Public Accounts Volume 1 — Consolidated Financial Statements |
Province of Nova Scotia
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at March 31, 2021
13. Related Party Transactions
Included in these consolidated financial statements are insignificant transactions with various provincial Crown corporations, agencies, boards, and commissions. Significant related party transactions have been eliminated for purposes of consolidated reporting. Parties are deemed to be related to the General Revenue Fund due to common control or ownership by the Province.
Related parties also include key management personnel having the authority and responsibility for planning, directing, and controlling the activities of the Province, their close family members, and any entities closely affiliated with these individuals. Key management personnel for the Province have been identified as the Premier, Cabinet Ministers, other MLAs appointed to Treasury and Policy Board, Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, and the senior leaders and Board members of the Province’s controlled entities. The Province may enter into transactions with these individuals and entities in the normal course of business measured at the exchange amount.
For the year ended March 31, 2021, there were no transactions to report between the Province and key management personnel, their close family members, or any entities affiliated with them at a price different than fair market value or under terms different than what two unrelated parties would agree to.
The most significant unadjusted related party transactions are described in more detail in Schedule 6 – Government Business Enterprises.
14. Contributed Services
Volunteers contribute a significant amount of their time each year to support the delivery of certain programs and services within the health and education sectors. The fair value of these contributed services is not readily determinable and, as such, they are not recognized in these consolidated financial statements.
15. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak that was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, the Province has been operating under a provincial state of emergency through the release of these Public Accounts. Throughout the year, varying degrees of restrictions were in place, which were reflective of the public health conditions being experienced by the Province.
Operational Impact
The Province experienced considerable operational impacts due to COVID-19 including delays and deferrals in most non-urgent health care services and surgeries, clinic closures, and changes in employee absenteeism. Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and IWK Health Centre established COVID-19 assessment centers across the province, increasing virtual care, further enhancing lab testing capacities, ensuring personal protective equipment (PPE) supply was sufficient to meet demand, and coordinating vaccination clinics throughout the province. Mandatory screening protocols and visitor restrictions were also put into place across the province.
In addition, the Province developed the Back-to-School plan for the 2020-21 pre-primary to grade 12 school year, and students returned to in-class instruction in September 2020 under various protocols, including the extensive use of PPE by staff and students, and enhanced cleaning and ventilation checks. Subsequent to year-end, effective April 28, 2021, all schools in the province were temporarily closed and students moved to at-home virtual learning. The temporary closure ended on June 2, 2021, and students returned to in-class instruction for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.