wells penetrating this deeper reservoir. CMB-3 was subsequently drilled down-dip and was dry. The up-dip Well CMB-4 was drilled to target the CMB-2 reservoir but found the sand to be tight or absent with oil shows. During 2003 FEI renewed its drilling activity in the CMB area, and drilled a further three wells to test the anticlinal structure identified from the drilling of the MST-11A well. The locations of the three wells, Forum-1XA, -2X and -3X are shown on the map included as Figure 6, and a synopsis of the results from these wells is included below. Well Forum-1XA was drilled approximately 400 metres northwest of CMB-2 to test the crestal portion of the CMB. The primary target was the 480 metre (Malubog) sand encountered in CMB-2, although secondary objectives occurred in the Maingit sands and limestones of the Lower Maingit. The well suffered a series of gas kicks whilst operating resulting in loss of the drill string and a fish in the hole, and as a result the well could not be tested. Well Forum-2X was drilled 15 metres to the southeast of the Forum-1XA well to establish the presence of hydrocarbons in the crest of the structure. Well Forum-2X did encounter numerous oil and gas shows whilst drilling; gas shows were recorded at a depth of 900 feet in a limestone of the Maingit formation, and further oil and gas shows were recorded between the depths of 1,576 and 1,606 feet in sands of the Malubog formation. However, the level of shows was less than in the Forum-1XA well, probably due to the higher mud weights employed as a precaution against the kicks suffered during the drilling of the earlier well. The Forum-2X well confirmed the existence of an active hydrocarbon system in the SC 40 (Cebu) permit, but unfortunately various operational difficulties and equipment shortcomings conspired to frustrate attempts to determine definitively the nature of the hydrocarbons present in the prospective zones, and also to determine the ability these zones to produce hydrocarbons at sustained commercial rates. Figure 7 shows a display of the wireline logs from the Malubog sand interval encountered in the Forum-2X well over the interval 1,576 ft to 1,606 ft. The calliper log confirms the presence of mud cake over this interval, which is a positive indicator of permeable formation. FEI interpret that the neutron-density cross over evident across the interval is indicative of the presence of gas, and that the interval between 1,603 ft and 1,606 ft at the base of the section may be oil bearing. PGS agree with the former interpretation, but consider that overall there is insufficient information to be able to confirm the latter. Nevertheless, the presence of oil was noted in the drilling mud whilst drilling. This oil was reported to be waxy, with a high pour point, and it is unclear how this description fits with the 44 deg. API oil described as being produced from the test of the MST-11A well. An attempt to perform a drill stem test (DST) on the well produced small quantities of gas and a trace of oil, but there was also evidence that the formation collapsed. This problem has been recognised in other test attempts in the area, and any future developments focussed on the Malubog should take this into consideration. Well Forum-3X was drilled approximately 265 metres to the southwest of the 2X well as a downflank appraisal of the CMB structure. The well encountered only minor gas shows in the interval from 900 feet down to 1,600 feet, and consequently the well was not tested. The Malubog reservoir sand appears to be only poorly developed at this location, and although present, it was thinner and of much poorer quality than the same interval encountered in the 2X well. Wireline log data from Forum-3X confirms that the interval has a high shale content and virtually no effective porosity. This indicates that there is a lateral facies change in this direction away from the crest of the structure, which causes the unit to thin and grade to shale. Taken together with the results of the CMB-2 well (200m to the northwest of Forum-3X) which tested 105 bopd, and other hydrocarbon indications from the thirty years of exploration activity in the CMB area, PGS conclude that the oil initially in place of 6.0 mm bbl estimated to be |