Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated statement of compr
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated statement of chang
- Consolidated statement of chan6
- Consolidated cash flow statemen
- Accounting policies
- Net interest income
- Non-interest income
- Operating expenses
- Pensions
- Auditor's remuneration
- Tax
- Earnings per ordinary share
- Financial Instruments - classif
- Financial Instruments - valuati
- Financial Instruments - maturit
- Financial assets - impairments
- Derivatives
- Debt securities
- Equity shares
- Intangible assets
- Property, plant and equipment
- Prepayments, accrued income and
- Discontinued operations and ass
- Short positions
- Provisions for liabilities and
- Accruals and other liabilities
- Deferred tax
- Subordinated liabilities
- Non-controlling interests
- Share capital
- Other Equity
- Leases
- Structured entities
- Asset transfers
- Capital resources
- Memorandum items
- Net cash flow from operating ac
- Analysis of the net investment
- Interest received and paid
- Analysis of changes in financin
- Analysis of cash and cash equiv
- Segmental analysis
- Directors and key management re
- Transactions with directors and
- Related parties
- Post balance sheet events
- Consolidating financial informa
- Accounting policies ( Policies)
- Accounting policies (Tables)
- Net interest income (Tables)
- Non-interest income (Tables)
- Operating expenses (Tables)
- Pensions (Tables)
- Auditor's remuneration (Tables)
- Tax (Tables)
- Earnings per ordinary share (Ta
- Financial Instruments - class60
- Financial Instruments - valua61
- Financial Instruments - matur62
- Financial assets - impairments
- Derivatives (Tables)
- Debt securities (Tables)
- Equity shares (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Prepayments, accrued income a69
- Discontinued operations and a70
- Short positions (Tables)
- Provisions for liabilities an72
- Accruals and other liabilities
- Deferred tax (Tables)
- Subordinated liabilities (Table
- Non-controlling interests (Tabl
- Share capital (Tables)
- Other Equity (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Structured entities (Tables)
- Asset transfers (Tables)
- Capital resources (Tables)
- Memorandum items (Tables)
- Net cash flow from operating 84
- Analysis of the net investmen85
- Interest received and paid (Tab
- Analysis of changes in financ87
- Analysis of cash and cash equ88
- Segmental analysis (Tables)
- Directors and key management 90
- Transactions with directors a91
- Related parties (Tables)
- Consolidating financial infor93
- Accounting policies (Details)
- Net interest income (Details)
- Non-interest income (Details)
- Operating expenses (Details)
- Operating expenses - Restructur
- Operating expenses - Continuing
- Operating expenses - Share-base
- Operating expenses - Variable c
- Operating expenses - Variabl102
- Operating expenses - Variabl103
- Pensions (Details)
- Pensions - Investment strategy
- Pensions - Amounts in the Finan
- Pensions - Changes in value of
- Pensions - Funding and contribu
- Pensions - Sensitivities of the
- Pensions - History of defined b
- Auditor's remuneration (Details
- Tax - Tax charge (Details)
- Tax - Reconciliation (Details)
- Earnings per ordinary share (De
- Financial Instruments - clas115
- Financial Instruments - clas116
- Financial Instruments - clas117
- Financial Instruments - clas118
- Financial Instruments - clas119
- Financial Instruments - valu120
- Financial Instruments - valu121
- Financial Instruments - valu122
- Financial Instruments - valu123
- Financial Instruments - valu124
- Financial Instruments - valu125
- Financial Instruments - valu126
- Financial Instruments - valu127
- Financial Instruments - valu128
- Financial Instruments - matu129
- Financial Instruments - matu130
- Financial assets - impairmen131
- Financial assets - impairmen132
- Financial assets - impairmen133
- Financial assets - impairmen134
- Derivatives (Details)
- Derivatives - fair value of the
- Derivatives - Hedge ineffective
- Debt securities (Details)
- Debt securities - Available for
- Equity shares (Details)
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Intangible assets - Assumptions
- Property, plant and equipmen143
- Prepayments, accrued income 144
- Discontinued operations and 145
- Discontinued operations and 146
- Discontinued operations and 147
- Short positions (Details)
- Provisions for liabilities a149
- Provisions for liabilities a150
- Provision for liabilities and c
- Accruals and other liabiliti152
- Deferred tax - Asset and liabil
- Deferred tax - Net deferred tax
- Deferred tax - Tax losses (Deta
- Deferred tax - Other (Details)
- Subordinated liabilities (Detai
- Subordinated liabilities - Cont
- Subordinated liabilities - Rede
- Non-controlling interests (Deta
- Share capital (Details)
- Share capital - Movement in sha
- Share capital - Ordinary shares
- Share capital - Additional shar
- Share capital - Non-cumulative
- Other Equity (Details)
- Other Equity - Additional discl
- Leases (Details)
- Leases - operating lease assets
- Leases - Residual value exposur
- Leases - Residual value expo171
- Structured entities (Details)
- Structured entities - Unconsoli
- Asset transfers (Details)
- Asset transfers - Assets pledge
- Capital resources (Details)
- Memorandum items (Details)
- Memorandum items - Contractual
- Memorandum items - Litigation,
- Net cash flow from operating180
- Analysis of the net investme181
- Analysis of the net investme182
- Interest received and paid (Det
- Analysis of changes in finan184
- Analysis of changes in finan185
- Analysis of cash and cash eq186
- Analysis of cash and cash eq187
- Segmental analysis (Details)
- Segmental analysis - Segment ac
- Segmental analysis - Total inco
- Segmental analysis - Total reve
- Segmental analysis - Assets and
- Segmental analysis - Goodwill (
- Segmental analysis - Geographic
- Directors' and key management r
- Directors' and key managemen196
- Transactions with directors 197
- Related parties (Details)
- Consolidating financial info199
- Consolidating financial info200
- Consolidating financial info201
- Consolidating financial info202