On June 7, 2022, Biogen made available to stockholders the following communication in connection with its upcoming annual meeting of stockholders to be held on June 15, 2022.
Dear Stockholder,
This letter responds to a report issued by the proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) in May 2022, regarding the annual meeting of stockholders of Biogen scheduled for June 15, 2022. In its report, ISS recommends that Biogen stockholders vote against the non-binding advisory vote on executive compensation (Proposal 3 in Biogen’s Definitive Proxy Statement filed on April 29, 2022, 2022 Proxy Statement). We disagree with ISS’ recommendation for the reasons outlined below and recommend you vote FOR the non-binding advisory vote on executive compensation.
Negative Vote Recommendation by ISS
In making its negative say on pay recommendation, ISS noted positively our shareholder engagement and revised long-term incentive program.
Although ISS concluded that Biogen’s compensation for pay and performance were reasonably aligned, ISS recommended that stockholders vote against say on pay because it determined that the Compensation and Management Development Committee of the Board of Directors (C&MD Committee) “…did not disclose a robust commitment not to repeat an action that investors found concerning.” The action in question was the 2020 payment by Biogen of cash severance outside of normal severance arrangements by Biogen to a former executive officer.
Biogen’s Response
Independent members of our Board of Directors and members of our management team, led by our C&MD chair met with certain stockholders to understand their concerns with our pay practices and specifically discussed their concerns with the Board’s use of discretion with respect to the severance payment. Based on these discussions, the C&MD Committee acknowledges that some stockholders expressed concern with this payment and notes that it was one-time in nature based on the specific facts and circumstances of the transitioning executive and was not meant to constitute a change to our existing severance practices. The C&MD Committee believes that the use of discretion in executive compensation decisions, including severance arrangements, is an important part of the duties of the Board and the C&MD Committee and that it would be inappropriate to make an unconditional commitment that would limit its ability to effectively and appropriately manage Biogen’s business in the best interests of Biogen stockholders in the event of unanticipated and extraordinary circumstances. These robust commitments are uncommon among our peer filings, and in keeping with prevalent market practice the C&MD Committee believes that it would be inappropriate to include such language.
The Board and the C&MD Committee has shown its commitment to aligning compensation with the interests of the stockholders by using its discretion to decrease compensation when required to ensure that compensation reflects the company’s pay for performance philosophy. This has been evidenced in each of the past two years where the C&MD Committee reduced annual bonus compensation for our named executive officers in 2021 and all annual bonus plan participants (including our named executive officers) in 2022 (see page 46 of Biogen’s Definitive Proxy Statement filed on April 23, 2021 and page 33 of the 2022 Proxy Statement).