(6) The auditor shall audit and inspect the operations and accounting of the Bank.
Article 9 (Appointment and Dismissal of Executive)
(1) The CEO shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Korea on the recommendation of the Minister of Economy and Finance.
(2) The deputy CEO and directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Economy and Finance on the recommendation of the CEO. In the case of appointment, the CEO shall recommend the candidates of the deputy CEO and directors nominated by the Nomination Committee of the Bank.
(3) The independent director shall be appointed among persons falling under any of the following subparagraphs:
1. have substantial knowledge and experience in business management, economy, accounting, law, or economic cooperation with foreign countries;
2. have substantial knowledge and experience in the management of the Bank and other related fields.
(4) The auditor shall be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Economy and Finance.
Article 10 (Term of Office of Executive)
(1) The term of office of an executive shall be three (3) years, and he/she may be reappointed.
(2) If any vacancy occurs in the office of an executive, a new executive shall be appointed and his/her term of office shall be the term under paragraph (1).
Article 11 (Remuneration of Executive)
The board of directors shall determine the remuneration and allowances for the CEO, the deputy CEO, the directors and the auditor within the limit of the approved budget.
Article 12 (Restriction of Concurrent Offices)
(1) The CEO, the deputy CEO, the senior executive director or the auditor shall not be engaged in any other occupation other than such cases where he/she has been granted permission from the Minister of Economy and Finance.
(2) The independent director shall not be an executive director of the Bank of Korea or other financial institutions.
Article 13 (Restriction on Power of Representation of Executives)
(1) The CEO, the deputy CEO or any senior executive director shall not represent the Bank concerning the matters in which interests of the CEO, the deputy CEO, or the senior executive director conflict with those of the Bank.
(2) If no other senior executive director representing the Bank exists in cases of paragraph (1), an auditor shall represent the Bank.
Article 14 (Appointment of Attorneys)
The CEO may appoint attorneys from among the executives or staff who is empowered to exercise all judicial or non-judicial acts concerning the operations of the Bank.
Article 15 (Appointment and Dismissal of Staff)
The staff of the Bank shall be appointed and dismissed by the CEO of the Bank.
Chapter III Operating Committee
Article 16 (Operating Committee)
(1) The Bank shall have the operating committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”).
(2) The Committee shall be comprised of the following members:
1. The CEO of the Bank;
2. One person whom the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries and the chairperson of the Financial Services Commission each designate from among public officials under their control;