Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Ope5
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Note 1 - Description of Busines
- Note 2 - Summary of Significant
- Note 3 - Liquidity and Capital
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurement
- Note 5 - Inventories
- Note 6 - Property and Equipment
- Note 7 - Intangible Assets
- Note 8 - Debt Issuance Costs
- Note 9 - Lines of Credit and No
- Note 10 - Redeemable Preferred
- Note 11 - Stockholders' Equity
- Note 12 - Loss Per Share
- Note 13 - Related Party Transac
- Note 14- Equity Based Compensat
- Note 15 - Restructuring Expense
- Note 16 - Income Taxes
- Note 17 - Concentrations of Bus
- Note 18 - Commitments and Conti
- Note 19 - Defined Contribution
- Note 20 - Quarterly Financial D
- Note 21 - Valuation and Qualify
- Note 22 - Subsequent Events
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa31
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme32
- Note 6 - Property and Equipme33
- Note 7 - Intangible Assets (Tab
- Note 9 - Lines of Credit and 35
- Note 11 - Stockholders' Equity
- Note 12 - Loss Per Share (Table
- Note 14- Equity Based Compens38
- Note 15 - Restructuring Expen39
- Note 16 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 18 - Commitments and Con41
- Note 20 - Quarterly Financial42
- Note 21 - Valuation and Quali43
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa44
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa45
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa46
- Note 3 - Liquidity and Capita47
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme48
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme49
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme50
- Note 5 - Inventories (Details T
- Note 6 - Property and Equipme52
- Note 6 - Property and Equipme53
- Note 7 - Intangible Assets (Det
- Note 7 - Intangible Assets - Su
- Note 7 - Intangible Assets - Es
- Note 8 - Debt Issuance Costs (D
- Note 9 - Lines of Credit and 58
- Note 9 - Lines of Credit and 59
- Note 9 - Lines of Credit and 60
- Note 10 - Redeemable Preferre61
- Note 11 - Stockholders' Equit62
- Note 11 - Stockholders' Equit63
- Note 12 - Loss Per Share (Detai
- Note 12 - Loss Per Share - Comp
- Note 13 - Related Party Trans66
- Note 14- Equity Based Compens67
- Note 14 - Equity Based Compensa
- Note 14 - Equity Based Compen69
- Note 14 - Equity Based Compen70
- Note 14 - Equity Based Compen71
- Note 14 - Equity Based Compen72
- Note 15 - Restructuring Expen73
- Note 15 - Restructuring Expen74
- Note 15 - Restructuring Expen75
- Note 16 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 16 - Income Taxes - Consol
- Note 16 - Income Taxes - Reconc
- Note 16 - Income Taxes - Deferr
- Note 16 - Income Taxes - Tax Lo
- Note 17 - Concentrations of B81
- Note 18 - Commitments and Con82
- Note 18 - Commitments and Con83
- Note 19 - Defined Contributio84
- Note 20 - Quarterly Financial85
- Note 21 - Valuation and Quali86
- Note 22 - Subsequent Events (De