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Abbott, Abbreviated, abide, ability, abusing, accompanying, accreted, accrual, accrue, accrued, accumulated, accurate, actinic, add, adequacy, adjust, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administer, administered, adult, advertise, advertising, advisory, afford, Africa, aggressive, AGN, agonist, Agouron, al, Alergn, allege, alleging, Alphagan, alternate, alternative, amortizable, amortization, amortized, analyzing, andAlocril, andAlphagan, andBotox, andLumigan, andOcuflox, andPolytrim, andPropine, andRefresh, androgen, angiogenic, animal, Ann, answer, anticipatory, antidilutive, antihistamine, antitrust, APB, Apotex, appeal, appraiser, approach, approaching, approvedAlphagan, approvedBotox, approvedLumigan, Arbor, ARCO, argument, Arnold, asBotox, Asian, asLerin, asLumigan, asserted, assigned, asZorac, attract, attractive, augmented, Australian, authoritative, average, AVO, award, Azelex, Banc, BankAmerica, Banque, Bardeen, barlow, BARLOWVice, Barney, BCG, bear, Beaufour, Beecham, benign, betablocker, billion, bimatoprost, binding, Biotech, biotechnology, block, blood, blotchy, body, bone, book, Boston, bothAlphagan, Botox®Cosmetic, brandt, BRANDTCorporate, Brasil, Brazilian, breach, breached, breadth, British, brought, brow, bulk, calculating, calculation, calendar, calledRefresh, campaign, Canadian, canceled, cancellation, capacity, caption, captured, carried, carrying, carryover, Central, centralized, Centre, certainAlphagan, certify, certifying, changeover, Chase, chronic, Circuit, circumvented, Citicorp, classified, clear, closer, Code, coincide, collateral, collect, collected, Columbia, comfort, commencement, commonly, complaint, complementary, component, composed, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, comprising, concluded, concluding, conclusive, Condensed, Conference, confidentiality, confirm, conjunction, conjunctival, consecutive, consortium, constant, consumer, consuming, contamination, contended, contested, contingent, contractor, contractual, conversion, converted, convertible, core, Corrupt, counter, counterclaim, County, coupon, court, coveredLumigan, coveringAlphagan, coveringLumigan, coveringOcuflox, create, created, creating, cresswell, Crutcher, culminating, damage, DEA, debilitating, debt, decided, decision, declaration, declaratory, declare, declared, decongestant, dedicated, dedicating, deductible, deep, defend, defendant, defended, defense, defined, degree, delay, deliberately, delivery, Deloitte, demonstrated, denominated, denying, depend, dependent, depending, depreciation, derivative, derived, Dermatologie, Dermik, detrimental, dictate, differential, diluted, dilutive, diminished, discoloration, discount, discounted, discretion, dismissal, dismissing, dispensed, dispersion, disposition, disrupt, disruption, District, divestiture, driven, drop, Dunn, Dutch, dyslipidermia, educational, efficacy, efficiency, EITF, Elan, elapsed, electronically, element, embedded, Emerging, emulsion, encounter, endeavor, EnduraTM, engineering, entail, enterprise, EntreMed, enzyme, epinastine, equal, equally, EquiServe, equity, eric, especiallyBotox, Esq, estimate, estimated, euro, event, eventually, evergreen, evidence, evolving, exceeded, excessive, exit, Exocin, ExonHit, expansion, expedited, expended, expenditure, experimental, exploit, exposed, expressed, extinguishment, extraordinary, Fabre, facial, factor, fail, failing, fallen, Farallon, Fargo, FASB, feasibility, Fenner, ferment, FIN, fine, firm, flat, flexibility, flow, fluoroquinilone, fluoroquinolone, focal, followingpro, footnote, forAlphagan, forBotox, Ford, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foreclose, formafinancial, forTazorac, Forte, forward, forZorac, fractional, fraud, fraudulent, free, frequently, front, froze, fueled, fully, furrow, Galderma, gallagher, Gamble, Gary, Gas, Gaskin, gatifloxacin, gatifloxicin, gene, geographic, Gibson, glabellar, GlobalBotox, goodwill, gradually, grantedBotox, greatest, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, hand, Hannifin, Headquartered, healthcare, heard, hearing, heavily, hedge, hedged, hedging, highest, highly, hired, history, Hong, hydroxy, hyperpigmentation, hypo, identical, illustrative, implied, impossible, improper, improperly, IMS, inability, inBotox, incidence, incidental, includeLiquifilm, includesRefresh, includingBotox, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnify, Indenture, Indirect, inequitable, influence, Influenced, Infrequently, infringe, infringed, infringement, Ingram, inherent, inherently, inhibitor, Injury, innovation, innovative, Inspire, institutional, insufficiently, insurance, intangible, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, integrity, intellectual, intent, intentional, intercompany, interim, Internet, Interpretation, interpretive, interrupted, interruption, intolerant, invalid, invalidity, involvingAcular, involvingAlphagan, involvingLumigan, Ipsen, Irena, irrevocable, irritating, irritation, isAcular, isAlocril, issuable, issuance, IVAX, Jersey, JPMorgan, judgment, judicial, Junior, Justice, karen, ketorolac, kinase, Klein, Kong, Korea, laboratory, large, launchedAzelex, launchedRefresh, lawsuit, layer, leader, led, legitimate, lengthy, lesser, leverage, liable, life, limb, lipid, liquid, liquidated, liquidation, liquidity, Liquigel, LLC, loan, longer, Los, lose, low, Ltda, lubricating, Lumigan, machinery, main, manipulated, manner, marginBotox, marketBetagan, marketBlephamide, marketCelluvisc, marketedTazorac, marketFML®Liquifilm, marketingAvage, marketsTazorac, marketTazorac, match, matched, maturing, maturity, maximum, measure, measured, measurement, mechanism, Medavoy, media, medium, memantine, membrane, men, menopause, meshwork, metabolic, methoxyestradiol, Microbiology, Mike, minimum, misconduct, misleading, misrepresentation, misstatement, misused, mitigate, mix, model, modest, modified, molecular, monetary, monitor, motion, mottled, mucin, mucosa, Multidistrict, multiple, multiplied, negligence, negligent, Nelson, nerve, network, neurodegenerative, neurological, neuromodulator, neuropathic, newly, nominal, nominate, noncompetitive, noninfringement, nonqualified, nonrestricted, notably, notice, notional, novelty, obligated, obligation, obsolete, Oculex, ofAcular, ofAlphagan, ofBotox, offset, Oflox, ofLumigan, ofPanzem, ofRestasisTM, ofTazorac, ofVistabel, Oil, omit, omitted, ongoing, onset, Orange, ordinary, Organization, original, originally, originated, orVistabel, osar, ourBotox, ourLumigan, ourOcuflox, ourRefresh, outsourcing, overlap, overnight, overstating, overturn, overwhelming, packing, palliative, Panel, paper, paragraph, parallel, Parker, partial, partially, partner, payable, peaking, pediatric, Pennsylvania, Peplin, perfunctory, permit, persistent, personnel, perspective, Peter, PF, Pfizer, Pharma, Philadelphia, photodamage, photodynamic, Pierce, Pierre, Pin, pioneer, placement, plant, plastic, point, political, portfolio, pound, practitioner, pre, preclinical, precursor, preferBotox, prejudice, premium, preparation, prepared, preparing, prepayment, preserved, preserving, prevent, prevented, primarilyBotox, principle, print, Pro, proceeding, processed, Procter, produce, produceBotox, productBotox, productPred, project, projected, prominent, promise, promoteAlocril, proportion, prosecution, prospective, prospectively, protracted, publicly, publish, pursue, pursuing, PYOTTChairman, quality, quoted, quotient, Racketeering, ranked, rapidly, raw, reached, read, real, recall, recast, recipient, recover, recruiting, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reformulated, reformulation, refundable, regardingLumigan, regularly, rehydrating, reincorporated, reinvested, relationship, relax, relevant, reliable, reliance, relieve, relieved, relocation, rely, remittance, remitted, remote, rental, repay, repayment, repetition, reputation, requisite, resale, reserved, resold, resolving, respond, responded, restrict, restricted, restructure, restructuring, retail, retained, retinal, retiree, revaluation, reversal, reverse, revocation, rheumatoid, risk, Robert, role, ronald, routinely, row, Rx, ryan, safeguarded, salary, Salomon, Satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, scope, seize, sellAlphagan, sellBotox, sellLumigan, sensitive, Sheet, shelf, shortage, Shortfall, shown, side, similarly, single, Sjogren, slight, slightly, smaller, smooth, software, solutionsAlphagan, sought, sourced, sourcing, specialist, speculative, spending, sponsor, sponsored, spring, stage, standard, statutory, stephen, steroid, Stipulation, stop, storage, storing, strategy, strict, stringent, stroke, stronger, structure, subordinate, subordinated, substantive, successfully, suffer, summarize, summarized, summary, sunlight, superceded, Superior, supervision, supplier, surrender, survey, suspend, sweating, Sweden, Swedish, Switzerland, symbol, Syndication, syndrome, Taiwan, tangible, targeting, tartrate, Task, tazorotene, team, tear, Teleflex, television, temporary, term, terminate, termination, thatBotox, thatLumigan, theAcular, theAlphagan, theBotox, theLumigan, Thesepro, timeline, timolol, Tissue, toAlphagan, toLumigan, top, tort, trabecular, training, tranche, transfer, transferred, transition, transitional, translated, translation, Treasurer, treasury, trend, twelve, typically, tyrosine, unallocated, unamortizable, unamortized, unauthorized, uncertain, uncertainty, undelivered, underAvage, underlying, underTazorac, undiscounted, undistributed, unearned, unfair, unfavorable, unforeseen, uninterrupted, unique, University, unknown, unpaid, unpatented, unrealized, unregistered, unrelated, unremitted, unrest, unsecured, unsuccessful, untrue, unused, unvested, update, upheld, upper, upward, USA, usingBotox, uveoscleral, variable, venued, Verispan, vertically, vessel, vest, vested, vesting, Vicinity, Virag, VITRAX, volatility, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, Waco, Warning, weakening, weaker, website, Weighted, Welfare, Westport, wholesale, wholesaler, wide, withdraw, withdrawal, withholding, withPurite, women, workforce, worth, wrinkling, wrist, Wynn, yen, yield, younger
acute, advantage, agency, agree, ALRT, anterior, Argentina, argon, ASC, Attached, attenuated, azelaic, Beckman, beta, Bill, blinded, blocker, break, capability, Carolina, center, chamber, character, check, ciba, close, clouded, clouding, color, Commerce, concentrate, conducting, continued, cooperated, cooperation, cover, cured, cyclosporine, daily, department, designated, designation, destroy, directed, disinfecting, disinfection, dissolved, Donohoe, dwight, easier, Employer, enabling, endothelial, enhance, enzymatic, erickson, exempt, export, extraction, fluid, fluroquinolone, formula, greene, grow, Hangzhou, harmful, HCFA, HENRY, hollow, hospital, howard, hydrogen, implantation, incision, incorporate, India, inflow, inside, investigation, IOL, Ioptex, laser, Lenoir, leslie, Ligand, likewise, machine, mark, maximize, mccraw, meeting, Micro, microprocessor, millimeter, multifocal, natural, neck, needle, Nephew, neurotoxin, OMS, outpatient, par, passage, percent, peroxide, phacoemulsification, Pilkington, pink, Piramal, popularity, precisely, Pred, progressively, protein, purified, reclassification, reclassified, remove, removing, replacing, richard, rigid, shepherd, shoulder, sodium, soft, South, Stockholder, subsection, Supplementing, surgically, tamara, telephone, trabeculoplasty, Tunney, ultrasound, Unaudited, undesirable, undesired, user, vacuum, validated, viscoelastic, vision, warfare, warranted, Washington, wearer, WENDT, Wycombe, yoder
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