DWS Investment Management Americas Inc.
100 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02110
July 5, 2023
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
RE: N-CSR correspondence filing on behalf of DWS Science and Technology Fund (the "Fund"), a series of Deutsche DWS Securities Trust (the “Series”), (Reg. No.: 811-02021, CIK: 0000088048; Series ID: (S000031522)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We would like to request a change to the period date for the filing number 0000088053-23-000419, filed on 6/30/23. It was incorrectly submitted as 4/30/2022. The correct date should be 4/30/2023.
Any comments or questions on this filing should be directed to the undersigned at (617) 295-3625.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Diane Kenneally
Diane Kenneally
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer