Exhibit 10.8
China UnionPay Audio Card Products Cooperation Agreement
On the 28th day of September 2015, the Agreement was signed in Beijing by the parties listed below:
Party A: Hengbao Co., Ltd.
地址:北京市西城区金融大街5号新盛大厦B座 8层
Address: 8th Floor, Building B, Xinsheng Mansion, No.5 Finance Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Contact: Jianxiang Zhang
电话: 010-66017777
Phone: 010-66017777
传真: 010-66015566
Fax: 010-66015566
Party B: Shenzhen Qianhai Exce-card Technology Co., Ltd.,
Address: 1601 South Tower Yue Xiu City Square, 437 Dongfeng Mid Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Contact: Zuyue Xiang
电话: 020-83542206
Phone: 020-83542206
传真: 020-83542203
Fax: 020-83542203
Party A and Party B (hereinafter the “Parties”) hereby decide to establish business cooperation relationship, and agree to establish business cooperation with respect to UnionPay audio bank cards on the basis of friendly negotiation and the principles of mutual benefit.
Section One: The Parties
(一)甲方作为中国境内上市公司,面向金融、通信、税务、交通、保险、安全、市政建设等多个行业致力于提供高端智能产品及解决方案,主导产品和业务包括金融IC卡、通信IC卡、移动支付产品、互联网支付终端、磁条卡、密码卡、票证、物联网、平台系统及信息安全服务业务和解决方案等。历经十余年的发展,己成为集服务、 研发、生产和销售为一体,业内领先的国家重点高新技术企业。
One. Party A, as a public corporation in China, is committed to provide high-end products and solutions to vicarious fields, including, but not limited to finance, telecommunication, tax, transportation, insurance, security and municipal construction. Its leading products and businesses include financial IC cards, telecommunication IC cards, mobile payment products, online terminal payment, magnetic strip cards, password cards, instruments, products networks, platform systems and information security services and solutions. With more than a decade of development, the corporation has grown into a leading national new high-tech enterprise, with an integrated business of service, research and development, manufacture and sales.
(二)乙方是一家拟在美国纳斯达克市场上市专注于有源智能卡及相关技术领域产品设计与制造、并为移动支付提供综合性解决方案的高新技术企业。乙方注册在深圳前海,公司总部设在广州,在北京和上海有分支机构,在法国巴黎设有全球产品研发中心,在美国纽约设有业务发展机构。2015年 2月卓智长天发明的金融IC卡创新技术产品音频卡获得中国银联的认可,正式规范命名为“银联音频卡”,并向成员行发布了《银联音频卡产品方案》技术白皮书。
Two. Party B, planning list on NASDAQ, is a new high-end enterprise, committing to the design and manufacture of active smart cards and related products, as well as to the provision of comprehensive solutions for mobile payment system. Registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen, with its headquarters in Guangzhou and branches in Beijing and Shanghai, Party B established its product R&B center in Paris, France and its business development agency in New York, USA. In February 2015, the audio cards, an innovative product of financial IC cards invented by Exce-card Technology, was recognized by Unionpay and were officially named as “UnionPay Audio Bank Cards.” White Paper on the UnionPay Audio Bank Cards Program was issued to Unionpay’s member banks.
Three. Parties believe that, in the current Internet era, audio cards could play a more important role in providing clients with online payment and financial service in a better, safer and quicker way.
Four. Parties have agreed to benefit from each other’s resource advantages and conduct a business corporation with respect to innovative products of innovative cards, taking a joint efforts to expand the audio cards market and promoting the availability of the audio cards in Chinese bank industry.
Section Two: Content of the Cooperation
One. Cooperation of audio card technology: Party B agrees to provide Party A with technical guidance and technical support on audio card laminated packaging technologies as well as certain amount of electronic circuit board for production and testing purpose. Party B also agrees to assist Party A with the manufacturing preparation and the production of qualified audio cards.
Two. Cooperation of audio cards production: Party A agrees to provide Party B with production lines that are sufficient for the audio cards production, capable of maintaining production ability and meeting the demand of markets. At the same time, Party B agrees to provide Party A with sufficient electronic shells of audio cards, an intermediate parts of the audio cards.
Three. Cooperation of audio cards market: Parties agrees to take joint effort to promote the application of audio bank card products in Chinese banking industry and other fields including finance, telecommunication, tax, transportation, insurance, security and municipal construction, to expand the market share of audio card products in the financial IC cards markets and to increase the sales of audio card products.
Section Three: Details of Cooperation
One. Cooperation of Audio Card Technology:
1. Details
(1) According to Party A’s imposition, Party B agrees to provide 510 circuit boards, including 60 large Inlay test boards, among which 30 boards shall respectively contain 5 circuit boards and the other 30 boards shall respectively contain 12 circuit boards) to assist with the lamination test.
(2) Party B agrees to provide Party A with 500 circuit boards for the purpose of testing the packaging and qualification application.
(3) Party B agrees to provide Party A with local technology support of assigned engineers for 15 business days, including assigning one engineer to be responsible for the technical support of the work of circuit board packaging in the factory, with a period of no less than 15 business days).
(4) Party B agrees to provide Party A with phone and email technical support for 12 months starting from the date when the engineer is assigned to the factory.
(5) Upon completion of the work, Party B shall submit a complete and comprehensive test report of laminated packaging to Party A.
(6) Party B agrees to provide Party A with personal guidance and assistance regarding the audio cards production.
(7) Party B agrees to assist Party A with establishing a technical procedure of audio cards production, manufacture sample cards, send them over to cards testing center and pass the test.
2. Parties’ responsibility regarding the technology cooperation
(1) Party A shall provide the environment required by the agreed service agreement, including production line and human resources of the audio cards.
(2) Party A shall provide Party B the information, data and documents related to the cooperation, which is agreed by Parties, and give the permission to Party B to utilize same.
(3) Party B shall strictly comply with the schedule set forth in this agreement and the Production Plan to complete the tasks and provide services required by Party A to its best effort. In the event that Party B cannot fully satisfy the needs of human and material resources, Party B may negotiate with Party A to adjust the plan agreed upon. Party B shall give a written notice to Party A within five business days in advance. After sending out the notice, Party B shall adjust resources to its best effort to ensure the production comply with the original methods and the products meet the quality standards set forth by Party A.
(4) Party B shall complete the performance set forth in this agreement and promptly provide relevant technology documents. Party B shall make every effort to provide technical support, and will not be responsible for underqualification of the technic attributes to Party A itself and other external causes if Party B do not reduce product quality intentionally by other methods or change the service.
3. Service Fee snd Payment Method
(1) The service fee of this project is RMB 200,000.00. Amount spelt out: RMB Two Hundred Thousand.
(2) Payment Method: Party A shall make a payment to Party B within 5 business days after the effective date of this agreement. The amount payable is 80% of the contract price (i.e. RMB 160,000.00, amount spelt out: RMB One Hundred and Sixty Thousand). Upon the expiration of this Agreement, party B shall provide a comprehensive report and instructions on the technology, help Party A to manufacture sample cards, send the cards to a testing center recognized by People’s Bank of China, and finally arrange the cards to pass the test. Then Party A shall make a payment of 20% of the contract price (i.e. RMB 40,000.00, amount spelt out: RMB Forty Thousand) to Party B.
(3)Requirement of Invoice: Party B shall issue an official invoice that is recognized by Party A and in line with the amount paid. The content of the invoice shall be: products development expense.
(4) The payment shall be made via wire transfer to the following designated account:
Name: Shenzhen Qianhai Exce-card Technology Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Deposit and Bank Account: Bank of China, Branch of Shenzhen Dongbing Road, 769262016518
4. Standard for Completion of Performance
Standard for completion of performance: Party B shall provide a comprehensive report and instructions on the technology, help Party A to manufacture sample cards, send the cards to a testing center authorized by People’s Bank of China, and finally arrange the cards to pass the test.
Two. Cooperation of Audio Card Production
(1)本着音频卡产品产业链分工合作的原则,甲方负责音频卡成品卡的生产,包括音频卡产品成品卡的层压、封装、印刷、锐槽、芯片嵌入、个性化等:乙方作为音频卡产品产业链上游负责音频卡中间料——电子层的生产和制造,及音频卡产品配套的软硬件产品供应、 系统和技术服务的提供。
(1) Based on the principle of division of labor in the industry of audio cards, Party A is responsible for the production of audio cards, including the cards lamination, packaging, printing, grooving, chips inserting, and personalizing services. Party B, as an upstream merchant in the audio cards industry, is responsible for the manufacture of intermediate materials of audio cards, the manufacture and production of the electronic layer, the provision of the supply, system and technology service for the software and hardware productions affiliated with the audio cards.
(2) Party A shall modify the factory, production line and production technology to meet the requirement of audio cards production, be equipped with sufficient production capacity and human resources to ensure that the production meets the market demands. Party A shall gradually establish a production line and supply capacity that will supply more than or equal to 100 million audio cards according to market demands.
(3) Party B shall provide qualified electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards, based on the production capacity and the plan of supply provided by Party A. When the products are manufactured abroad, Party B shall provide the product in a two-month cycle. The place of delivery shall be Hong Kong, China. Party B shall build a factory in China for the production of electronic layer products, which are intermediate materials of audio cards. The product capability of the new factory shall be no less than 100 million electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards, per year. After Party has established a factory in China, Party B shall provide the product in a two-week cycle. The cycle for expedited and a small amount of the products may be counted by day. The place of delivery shall be a domestic city specified by Party A.
(4) When Parties need to enter into detailed agreement regarding the production cooperation of audio cards and the supply and demand of electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards, the agreement could by signed by Parties or subsidiaries designated by Party B and Party A respectively.
Three. Cooperation of Audio Cards Market:
(1)市场分工.甲方是音频卡产品成品卡片供应商,甲方与音频卡产品最终用户(包括银行、保险、证券、通信、安全等行业企业等)签署音频卡产品供销合同,并向最终用户提供产品品质和供应保障, 以及相应的产品技术服务:乙方是音频卡产品中间料——电子层供应商,作为音频卡产品技术发明者,向甲方提供音频卡生产、制造技术, 向甲方提供音频卡产品中间料——电子层,向音频卡最终用户或通过甲方向音频卡最终用户提供音频卡产品应用需要的软件、系统和技术 服务等。
(1) Market division of labor. Party A is a supplier of finished audio cards, who shall enter into supply and market contracts with ultimate users of the products, including companies in the industries of banking, insurance, securities, telecommunication, safety etc. Party A shall also provide warranty and the supply of the products as well as relevant technical service. Party B is a supplier of electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards, who shall, directly or indirectly through Party A, provide ultimate users of audio cards with software, systems and technical service for the application of the audio cards.
(2)市场营销,甲方有义务向甲方的客户推荐使用音频卡产品, 并将音频卡产品的销售纳入甲方销售体系的绩效考核指标,投入相当的市场和营销资源,拓展音频卡产品客户和市场份额;乙方有义务向甲方提供音频卡市场推广技术支持服务,培训甲方人员熟悉音频卡产品,提供音频卡产品应用解决方案和系统指导;乙方有义务树立音频卡产品应用样板客户,推动样板客户发卡,宣传和营造音频卡应用环境,推动中国银联和中国建设银行音频卡产品战略合作,为音频卡产品的全面市场拓展打下坚实的市场、技术和业务基础.根据市场需要,甲乙双方可以共同拓展海外市场,共同谋求全球化发展。
(2) Marketing. Party A is obligated to recommend the audio cards products to its clients, list the sales of the audio cards products as an indicator in the Party A’s sales performance appraisal system. Party A shall also contribute sufficient marketing resources to increase the market shares and the number of users of the audio cards products. At the same time, Party B is obligated to provide Party A with technical service to promote the products’ market, provide trainings concerning the audio cards products for Party A’s employees, as well as offer solutions and systematic guidance for the audio cards products. Party B is obligated to establish a sample user of the audio cards products, encourage the sample user to issue cards, cultivate the environment for the application of the audio cards, promote the strategic cooperation between Unionpay and China Construction Bank with respect to the audio cards for the purpose of laying a market, technology and business foundation for the overall market development. Parties may jointly expand their foreign market and design their global developing plan based on the market demands.
(3) Exclusivity. Considering the facts that audio cards are new products and the huge investment from Parties regarding human recourses and materials, in order to protect Parties’ interest, the following terms are agreed:
a) Parties agrees that, during the effective cooperation period and within three years after the signing date of the Agreement or until Party A’s sales capacity (i.e. the amount of supply provided by Party B) reaches 5 million, Party A shall not purchase electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards from any manufacturer other than Party B. Party B shall not help or authorize other domestic supplier to sell audio cards products, which means, other than Party A, Party B shall not retain other domestic business partner with respect to the cooperation of audio cards manufacture.
b) Party B agrees that, based on the market demands, it shall assist Party A to grow into a sole supplier to audio cards users with market and business advantages. Party A agrees that, after becoming a sole supplier, it shall contribute comparative resources to enlarge the audio cards’ market, increase the market shares of cards in target clients’ finance IC card distribution and increase the substitution rate of audio cards to standards finance IC cards.
c)甲方承诺,积极拓展音频卡产品市场,发展音频卡产品业务,提高音频卡产品对标准金融IC卡发卡替代率:自合同签署之日起3年内,至少甲方每年能够新拓展一家除中国建设银行以外的其他中国大陆境内商业银行发行音频卡,并保持音频卡产品销量逐年提高;正常市场情况下,甲方不能实现音频卡产品市场拓展业务目标, 乙方有权选择除甲方外的国内第二方卡片厂商合作,推动音频卡产品市场;由甲方原因导致双方合作不能顺利进行,甲方不寻求任何方式要求乙方放弃与第三方厂商合作或向乙方索偿。
c) Party A agrees that it will actively seek to enlarge the market of audio cards products, develop business and increase the substitution rate of audio cards to standard finance IC cards. Within three years after the date the agreement is signed, Party A shall seek one more Chinese bank each year, other than China Construction Bank, and have the bank issue the audio cards, at the same time ensure that the sales volume are increased gradually. Normally, if Party A fails to realize the goal of exploring the market, Party B shall have the right to choose be partner with a domestic cards manufacturer other than Party A and develop the market of audio cards products. If the cooperation is hindered by Party A’s factors, Party A shall not seek any damages from Party B nor object to Party B’s business plan with a third manufacturer.
(4) Potential Market Capability. The Audio Cards, as an upgraded finance IC cards, help bank clients to make an electronic payment more conveniently, efficiently and safely. This type of payment is different from non-card payment, third party payment, mobile payment, phone payment or online payment. As an upgraded finance IC cards, it is a very convenient and safe payment system in the Internet era. Thus, there is an extensive clients base and a wide range of market for this product. Parties are confident of the market development in the future and are committed to increase the substitution rate of the audio cards to standard finance IC cards to more than 10% in the near five years. According to People’s Bank of China Report on Payment System, in 2014, the amount of issued bank cards increased 722 million, making the increase rate reach 17%. Based on data from the report, it is expected that the audio cards could be issued with the amount of 100 million per year. Therefore, Parties agreed that, in the near five years, Party B shall provide Party A with more than 100 million of electronic layer product, intermediate materials of audio cards.
Section Four: Duration
The Agreement shall be effective in 10 years after the signing day. Upon the expiration, if the Parties agree, the business strategic relationship shall be continued and Parties shall remain a strategic business partner to each other.
Section Five: Intellectual Property
One. Party B shall have the ownership of materials, expertise, technology secrets and documents provided by Party B under this agreement. Party B may use the expertise and technology secrets in other businesses.
Two. Party B warrants that a third party does not have any legal claim on the technologies and technological achievements Party B provided to Party A. Otherwise, Party B shall be liable for any legal consequences resulted therefrom and any damages Party A has suffered.
Three. With respect to the intellectual property created based on this project, Party A shall have the ownership of any intellectual property completed and invented independently by Party A, whereas Party B shall have the ownership of any intellectual property completed and invented independently by Party B. Parties shall jointly own any intellectual property completed and invented by Parties.
Section Six: Confidentiality
One. Parties shall keep confidential of any information known or originated from this Agreement. Information includes but not limits to business information, technology documents relating to the plan, price, management and technology involved in this project.
Two. Parties shall use the business information provided by Parties solely for the purposes and through means specified in this Agreement. Any party shall not use the business information and technology documents in any other ways and shall not disclose the information and documents to any third party, unless the party received a prior written permission from the other party.
Three. Unless agreed by both parties, any party shall not use or disclose any technological achievement resulting from this technology service to a third party.
Four. Party B shall not disclose any business or technology secrets to a third party without Party A’s prior written permission.
Five. Parties are obligated to keep the above-mentioned information confidential, starting from the date when one party obtained such information and documents, until the time when a party received a written permission from the other party, or until the time when the public has known relevant information and documents.
Six. If any party fails to perform the above-mentioned duties of confidentiality, the party shall be responsible for and compensate the entire damages suffered by the other party.
Seven. This Article is independent from other articles in the Agreement and shall remain effective when the Agreement is terminated, part of the Agreement or the Agreement as a whole are void.
Section Seven: Liabilities
One. Party A shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and demand Party B to refund all payment when Party B fails to meet the timeline specified in this Agreement, and products manufactured by Party A fail to pass the test due to Party B’s fault. Party B shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and demand Party A to complete all payments under this agreement when Party A fails to meet the timeline specified in this Agreement, and products manufactured by Party A fail to pass the test due to Party A’s fault.
Section Eight: Force Majeure
One. If any Party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement due to an Event of Force Majeure, the party shall timely inform the other party of factors which prevent the performance, in whole or in part.
If the party obtains proofs from relevant management agencies, the party may have the time of performance extended, or be released from its obligations, in whole or in part, according to the situations.
(二)前款所称“不可抗力”是指当事人在订立合同时不能预见,对其发生和后果不能避免,并不能克服的事件,具体范围包括:水灾、 火灾、地震、发生战争、政府封锁禁运或罢工等。
Two. The above-mentioned Event of Force Majeure refers to any unforeseeable or unavoidable events or circumstances beyond the control of the party when executing this Agreement including, but not limited to, flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, war and serious strikes or government blockade and embargo.
Section Nine: Agreement Term, Rescission, Termination and Changes
One. The Agreement shall be effective upon the date when authorized representatives from Parties sign the Agreement.
Two. Any changes or amendments to the provisions of this Agreement shall be made under the mutual agreement between Parties and shall be effective when authorized representatives from Parties sign the written documents. The written documents shall have the same effect as the original Agreement and are integrated into the Agreement.
Section Ten: Dispute Resolution
Any disputes originated from the Agreement shall be resolved by negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the disputes shall be submitted to the court located in Party A’s business place and shall be resolved through effective legal procedures.
Section Eleven: Miscellaneous
One. All attachments to this Agreement are indispensible parts of the Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as the text of the Agreement. If there are any changes to the Agreement in any attachments, the changes shall be construed according to the terms in the attachments.
Two. The Agreement is executed in two counterparts, one for each party. Each counterparts shall have the same legal effect.
(Signatures and seals of legal representatives or agents of Parties)
Party A: Hengbao Co., Ltd.
Authorized Representative (Signature):
Seal: [Seal]
日期: 2015年9月28日
Party B: Shenzhen Qianhai Exce-card Technology Co., Ltd.,
Authorized Representative (Signature):
Seal: [Seal]