Realizing the value of NIC and Tyler together June 7, 2021 &
2 1 3 The acquisition of NIC further positions Tyler to deliver on our vision Leader in COTS local government department systems Socrata acquisition adds leading public sector data & analytics platform Launched Connected Communities Vision Tyler’s vision for the public sector C O N N E C T E D C O M M U N I T I E S 2
4 5 NIC adds proven partner with state agencies, leader in public sector payments MicroPact acquisition adds state presence & low-code platform The NIC acquisition extends Tyler value increases C O N N E C T E D C O M M U N I T I E S
First Priorities M A K E T H E P L A N G E T S A L E S T E A M W O R K I N G T O G E T H E R D O N ’ T M E S S I T U P 4
Delivering Solutions Delivers Tyler solutions through NIC contracts Combining Strengths Combines the strengths of MicroPact and NIC Connecting Communities Establishes the data and analytics platform for connecting communities Engaging Citizens Engages citizens across all government agencies Leading the Industry Creates the industry leader for public sector payment + I M P A C T O F T H E A C Q U I S I T I O N F O R T Y L E R A N D O U R C L I E N T S 5
Creates the industry leader for public sector payment solutions L E A D I N G T H E I N D U S T R Y 6
Combining the strengths of Tyler and NIC’s payment platforms creates the public sector market leader R E P O R T I N G & R E C O N C I L I A T I O N I N V O I C I N G & B I L L I N G A D M I N I S T R A T I O N & M A N A G E M E N T Tyler/NIC NICTyler NIC P A Y M E N T P O R T A L S P A Y M E N T C A P T U R E N I C P A Y M E N T P L A T F O R M P A Y O U T C O M B I N I N G T H E S T R E N G T H O F T Y L E R A N D N I C 7
2022 2023 2024 2025 50M 69M 90M $116M 2023 2024 2025 47M 54M $68M Tyler’s payment opportunity, not including NIC, is now larger and accelerated due to the acquisition 70% I N C R E A S E P A Y M E N T M A R K E T R E V E N U E E S T I M A T E - P O S T - A C Q U I S I T I O N NIC (CC rev/share) Enterprise Schools Tyler Portals pre-acquisition 8 2021 $41M
State of Florida O P P O R T U N I T Y S C E N A R I O S Enterprise Payment Contract with State of Florida $5.5M in ARR Upside represented by current locals on the Contract $2.5 – 4M in ARR Additional upside from Tyler’s presence in agencies across the State $12.5 – 20M ARR 9
Delivers Tyler solutions through NIC contracts D E L I V E R I N G S O L U T I O N S 10
NIC’s 28 State Enterprise Master Contracts Enterprise states and localities (including payment services) Enterprise payment services 11
NIC’s strategy pre-acquisition was to acquire or develop solutions and sell them through their contracts NIC 28 State Contracts P a ym e n ts L ic e n si n g H e a lth c a re O u td o o r R e c re a tio n NIC Growth Same-state & existing contract Acquisitions Platform expansion State & Agency SOLUTIONS & PLATFORMS G O V E R N M E N T C O N T R A C T S & A G E N C IE S NIC SOURCES OF GROWTH 12
Tyler’s solutions are now available to NIC’s teams, dramatically expanding the portfolio available to states NIC 28 State Contracts P a ym e n ts L ic e n si n g H e a lth c a re O u td o o r R e c re a tio n A p p ra is a l & T a x C iv ic S e rv ic e s E R P L a n d & O ffi c ia l R e c o rd s R e g u la to ry Public Administration C o rr e c tio n s C o u rt s & J u st ic e P u b lic S a fe ty C o m m u n ity H e a lth D is a b ili ty & B e n e fit s Justice HHS S c h o o l E R P S tu d e n t In fo rm a tio n S tu d e n t T ra n sp o rt a tio n K-12 C yb e r S e c u ri ty D a ta & In si g h ts Transformative TechnologiesNIC Growth Same-state & existing contract Acquisitions Platform expansion State & Agency SOLUTIONS & PLATFORMS G O V E R N M E N T C O N T R A C T S & A G E N C IE S NIC SOURCES OF GROWTH 13
T Y L E R S O L U T I O N S T H R O U G H N I C C O N T R A C T S Public Administration A northeastern region state – $250K ARR EnerGov solution K–12 Schools A western region state – $1.2M license, $200K ARR Tyler Student Transportation solution (Traversa) Courts A northeastern region state – $1.2M services, $212K ARR States’ Attorney & Sheriff Case management system
Combining the strengths of MicroPact and NIC C O M B I N I N G S T R E N G T H S
MicroPact’s Entellitrak platform is widely used by providers building solutions for state and federal agencies Entellitrak Platform Modules Components Application Accelerators Applications Analytics Mobile eScan Public Portal Reports Custom Help Time Keeping Documents 16
NIC’s state and federal development teams will leverage the Entellitrak platform for low-code/no-code development I M P R O V E D M A R G I N S | F A S T E R T I M E - T O - M A R K E T | M O R E R E U S E NIC state GMs and staff will migrate to Entellitrak through MicroPact’s existing Partner Alliance program NIC state teams have developed thousands of award-winning applications meeting the needs of state agencies 19,424 NIC’s future development for states will be on the combined Entellitrak/AppEngine low-code platform 17
MicroPact also has proven state government solutions now available through NIC’s state partnerships Assisting Americans with Disabilities Vocation Rehabilitation Long-Term Care Program Integrity Eligibility Appeals Medicaid Management Assisting American Veterans with Claims & Benefits Veterans Benefits Banking and Finance Public Utilities Occupational & Professionals Licensing & Regulation Patient & Caregiver Registry Cannabis Regulation 18
C O M B I N I N G T H E S T R E N G T H O F M I C R O P A C T A N D N I C Western State $466K ARR ETK Regulatory, SceneDoc, NIC Payment Processing Joint Proposal between Tyler Federal and NIC state team represents best combined value proposition for state Western State $46K license, $410K ARR ETK Regulatory, SceneDoc, Socrata, NIC Payment Processing Professional and Occupational Licensing Eastern Region A Mid-Atlantic territory – license sold; negotiating payment ETK Regulatory, NIC Payment Processing Professional and Occupational Licensing
Establishes the data and analytics platform for connecting communities C O N N E C T I N G C O M M U N I T I E S 20
Vertical-Specific, Insights Solutions New growth trajectory (+18% YoY) General purpose platform Flat ARR growth (+1% YoY) Platform for Connected Communities Accelerated growth (+30% 3-yr CAGR) Socrata since Tyler’s acquisition 20212018 2024 Siloed, inaccessible data Data as the connective tissue of Tyler’s AssetsEnriched, accessible data 21
The Platform for Connected Communities A P P S & D A S H B O A R D S D A T A I N P U T P L A T F O R M E N G I N E Data Flow Infrastructure COURTS PRE-TRIAL & PROBATION eFILE FUTURE SOURCES C O N N E C T E D J U S T I C E E X A M P L E 22
A P P S & D A S H B O A R D S D A T A I N P U T P L A T F O R M E N G I N E The Platform for Connected Communities C O N N E C T E D J U S T I C E E X A M P L E State Office of Court Administration Platform Search & Browse VisualizationsDashboards Ad-Hoc Reporting APIs Enterprise Data Management Data Storytelling Secure SharingDaaS Queried Data STATE JUDICIARY 23
A P P S & D A S H B O A R D S D A T A I N P U T P L A T F O R M E N G I N E The Platform for Connected Communities C O N N E C T E D J U S T I C E E X A M P L E Turnkey Apps, Reports, & Dashboards Dashboards ReportsDATA INSIGHTS 24
Midwestern state opportunity D A T A & A N A L Y T I C S P L A T F O R M F O R C O N N E C T I N G C O M M U N I T I E S Connected Enterprise Justice Platform Current proposal to state judiciary $2.25M ARR Insights solution for courts, pre-trial probation and e-filing Can now be delivered through NIC contracts and state GMs 25
Engages citizens across all government agencies E N G A G I N G C I T I Z E N S 26
D I S P A R A T E P O R T A L S & A P P S The need for a one-stop-shop citizen portal Multiple apps and portals with individual logins leave citizens frustrated, and most of the time, not knowing where to find what they need Federal Local G O V E R N M E N T State 27
Creating the one-stop-shop citizen portal One portal with one login makes it easy for citizens to interact with government G O V E R N M E N T
Together NIC and Tyler can now provide the most expansive set of capabilities for citizens Local Information Active Citizenry Safety Licensing, Tax, and Regulatory Find information about city, people, and places View calendars & events Search for nearby businesses Walk through interactive maps & transit guides Request patrol Register alarm Daily police bulletin Report missing persons Report incidents Provide feedback and suggestions Request services Book & reserve facilities Send bill payments Overnight parking exemption Driver's license renewals Property tax Park passes Outdoor recreation licenses, permits Unemployment application and weekly filing 29
With transactions resolving through Tyler’s payment platform Ultimately handling all Tyler and non-Tyler transactions through Tyler’s payment platform 30
Delivering Solutions NIC’s clients gain immediate access to Tyler’s solutions through existing state master contracts Combining Strengths NIC’s development teams leverage MicroPact’s low-code platform to build state agency solutions faster with more reuse Connecting Communities NIC’s clients can connect state agencies with their communities through the Socrata data and analytics platform Engaging Citizens Citizens can access federal, state and local government services all from one solution Leading the Industry Combining the strengths of TYL and NIC creates the leader in public sector payments + I M P A C T O F T H E A C Q U I S I T I O N F O R T Y L E R A N D O U R C L I E N T S 31
+ 32