A proxy is not revoked by the appointing shareholder attending and taking part in the meeting, unless the appointing shareholder actually votes at the meeting on the resolution for which the proxy is proposed to be used. A resolution at a general meeting must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded. A poll may be demanded on any resolution (except a resolution concerning the election of the chairperson of the meeting or, unless the chairperson otherwise determines, the adjournment of a meeting).
If the votes on a proposed resolution are equal, the chairperson of the meeting has a casting vote.
Dividend Rights and Distributions In Kind
Directors may pay any dividend (including an interim, final or special dividend) that they think the financial position of Woodside justifies, and fix the date for payment.
Directors may direct payment of a dividend by the distribution of specific assets (including paid-up Shares or of another body corporate) either generally or to specific shareholders.
Directors may implement a dividend reinvestment plan on any terms as they think fit, under which any dividend due to shareholders who participate in the plan may be applied in subscribing for Shares, subject to the rules of the relevant dividend reinvestment plan.
Redemption and Preferences
Woodside may issue preferences shares, but Woodside has not issued and currently has no intention to issue any preference shares.
All Shares have the same rights and preferences. Shareholders are not entitled to any pre-emptive or preferential rights to acquire additional Shares.
Issue of Further Shares
Subject to the Corporations Act, ASX Listing Rules and the Constitution, Woodside may issue, allot or grant option over or rights in respect of, or otherwise dispose of, shares in Woodside or other securities of Woodside and decide, among others, the terms, rights and restrictions of the securities, as determined by the Board from time to time.
Transfer of Woodside Shares
Subject to the Constitution and the rights attached to Shares under ASX Listing Rules or the Corporations Act or other applicable legislation, shareholders may transfer Shares by any means permitted by the Corporations Act or by applicable law.
Directors may refuse to register a transfer of Shares in circumstances set out in the Constitution (including but not limited to, those permitted under ASX Listing Rules or ASX Settlement Operating Rules). Where Directors refuse to register a transfer, Woodside must give written notice of the refusal and the reasons for refusal within the maximum period permitted by the ASX Listing Rules.
Proportional Takeover Provisions
The Constitution requires shareholder approval in relation to any proportional takeover bid. These provisions will cease to apply unless they are renewed by shareholders passing a special resolution by the third anniversary of either the date that those rules were adopted or the date those rules were last renewed. These rules were adopted on 2 May 2019 and were reinserted for a further 3 years following approval by shareholders at the Woodside shareholders meeting on 19 May 2022.