Share of the Same Class and Series; Authorize Board to Set the Conditions of the Capital Increase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles 15, 16 and 21 of the Company's By-Laws Re: Convocation of General Meetings; Right of Attendance and Representation; Deliberation and Adoption of Resolutions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles 8, 9, 11, 18 and 20 Re: Publication and Announcement of Meeting Notice; Right of Information; Representation; Interventions; Adoption of Resolutions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute Approved Resolutions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
08/19/05 AGM | Far East Consortium International Ltd | 6331555 | | | 08/12/05 | 18,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Craig Grenfell Williams as Executive Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Ching Lan Ju Chiu as Non-Executive Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/16/06 AGM | Felcor Lodging Trust Incorporated | 31430F101 | | With | 03/21/06 | 677,000 |
| | Elect Director Richard S. Ellwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert A. Mathewson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard A. Smith | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/13/05 AGM | Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. | 339099103 | | With | 07/25/05 | 498,500 |
| | Elect Director Loren K. Carroll | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Michael Hagan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Dr. Douglas M. Lawson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John T. Montford | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/01/06 AGM | Florida East Coast Industries, Inc. | 340632108 | | | 04/24/06 | 267,500 |
| | Elect Director Armando Codina | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David M. Foster | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Adolfo Henriques | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director James E. Jordan | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Gilbert H. Lamphere | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Joseph Nemec | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Jorge Perez | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Wellford L. Sanders, Jr. | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Rosa Sugranes | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director George R. Zoffinger | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/17/06 MIX | Four Seasons Hotels Inc. | 35100E104 | | | 04/10/06 | 46,500 |
| | For Limited Voting Shareholders | | | | | |
| | Elect Directors Nan-b de Gaspe Beaubien and J. Robert S. Prichard | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | For Limited and Variable Multiple Voting Shareholders | | | | | |
| | Elect Directors William D. Anderson, Brent Belzberg, H. Roger Garland, Charles S. Henry, Heather Munroe-Blum, Ronald W. Osborne, Lionel H. Schipper, Isadore Sharp, Anthony Sharp and Simon M. Turner | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve KPMG LLP as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Multiple Classes of Stock/Same Voting Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/16/06 AGM | General Growth Properties, Inc. | 370021107 | | With | 04/03/06 | 526,700 |
| | Elect Director Adam Metz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert Michaels | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas Nolan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John Riordan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/21/06 AGM | Goldcrest Co. Ltd. | J17451105 | | | 03/31/06 | 50,000 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 30, Final JY 40, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Authorize Board to Determine Income Allocation - Limit Rights of Odd-lot Holders - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Directors and Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Retirement Bonuses for Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Golden Land Property | Y2748Q124 | | | 04/10/06 | 200,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Results and Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Non-Allocation of Income and Omission of Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Krisda Arunvongse, Kriengsak Lohachala, and Vanchai Sriherunrusmee as Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect New Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Names and Number of Directors Who Have Signing Authority | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/05/06 AGM | Great Eagle Holdings Ltd | G4069C148 | | | 05/26/06 | 750,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Wong Yue Chim, Richard as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Law Wai Duen as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Lo Ying Sui, Archie as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Kan Tak Kwong as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Maximum Number of Directors and Authorize Directors to Appoint Additional Directors Up to the Maximum Number | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/23/06 AGM | Great Wolf Resorts Inc | 391523107 | | With | 04/06/06 | 525,675 |
| | Elect Director Bruce D. Neviaser | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John Emery | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Elan Blutinger | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Randy Churchey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael M. Knetter | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Alissa N. Nolan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Howard Silver | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | Hammerson Plc | G4273Q107 | | With | N/A | 250,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 13.91 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Peter Cole as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Tony Watson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect John Nelson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 23,502,115 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 3,562,394 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 42,463,740 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve the 2006 Share Award Scheme for French Employees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Haseko Corp. | J18984104 | | With | 03/31/06 | 1,200,000 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, with No Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Preferred Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Decrease Authorized Capital to Reflect Share Repurchase - Limit Directors' Legal Liability - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | Health Care REIT, Inc. | 42217K106 | | With | 03/10/06 | 153,300 |
| | Elect Director Pier C. Borra | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director George L. Chapman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Sharon M. Oster | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/23/06 AGM | Highland Hospitality Corp | 430141101 | | With | 03/31/06 | 1,011,600 |
| | Elect Director Bruce D. Wardinski | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James L. Francis | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John M. Elwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director W. Reeder Glass | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John W. Hill | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas A. Natelli | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Margaret A. Sheehan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William L. Wilson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/24/06 AGM | Hilton Hotels Corp. | 432848109 | | | 03/29/06 | 1,805,500 |
| | Elect Director Christine Garvey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Peter M. George | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Barron Hilton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John L. Notter | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Submit Shareholder Rights Plan (Poison Pill) to Shareholder Vote | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
12/05/05 EGM | HOME INVEST ASA | B03DY14 | | | N/A | 72,281 |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Notice of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares for a Private Placement (Payment Through Set-Off) | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Share Subscription | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Articles | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | Home Properties Inc | 437306103 | | With | 03/08/06 | 106,900 |
| | Elect Director William Balderston, III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Josh E. Fidler | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Alan L. Gosule | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Leonard F. Helbig, III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Roger W. Kober | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Norman P. Leenhouts | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Nelson B. Leenhouts | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Edward J. Pettinella | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Clifford W. Smith, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Paul L. Smith | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas S. Summer | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Amy L. Tait | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd. | Y35518110 | | | 05/12/06 | 4,800,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Ronald J McAulay as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect David K P Li as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect C Mark Broadley as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect John A H Leigh as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Nicholas T J Colfer as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/23/06 AGM | Hospitality Properties Trust | 44106M102 | | | 03/24/06 | 96,350 |
| | Elect Trustee Frank J. Bailey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Trustee Gerard M. Martin | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter-Non-Routine | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter-Non-Routine | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter-Non-Routine | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Adjourn Meeting | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Host Hotels & Resorts Inc. | 44107P104 | | | 03/29/06 | 865,500 |
| | Elect Director Robert M. Baylis | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Terence C. Golden | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Ann M. Korologos | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard E. Marriott | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Judith A. Mchale | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John B. Morse, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Christopher J. Nassetta | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | For | For | | |
04/05/06 EGM | Host Marriott Corp. | 44107P104 | | With | 02/22/06 | 865,500 |
| | Issue Shares in Connection with an Acquisition | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/08/06 AGM | Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. | 442487203 | | | 01/17/06 | 846,600 |
| | Elect Director K. Hovnanian | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director A. Hovnanian | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director R. Coutts | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director G. Decesaris, Jr. | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director E. Kangas | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Marengi | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Robbins | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Sorsby | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director S. Weinroth | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/09/06 AGM | Hysan Development Co. Ltd. | Y38203124 | | | 05/03/06 | 1,675,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend (with Scrip Alternative) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Peter Ting Chang Lee as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect David Akers-Jones as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Hans Michael Jebsen as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Chien Lee as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Issue of Replacement Cheque, Warrant or Other Financial Instrument; Payment of Dividends or Bonuses | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/01/06 AGM | Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. | 45254P102 | | With | 04/07/06 | 259,800 |
| | Elect Director Joseph R. Tomkinson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William S. Ashmore | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James Walsh | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Frank P. Filipps | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephan R. Peers | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William E. Rose | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Leigh J. Abrams | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Inmobiliaria Urbis, S.A. | E65208196 | | With | N/A | 328,892 |
| | Approve Individual and Consolidated Financial Statement for Fiscal Year Ended 12-31-05; Approve Discharge of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income for Fiscal 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles 16, 26 and 27 of the Company's By-Laws Re: Convening of General Meetings; Remote Voting; Delegation of Powers to the Board Regarding the Establishment of Rules for Attendance to General Meetings Via Electronic Means | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles 4, 5, 10,14, 16-18 and 24 of the General Meeting Guidelines Re: Convening of General Meeting; Procedures for Attendance Via Electronic Means; Timeframe for Shareholder Submissions or Inquiries; Timeframe for Responses | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Number of Directors (13) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Miguel Boyer Salvador as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Juan Manuel Delibes Liniers as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Pedro Pablo Arechabaleta Mota as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Antonio Garcia Ferrer as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Santiago Foncillas Casaus as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Auditors for Period 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute Approved Resolutions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Present Information Re: Amendments to Articles 19 and 20 of the Board Guidelines | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/03/06 AGM | Innkeepers USA Trust | 4576J0104 | | | 03/01/06 | 480,500 |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey H. Fisher | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas J. Crocker | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Rolf E. Ruhfus | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles/Declaration of Trust to Delete Debt Limitation | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/01/06 AGM | Intersate Hotels & Resorts, Inc. | 46088S106 | | | 04/10/06 | 1,516,360 |
| | Elect Director Karim J. Alibhai | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Joseph J. Flannery | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
08/02/05 EGM | Irsa (Inversiones Y Representaciones) | 2458577 | | With | N/A | 8 |
| | Designate Two Shareholders to Sign Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Review US Legislation Applicable to Company; Consideration of Exceptions for Foreign Private Issuers; and If Necessary, Modify Board Composition in Accordance with US Legal Requirements | Mgmt | For | For | | |
08/02/05 EGM | Irsa (Inversiones Y Representaciones) | 450047204 | | | 07/19/05 | 253,321 |
| | Meeting for Holders of ADRs | | | | | |
11/01/05 AGM | Irsa (Inversiones Y Representaciones) | 2458577 | | With | N/A | 8 |
| | Designate Two Shareholders to Sign Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended 6-30-05 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Management Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income (Profits of ARS 103.3 Million) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of ARS 7.4 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Supervisory Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Number of and Elect Directors (and Alternates) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Supervisory Board Members and Alternates | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Merger Balance Sheet of IRSA and Buenos Aires Trade & Finance Center SA as of 6-30-05; Approve Merger Agreement; Designate Representatives to Execute Merger Agreement | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Present Motivations for Which this AGM was Convened Outside of Its Term | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/01/05 AGM | Irsa (Inversiones Y Representaciones) | 450047204 | | | 10/18/05 | 262,121 |
| | Meeting for Holders of ADRs | | | | | |
08/11/05 EGM | iShares Trust | 464287739 | | | 04/25/05 | 57,000 |
| | Elect Director Lee T. Kranefuss | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John E. Martinez | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard K. Lyons | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director George G.C. Parker | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director W. Allen Reed | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Cecilia H. Herbert | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Charles A. Hurty | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John E. Kerrigan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Change of Fundamental Investment Policy - Senior Securities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Change of Fundamental Investment Policy - Lending | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Change of Fundamental Investment Objective to Non-fundamental | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/31/06 AGM | iStar Financial Inc. | 45031U101 | | With | 04/03/06 | 627,600 |
| | Elect Director Jay Sugarman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Willis Andersen, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Glenn R. August | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert W. Holman, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robin Josephs | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John G. Mcdonald | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director George R. Puskar | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey A. Weber | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles/Bylaws/Eliminate Limitations in Article III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/30/06 AGM | J&P Avax SA (Formerly AVAX SA) | X0262H117 | | | N/A | 199,921 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Auditors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Directors' Remuneration for 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Preapprove Remuneration of Directors for 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Participation in Other Companies and Joint Ventures | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Election of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Board of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Transaction with a Related Party | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Board and Managers of the Company to Participate in Boards and Management of Similar Companies | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/27/06 AGM | JM AB | W4939T109 | | | 04/21/06 | 340,473 |
| | Open Meeting and Elect Chairman of Meeting | | | | | |
| | Prepare and Approve List of Shareholders | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Agenda of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Receive Reports of the Board, the President and the Auditors; Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of SEK 10 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Record Date (May 3) for Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and President | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Determine Number of Members (7) and Deputy Members (0) of Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Aggregate Amount of SEK 2 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Receive Information about Director Nominees other Assignments | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Elisabett Annell, Eva Britt Gustafsson, Bengt Larsson, Berthold Lindqvist, Lars Lundquist, Johan Skoglund, and Torbjoern Toreell as Directors; Reelect Lars Lundquist as Chairman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Chairman of Board and Representatives of Four of Company's Largest Shareholders to Serve on Nominating Committee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Redemption Program for Shareholders | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve 4:1 Stock Split; Amend Corresponding Articles | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Various Changes to Comply with New Swedish Companies' Act | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/06/06 AGM | KB Home | 48666K109 | | With | 02/14/06 | 545,600 |
| | Elect Director Bruce Karatz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Kenneth M. Jastrow, Ii | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Melissa Lora | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael G. Mccaffery | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reduce Authorized Common Stock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/03/06 AGM | Killam Properties Inc. | 494104102 | | With | 03/24/06 | 211,900 |
| | Elect Philip Fraser, Robert Richardson, Timothy Banks, Robert Kay, James Lawley, Arthur Lloyd, Barry Reichmann, George Reti, Wayne Watson as Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Ernst & Young as Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Kimco Realty Corp. | 49446R109 | | | 03/24/06 | 414,000 |
| | Elect Director Martin S. Kimmel | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Milton Cooper | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Richard G. Dooley | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Michael J. Flynn | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Joe Grills | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David B. Henry | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director F. Patrick Hughes | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Frank Lourenso | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Richard Saltzman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Company-Specific -- Require Annual Disclosure of Related Party Transactions between the Company and its Senior Executive Officers or the Company and its Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | Kite Realty Group Trust | 49803T102 | | With | 03/09/06 | 127,200 |
| | Elect Director Alvin E. Kite, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John A. Kite | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William E. Bindley | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Dr. Richard A. Cosier | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Eugene Golub | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Gerald L. Moss | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael L. Smith | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/02/05 AGM | Kiwi Income Property Trust | 6495172 | | With | 08/31/05 | 393,215 |
| | Approve Issuance of Units in the Trust to the Manager | Mgmt | For | For | | |
12/09/05 EGM | Kiwi Income Property Trust | 6495172 | | With | 12/07/05 | 393,215 |
| | Amend Trust Deed Re: Threshold for Unitholder Requisitioned Meetings | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Trust Deed Re: Unitholder Proposals | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/03/06 AGM | KKR Financial Corp. | 482476306 | | With | 03/27/06 | 5,400 |
| | Elect Director William F. Aldinger | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Patrick Cowell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Kenneth M. Deregt | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Vincent Paul Finigan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Saturnino S. Fanlo | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Paul M. Hazen | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director R. Glenn Hubbard | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ross J. Kari | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ely L. Licht | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Deborah H. McAneny | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Scott C. Nuttall | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
07/20/05 EGM | Kowloon Development Company limited | 6491998 | | With | N/A | 400,000 |
| | Approve Acquisition by Brilliant Idea Investments Ltd. of an Aggregate of 70.3 Percent Equity Interest in Shenzhen Properties & Resources Devt. (Group) Ltd. from Shenzhen Construction Investment Hldgs. and Shenzhen Investment Management Corp. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/21/05 EGM | Kowloon Development Company limited | 6491998 | | With | N/A | 400,000 |
| | Approve Acquisition by the Company from Or Wai Sheun of the Entire Issued Capital of and Shareholder's Loan to Marble King Intl. Ltd. and All Related Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/08/06 AGM | Kowloon Development Company Limited | Y49749107 | | | N/A | 400,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Keith Alan Holman as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Ng Chi Man as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Or Pui Kwan as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of the Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Election of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/12/06 EGM | Kowloon Development Company Limited | Y49749107 | | With | N/A | 400,000 |
| | Approve Sale and Purchase Agreement between Profit Sphere Intl. Ltd. and Polytec Hldgs. Intl. Ltd. in Respect of the Acquisition by Profit Sphere Intl. Ltd. of the Entire Issued Capital of New Bedford Properties Ltd. and All Related Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Agreement between Kowloon Devt. Co. Ltd. and Polytec Asset Hldgs. Ltd. in Respect of the Issue and Subscription of Approximately 1.6 Billion New Shares of Polytec Asset Hldgs. Ltd. and All Related Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/23/06 EGM | La Quinta Corp. | 50419U202 | | With | 12/19/05 | 1,400 |
| | Approve Merger Agreement | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/31/06 AGM | LALIN PROPERTY PUBLIC CO LTD | Y51568148 | | | 03/14/06 | 3,930,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Acknowledge Payment of Interim Dividend and Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Final Dividend of Baht 0.19 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Debentures Not Exceeding Baht 1 Billion | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
01/26/06 EGM | Land & Houses Public Co. Ltd. | 6581907 6581930 | | | 01/05/06 | 5,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Grant of Warrants to Directors and Employees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Land & Houses Public Co. Ltd. | Y5172C180 Y5172C198 | | | 04/11/06 | 5,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous EGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Results | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.5 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Anant Asavabhokhin, Naporn Soonthornchitcharoen, Adisorn Thananan-narapool, and Siri Ganjarerndee as Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Clause 3 of the Articles of Association Re: Company Objectives | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
07/12/05 AGM | Land Securities Group plc | 3180943 | | With | N/A | 220,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 32.85 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Alison Carnwath as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Mike Hussey as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Richard Akers as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Stuart Rose as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Francis Salway as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Mark Collins as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of the Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 46,791,526 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Adopt New Articles of Association | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Land Securities 2005 Long Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/26/05 EGM | Land Securities Group plc | 3180943 | | With | N/A | 220,000 |
| | Approve Sale of LST LP Holdings SP Limited, LST Services Holdings Limited, LST LP Holdings General Property Limited and the 50 Percent Interest in Telereal Held by LST Telereal Holdings | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/20/06 AGM | Landmarks Berhad | Y5182G106 | | With | N/A | 3,203,800 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for the Financial Year Ended Dec. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve First and Final Dividend of 2 Percent Less Tax for the Financial Year Ended Dec. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors for the Financial Year Ended Dec. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Harun Bin Halim Rasip as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Oh Teik Tatt as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect John Ko Wai Seng as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Loh Kong Fatt as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve KPMG as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights in Any Amount Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/30/06 AGM | Lennar Corp. | 526057104 | | | 02/06/06 | 680,800 |
| | Elect Director Steven L. Gerard | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Sidney Lapidus | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Declassify the Board of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Performance-Based and/or Time-Based Equity Awards | ShrHoldr | Against | Against | | |
04/24/06 AGM | M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. | 552676108 | | | 02/23/06 | 457,333 |
| | Elect Director Steven J. Borick | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director David D. Mandarich | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David E. Blackford | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Increase Authorized Common Stock | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/27/06 AGM | M.K. Real Estate Development PCL | Y6131T173 | | | 04/07/06 | 5,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Annual Report and Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Non-Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.2 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors, Fix Board Size, Approve Their Authority, and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Members of Audit Committee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/24/06 AGM | Mack-Cali Realty Corp. | 554489104 | | | 04/07/06 | 46,600 |
| | Elect Director John R. Cali | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Mitchell E. Hersh | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Irvin D. Reid | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert F. Weinberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
06/06/06 AGM | Maguire Properties, Inc. | 559775101 | | With | 04/21/06 | 303,200 |
| | Elect Director Robert F. Maguire, III | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lawrence S. Kaplan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Caroline S. McBride | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Andrea L. Van de Kamp | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Walter L. Weisman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lewis N. Wolff | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/04/06 AGM | MAJOR CINEPLEX GROUP PUBLIC CO LTD | Y54190130 | | | 03/14/06 | 2,500,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Final Dividend of 0.39 Baht Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Verawat Ongvasith, Paradee Poolvaraluck, Thanakorn Puliwekin and Vallop Tangthongjitr as Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of 10 Million Warrants to Directors and Employees of the Company under the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP-W3) | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Increase in Registered Capital to Baht 907 Million | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Clause 4 of the Company's Memorandum of Association to Reflect the Increase in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Issuance of 10 Million Shares for the Exercise of Warrants Pursuant to ESOP-W3 | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/28/06 AGM | Marriott International Inc. | 571903202 | | With | 03/07/06 | 170,400 |
| | Elect Director Richard S. Braddock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Floretta Dukes McKenzie | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lawrence M. Small | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Declassify the Board of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | For | For | | |
05/17/06 AGM | Meritage Homes Corp | 59001A102 | | | 03/31/06 | 275,200 |
| | Elect Director Steven J. Hilton | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Raymond Oppel | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William G. Campbell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard T. Burke, Sr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Increase Authorized Common Stock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/20/06 AGM | Midland Holdings Ltd (formerly Midland Realty Holdings Ltd) | G4491W100 | | | 04/11/06 | 17,756,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of HK$0.016 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Maximum Number of Directors at Nine and Authorize Board to Appoint Directors up to such Maximun Number | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Plc | G6124F107 | | With | N/A | 520,500 |
| | Approve Director's Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 5.62 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Tony Potter as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect The Viscount Thurso as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Charles Kirkwood as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Christopher Sneath as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Extend the Provisions of the Co-operation Agreement Enabling City Developments Limited to Maintain its Percentage of Shareholding in the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve EU Political Organisations Donations up to GBP 100,000 and Incur EU Political Expenditure up to GBP 100,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 28,817,609 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Millenium & Copthorne Hotels 2006 Sharesave Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Millenium & Copthorne Hotels 2006 Long-Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 4,322,641 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 28,817,608 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/18/06 AGM | Minor International (frmrly Royal Garden Resort) | Y6069M133 | | | 03/31/06 | 13,666,666 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous EGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Annual Report and Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Cash Dividend of Baht 0.125 Per Share and Exercisable Warrants not exceeding 2.88 Billion Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Names and Number of Directors Who Have Signing Authority | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Clause 4 of the Articles of Association Re: Cancellation of Class B Convertible Preference Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Registered Capital to Baht 3.37 Billion and Amend Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association to Conform with the Decrease in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Registered Capital to Baht 3.38 Billion and Amend Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association to Conform with the Increase in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares Pursuant to the Employee Share Ownership Program 1 and 2 (ESOP 1 & 2) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Additional Warrants to Directors and/or Employees of the Company and/or Subsidiaries under the ESOP 2 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Calculation of Adjusted Exercise Price according to the Conditions Stated in the Prospectus of ESOP 1 & 2 (MINT ESOP 1 & 2) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
11/10/05 MIX | Mirvac Group | 6161978 | | | 11/08/05 | 250,000 |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect James MacKenzie as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Richard Turner as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Replacement of Deed of Co-operation Between Mirvac Group and MPT | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Stapled Securities Worth AUD250,000 to Gregory Paramor, Managing Director, Under the Employee Incentive Scheme | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd. | J4509L101 | | With | 03/31/06 | 200,000 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 5, Final JY 5, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Authorize Public Announcements in Electronic Format - Limit Rights of Odd-lot Holders - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Directors and Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/13/06 AGM | Mortgageit Holdings, Inc | 61915Q108 | | With | 04/24/06 | 568,000 |
| | Elect Director Edolphus Towns | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John K. Darr | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael N. Garin | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Timothy Schantz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/29/05 AGM | New World China Land | 6163929 | | | 11/23/05 | 8,201,600 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Cheng Kar-shun, Henry as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Doo Wai-hoi, William as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Leung Chi-kin, Stewart as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Chow Yu-chun, Alexander as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Fu Sze-shing as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Tien Pei-chun, James as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Lee Luen-wai, John as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Fix the Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Auditors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Voting by Poll, Appointment and Reelection of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | NEWCASTLE INVT CORP | 65105M108 | | With | 04/11/06 | 158,300 |
| | Elect Director Kevin J. Finnerty | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stuart A. Mcfarland | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Peter M. Miller | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/24/06 MIX | NEXITY | F6527B126 | | | N/A | 126,636 |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Merger by Absorption Nexity Initiale by Nexity | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Acknowledge the Merger by Absorption of Nexity Initiale by Nexity | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Regarding Change in Capital Accordingly to Items Above | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Alain Dinin and Herve Denize to Fill Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Nexity to Continue Nexity Initiale's Stock Option Plan and Reevaluate the Exercice Price | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Ownership Disclosure Threshold | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Article 10 of the Company Bylaws According Item Above | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 45 Million. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 37.5 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 15 Million for Qualified Investors | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Employee Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 2 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of Up to EUR 45 Million for Capital Increase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Increase Capital in the Event of Additional Demand Relating to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder Vote Above | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 1.6 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Accounting Treatment of Merger by Absorption | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/04/06 AGM | NH Hotels SA (frm.Corporacion Financiera Reunida) | E7650R103 | | With | N/A | 300,000 |
| | Approve Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements, Allocation of Income and Discharge Directors for Fiscal Year 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Share Repurchase Program | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board of Directors to Increase in Capital Through the Issuance of Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Noncovertible Bonds/Debt Instruments | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize EUR 8.5 Million Capital Increase Through Issuance of 4.25 Million Shares at EUR 13.50 Per Share, Including a Premiun of EUR 11.50 Per Share, for Private Placement to Latinoamericana Gestion Hotelera, S.A.; Amend Article 5 Accordingly | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize EUR 17.5 Million Capital Increase Through Issuance of 8.77 Million Shares at EUR 13.00 Per Share, Including a Premiun of EUR 11.00 Per Share, for Private Placement to Sotogrande, S.A.; Amend Article 5 Accordingly | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute Approved Resolutions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | NOBLE DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC CO LTD | Y63817152 | | | 04/07/06 | 2,338,700 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Performance | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.27 Per Share | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Kitti Thanakitamnuay, Boonperm Jiamtiranat, and Surachet Suboonson as Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
10/14/05 EGM | NORGANI HOTELS ASA | NO0010272636 | | With | N/A | 840,000 |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Potential Hotel Acquisitions From Wenaas Hotels ASA, Home Invest ASA, Choice Hotels ASA, and/or Capona AB | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase In Board Size From Four to Five Members | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Norgani Hotels ASA | R53429107 | | With | N/A | 840,000 |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Receive Information about State of Company and Applicable Principles for Compensation to Leading Employees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements, Allocation of Income and Omission of Dividends | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of NOK 190,000 for Chairman and NOK 125,000 for Other Directors; Approve Special Remuneration of NOK 15,000 to Hege Boemark and Mats Loennqvist | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Creation of NOK 75 Million Pool of Capital without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/02/06 EGM | Norgani Hotels ASA | R53429107 | | With | N/A | 840,000 |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Creation of NOK 300 Million Pool of Capital with or without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/25/06 AGM | Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. | 681936100 | | With | 04/21/06 | 511,000 |
| | Elect Director Bernard J. Korman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas F. Franke | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/05/06 AGM | Orient Express Hotels, Inc. | G67743107 | | | 04/26/06 | 1,148,700 |
| | Meeting for Holders of ADRs | | | | | |
| | Elect Director John D. Campbell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James B. Hurlock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Prudence M. Leith | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Robert Lovejoy | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Georg R. Rafael | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James B. Sherwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Simon M.C. Sherwood | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
12/01/05 AGM | Orleans Homebuilders Inc. | 686588104 | | | 10/18/05 | 245,200 |
| | Elect Director Benjamin D. Goldman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jerome S. Goodman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert N. Goodman | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Andrew N. Heine | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David Kaplan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lewis Katz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey P. Orleans | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert M. Segal | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John W. Temple | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael T. Vesey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/24/05 EGM | OSLO AREAL ASA | B083BV8 | | With | N/A | 246,800 |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Members of Nominating Committee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/16/06 AGM | Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited (formerly DONG | G6844T114 | | | N/A | 7,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect James Chan as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Gan Kim See, Wendy as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Hubert Chak as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Allan Zeman as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Wong Yue Chim, Richard as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Fix the Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Cancellation of HK$322.4 Million Standing to the Credit of the Share Premium Account to Offset Accumulated Losses of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
07/27/05 AGM | Palm Harbor Homes, Inc. | 696639103 | | With | 06/02/05 | 116,500 |
| | Elect Director Larry H. Keener | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lee Posey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jerry D. Mallonee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Frederick R. Meyer | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Walter D. Rosenberg, Jr | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director A. Gary Shilling | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William R. Thomas | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director W. Christopher Wellborn | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John H. Wilson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/28/06 AGM | Parkbridge Lifestyles Communites Inc. | B05H0Y9 | | With | 01/24/06 | 300,000 |
| | Fix Number of Directors at Eight | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors Joseph F. Killi, Walter Borthwick, Ian Cockwell, Barry E. Emes, Gary E. Perron, John Ratzke Sr., David Richards and Norbert Warnke | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Deloitte & Touche LLP as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/06/06 EGM | Persimmon plc | 0682538 | | | N/A | 120,000 |
| | Approve Acquisition of Westbury Plc | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Persimmon 2006 Executive Synergy Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/20/06 AGM | Persimmon plc | G70202109 | | With | N/A | 120,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 19 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect John White as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
�� | | Re-elect Hamish Melville as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect David Thompson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Adam Applegarth as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Nicholas Wrigley as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 29,510,022 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/02/06 MIX | Pierre et Vacances S.A. | 5700479 | | | N/A | 16,446 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 1.50 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Aggregate Amount of EUR 150,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Appointment of GB Developpement S.A. as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 22 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 22 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Increase Capital in the Event of Demand Exceeding Amounts of Initial Issuance | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Capital Increase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Capital for Future Acquisitions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Capital Increase Reserved for Employees Participating in Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Stock Option Plan Grants | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/28/06 AGM | Power Line Engineering Public Company Limited | Y7083K178 | | | 04/12/06 | 9,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous EGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Performance Report and Auditor Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Swake Srisuchart and Amnuay Karnjanopas as Directors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.3 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
12/29/05 EGM | POWERLINE ENGINEERING PUBLIC CO LTD | 6605539 | | | 12/09/05 | 9,000,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve the Proposed Guarantee by the Company for the Banking Facilities in the Amount of Not More Than Baht 500 Million to Bumlung Muang Plaza Co., Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve the Proposed Guarantee by the Company for the Banking Facilities in the Amount of Not More Than Baht 2 Billion to Unimar Engineering Co., Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve the Proposed Guarantee by the Company for the Banking Facilities in the Amount of 506 Million to Techner Co., Ltd. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Registered Capital to Baht 546.2 Million Through the Cancellation of 83.8 Million Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Memoramdum of Association to Reflect Reduction in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
12/21/05 EGM | Prentiss Properties Trust | 740706106 | | With | 11/15/05 | 56,400 |
| | Approve Merger Agreement | Mgmt | For | For | | |
09/14/05 EGM | ProLogis | 743410102 | | With | 08/08/05 | 351,000 |
| | Issue Shares in Connection with an Acquisition | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/26/06 AGM | ProLogis | 743410102 | | | 03/16/06 | 364,800 |
| | Elect Director K. Dane Brooksher | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen L. Feinberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director George L. Fotiades | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Christine N. Garvey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Donald P. Jacobs | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Walter C. Rakowich | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Nelson C. Rising | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey H. Schwartz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director D. Michael Steuert | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Andre Teixeira | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William D. Zollars | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Andrea M. Zulberti | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/30/06 AGM | PT Jakarta International Hotel & Development Tbk | Y7127R155 | | With | N/A | 650,000 |
| | Accept Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors and Commissioners | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/30/06 EGM | PT Jakarta International Hotel & Development Tbk | Y7127R155 | | | N/A | 650,000 |
| | Authorize Subsidiary, PT Danayasa Arhatama Tbk, to Issue Shares to Delifna Group Holdings Ltd. | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Divestment of Subsidiary, PT Danayasa Arhatama Tbk | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute Approved Resolutions, Formalities | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/28/06 AGM | PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk | Y7128U157 | | With | 04/12/06 | 15,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors and Commissioners | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors and Commissioners | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Hendrawinata Gani & Rekan as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/28/06 EGM | PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk | Y7128U157 | | | 04/12/06 | 15,000,000 |
| | Approve Pledging of Assets for Debt | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
05/11/06 AGM | Pulte Homes Inc. | 745867101 | | | 03/14/06 | 810,600 |
| | Elect Director Brian P. Anderson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Patrick J. O'Leary | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Debra J. Kelly-Ennis | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Bernard W. Reznicek | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Alan E. Schwartz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Declassify the Board of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Provide for Cumulative Voting | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
| | Performance-Based Equity Awards | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
11/10/05 EGM | Quality House PLC | B00PN16 | | | 10/21/05 | 15,979,100 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Sale of Q House Lumpini Project | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Lease of Centre Point, Sukhumvit Thonglor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/26/06 AGM | Quality Houses Public Co. Ltd | Y7173A288 | | | 04/07/06 | 16,179,100 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous EGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Results and Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Offset of Accumulated Losses Against Share Premiums | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.06 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Anant Asavabhokhin, Suang Chaisurote, Adul Vinaiphat, and Adisorn Thananun-narapool as Directors and Fix Their Bonus | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Debentures not exceeding Baht 5 Billion or its Equivalent in Other Currency | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
09/08/05 EGM | RAFFLES HOLDINGS | 6201238 | | With | N/A | 1,197,000 |
| | Approve Conditional Share Purchase Agreement with Colony HR Acquisitions, LLC in Connection with the Proposed Transaction; Sale of the Hotel Business; and Assignment of Vendor Loans | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Raffles Holdings Ltd | Y7342W104 | | | N/A | 1,197,000 |
| | Adopt Financial Statements and Directors' and Auditors' Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Declare Final Dividend of SGD 0.02 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Christopher Forbes as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Cheng Wai Keung as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Jennie Chua Kheng Yeng as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Loo Choon Yong as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 282,000 (2004: SGD 282,301) | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business (Voting) | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Shares and Grant of Options and/or Awards Pursuant to the Raffles Holdings Share Option Plan, the Raffles Holdings Performance Share Plan, and the Raffles Holdings Restricted Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Mandate for Transactions with Related Parties | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/14/06 AGM | Ramco-Gershenson Properties Trust | 751452202 | | With | 04/18/06 | 85,200 |
| | Elect Trustee Stephen R. Blank | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Trustee Joel M. Pashcow | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Trustee Michael A. Ward | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/25/06 AGM | Reckson Associates Realty Corp. | 75621K106 | | With | 03/21/06 | 554,500 |
| | Elect Director Scott H. Rechler | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael Maturo | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Douglas Crocker, II | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Elizabeth McCaul | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ronald H. Menaker | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Peter Quick | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lewis S. Ranieri | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John F. Ruffle | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stanley Steinberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/09/05 AGM | Redrow Plc (Formerly Redrow Group Plc) | 0728238 | | With | N/A | 200,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 10.8 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Neil Fitzsimmons as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Colin Lewis as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Robert Jones as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Brian Duckworth as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 5,305,412 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 795,812 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 15,916,236 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/22/06 AGM | REGUS GROUP PLC | G74844104 | | With | N/A | 5,049,227 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Martin Robinson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Stephen Gleadle as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect John Matthews as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 16,413,192.05 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 2,461,978 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 98,479,152 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Re: Redeemable Preference Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Cancellation of the Amount Standing to the Credit of the Share Premium Account | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/05/06 AGM | Risanamento SPA (Formerly Risanamento Napoli) | T7923G102 | | | 04/26/06 | 675,790 |
| | Annual Meeting Agenda | | | | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements, and Statutory Reports at Dec. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Number of Directors on the Board; Elect Directors and Chairman of the Board; Determine Directors' Term and Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/09/06 AGM | S.P. Setia Bhd (formerl Syarikat Pembinaan Setia Berhad) | 6868774 | | | N/A | 1,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports for the Financial Year Ended Oct. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 19 Percent Less Tax at 28 Percent for the Financial Year Ended Oct. 31, 2005 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Abdul Rashid bin Abdul Manaf as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Elect Hari Narayanan a/l Govindasamy as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Elect Ali Bin Hassan as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Khor Chap Jen as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Ng Soon Lai @ Ng Shiek Chuan as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Moores Rowland as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Implementation of Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions as Specified in Section 2.3 (A) to (E) of the Circular to Shareholders Dated Jan. 18, 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Implementation of Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions as Specified in Section 2.3 (F) of the Circular to Shareholders Dated Jan. 18, 2006 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/24/06 AGM | Saha Pathana Inter-Holding PCL | Y74002141 | | With | 04/04/06 | 4,040,000 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Directors' Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.2 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors, Elect One Additional Director, and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Sankei Building Co. Ltd. | J67306118 | | With | 03/31/06 | 80,000 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 4.5, Final JY 5.5, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Expand Business Lines - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Non-Executive Statutory Auditors - Reduce Share Trading Unit | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Alternate Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 AGM | Sekisui House Ltd. | J70746136 | | | 01/31/06 | 23,692 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 10, Final JY 10, Special JY 0 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors and Statutory Auditors and Special Payments to Continuing Directors and Statutory Auditors in Connection with Abolition of Retirement Bonus System | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Deep Discount Stock Option Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Adjustment to Aggregate Compensation Ceiling for Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/09/06 AGM | Senior Housing Properties Trust | 81721M109 | | With | 03/16/06 | 241,300 |
| | Elect Director Frank J. Bailey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Barry M. Portnoy | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/29/05 EGM | Shaftesbury plc | 0799096 | | With | N/A | 660,000 |
| | Approve the Joint Venture Between the Company and the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of the Mercers of the City of London | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/01/06 AGM | Shaftesbury plc | 0799096 | | With | N/A | 660,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 3.30 Ordinary Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Jonathan Lane as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Simon Quayle as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Gordon McQueen as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of the Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 11,000,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 1,650,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 13,200,000 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve EU Political Organisation Donations and to Incur EU Political Expenditure up to GBP 100,000 Each | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Shaftesbury Long Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
02/17/06 EGM | Shangri-la Asia Ltd. | 6771032 | | With | 02/14/06 | 1,822,000 |
| | Approve Contract for the Establishment of a Joint Venture to be Named Shanghai Pudong Kerry City Properties Co. Ltd. (JVCO) and Funding Agreement in Relation to the JVCO | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/24/06 AGM | Shangri-la Asia Ltd. | G8063F106 | | | 05/18/06 | 1,822,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Kuok Khoon Loong, Edward as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Lui Man Shing as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Ng Si Fong, Alan as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Kuok Oon Kwong as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors Including Fees Payable to the Members of the Audit and Remuneration Committees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Bylaws Re: Election and Removal of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/05/06 EGM | Silver Grant International Industries | 6460222 | | With | N/A | 3,000,000 |
| | Approve Sale by the Company of 100 Ordinary Shares of $100 Each in the Capital of Platinum One Ltd. to Citigroup Financial Products Inc. at a Consideration of Approximately $3.37 Million and All Related Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/25/06 AGM | Silver Grant International Industries | Y7936H109 | | | 05/19/06 | 10,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Liu Tianni as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Gu Jianguo as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Cheung Chung Kiu as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Zhang Lu as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Chen Xiaozhou as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Appointment and Retirement by Rotation of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/11/06 AGM | Simon Property Group, Inc. | 828806109 | | | 03/09/06 | 398,200 |
| | Elect Director Birch Bayh | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Melvyn E. Bergstein | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Linda Walker Bynoe | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Karen N. Horn, Ph.D. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Reuben S. Leibowitz | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Albert Smith, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Pieter S. van den Berg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Require a Majority Vote for the Election of Directors | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
11/17/05 AGM | Sino Land Company Ltd | 6810429 | | | 11/11/05 | 8,000,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of HK$0.115 Per Share with an Option for Scrip Dividend | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Ronald Joseph Arculli as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Adrian David Li Man-kiu as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Fu Yuning as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Raymond Tong Kwok Tung as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Thomas Tang Wing Yung as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Daryl Ng Win Kong as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Fix the Remuneration of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/30/06 AGM | Skanska AB | W83567110 | | | 03/24/06 | 241,200 |
| | Open Meeting | | | | | |
| | Elect Chairman of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Prepare and Approve List of Shareholders | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Agenda of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Designate Inspector or Shareholder Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Receive Chairman's Report; Receive President's Report | | | | | |
| | Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | | | | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of SEK 6.50 Per Share Composed of an Ordinary Dividend of SEK 4.50 and Extraordinary Dividend of SEK 2 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and President | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Determine Number of Members (9) and Deputy Members (0) of Board | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Aggregate Amount of SEK 4.675 million; Approve Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Roger Flanagan, Ulricka Francke, Jane Garvey, Stuart Graham, Finn Johnsson, Sverker Martin-Loef, and Anders Nyren as Directors; Elect Curt Kaellstroemer and Lars Pettersson as New Directors; Elect Sverker Martin-Loef as Chairman of the Board | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Chairman of Board and Representatives of Five of Company's Largest Shareholders to Serve on Nominating Committee | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Policy and Other Terms of Employment for Executive Management | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Articles Re: Various Changes to Comply with New Swedish Companies Act; Change Description of Company's Operations | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Close Meeting | | | | | |
05/16/06 AGM | Slough Estates Plc | G81821103 | | With | N/A | 295,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 11 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Thom Wernink as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect David Sleath as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Ian Coull as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect John Heawood as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Lord Blackwell as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Paul Orchard-Lisle as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise the Company to Make EU Political Organisation Donations up to GBP 20,000 and Incur EU Political Expenditure up to GBP 20,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 35,252,267 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 5,287,840 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 10 Percent of the Issued Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/28/06 AGM | SM Development Corporation | Y80671103 | | | 03/29/06 | 13,625,000 |
| | Call to Order | | | | | |
| | Certification of Notice and Quorum | | | | | |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous Shareholder Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Annual Report of Management | | | | | |
| | Ratify Acts of the Board of Directors and Management from the Date of the Last Annual Stockholders' Meeting | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
01/25/06 EGM | Societe Immob. de Location Pour L'Industrie et le Comm. (SIL | 7595747 | | | N/A | 43,350 |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Amend Articles to Allow Debt Issuances Without Prior Shareholder Approval | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 25 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board to Increase Capital in the Event of Demand Exceeding Amounts Submitted to Shareholder Vote Above | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve EUR 320,000 Capital Increase Reserved for Employees Participating in Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/10/06 MIX | Societe Immob. de Location Pour L'Industrie et le Comm. (SIL | F88835115 | | | N/A | 64,350 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Discharge Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 3.50 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Standard Accounting Transfer from Special Long-Term Capital Gains Reserve Account to Other Reserves Account | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Appointment of Philippe Carraud as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Appointment of Jean-Paul Bertheau as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Groupama S.A. as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reelect Dominique Schlissinger as Director | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Aggregate Amount of EUR 90,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 25 Million | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 25 Million | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Board to Increase Capital in the Event of Demand Exceeding Amounts Submitted to Shareholder Vote Above | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Employee Savings-Related Share Purchase Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10 Percent of Issued Capital for Future Acquisitions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association in order to Reflect Legal Changes | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Re: Shareholding Disclosure Threshold | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Amend Articles of Association Re: Allocation of Income | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Filling of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
03/29/06 AGM | Sponda Oyj | X84465107 | | | 03/17/06 | 346,400 |
| | Matters Pertaining to the AGM as Stated in the Company's Articles of Association (Items 1.1-1.9) | | | | | |
| | Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | | | | | |
| | Receive Auditor's Report | | | | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 0.50 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and President | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration of Directors and Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Fix Number of Directors at 6 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Tuula Entela, Maija-Liisa Friman, Harri Pynna, Anssi Soila, and Jarmo Vaisanen as Directors; Elect Timo Korvenpaa as New Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint KPMG Oy Ab and Sixten Nyman APA as Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Shareholder Proposals | | | | | |
| | Shareholder Proposal: Establish Nominating Committee | ShrHoldr | | Against | | |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Five Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/21/06 AGM | St. Modwen Properties PLC | G61824101 | | With | N/A | 125,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 5.9 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Christopher Roshier as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Mary Francis as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect John Salmon as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Ian Menzies-Gow as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Tim Haywood as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 2,922,605 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 603,870 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 12,077,395 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/10/06 AGM | Standard Pacific Corp. | 85375C101 | | | 03/13/06 | 1,118,600 |
| | Elect Director Michael C. Cortney | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ronald R. Foell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey V. Peterson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Social Proposal | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
05/02/06 AGM | Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. | 85590A203 | | | 03/14/06 | 1,206,900 |
| | Elect Director Steven J. Heyer | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Charlene Barshefsky | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Jean-Marc Chapus | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Bruce W. Duncan | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Lizanne Galbreath | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Eric Hippeau | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen R. Quazzo | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas O. Ryder | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Daniel W. Yih | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Kneeland C. Youngblood | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/11/06 AGM | Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc | 86272T106 | | With | 03/31/06 | 292,100 |
| | Elect Director Robert P. Bowen | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael W. Brennan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Edward C. Coppola | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director John C. Deterding | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Richard L. Fisher | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Laurence S. Geller | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director David M.C. Michels | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William A. Prezant | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/16/06 AGM | Sunrise Senior Living Inc. | 86768K106 | | With | 03/20/06 | 490,000 |
| | Elect Director Thomas J. Donohue | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Douglas Holladay | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William G. Little | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Increase Authorized Common Stock | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/14/06 AGM | Sunrise Senior Living Real Estate Investment Trust | 86770Q109 | | With | 05/08/06 | 150,000 |
| | Elect Dino Chiesa, Edward Dato, Jon N. Hagan, Michael J. Lang, Douglas J. MacLatchy, T. Richard Turner and R. Michael Warren as Trustees | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/02/06 AGM | Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. | 867892101 | | With | 03/20/06 | 1,156,600 |
| | Elect Director Robert A. Alter | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lewis N. Wolff | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Z. Jamie Behar | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Anthony W. Dona | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas A. Lewis | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Keith M. Locker | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Keith P. Russell | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Tachihi Enterprise Co. Ltd. | J78787108 | | | 03/31/06 | 68,600 |
| | Approve Allocation of Income, Including the Following Dividends: Interim JY 0, Final JY 10, Special JY 30 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Articles to: Amend Business Lines - Limit Directors' Legal Liability - Limit Rights of Odd-lot Holders - Update Terminology to Match that of New Corporate Law - Limit Liability of Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Appoint Internal Statutory Auditor | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Special Payments to Continuing Directors and Statutory Auditor in Connection with Abolition of Retirement Bonus System | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Approve Adjustment to Aggregate Compensation Ceilings for Directors and Statutory Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/15/06 AGM | Taubman Centers, Inc. | 876664103 | | With | 03/23/06 | 164,500 |
| | Elect Director William S. Taubman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Graham T. Allison | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Peter Karmanos, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/19/06 AGM | Technical Olympic USA, Inc. | 878483106 | | | 04/10/06 | 1,342,875 |
| | Elect Director Konstantinos Stengos | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Antonio B. Mon | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Andreas Stengos | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director George Stengos | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Marianna Stengou | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Larry D. Horner | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director William A. Hasler | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Elect Director Michael J. Poulos | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Susan B. Parks | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director J. Bryan Whitworth | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Tommy L. Mcaden | Mgmt | For | Withhold | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
07/14/05 EGM | Techniki Olympiaki SA | 4888161 | | | N/A | 551,380 |
| | Approve Share Capital Increase; Grant Authorization to Board Accordingly | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/29/06 AGM | Techniki Olympiaki SA | X8936X137 | | | N/A | 770,380 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Discharge of Board and Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Auditors and Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Board of Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Board and Managers of the Company to Participate in Boards and Management of Similar Companies | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Transactions with Related Parties | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Convertible Bonds | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
04/25/06 AGM | The Erawan Group Public Company Limited (Formerly AMARIN PLA | Y2298R100 | | | 04/05/06 | 16,307,700 |
| | Approve Minutes of Previous AGM | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Payment of Dividend of Baht 0.04 Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Directors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Ernst & Young Office Ltd. as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Registered Capital to Baht 1.45 Billion | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Article 4 of the Memorandum of Association to Reflect Decrease in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Issuance of Shares with Warrants Attached with Preemptive Rights | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Issuance of Additional 18.26 Million Ordinary Shares to Directors and Employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries as Reserve for the Rights Adjustment under the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Project | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Registered Capital to Baht 2.28 Billion | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Article 4 of the Memorandum of Association to Reflect Increase in Registered Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of 826.895 Million Ordinary Shares for the Rights Adjustment, Share Issuance, and Warrants Conversion | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept 2005 Operating Results | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Audit Committee's Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Other Business | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
06/01/06 AGM | The Macerich Co. | 554382101 | | | 03/14/06 | 305,500 |
| | Elect Director Arthur M. Coppola | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James S. Cownie | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Mace Siegel | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Performance-Based and/or Time Based Equity Awards | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
03/14/06 AGM | Toll Brothers, Inc. | 889478103 | | With | 01/13/06 | 1,060,740 |
| | Elect Director Robert S. Blank | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Roger S. Hillas | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Stephen A. Novick | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Paul E. Shapiro | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/27/06 MIX | Unibail Holding(frmly Unibail) | F95094110 | | | N/A | 18,426 |
| | Ordinary Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of EUR 4 per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Special Auditors' Report Regarding Related-Party Transactions | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Francois Jaclot as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reelect Claude Tendil as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Guillaume Poitrinal as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Bernard Michel as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorize Repurchase of Up to Ten Percent of Issued Share Capital | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Special Business | | | | | |
| | Approve Reduction in Share Capital via Cancellation of Repurchased Shares | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Stock Option Plans Grants | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Authorize Filling of Required Documents/Other Formalities | Mgmt | For | For | | |
10/14/05 EGM | Unite Group plc (The) | 0692861 | | | N/A | 250,000 |
| | Approve The Unite Group plc Long Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
12/08/05 EGM | Unite Group plc (The) | 0692861 | | With | N/A | 250,000 |
| | Approve The Unite Group plc Long Term Incentive Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/10/06 AGM | Unite Group plc (The) | G9283N101 | | With | N/A | 170,059 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 1.67 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Richard Walker as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Stuart Beevor as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Andrew Lee as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint KPMG Audit Plc as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Authorised Capital from GBP 4,750,000 to GBP 43,500,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 10,147,650 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 1,522,147 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors to GBP 500,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/02/06 AGM | United Dominion Realty Trust, Inc. | 910197102 | | With | 03/17/06 | 631,000 |
| | Elect Director Katherine A. Cattanach | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Eric J. Foss | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert P. Freeman | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jon A. Grove | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director James D. Klingbeil | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Robert C. Larson | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas R. Oliver | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Lynne B. Sagalyn | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Mark J. Sandler | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas W. Toomey | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas C. Wajnert | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
06/01/06 AGM | Universal Health Realty Income Trust | 91359E105 | | | 04/21/06 | 80,700 |
| | Elect Director James E. Dalton, Jr | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Separate Chairman and CEO Positions | ShrHoldr | Against | For | | |
05/19/06 AGM | Ventas, Inc. | 92276F100 | | With | 03/20/06 | 235,600 |
| | Elect Director Debra A. Cafaro | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Douglas Crocker, II | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jay M. Gellert | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Ronald G. Geary | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Christopher T. Hannon | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Sheli Z. Rosenberg | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Thomas C. Theobald | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Non-Employee Director Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/18/06 AGM | Vornado Realty Trust | 929042109 | | | 04/14/06 | 315,900 |
| | Elect Director Steven Roth | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Michael D. Fascitelli | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Russell B. Wright, Jr. | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Amend Omnibus Stock Plan | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
11/17/05 AGM | Wellsford Real Properties, Inc. | 950240200 | | With | 10/11/05 | 111,800 |
| | Approve Disposition of Assets and Liquidate Company | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Douglas Crocker, II | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Jeffrey H. Lynford | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Director Mark S. Germain | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Ratify Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
07/01/05 AGM | Westbury Plc | 0953687 | | | N/A | 50,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 11.45 Pence Per Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Martin Donohue as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Derek Wilson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect John Ferrie as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | Against | | |
| | Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors of the Company | Mgmt | For | For | | �� |
| | Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of the Auditors | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities with Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 3,482,448 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise Issue of Equity or Equity-Linked Securities without Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP 573,377 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Authorise 11,467,552 Ordinary Shares for Market Purchase | Mgmt | For | For | | |
05/02/06 AGM | WESTFIELD GROUP | Q97062105 | | | 04/30/06 | 70,000 |
| | Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | | | | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect David Gonski as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Stephen P Johns as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Steven M Lowy as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Elect Carla M Zampatti as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
04/26/06 AGM | Wilson Bowden plc | G96756104 | | With | N/A | 60,000 |
| | Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Remuneration Report | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Final Dividend of 31.5 Pence Per Ordinary Share | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect David Brill as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect Graham Brown as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Re-elect David Wilson as Director | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Approve Increase in Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors from GBP 250,000 to GBP 500,000 | Mgmt | For | For | | |
| | Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as Auditors and Authorise the Board to Determine Their Remuneration | Mgmt | For | For | | |