Regulatory Matters | 3 Months Ended |
Mar. 31, 2015 |
Regulatory Matters [Abstract] | |
Regulatory Matters | | 4 | | REGULATORY MATTERS |
MEA Interim Power Sales Agreement |
On August 12, 2014, MEA notified Chugach that their newly constructed power plant, the Eklutna Generation Station (EGS), would not be completed by January 1, 2015. On September 30, 2014, Chugach entered into an Interim Power Sales Agreement (Agreement) to provide MEA with all demand and energy requirements on a firm basis based on existing tariff rates for a minimum one quarter period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on March 31, 2015. Under the terms of the Agreement, Chugach agreed to purchase from MEA the output of up to four units from their plant upon commercial operation through the term of the agreement. Chugach proposed to purchase the pooled energy and recover the costs from its members, including MEA, through Chugach’s fuel and purchased power adjustment process. MEA will supply and deliver any and all additional gas and attendant transportation necessary for Chugach to produce electric service to MEA arising as a result of the electric services to be provided by Chugach pursuant to the Agreement. |
On December 22, 2014, the RCA issued a letter order approving both the Agreement and Chugach’s proposal to recover costs incurred under the Agreement through its fuel and purchased power rate adjustment process. As part of the approval, the RCA required Chugach to provide monthly information on MEA gas deliveries to Chugach, system heat rates with and without EGS, and the number of EGS units made commercially available during each month of the contract. |
Pursuant to the Agreement, MEA was required to notify Chugach if it planned to exercise an option to extend the Agreement for an additional quarter. On January 5, 2015, MEA notified Chugach that it would not be extending the agreement. |
On January 30, 2015, MEA notified Chugach that it had four units available to pool with Chugach units to meet the combined system load of Chugach and MEA. These units were subsequently pooled with Chugach units. |
The term of the 2015 Interim Power Sales Agreement was subsequently extended by one month, in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Chugach and MEA, as explained below. |
Amended Eklutna Generation Station 2015 Dispatch Services Agreement |
On February 13, 2015, Chugach submitted the Amended Eklutna Generation Station 2015 Dispatch Services Agreement (Dispatch Services Agreement) to the RCA for dispatch services to be provided by Chugach to MEA for a one-year period. Under the Dispatch Services Agreement, Chugach provides electric and natural gas dispatch services for MEA’s EGS, electric dispatch services for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (Bradley Lake), and electric dispatch coordination services for the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project (Eklutna Hydro) beginning with EGS’s full commercial operation. |
On March 23, 2015, the RCA approved the Dispatch Services Agreement, upon the requirements that 1) MEA and Chugach notify the RCA at least one-month prior to forming separate Load Balancing Authorities in accordance with the requirements and include in any such notification details on the tie points and any written agreements contemplated by the utilities; and, 2) Chugach file an update to its tariff to reflect any extension of the Dispatch Services Agreement one week from the receipt of such a request from MEA. |
The Dispatch Services Agreement remains in effect through March 31, 2016, unless extended by MEA. MEA may extend the Dispatch Services Agreement through March 31, 2017 by providing written notice to Chugach on or before December 31, 2015. |
As a result of the approval, Chugach will receive $40,000 per month from MEA for these services. |
June 2014 Test Year General Rate Case |
Chugach’s June 2014 Test Year General Rate Case was finalized and submitted to the RCA on February 13, 2015. Chugach requested a system base rate increase of approximately $21.3 million, or 20 percent, on total base rate revenues for rates effective in April 2015. The filing also included updates to firm and non-firm transmission wheeling rates and attendant ancillary services in support of third-party transactions on the Chugach transmission system. The primary driver of the rate changes is the reduction and shift in fixed-cost contributions resulting from the expected expiration of the Interim Power Sales Agreement between Chugach and MEA on March 31, 2015. |
Chugach submitted proposed adjustments to its fuel and purchased power rates under a separate tariff advice letter to become effective at the same time which allows interim base rate increases to be synchronized with reductions in fuel costs resulting from system heat rate improvements and a greater share of hydroelectric generation used to meet the load requirements of the remaining customers on the system. In combination with Chugach’s fuel and purchased power rate adjustment filing for rates effective in April 2015, the effective increase to retail customer bills is approximately 2.0 to 5.0 percent. |
On March 31, 2015, Chugach and MEA entered into a MOU entitled, “Extension of Eklutna Generation Station Agreements and Delay of Implementation of the Dispatch Services Agreement”, which was approved by the RCA on the same day. Approval of the MOU extended the Eklutna Generation Station Commissioning Dispatch Service and Test Power Agreement and the 2015 Interim Power Sales Agreement between MEA and Chugach to April 30, 2015 and delayed implementation of the Amended Eklutna Generation Station 2015 Dispatch Services Agreement until May 1, 2015. |
As a result of the MOU, the expected implementation of Chugach’s proposed rate changes were delayed by one month. Chugach supplemented its filing and requested a delay in implementing interim rates to match the one-month extensions to synchronize the rate changes with the termination of sales to MEA. Chugach also updated its fuel and purchased power rates to reflect continuation of the MEA Interim Power Sales Agreement between Chugach and MEA for rates effective on and after April 1, 2015. |
On April 30, 2015, the RCA opened a new docket and issued Order No. U-15-081(1) approving base retail and wholesale rates on an interim and refundable basis. Retail rate changes are effective May 1, 2015, and wholesale rate changes are effective June 1, 2015, for purchases beginning May 1, 2015. The RCA did not approve adjustments to Chugach’s transmission and ancillary services rates. Adjustments to these rate components, which do not impact Chugach’s financial performance, are expected to be determined at the conclusion of the case. The RCA indicated a final order in the case would be issued by May 8, 2016. |
Second Amendment to the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement between Hilcorp Alaska, LLC and Chugach Electric Association, Inc. |
On March 11, 2015, Chugach filed the Second Amendment to the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (Second Amendment) between Hilcorp Alaska, LLC and Chugach with the RCA. The Second Amendment revises payment procedures and updates the notice provisions contained in the original agreement. There is no impact on Chugach’s rates, revenues or operating tariff as a result of the amendment. The Second Amendment is contingent on the advanced approval by the RCA. On April 20, 2015, the RCA issued Order No. L1500220 approving the Second Amendment, effective May 4, 2015. |
Operation and Regulation of the Alaska Railbelt Transmission System |
On February 11, 2015, the RCA voted in favor of opening a docket to investigate and receive input on alternative transmission structures for the Railbelt. On February 27, 2015, the RCA issued Order No. 1 to docket I-15-001 requiring interested parties to respond by March 31, 2015, to questions outlined in the order regarding the creation of an independent system operator for Railbelt transmission. The RCA received responses from sixteen interested parties, including the Railbelt utilities, the Attorney General’s Office, independent power producers, and investor-owned utilities. Reply comments were submitted by April 30, 2015. The RCA has indicated that routine public meetings and workshops will be held to evaluate alternative transmission structures for the Railbelt. |
AIX Energy, LLC |
On December 22, 2014, Chugach executed an agreement with AIX Energy, LLC (AIX Agreement) which allows for natural gas purchases by Chugach from AIX Energy, LLC (AIX) from March 1, 2015, through February 29, 2016. The AIX Agreement provides flexibility in both the purchase price and volumes, with specific prices and volumes to be determined by each transaction, although, the price of gas cannot exceed $6.24 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) and the total volume of gas is capped at 300,000 Mcf, or a maximum total outlay of approximately $1.9 million. As the AIX Agreement is for a term less than one year, approval of the agreement by the RCA is not required; however, Chugach submitted a filing to the RCA seeking approval to recover purchases made under the agreement as a new cost element in its fuel and purchased power adjustment process. The RCA approved the filing on February 17, 2015, and required Chugach to file informational tariff advice filings of future executed transaction confirmations with AIX. |
2013 General Rate Case |
To reflect revenue and cost changes resulting from the expiration of HEA’s wholesale contract, Chugach submitted its 2013 Test Year General Rate Case to the RCA on November 19, 2013, to increase system base rate revenues by $16.0 million, or approximately 12.5 percent on total retail, MEA, and Seward base rate revenues of $127.4 million. On January 2, 2014, the RCA approved the submitted rates on an interim and refundable basis. Retail rates were effective January 2, 2014. The increase, net of both base rate increases and fuel savings, to Chugach retail end-users, is approximately 6 percent. |
On April 18, 2014, Chugach submitted an update to its 2013 Test Year General Rate Case to reflect the final results contained in Chugach’s compliance filing in the 2012 Test Year General Rate Case that was submitted to the RCA on April 14, 2014. The update reflects final rate design changes contained in the 2012 Test Year General Rate Case. On May 30, 2014, the RCA issued Order No. 3 approving Chugach’s motion and update to retail and wholesale base rates effective with the first billing cycle in June of 2014. There was no impact to the system revenue requirement contained in the 2013 Test Year General Rate Case filing. |
Chugach and the parties to the docket entered into a stipulation resolving revenue requirement and cost of service matters contained in the case. The stipulation was filed with the RCA on October 16, 2014, and requires Chugach to issue refunds totaling $1.1 million (annualized) for service provided beginning January 2014, with an expected financial impact to Chugach of approximately $0.2 million on an annual basis. The stipulation contained a provision that Chugach be permitted to create a regulatory asset for approximately $0.9 million of storm-related costs and be permitted to recover $0.2 million per year over the next five years. On October 24, 2014, Chugach and the parties to the docket filed a proposed stipulation partially resolving the transmission rate for reactive supply and voltage control from generation sources. Revenues associated with reactive supply and voltage control from generation sources do not impact Chugach’s margin levels. The RCA extended the time for ruling on this stipulation until the statutory deadline for issuance of a final order in this case. |
On November 13, 2014, the RCA accepted the revenue requirement stipulation. |
On February 12, 2015, the RCA issued Order No. 9 of U-14-001 accepting the stipulation on reactive supply and voltage control from generation sources and resolving the remaining issues in the docket. In addition, the RCA required Chugach to submit updated tariffs reflecting the results of the RCA order and the stipulations entered into in the case, including a detailed refund plan, which Chugach submitted on March 13, 2015. On March 18, 2015, the RCA issued Order 10 allowing interested parties to submit comments on Chugach’s March 13, 2015, compliance filing on or by April 8, 2015. No comments were filed. A RCA order on Chugach’s compliance filing is expected in the second quarter. |
On March 16, 2015, MEA filed an appeal to Order U-14-001(9) in Alaska Superior Court on the basis that the RCA erred by ordering a fully allocated cost-based transmission rate for use of the Teeland Substation, ignoring evidence that a fully allocated cost based rate results in unjust and unreasonable rates and ignoring long-established precedent of cost causer/cost payer relationships for wheeling across the Teeland Substation, among other items. The court is expected to establish a briefing schedule during the second quarter. While Chugach cannot predict the outcome of this case, it will vigorously defend the RCA’s order. |
On April 30, 2015, the RCA issued Order No. U-14-001(11) approving final retail and wholesale rates and approving Chugach’s refund plan submitted on March 13, 2015. The RCA approved transmission and ancillary services rates on an interim and refundable basis. Chugach is required to file a notice to the RCA within thirty days from completion of the distribution of refunds. |
On January 30, 2015, Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage Alaska (CINGSA) submitted a filing to the RCA providing notice that it had found 14.5 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of gas as a result of directional drilling in the storage facility and now proposes to establish guidelines for commercial sales of at least 2 Bcf of this gas. Chugach submitted comments to the RCA regarding CINGSA’s proposed treatment of found gas. Chugach does not believe CINGSA’s proposal to retain revenues for the sale of found gas should be permitted in recognition of the risk sharing agreements made by CINGSA and its storage customers that resulted in the development of the CINGSA storage facility. |
The RCA issued an order in mid-March of 2015 suspending the filing for further investigation until September 16, 2015. A scheduling conference was held on April 1, 2015. CINGSA submitted pre-filed testimony on April 13, 2015. Intervenor reply testimony is due on June 5, 2015. A hearing has been scheduled for mid-August of 2015. |
Fire Island Wind Project |
In accordance with the power purchase agreement (PPA) between Chugach and Fire Island Wind, LLC (FIW), Chugach submitted its latest project status report to the RCA on September 26, 2014, regarding FIW integration and a cost reimbursement agreement related to possible impacts to an interconnected utility as a result of the project. In the filing, Chugach informed the RCA that it had received notification from ML&P that they believe no further proceedings on this matter are necessary. ML&P indicated that fluctuations from the wind project are impacting system frequency but the attendant costs associated with quantifying the impacts likely exceed the attendant benefit. ML&P reserved the right to open this issue at a later time. In the filing, Chugach indicated that it will continue to evaluate the potential impact of the Fire Island Wind Project on the grid and requested that the RCA accept the status report on the integration and cost reimbursement issues and close the docket. The RCA issued an order on February 27, 2015, requiring ML&P to file a separate report addressing the nature and estimate of any adverse cost impacts attributable to FIW integration, as well as the estimated costs and equipment needed for measurement. ML&P filed its report with the RCA on April 28, 2015. |