Well, certainly less aggressive isn't on my list. I think we've become more focused, and we -- I tried to identify more specifically really what our advantages are relative to our competitors, and trying to focus on the top 10 or 15 customers that make a difference to to Vitesse. So it's not only a matter of being aggressive on the sales and marking side, there's other issues, particularly in the kind of customers that we service that have to do with on-time delivery and customer service and reputation and financial stability. So those things, I think we've done a good job taking care of, what you will see over the next year is additional leading edge products where we really are able to leverage this focus on ethernet technology into both of these big market segments.
I missed hearing when you said the top customers are 51%, how many customers was that?
Our top, I believe that says our top ten customers. 51% of our business.
Thank you very much, and let's keep up the good work.
Thank you.
Your next question comes from [Mike Ridgeway] of Steelhead Partners. Your line is now open.
Hi, guys. Thanks for the clarity on the call here. Couple questions one housekeeping on the settlement, the shareholders settlement. Can you run through the details of that, what the fully diluted shares look like after that is taken care of? And then maybe talk in a little bit more detail about the IP sales. My understanding is that 6 million earned year to date. What was the full year estimate on that again?
Yes, so let me deal with the IT first. So the -- we haven't announced a whole lot of details. We haven't announced the top line on what that deal is. What we've done is we're basically reported the cash payments that have come in on that, and I believe we announced our first payment of -- I think it was of $2.5 million. I can't remember the wording we used represented 25% of the deal. I need to be a little careful. Maybe I will hold those numbers until I get back. So all we've done is report that the cash payments -- the revenue is expected when we complete 100% of the deliverables of the contract is how we expect to revenue that. So it will be very lumpy in terms of the top line revenue when we report revenue.
So the recognition of that, did that happen at the end of the contract, and have you announced that, so we can know what quarter to expect the lumpiness?
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Aug. 13. 2008 / 1:30PM PT, VTSS.PK - Vitesse Semiconductor State-of-the-Company Conference Call |
We have not announced specifically when we -- when we will get that contract. I guess I would to have go look at those deliverables specifically but it's probably within the next one to two quarters is when that would come, and it wouldn't all come in one lump. It would actually most likely come in either two or three lumps.
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
Then just maybe a little bit more broadly relative to the IP. Any other opportunities that you see over the next four to six quarters fewer IP license revenue?
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Yes, we are pursuing today we probably have half a dozen opportunities in the pipe. I wouldn't -- certainly wouldn't set your expectation that they're equivalent to the first one we did, but some of them over the next few years could up being pretty interesting. And just -- I pulled out what we said in the prior calls. In our February 12, call, we said that we brought in 4 million in cash to the Company and that that was one-third of the contract.
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
And how would be the best way to think about these IP opportunities? Should we be thinking about them in terms of volume base, or effectively just IP licenses for over a time period?
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Yes. There's really two aspect it to the licenses that we've done and that we are looking at. They include both an up-front license fee as well as a royalty stream. The license fee is, again, is fairly fixed, and reasonably well determined early on in the process. Obviously the royalties are generally dependent on the success of any particular customer or partner in deploying the technology. It's difficult for me to say, if I looked over five years, would I come up with a ratio of license to royalty. I think that's a difficult exercise for us right now. That mine something we're able to do in six months when we have a little more experience on this.
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
Just relative to the opportunities you see out there like a year or two, presuming these are noncore can you give us a little idea as to what areas of the industry they're directed toward?
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Yes, most of our -- the technology that we're looking to license has to do with high-speed mixed signal IO technology. So it could be gigabit copper Fi, it could be high speed serial interfaces and those interfaces, you can image copper 5s for example go into everywhere in the network, right? They go into televisions, gaming, boxes, printers, all over the place in places we don't play. They obviously also go into some areas that are somewhat overlapping and somewhat competitive. So we're looking at deals that are completely outside our space, and we're also looking at deals that are somewhat cooperative potentially inside our space where we don't offer a particular product but we might enable a competitor to offer that product.
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
Would it be safe to characterize some of these opportunities, potentially high volume licenses?
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Yes, absolutely.
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Aug. 13. 2008 / 1:30PM PT, VTSS.PK - Vitesse Semiconductor State-of-the-Company Conference Call |
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
Great. Thank you for that detail. Rich, do you have a fully diluted share number?
Rich Yonker - Vitesse Semiconductor - CFO
Yes, once these litigations resolved, they are settled for just north of 7 million shares, and there's no cash payment by the Company and a really important caveat to that is that there's no further cash indemnification charges for prior officers which, as you know, could run up a pretty large bill, so those are the three components of it, again, about 7.3 million in additional shares, to the 220, no cash outlay by the Company, and again, no further exposure with the prior officers and their legal fees.
Mike Ridgeway - Steelhead Partners - Analyst
Thanks very much again, for all the detail.
Our next question comes from [Tim Patel] from IBM. Your line is now open.
Tim Patel - IBM - Analyst
Congratulations guys for moving in the right direction. I have three or four questions. The first one is, you guys talk about your strategy on ethernet over SONET. I would like to know what's the total TAM versus what's the Vitesse's SAS into the total TAM? Number two, your ethernet switch is where you are focusing more on. Do you have a strategy to grow your switches to be ScO or CE fiber channel over ethernet or ISCSI over ethernet? And the third, and final question would be the Melanox (inaudible) could you comment more in terms of the impact that you had on the relations for Melanox going on public?
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Yes, sure. Let's see question one was, ethernet over SONET, so we focus primarily at the 10 gigabit segment of ethernet over SONET depending on what you put into that, and IC content, et cetera, et cetera, you're probably looking at somewhere between a $50 million and $100 million TAM between max and MPRS and other products. We estimate today that we've got over 50% market share in those products for ethernet over SONET 10 gig level. So that's -- we're clearly the leader at that level and that is the fastest growing segment of ethernet over SONET is 10 gigabits. So that answers the first question. Second question is, Fibre Channel over ethernet. So Fibre Channel over ethernet is a new standard where effectively they're using ethernet transport to move a modified version of Fibre Channel protocol around. We have not entered that marketplace. It's certainly something that we find is interesting. We divested our storage division and effectively a couple months later ethernet over -- excuse me, Fibre Channel over ethernet becomes a growing emerging segment. That is a -- certainly a potential for us downstream sometime, but it's not something we're currently involved in. The third question I did not write down was--?
Rich Yonker - Vitesse Semiconductor - CFO
Relating to Melanox.
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Oh, Melanox, yes, the Melanox relationship actually came out of mutual Board members way back in the start-up days for Melanox. We worked with Melanox to deliver to them some intellectual property, and that intellectual property went into some of their switches. That's what created this equity transfer to Vitesse as well as a venture investment, and we have not been intimately involved with Melanox in any material way over the last few years although we do work with them in some applications where they have some switching silicon and we have some signal
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Aug. 13. 2008 / 1:30PM PT, VTSS.PK - Vitesse Semiconductor State-of-the-Company Conference Call |
integrity silicon, and sometimes that goes onto the same board going into the same customers. So that is a potentially interesting market for us to be working with folks like Melanox with some of our 10 gigabit signal integrity components.
Thanks. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Our next question comes from [Bob Bandi] from Brothers Diversified. Your line is now open, sir.
Bob Bandi - Brothers Diversified - Analyst
Hey, guys, congratulations on the quarter and getting everything ready to file. Specifically, in now that you are going to become more visible who would you consider to be your competitors out there in the marketplace at this point in time? That would be the first question. The second question is, is there any covenant in either of the debt classes that with the filing of the financials you're anticipating any problem or any trigger that would cause the need for any modification of those covenants or a worse outcome? Thanks.
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
Let me take the first one. In terms of competition, again, we sell into different market segments we see different competitors. If I start with the carrier business, traditionally our biggest competitors there have been Agere, PMC and AMCC probably. Agere to a large extent has exited the market. PNC has clearly not invested as heavily in the carrier world as they have in the enterprise storage business, and the kind of access edge of the carrier market and fiber to the home. So our competition there I think is probably more from some smaller companies and pretty highly distributed among the rest. On the enterprise side, the big hitters there are clearly Broadcom and Marvel, and they had strong incumbent positions, and we have known this for five years. When we entered ethernet, we've done a good job taking share from them. Again, layer 2 switching silicon, gigabit speed, and also we think we are going to be very competitive in moving ethernet to the carrier side, using some of our income incumbency in the carrier world to take share on that side. So those are really the competitors. We have smaller competitors. For example, I mentioned PMD devices today. We compete with folks like Mindspeed and Genum and some others in some of those sockets, but if you look it at our big competitors today, I think it's Broadcom, Marvel, PMC and AMCC.
Rich Yonker - Vitesse Semiconductor - CFO
Bob, your questions about the SEC filings impacting any of the debt facilities we have, no, there's no impact to the debt facilities in either getting these two years of restated financials out there or becoming compliant by our targeted 2008.
Bob Bandi - Brothers Diversified - Analyst
Great. Thanks.
And we're turning the call back over to Mr. Chris Gardner for any closing remarks.
Chris Gardner - Vitesse Semiconductor - CEO
I'd just like to thank everybody for listening to what is our last update. Our next call will be a formal earnings release call. And again, we'll schedule that within a week or so and we'll make sure that it happens before the end of August. So thank you very much. We look forward to talking to you in two weeks or so. Thank you.
This concludes today's conference call. You may now disconnect.
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Aug. 13. 2008 / 1:30PM PT, VTSS.PK - Vitesse Semiconductor State-of-the-Company Conference Call |
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