[Note: This Is The English Version Of The Chinese Document That Has Been Translated By The Company]
DATED 01/082009
Asia Premium Television Group Inc.
Beijing Hua Hui Hengye Investment Limited
This subscription agreement, dated as of 01/08, 2009 (the “Agreement”), is made by and between:
Part A: Beijing Hua Hui Hengye Investment Ltd.: a real-estate development company registered and existing under the laws of the the People’s Republic of China.
Party A: Asia Premium Television Group, Inc. (“ATVG”),a publicly traded company listed on the OTCBB, incorporated and existing under the laws of Nevada.
Party A is a licensed Chinese real estate developer who is developing the Huadun Changde International apartment complex in Changde in Hunan province (the “Development Project). The Project is currently under development by Party A.
Party B is a publicly traded company with a total outstanding share count of 9,965,538 shares that wishes to re-position itself as a premier vacation property development and sales company in China.
Party A wishes to leverage the commercial rights to 10,000 square meters of apartment space in Building #1 of the Huadun Changde International Hotel’s Apartment Complex located in the city of Changde in China’s Hunan Province (“Project”) valued at RMB 50,000,000 (the “the Property”) to purchase a total of RMB45,500,000 worth of common stock of Party and certain of its assets (as set out herein) valued at RMB4,500,000.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the various covenants and agreements of the Parties to and with each other set for herein, both parties agree as follows:
Share Subscription
Party B agrees to issue to Party A, and Party A agrees to purchase from Party B, a total of 55,487,805 shares newly issued common stock of Party B valued at US$0.12 per share with a total value of RMB 45,500,000 (the “Shares”)
1.1.2 Both Parties agree that the currency conversion rate for the above mentioned share issuance is US$1 = RMB 6.8364 (the “Conversion Rate”)
1.1.3 Party B shall issue the Shares to Party A or one of its China off-shore registered beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of the escrow agreement governing the issuance of the Shares and signed by the Parties on August 1, 2009 (the “Escrow Agreement”)..
1.1.4 Party A and all its designated subsidiaries, beneficiaries, or third parties agree to the lock up period for the Shares set out in the Escrow Agreement.
Party B shall transfer to Party A, and Party A shall receive from Party B, the following assets belonging to Party A (the “Assets”):
1.2.1 100% of the shares of the Globestream Technology Inc, a Cayman Island registered company, and a wholy owned subsiduary of Party B.
all the net assets, as of May 31 2009, of Party B’s 100% owned subsiduary Sun New Media Transaction Services Limited (a Britiish Virgin Islands registered company), but not including the subsidiary’s cash, office furniture and equipment, and third Party Creditor’s rights and third party debts, including the RMB1,170,000 debt due Redrock Capital Venture Limited, which shall remain the subsidiary’s property.
the net assets, as of May 31 2009, of Party B’s 100% owned subisdiary Sun Focus Technology Ltd. (a PRC registered company), but not including the subsidiary’s cash, office furniture and equipment, and third Party Creditor’s rights and third party debts, which shall remain the subsidiary’s property.
the net assets of Party B (except those exclusively mentioned in provision 1.2 of this Agreement) as of May 31 2009, but not including the company’s cash, subsidiaries, office furniture and equipment, and third partty creditor’s rights and third party debts, which shall remain Party B’s property.
Both Parties agree that the culmulative value of the Assets is a total of RMB 4,500,000.
1.2.6 All assets purchased by Party A from Party B shall be transferred directly to Party A or its designated party within ninety (90) days of entering into this Agreement.
1.2.7 The accounting date for the calculation of the listed assets and shareholdings is 31 May 2009.
As consideration for the issuance of the Shares and Assets, Party A hereby transfers and conveys to Party B the exclusive Commercial Rights (defined below) to 10,000 square meters of apartment space in Building #1 of the Huadun Changde International Hotel’s Apartment Complex located in the city of Changde in China’s Hunan Province., free of any liens, claims or liabilities, and valued at RMB 50,000,000.
2.2 Commercial Rights to the Property, as mentioned above, include but are not limited to the exclusive and sole right and ability to: control and manage the property as well as any and all personel associated with its design, construction, maintainance and administration; have decision making powers over its development, construction, and outfitting including working with outside designers and developers; sell, fractionalize, mortgage, rent, lease,
transfer or otherwise distribute the property for commercial purposes at such prices or upon such terms and conditions, as it may determine, in its sole and exclusive judgement; have legal title over any and all revenues, profits, or financial benefits derived from selling, fractionalizing, mortgaging, renting, transfering or otherwise distributing the Property to third parties; legal ownership over any kind of revenues derived from the property in any way; legal ownership or any surplus materials or assets associated with the contruction of the Property after its completion and liquidation by Party A, all as required under PRC law. The Commercial Rights to the Property are permanent and unrevocable.
In accordance with the Commerical Rights to the Property enjoyed by Party B, Party A without the prior written agreement of the Party B, shall not at any time make any decision or do any work with regards to the Property or its development. Party A shall report to Party B all day to day project management details and any relevent events regarding the Property, including its development, construction, or maintainance. What’s more Party A shall carry out any instructions or decisions made by Party B regarding the Property, its development and construction, or maintainance.
In the event that Party A operates an appartment building or property in which Party B owns a stake as part of the Property, any revnues or benefits generated through the use of the Property under the operational control of Party A shall be direclty transfered Party B in accordance with this Agreeement or some other arrangement that is consistent with Party B’s Commercial Rights.
Any surplus materials and assets remaining after the construction of the Property shall be divided between Party A and Party B through negotiations and agreement and basing upon the Commercial Rights enjoyed by Party B.
2.6 The transfer of the Commercial Rights to the Property and all other rights to Party B under the terms of this Agreement is represented by this Agreement, and shall be enjoyed by Party B immediately upon the Parties entering into this agreement.
Transfer of Shares and Assets
3.1 The the issuance of the Shares and the transfer of Assets shall be completed via an escrow agreement between the parties (attached hereto as Appendix ), the completion of which shall be dependent on the following
the signature of the Parties, or legal representatives thereof, and a stamp of with the companies’ chop
the actual transfer of the Commerical Rights to the Property to Party B, and all regulatory consents necessary for the transfer of the Commercial Rights to the Property under PRC law.
the stock certificate for the Shares being issued to Party A or its designated party by Party B.
4. Warrantees and Representations
4.1. Party A hereby represents, warrants, covenants and agrees to or with Party B
that the following are or will be correct and without mistake, and recognizes that Party B’s willingness to enter into the Agreement is dependent on their their truthfulness:
4.1.1 Party A guarantees that the Consideration will be paid to Party B on time and in accordance with this Agreement, and will assist Party B in whatever way necessary to effect the transfer of the Shares.
4.1.2 Party A as all the legal and proprietary rights necessary to legally execute this Agreement. Party A also guarantees it has the legal rights and licenses required to develop and construct the Development Project and the Property, including but not limited to the necessary rights to the land, the designs, the equipment and materials, and all necessary licenses to operate and construct the Development Project. Party A also guarantees that it will perform the Construction (as defined herein) in a good and workmanlike manner free of material workmanship defects.
4.1.3 Party A’s Board of Director’s has passed a resolution approving this Agreement and the terms contained herein.
4.1.4 Party A guarantees that any of its foreign registered subsidiaries or associated companies are legally established and existing and have legal approval from the relevant Chinese government agencies necessary to participate in and execute this Agreement.
4.1.5 Party A guarantees that any party designated to act on its behalf for any part of the execution of this agreement is legally allowed to do so under Chinese law.
4.1.6 Party A shall bear all costs associated with the transfer of the Shares and any costs associated with any required third party valuation of the assets to be transfered to Party B under the terms of this Agreement.
4.1.7. Party A shall hire an independent and licensed third party to carry out an asset evaluation to determine the value of the Commercial Rights being purchased by Party B. The valuation report shalll be provided to Party B ‘s auditors a certified valuation report. Party A shall provide all necessary materials to conduct the valuation and warrants that all such information is true and accurate. Party A shall bear the cost of the valuation.
4.1.8 Party A shall provide Party B will the detailed construction and development plans and the financial forcasts for the Development Project and the Property.
4.1.9 Party A will be responsible for completing the construction and any outfitting and renovations of the Development Project and the Property required to meet the construction specifications agreed to among the Parties (the “Construction”). Party A alone will bear all costs associated with the Construction, including any and all outstanding debts or contigent liabilities resulting therefrom before the Completion of the Construction (defined here in as the when the Property meets all the agreed to specifications and when it is ready to be used for its intended commercial purposes under PRC law and when Party B is able to exercise its Commercial Rights to the Property to conduct its business operations).
4.1.10 In the event that there are changes in the construction and development plans or the timetable for completing the Construction for any reason(s) whatsoever, Party A shall continue to be responsible for completing the Construction according to the agreed to specifications (see Attachment ) and will bear any additional costs or damages associated with such changes or delays.
4.1.11 From the first day after the Completion of the Construction, Party A will carry out the any required operations of the Property in direct accordance
with the Party B’s instructions or with Party B’s written approval for decisions and operations made by Party A or any other third party. Party B shall bear all costs associated with such operations. Any profits derived from the operations of the Property shall be the exclusive property of Party B, and Party A guarrantees to transfer any such profits to Party B or its designated subsidiary.
4.1.12 From the first day after the Completion of the Construction (herein defined , Party A or any of its affiliates shall not, through independent actions, interfere in, or cause disruption to, Party B’s abilitiy to conduct its business operations. Party A further guarantee that any construction or un-finished construction on the Development Project will not in any way affect Party B’s business operations vis-a-vis the Commercial Rights to the Property.
4.1.13 Party A shall not take any action that will impair or adversely affect Commercial Rights to the Property. It will not sell, lease, rent, transfer any rights to the Property or the land or any parts thereof to any party(ies) except those designated and approved in writing by Party B. Party A shall get written consent from Party B to transfer the deeds of ownership of the Property or parts thereof to any other party.
4.1.14 Party A shall bear all its own costs associated with the drafting and execution of this Agreement. It shall also bear all costs associated with the issuance and transfering of the Shares and Assets.
4.1.15 Party A shall provide the materials needed to complete Appendix 1 through Appendix 6 of this Agreement, and certifies that the information conained therein are all true and accurate.
4.1.16 Party A guarantees that it will ensure Party B gets exclusive rights to act as the sole sales and marketing agent for any property development projects that are either currently under constructions or such projects that may be planned for the future. The terms of any future cooperation will be determined on a case by case basis and represented in seperate agreements.
4.2 Party B hereby warrants and represents the following to Party A:
4.2.1 The Shares and the Assets are free of any and all liens and liabiilities.
4.2.2 The issuance of the Shares and the transfer of the Assets to Party A does not effect the rights of existing shareholders or creditors in a way that would result in legal proceedings.
4.2.3 Party B’s Board of Directors has passed a resolution approving the issuance of the Shares, the transfer of its Globestream Technology Inc. subsidiary’s shares, and the sale of the various assets.
4.2.4 Guarantees that any of the parties designated by Party B to participate in this transaction on its behalf are legally allowed to do so.
4.2.5 Party A will assume the costs relating to the management of the Property on the first day after the Completion of the Construction.
5. Disclaimer
5.1 The parties agree that none of the provisions of this Agreement or any of the guarantees made by Party B to Party A will cause Party B to be held legally or financially liable for anything arising from the following:
5.1.1 Any damages, losses, or risks associated with the Shares arising after the issuance of the Shares and transfer of the subsidiary’s shares.
5.1.2 The share price and share liquidity of the Shares.
5.1.3 If for reasons arising because of Party A, its designated party(ies), or its related party(ies) the contract is unable to be executed in full.
Liabiilty for Breach of Contract
6.1 The parties shall endeavour to act honestly and in good faith in order to carry out the terms of this Agreement and to fulfill the duties and obligations perscribed them thereunder.
6.2 If any party is in breach of any of the terms set out in the Agreement, those parties not in breach shall notify, in writing, the party in violation of the Agreement and request the Party to fulfill their duties and obligations. The party in breach shall compensate those parties affected by the breach.
6.3 In the event a party is in serious breach of the Agreement, from which other parties suffer serious material losses, and if the violating party does not comply with the terms of the Agreement even after being notified of their breach, the other parties, among other rights, shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and claims for the losses.
7. Other
7.1 This Agreement, and all attachments to it, shall consist of the entirety of the agreement between the Parties vis-a-vis the transaction set out herein. This Agreement shall take legal precedence over any and all previous agreements, (written, oral, or other( that may have been made prevsiously to the signin hereof. In the event of any disagreement between then Parties, only this Agreement shall be deemed to be legally binding.
7.2 The Parties shall keep the confidential information confidential and secret, and not, without the prior written consent of any Party, disclose directly or indirectly the confidential information to any third party for any purposes other than in connection with, and for the benifit of, the business, except that the foregoing obligation of confidentiality and non-use shall not apply to:
circumstances in which the Parties agreed in writing to disclose such information;
information relayed to internal personnel or related parties;
information which at the time of disclosure is already in the public domain;
information which after disclosure hereunder becomes part of the public domain by publication or otherwise through no act or fault of the Recipient;
information which can be proven to have been known to the third party prior to the date hereof and not obtained or derived in contravention of any confidentiality obligation in favor of PMC;
f) information disclosed by the Recipient's pursuant to applicable law, governmental regulation or legal process.
7.3 Each Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing of any matter arising or discovered after the date of this Agreement, which matter, if
existing or known at the date hereof, would be required to be set forth or described at the time of this Agreement.
7.4 The Agreement, as well as any procedure arises there from, shall be governed by the Laws of thePRC.And any dispute caused by fulfilling the Agreement shall be submitted to the courts in the jurisdiction within which the Development Project is located.
7.5 Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
7.6 Each Party hereto shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses in connection with and incidental to the preparation and carrying into effect of this Agreement.
7.7 The Agreement shall have four copies, of which each Party shall have two, copies, and each copy shall be considered legally binding.
7.8 Upon signing this Agreement, neither party shall be able to, unless for reasons of Force Majeur or the written agreement of both Parties, unilaterally terminate the agreement or repeal any of its provisions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day, month and year first above written.
/s/ Jing Xing
Signed by Jing Xing Co-Chairman
on behalf of [Asia Premium Television Group Inc]
/s/ Liu Meng Hua Liu
Signed by Liu Meng Hua Liu - Chairman
on behalf of[Beijing Hua Hui Hengye Investment Ltd]