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abstain, abundance, Accessibility, accessible, accessory, accommodate, accompanying, accomplished, accreditation, accredited, accrued, accuracy, acicular, acid, acme, acquire, acquired, acquisition, acreage, adaptability, Adaptive, add, adjacent, adjusted, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, adverse, adversely, advice, affirmed, aforementioned, Africa, agency, aggregate, AGM, agreed, ahead, AIF, air, airborne, Alberto, algorithm, allete, ALS, alteration, alternating, Amax, amenable, America, analysed, Analyst, analytical, anniversary, announced, annum, anomaly, anorthositic, Antofagasta, apparent, appendix, appointee, approach, approximate, approximately, Aqua, aquatic, archaeological, Archean, archive, arcuate, area, Arimetco, arise, Army, arrangement, Arrowhead, arsenic, asl, aspen, asphalt, assay, assayed, assemblage, asset, assigned, Assignment, assimilated, assimilation, assist, assistance, assisted, attend, attract, Au, Aurora, autoclave, Avenue, avoidance, azimuth, Babbitt, back, backfill, backfilled, backfilling, backstop, backstopped, backup, bag, Balance, ball, balsam, Band, banded, bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barr, barren, basal, baseline, basic, basin, batch, Bathtub, Bay, BCBCA, BDL, Bear, bearing, Beaver, bedrock, belong, bench, benchmark, beneficially, beneficiation, Bennett, bentonite, BIF, billed, bin, biotite, birch, Biwabik, bladed, blank, block, BNI, body, BOM, bond, border, boreal, bornite, bottle, bound, boundary, box, Boy, BQ, bravoite, breach, breadth, break, breakage, bridge, British, broad, Brother, brought, BTI, BTMZ, bucket, buffer, build, building, bulk, bullion, burdensome, Bureau, calling, campaign, Camrova, candidate, capable, capacity, capex, capped, capping, capture, cardboard, career, careful, carried, carry, Cascadero, cast, cater, cease, ceasing, ceded, center, Central, certified, CESL, chain, Chair, Chairholder, chairman, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, characterization, characterized, charge, charged, chart, Chemex, chemical, chemistry, chip, Chippewa, chloritization, chosen, circuit, circulation, civil, claim, clarity, classification, clay, Clean, cleaning, clear, clearing, Cleveland, client, Climax, closer, closest, closure, cloud, CMRL, coarse, cobalt, coeval, collar, collect, collected, collection, collectively, Colorado, Columbia, comagmatic, combination, combined, combining, Cominco, commence, commencement, commencing, commercial, commercially, comminution, commitment, committed, commonly, compact, compatible, compendium, compete, competent, competition, competitive, comprehensive, compromise, compromised, computer, computerized, Computershare, conceptual, conclusion, concurrent, condition, confidence, confidential, configuration, confined, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conjunction, conservation, consideration, consist, consistency, consistent, consisting, constating, constrain, constrained, construed, contaminated, contamination, contemplated, content, contested, contesting, context, continental, contingent, contract, contracted, contractor, conversion, convex, conveyed, conveying, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, coordinate, copper, core, correct, corrective, correlated, corridor, costly, country, countryside, county, couriered, court, coverage, create, created, credit, credited, Creek, criminal, critical, Crowie, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, crustal, CSA, Cu, cubanite, CuEq, culminated, culminating, cultural, cumulative, curtailed, Customary, customer, cut, cutoff, cutting, CWA, cyber, cybercrime, cybersecurity, Dakota, dam, damage, damaged, Daniel, database, Datamine, dataset, datum, de, death, debt, decide, declare, declared, decline, declining, decrease, dedicated, deducted, deed, deeper, deepest, defect, defective, defend, defense, deferral, deferring, deficiency, deficit, Delaware, delay, delayed, delaying, delineating, demolition, demonstrate, demonstrated, dense, density, Denver, deportment, depression, depth, destruction, detection, detriment, devote, dewatering, diagram, dialogue, diamond, dictated, differentiation, difficult, difficulty, digenite, digestion, digital, digitally, diluted, dilution, diminishing, dip, direct, direction, directly, discharge, disconnected, discovering, Discovery, discriminated, disease, displacement, disposition, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, distance, distinct, distinguished, distribution, district, disturbance, disturbed, divided, dividend, Division, dollar, domain, dominant, dominate, dominated, downhole, downstream, downtime, downturn, drainage, drained, drier, drifting, drill, drilled, drilling, driven, drop, du, Duluth, dump, Dunka, DuNord, duration, dust, duty, dynamic, earlier, east, eastern, easy, economy, EDGAR, edge, edifice, Edison, education, educational, EEI, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, electric, electrical, electricity, element, elevated, Elevation, eliminate, Email, EMC, emission, emplacement, employ, employed, enable, Encampment, encircled, encompassing, encountered, encountering, endangered, endeavor, endorsed, enhanced, enriched, Enrichment, ensuing, entirety, entity, entrenching, environment, EPA, epidemic, EPMA, Eq, equivalent, Erie, eroded, erratic, escrow, Essentia, essentially, estate, Euro, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolving, exacerbate, examination, examine, Excavated, Excel, excellent, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exert, expand, expanded, expanding, expended, expenditure, expense, experienced, expertise, expire, explicitly, exploitation, exporting, exposed, exposure, extreme, Exxon, facilitate, facility, faculty, fairly, fashion, fault, faulting, favor, Fax, feature, fee, feed, feeder, feet, felsic, fenced, fewer, fiduciary, field, Figure, fill, filled, filling, filtered, filtration, fir, fire, fish, flagged, flank, Fleck, flexible, float, flood, flooding, Floor, flotation, flowsheet, fluctuate, focused, Fond, foot, footage, footprint, footwall, foregoing, foreseeable, forest, forested, Forestry, Forte, found, FR, free, frequency, fresh, front, Fryberger, ft, FTB, fueling, fulfilling, fully, function, functional, fund, funding, furnace, gabbro, gabbroic, gabbronoritic, gain, gather, GDL, Gemcom, genetically, gently, Geo, geochemical, geochemistry, geolining, geologist, geometallurgical, geometallurgy, geometry, geophysical, Georgia, geostatistical, geotechnical, glacial, gm, GMU, God, gold, Golden, Goldman, good, grad, grain, Grand, granitic, Grano, granoblastic, graphite, gravel, gravitational, gravity, graywacke, greater, greatest, grid, grind, grinding, grossly, ground, groundwater, grubbing, habitat, half, hanging, Harbor, hard, harmed, Harvest, harvesting, haul, haulage, hauled, Hazen, HCT, hearing, heating, heavily, heightened, Hen, Herb, Hibbing, high, highest, highly, hiring, history, holder, hole, hopper, horizontally, hornfelsic, host, hosted, Hoyt, HRC, Huby, Humble, hunt, HV, Hwy, hydraulic, hydrogeological, hydrogeotechnical, hydrologic, hydrology, Hydromet, hydrometallurgical, Hydrometallurgy, hydroxide, hypabyssal, IAS, ideal, idle, imaging, IMC, immaterial, immiscible, impair, imperial, IMPLAN, implementation, implemented, implementing, importance, important, importing, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, impugned, impurity, inactive, inadvertently, inch, inclement, inclusion, inclusive, Inco, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurred, indebted, indefinitely, indemnified, index, indirect, indirectly, induced, inflationary, influence, initial, initially, initiated, injury, input, inquiry, inserted, inserting, Insertion, inside, insolvency, inspected, inspection, install, installation, insufficient, intense, intensely, intensive, intention, interference, interim, interior, intermediate, intermittently, intermixed, interpretation, interpreted, intersection, interstitial, interval, introductory, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invasive, inventoried, inverse, inversely, investigate, investigated, investigation, investing, investment, investor, iron, IRR, irrespective, isolated, isolation, jack, Japanese, JDS, JK, Johannesburg, joined, joining, joint, judgment, judicial, July, Kawishiwi, Kennecott, km, KO, Krech, Kriging, kV, labor, laboratory, Labovitz, Lac, lack, laid, Lake, Lakefield, land, large, largely, larger, Latitude, Laurie, Lawrence, laydown, layered, layout, lb, Lbs, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leakage, Leapfrog, lease, leased, leasehold, LECO, led, legislation, lender, length, Lerch, lesser, lessor, level, liability, liable, liaison, liberation, LiDAR, lie, lieu, light, line, linear, lined, liner, linking, literacy, lithologic, lithological, lithology, LLC, LMC, loaded, loader, loading, loadout, located, location, loci, locked, locomotive, log, logged, logger, logging, LOM, London, long, longer, Longitude, Longyear, loop, lose, low, lower, lt, LTVSMC, lubrication, Ma, mackinawite, mafic, Magenta, magma, magmatic, magnesium, main, maintenance, Manganese, manner, manufactured, mapped, mapping, marker, marketplace, massive, Master, Maturi, maturity, maucherite, Maui, maximize, maximum, Mayor, MBA, MCOA, MCT, MDNR, meaningful, mechanical, medium, meet, meeting, member, membrane, Memorandum, mentioned, MEPA, Meridian, Mesaba, Mesabi, mesh, Mesoproterozoic, metallurgical, metasedimentary, meteorological, method, methodology, metric, MHP, microprobe, Microsoft, Midcontinent, Midcontinental, mineralisation, mineralogical, mineralogy, minimal, minimize, minimizing, Minnamax, misconstrued, missing, Mitchell, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mixed, MLA, Mo, mobility, modal, mode, model, modeling, modelled, modelling, modified, modify, modifying, mold, monetary, monitoring, Montana, Morgan, Mortgage, Mountain, moved, moving, MP, MPCA, MSC, Mt, multiple, mutual, native, navigable, nearby, nearest, necessarily, Neff, negligence, negotiated, negotiating, Neoarchean, NEPA, NERCO, network, newer, newly, NewRange, nickel, nickeline, night, nitrogen, NMV, noise, nomenclature, norite, noritic, north, northeast, northeastern, northern, Northshore, northwest, notable, November, NPV, NRRI, NSR, nuisance, objective, objectivity, observed, occupancy, occupation, occupational, occurrence, ocean, October, offset, Oil, Ojard, Ojibwe, olivine, OMC, open, OPEX, opportunity, opposite, optical, optimization, optimized, optimum, option, order, ordered, orderly, ordinary, orebody, organization, organized, orientation, oriented, original, originally, orthopyroxene, Orway, OSLA, outbreak, output, overburden, overgrown, overlap, overlapping, overlying, overplated, oversee, oversight, oversized, overturned, owner, ownership, oxidation, Ozs, package, pad, paid, Paine, paint, Paleoproterozoic, palladium, pandemic, paper, par, parallel, parent, partition, partner, Partridge, party, passed, passive, paved, pay, payable, payback, payment, Pd, peat, pebble, penalty, pending, Pennsylvania, pentlandite, people, percent, percentage, percentile, perception, peripheral, periphery, permanent, permanently, permissible, pertinent, Peter, PFIC, PGE, PGM, phase, phased, phenomena, Philadelphia, philosophy, photographed, physical, Physiography, pile, pilot, pine, piping, pit, plastic, platinum, plc, plentiful, plunge, policy, pollution, polymetallic, POM, poor, poorer, poorly, poplar, population, porosity, port, Portage, portion, position, positioning, positive, positively, possession, ppb, ppm, PRB, pre, preapproval, precipitate, precipitation, predate, predecessor, predict, predicted, predominant, predominantly, premium, presence, preservation, preserve, prevent, preventing, prevention, previously, PRI, primarily, principle, Prioritize, pro, procedure, proceed, proceeding, procured, procurement, produce, produced, producing, Professor, profile, program, progressing, prolonged, prominent, promissory, proportion, proportional, proprietary, prosecution, province, provincial, proximity, proxy, Pt, Pty, published, pulp, pulverization, pulverized, pumping, purged, purity, pursue, pyrite, pyrrhotite, QP, QPs, quaking, qualitative, quality, quantify, quantitative, quantity, quantized, quaternary, quickly, quorum, quoted, radar, rail, railroad, rainfall, ramping, random, range, ranging, rapid, rata, ratification, ratio, rationalizing, RC, reach, reached, reaching, reactivate, reactive, read, readily, ready, real, realized, reanalyzed, reappoint, reappointed, reassay, reassaying, recapture, receipt, recent, recently, recession, recharge, reclaimed, reclamation, recognition, reconstructed, recouped, recover, recovered, recovering, recreational, recurrence, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, refinance, refinanced, refine, refined, refinement, refinery, refining, refurbish, refurbishing, refurbishment, Regenerated, regeneration, Regia, region, regional, regionally, registrar, regression, regularized, release, relied, relocate, relocated, relogged, relogging, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remediate, remediation, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, renamed, render, renewable, repaid, repair, repay, repayment, repeat, repeatedly, replicate, representivity, reproducible, reputation, resampling, research, residence, residing, resolve, rest, restated, restoring, restrict, restricted, restrictive, restructure, restructured, retain, retained, retention, retired, Retrieval, return, reused, reverse, revocation, revoked, rhodium, Rhude, rice, Richard, riffle, rift, rig, River, RMSME, road, roadway, robust, rock, rod, rolling, roof, Room, rotary, Roth, rougher, rounded, rounding, routed, routinely, Rowlinson, royalty, RQD, RS, run, running, runoff, ruthenium, SABC, sabotage, safe, safeguard, SAG, Sage, sake, sale, saleable, Salt, sample, sampled, sampling, satisfaction, satisfy, saturated, sausserization, scale, Scanned, scattered, scenario, scheme, School, Schwering, scientific, scope, scoping, scrutiny, sealed, Seaway, sedar, sedimentary, sedimentation, seepage, segregate, segregated, selenium, sell, semi, Senet, Senior, sensitive, sensitivity, September, Serpentine, serpentinization, serve, served, server, serving, settle, settling, seventy, SG, SGS, shaft, shallowly, Shane, shape, share, sharp, shell, shipment, shipped, shipping, Shore, short, show, showed, showing, shown, SHPO, shut, silicate, silver, similarly, simple, simplicity, simplified, simulating, simulation, single, sinking, situated, size, sized, sizing, SKI, skilled, slate, slope, slowdown, Smaller, SMC, smelter, smelting, software, solution, solvent, son, sounding, source, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, space, spaced, sparse, spatial, spatially, speculative, speed, spent, sphalerite, spillage, split, splitter, spring, spruce, square, squared, SRM, stability, stabilized, stable, stage, staged, standard, Standby, statewide, statutory, Steel, steeper, steeply, Steering, step, stockpile, stockpiled, stopping, storage, stored, storm, stormwater, STPD, strain, strategic, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, stream, strength, strict, strike, stringent, strip, strong, strongest, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, Studio, style, subaqueously, submission, submittal, subscribed, subsequent, subsequently, subtle, successful, successfully, succession, successive, successor, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, suitability, suitable, sulfate, sulfide, sulfidic, sulfosalt, sulfur, sulphide, Sulphur, summary, summation, Superior, supplemental, Supplementary, supplier, Supreme, surface, surge, survey, surveyed, susceptible, suspend, suspended, suspension, sustain, Sustaining, swampy, swath, Switzerland, syncline, systematic, tabulated, taconite, Tad, tag, Tahija, talnakhite, tape, team, Teck, Tel, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tenure, terminate, terminated, terminology, territory, tertiary, test, testing, testwork, texture, theft, thereof, thick, thickening, thin, thinner, Thirteen, thirty, tholeiitic, thought, threatened, throughput, Thunder, till, timber, timeframe, timeline, titanium, ton, topographic, topography, town, toxic, trafficked, Trail, trained, transfer, transferred, transmission, transport, transportable, transportation, travel, traverse, treated, treatment, treaty, tribal, Tribe, troctolitic, Troy, true, trustee, turn, Twin, twinned, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, umbrella, unable, unaudited, unbiased, uncovered, underground, underlain, understood, undertaken, underwater, underway, underwent, undetected, undeveloped, undiluted, undrilled, undulating, uneconomic, unexpected, unfavorable, uninsurable, Union, unique, University, unlimited, unprofitable, unregistered, unsaturated, unsecured, unsuccessful, unusual, upcoming, upland, upper, upstream, uralization, uranium, USA, usable, USACE, Utah, utilised, utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, vacated, valid, validate, validated, validating, validation, valuable, valve, vanadium, Vancouver, vandalism, variability, variable, varied, variogram, variography, vary, varying, vegetation, vehicle, verification, verified, verifying, Vermilion, vertical, viable, vice, vicinity, view, Virginia, viscosity, visual, volatility, volcanic, volume, warehouse, waste, wastewater, water, wax, weak, weather, Webber, week, weight, western, wetter, Wharton, wide, widespread, wild, wildlife, winding, withstand, Witwatersrand, work, workforce, working, world, worse, worthy, write, writing, XBSE, xenolith, XMOD, XPS, yearly, zinc, Zn, zone, Zug
agricultural, allocate, amendment, assessed, attributable, Author, behavior, blackout, Brown, BTR, chapter, communicated, complying, conformity, Consent, constitute, Consumer, COSO, dealing, deter, deteriorate, Drielick, electronically, Employer, encourage, establishing, ethical, exempt, fact, fair, furnish, GAAP, GOI, hereto, honest, IASB, Integrated, Interactive, Iran, Iranian, ITRA, Jennifer, knowingly, legitimate, listing, mark, MSHA, Notwithstanding, operator, performing, placement, post, preceding, print, prohibited, promote, promptly, reconciliation, referencing, Reform, registrant, relaxing, reliability, rule, sanction, secondary, Secretary, sheet, sought, Sponsoring, Stockholder, submit, subsection, Syria, telephone, Treadway, Treasury, unconsolidated, undersigned, USD, violate, waiver, Web, wrongdoing, Zachary
Filing tables
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
- 99.13 Exhibit 99.13
- 99.14 Exhibit 99.14
- 99.15 Exhibit 99.15
- 99.16 Exhibit 99.16
- 99.17 Exhibit 99.17
- 99.18 Exhibit 99.18
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