Equity securities include investments in open end mutual funds and shares of publicly traded alternative funds. The fair value of equity securities are based upon quoted market values (Level 1), or monthly net asset value statements provided by the investment managers upon which subscriptions and redemptions can be executed (Level 2).
All investment transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains and losses on sales of equities and fixed income investments are determined on the basis of average cost and amortized cost, respectively. Investment income is recognized when earned and includes interest and dividend income together with the amortization of premium and discount on fixed maturities and short-term investments. For mortgage-backed securities, and any other holdings for which there is a prepayment risk, prepayment assumptions are evaluated and revised as necessary. Prepayment fees or call premiums that are only payable to the Company when a security is called prior to its maturity are earned when received and reflected in net investment income.
Investments in which the Company has significant influence over the operating and financial policies of the investee are classified as investments in affiliates on the Company’s balance sheet and are accounted for under the equity method of accounting. Under this method, the Company records its proportionate share of income or loss from such investments in its results for the period as well as its portion of movements in certain of the investee shareholders’ equity balances. When financial statements of the affiliate are not available on a timely basis to record the Company’s share of income or loss for the same reporting periods as the Company, the most recently available financial statements are used. This lag in reporting is applied consistently until timely information becomes available. Significant influence is deemed to exist where the Company has an investment of 20% or more in the common stock of a corporation or an investment of 3% or greater in closed end funds, limited partnerships, LLC’s or similar investment vehicles. The Company records its alternative and private fund affiliates on a one month and three month lag, respectively, and its operating affiliates on a three month lag. Significant influence is considered for other strategic investments on a case-by-case basis. Investments in affiliates are not subject to FAS 157 as they are not fair value measurements. However, impairments associated with investments in affiliates that are deemed to be other-than-temporary are calculated in accordance with FAS 157 and appropriate disclosures included within the financial statements during the period the losses are recorded.
Contained within this asset class are investments including direct equity investments, investment funds, limited partnerships, equity tranches of collateralized loan participations and certain structured project finance transactions. The Company accounts for its other investments that do not have readily determinable market values at estimated fair value as it has no significant influence over these entities.
Fair values for other investments, principally other direct equity investments, investment funds and limited partnerships, are primarily based on the net asset value provided by the investment manager or the respective entity, recent financial information, available market data, and in certain cases management judgment may be required. These entities generally carry their trading positions and investments, the majority of which have underlying securities valued using Level 1 or Level 2 inputs, at fair value as determined by their respective investment managers, accordingly, these investments are generally classified as Level 2. Private equity investments are classified as Level 3. The net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments, net of tax, is included in “accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).” Any unrealized depreciation in value considered by management to be other than temporary is charged to income in the period that it is determined.
Income on unrated tranches of collateralized loan obligations is reflected only to the extent the Company’s principal has been fully recovered. This is not considered to be a fair value measurement under FAS 157 and accordingly these investments have been excluded from FAS 157 disclosures. The carrying value of these investments held by the Company at June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007 was $xx.x million and $xx.x million, respectively.
In addition, the Company participates in structured transactions in project finance related areas under which the Company provides a cash loan supporting a trade finance transaction. These transactions are accounted for in accordance with SOP 01-6, “Accounting by Certain Entities (Including Entities with Trade Receivables) That Lend to or Finance the
Activities of Others” under which the loans are considered held for investment as the Company has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff. Accordingly, these funded loan participations are reported in the balance sheet at outstanding principal adjusted for any allowance for loan losses as considered necessary by management. These investments are not considered to be fair value measurements under FAS 157 and accordingly they have been excluded from the FAS 157 disclosures. The carrying value of these investments held by the Company at June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007 was $xx.x million and $xxx.x million, respectively.
Securities lending
The Company engages in a securities lending program whereby certain securities from the Company’s portfolio are loaned to other institutions for short periods of time. The market value of the loaned securities is monitored on a daily basis, with additional collateral obtained or refunded as the market value of the loaned securities changes. The Company’s policy is to require initial cash collateral equal to between 102% and 105% of the fair value of the loaned securities depending on the class of assets loaned. The Company retains all economic interest in the securities it lends and receives a fee from the borrower for the temporary use of the securities. In addition, the Company shares a portion of the interest earned on the collateral with the lending agent. The securities lending collateral is included in cash and cash equivalents with a corresponding liability related to the Company’s obligation to return the collateral plus interest included in net payable for investments purchased.
Other Than Temporary Declines in Investments
The Company reviews the fair value of its investment portfolio on a periodic basis to identify declines in fair value below the carrying value that are other than temporary. This review involves consideration of several factors including (i) the time period during which there has been a significant decline in fair value below carrying value, (ii) an analysis of the liquidity, business prospects and overall financial condition of the issuer, (iii) the significance of the decline, (iv) an analysis of the collateral structure and other credit support, as applicable, of the securities in question, (v) expected future interest rate movements, and (vi) the Company’s intent and ability to hold the investment for a sufficient period of time for the value to recover. Where the Company concludes that declines in fair values are other than temporary, the cost of the security is written down to fair value below carrying value and the previously unrealized loss is therefore realized in the period such determination is made.
With respect to securities where the decline in value is determined to be temporary and the security’s value is not written down, a subsequent decision may be made to sell that security and realize a loss. Subsequent decisions on security sales are made within the context of overall risk monitoring, changing information, market conditions generally and assessing value relative to other comparable securities.
(d) Derivative Instruments
The Company recognizes all derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the balance sheet and measures those instruments at fair value. The changes in fair value of derivatives are shown in the consolidated statement of income as “net realized and unrealized gains and losses on derivative instruments” unless the derivatives are designated as hedging instruments. The accounting for derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments is discussed below. Changes in fair value of derivatives may create volatility in the Company’s results of operations from period to period.
The Company conducts its derivative activities in three main areas: investment related derivatives, weather and energy derivatives and credit derivatives written by SCA and reinsured by the Company.
The Company’s direct use of investment related derivatives includes futures, forwards, swaps and option contracts that derive their value from underlying assets, indices, reference rates or a combination of these factors. The Company uses investment derivatives to manage duration, credit and foreign currency exposure for its investment portfolio as well as to add value to the investment portfolio through replicating permitted investments, provided the use of such investments is incorporated into the overall portfolio evaluation.
All derivatives are recorded at fair value. On the date the derivative contract is entered into, the Company may designate the derivative as a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability (“fair value” hedge); a hedge of the
variability in cash flows of a forecasted transaction or of amounts to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability (“cash flow” hedge); a hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation; or the Company may not designate any hedging relationship for a derivative contract.
Derivative contracts can be exchange-traded or over-the-counter (OTC). Exchange-traded derivatives (futures and options) typically fall within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy depending on whether they are deemed to be actively traded or not.
OTC derivatives are valued using market transactions and other market evidence whenever possible, including market-based inputs to models, model calibration to market clearing transactions, broker or dealer quotations as corroborative evidence or alternative pricing sources where an understanding of the inputs utilized in arriving at the valuations is obtained. Where models are used, the selection of a particular model to value an OTC derivative depends upon the contractual terms and specific risks inherent in the instrument as well as the availability of pricing information in the market. The Company generally uses similar models to value similar instruments. Valuation models require a variety of inputs, including contractual terms, market prices, yield curves, credit curves, measures of volatility, prepayment rates and correlations of such inputs. For OTC derivatives that trade in liquid markets, such as generic forwards, interest rate swaps and options, model inputs can generally be verified and model selection does not involve significant management judgment. Such instruments comprise the majority of derivatives held by the Company and are typically classified within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.
Certain OTC derivatives trade in less liquid markets with limited pricing information, or required model inputs which are not directly market corroboratable which causes the determination of fair value for these derivatives to be inherently more subjective. Accordingly, such derivatives are classified within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The valuations of less standard or liquid OTC derivatives are typically based on Level 1 and/or Level 2 inputs that can be observed in the market, as well as unobservable Level 3 inputs. Level 1 and Level 2 inputs are regularly updated to reflect observable market changes, with resulting gains and losses reflected within Level 3. Level 3 inputs are only changed when corroborated by evidence such as similar market transactions and/or broker or dealer quotations.
The Company also has investment related derivatives embedded in certain reinsurance contracts. For a particular life reinsurance contract, the Company pays the ceding company a fixed amount equal to the estimated present value of the excess of guaranteed minimum income benefit (“GMIB”) over the account balance upon the policyholder’s election to take the income benefit. The fair value of this derivative is determined based on the present value of expected cash flows. In addition, the Company has modified coinsurance and funds withheld reinsurance agreements that provide for a return based on a portfolio of fixed income securities; as such, the agreements contain embedded derivatives. The embedded derivative is bifurcated and recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings.
(e) Fair Values of Other Financial Instruments
The fair values of financial instruments not disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements approximate their carrying value due to their short-term nature or because they earn or attract interest at market rates. Certain financial instruments, particularly insurance contracts, are excluded from fair value disclosure requirements of FAS 107, “Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments.” The fair value of the Company’s notes payable and debt outstanding as at June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007, is estimated to be $x.x billion and $x.x billion, respectively, and is based on quoted prices.
Financial Statement Note 3, Fair Value Measurements
Effective January 1, 2008, the Company adopted FAS 157, which requires disclosures about the Company’s assets and liabilities that are carried at fair value. As required by FAS 157, financial assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.
The following tables set forth the Company’s assets and liabilities that were accounted for at fair value as of June 30, 2008 by level within the fair value hierarchy (see Note 2 for further information on the fair value hierarchy):
[Table to be inserted]
Level 3 Gains and Losses
The table below presents additional information about assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis and for which significant Level 3 inputs were utilized to determine fair value. The table reflects gains and losses for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2008 for all financial assets and liabilities categorized as Level 3 as of June 30, 2008. The table does not include gains or losses that were reported in Level 3 in prior periods for assets that were transferred out of Level 3 prior to June 30, 2008. Gains and losses for assets and liabilities classified within Level 3 in the table below may include changes in fair value that are attributable to both observable inputs (Levels 1 and 2) and unobservable inputs (Level 3). Further, it should be noted that the following table does not take into consideration the effect of offsetting Level 1 and 2 financial instruments entered into by the Company that are either economically hedged by certain exposures to the Level 3 positions or that hedge the exposures in Level 3 positions.
[Table to be inserted]
The vast majority of Level 3 assets are made up of securities where significant inputs, such as broker price indications, were utilized in determining the value that were difficult to sufficiently corroborate with observable market data to support a Level 2 classification.
Fixed maturities and short term investments
In periods of market dislocation, the observability of prices and inputs may be reduced for many instruments as is currently the case for certain U.S. CMOs, ABSs, CMBSs, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and other topical assets which include certain securities with underlying sub-prime and related residential mortgage exposures (such as sub-prime first liens and Alt-A asset backed securities) for which sufficient information, such as cash flows or other security structure or market information, is not available to enable a model derived price to be determined. Fixed maturities and short term investments classified within Level 3 are made up of those securities where significant inputs, such as broker price indications, were utilized in determining the value that were difficult to sufficiently corroborate with observable market data to support a Level 2 classification. The fair values of the majority of the Company’s holdings in securities exposed to sub-prime mortgages are generally not based on quoted prices for identical securities, however, where they are based on model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs and significant value drivers are considered to be observable in active markets, these securities continue to be classified within Level 2.
Other investments
Included within the Other Investments component of the Company’s Level 3 valuations are private equity investments where the Company is not deemed to have significant influence over the investee. The fair value of these investments is based upon net asset values received from the investment manager. The nature of the underlying investments held by the investee which form the basis of the net asset value include assets such as private business ventures and are such that significant Level 3 inputs are utilized in the determination of the individual underlying holding values and accordingly the fair value of the Company’s investment in each entity is classified within Level 3. The Company’s methodology also incorporates factors such as the most recent financial information received, the values at which capital transactions with the investee take place, and management’s judgment regarding whether any adjustments should be made to the net asset value in recording the fair value of each position.
Derivative instruments
Derivative instruments classified within Level 3 include: (i) certain interest rate swaps where the duration of the contract the Company holds exceeds that of the longest term on a market observable input, (ii) weather and energy derivatives, (iii) credit derivatives written by SCA and embedded in reinsurance provided by the Company, (iv) GMIB derivatives embedded within a certain reinsurance contract and (v) put options included within contingent capital facilities. The majority of inputs utilized in the valuations of these types of derivative contracts are considered Level 1 or Level 2, however, each valuation includes at least one Level 3 input that was significant to the valuation and accordingly the values are disclosed within Level 3.
In addition, see Note 2 for a general discussion of types of assets and liabilities that are classified within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy as well as the Company’s valuation policies for such instruments.