If you are in doubt about whether a particular circumstance is an external commitment or conflict of interest that should be declared, please consult a member of the Ethics & Compliance team.
This section of the Code of Conduct does not apply to Woodside non-executive directors. Directors must comply with the Directors’ Conflict of Interest Policy.
Business practices
Woodside is committed to conducting its business and activities ethically and with integrity.
We do not seek competitive advantage through illegal or unethical business practices.
You must endeavour to deal fairly with Woodside’s customers, service providers, suppliers, contractors, competitors and employees. You must not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any unfair dealing practice. In contracting and procurement activities, you must comply with the Contracting and Procurement Procedure, including by ensuring that approved contractual terms are in place before procuring goods and services, and by incorporation obligations requiring contractors or suppliers to comply with Woodside’s Supplier Code of Conduct. You must also uphold the integrity of pre- and post-contract award processes, including by maintaining confidentiality where a potential contractor or supplier also has existing business with Woodside.
Combating bribery and corruption
As outline in Woodside’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Woodside prohibits bribery and corruption, in any form, whether direct or indirect, whether in the private sector or the public sector, anywhere in the world.
Most countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, have laws prohibiting any person or company from offering, promising or giving a bribe (which can include anything of value) to a private individual or government official, and prohibiting private individuals and government officials from soliciting or accepting such bribes.
There are potentially serious consequences, including imprisonment and fines, for violating the anti-bribery and corruption laws of Australia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other places which may apply to Woodside, its business partners and/or third parties operating on Woodside’s behalf.
You must not directly or indirectly offer, pay, solicit, promise, authorise or give to anyone a gift, bribe, kickback, inducement, favour, payment or anything else of value to anyone in the private or public sector in order to obtain an improper advantage for Woodside, its employees or anyone associated with Woodside. You must not directly or indirectly solicit or accept bribes, kickbacks, inducements, favours, payments or anything else of value in any form. Further details are set out in Woodside’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Fraud and Corruption Control Procedure.
Gifts and Entertainment
Giving and receiving gifts and entertainment can be a legitimate way of fostering and maintaining good business relationships – however, it can also operate, or be perceived to operate, as an attempt to seek an improper advantage. All gifts and entertainment must be provided or accepted transparently and without any intent to improperly influence the recipient, and only in accordance with Woodside’s policies and applicable laws.
Registration and approval requirements apply under Woodside’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy for the exchange of gifts and entertainment (including meals and hospitality) with anyone who is not an employee of Woodside. Under these:
| • | | The exchange of any gifts or entertainment involving one or more government officials must be entered onto the Gifts and Entertainment Register, regardless of value. Any exchange that (i) might be perceived as being intended to improperly obtain/retain a business advantage and/or (ii) which is valued above the applicable pre-approval threshold, requires prior approval from Woodside’s VP Ethics & Compliance (or delegate) via the Register. |
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