Revenue from Contract with Customer [Text Block] | 2. On April 1, 2018, 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, and all the related amendments and applied it to all contracts that were not April 1, 2018 The Company’s revenues in its Grid segment are derived primarily through enabling the transmission and distribution of power, providing planning services that allow it to identify power grid needs and risks, and developing ship protection systems for the U.S. Navy. The Company’s revenues in its Wind segment are derived primarily through supplying advanced power electronics and control systems, licensing its highly engineered wind turbine designs, and providing extensive customer support services to wind turbine manufacturers. The Company records revenue based on a five 606. three six September 30, 2019 77 In the Company's equipment and system product line, each contract with a customer summarizes each product sold to a customer, which typically represent distinct performance obligations. A contract's transaction price is allocated to each distinct performance obligation using the respective standalone selling price which is determined primarily using the cost-plus expected margin approach and recognized as revenue when, or as, the performance obligation is satisfied. The majority of the Company’s product sales transfer control to the customer in line with the contracted delivery terms and revenue is recorded at the point in time when title and risk transfer to the customer, as the Company has determined that this is the point in time that control transfers to the customer. The Company's equipment and system product line includes certain contracts which do not not 606. not 606 three six September 30, 2019 $0.7 $1.1 no three six September 30, 2018 In the Company's service and technology development product line, there are several different types of transactions and each begins with a contract with a customer that summarizes each product sold to a customer, which typically represents distinct performance obligations. The technology development transactions are primarily for activities that have no not not not 606, no The Company's service contracts can include a purchase order from a customer for specific goods in which each item is a distinct performance obligation satisfied at a point in time at which control of the goods is transferred to the customer. This transfer occurs based on the contracted delivery terms or when the requested service work has been completed. The transaction price for these goods is allocated based on the adjusted market approach considering similar transactions under similar circumstances. Service contracts are also derived from ongoing maintenance contracts and extended service-type warranty contracts. In these transactions, the Company is contracted to provide an ongoing service over a specified period of time. As the customer is consuming the benefits as the service is being provided, the revenue is recognized over time ratably. The Company’s policy is to not The Company provides assurance-type warranties on all product sales for a term of typically one two four The Company records revenue net of sales tax, value added tax, excise tax and other taxes collected concurrent with revenue-producing activities. The Company has elected to recognize the cost for freight and shipping when control over the products sold passes to customers and revenue is recognized. The Company has elected to recognize incremental costs of obtaining a contract as expense when incurred except in contracts where the amortization period would exceed twelve not twelve The Company’s contracts with customers do not may 30 60 The following tables disaggregate the Company’s revenue by product line and by shipment destination: Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 Six Months Ended September 30, 2019 Product Line: Grid Wind Grid Wind Equipment and systems $ 10,044 $ 2,077 $ 18,399 $ 5,581 Services and technology development 1,445 446 2,946 856 Total $ 11,489 $ 2,523 $ 21,345 $ 6,437 Region: Americas $ 10,698 $ 1 $ 18,499 $ 47 Asia Pacific 393 2,464 2,220 6,320 EMEA 398 58 626 70 Total $ 11,489 $ 2,523 $ 21,345 $ 6,437 Three Months Ended September 30, 2018 Six Months Ended September 30, 2018 Product Line: Grid Wind Grid Wind Equipment and systems $ 5,503 $ 7,219 $ 12,957 $ 10,711 Services and technology development 2,066 88 3,541 274 Total $ 7,569 $ 7,307 $ 16,498 $ 10,985 Region: Americas $ 5,052 $ 24 $ 12,548 $ 47 Asia Pacific 2,308 7,278 3,115 10,873 EMEA 209 5 835 65 Total $ 7,569 $ 7,307 $ 16,498 $ 10,985 As of September 30, 2019 September 30, 2018 7, 8, Unbilled Accounts Receivable Deferred Program Costs Contract Liabilities Beginning balance as of March 31, 2019 $ 2,213 $ 318 $ 15,519 Increases for costs incurred to fulfill performance obligations — 2,153 — Increase (decrease) due to customer billings (2,926 ) — 19,340 Decrease due to cost recognition on completed performance obligations — (310 ) — Increase (decrease) due to recognition of revenue based on transfer of control of performance obligations 4,711 — (18,534 ) Other changes and FX impact (4 ) (9 ) (313 ) Ending balance as of September 30, 2019 $ 3,994 $ 2,152 $ 16,012 Unbilled Accounts Receivable Deferred Program Costs Contract Liabilities Beginning balance as of March 31, 2018 $ 3,016 $ 2,567 $ 21,937 Impact of adoption of ASC 606 — (1,599 ) (2,657 ) Increases for costs incurred to fulfill performance obligations — 1,267 — Increase (decrease) due to customer billings (7,886 ) — 7,828 Decrease due to cost recognition on completed performance obligations — (1,033 ) — Increase (decrease) due to recognition of revenue based on transfer of control of performance obligations 7,439 (9 ) (8,296 ) Other changes and FX impact (19 ) 24 (864 ) Ending balance as of September 30, 2018 $ 2,550 $ 1,217 $ 17,948 The Company’s remaining performance obligations represent the unrecognized revenue value of the Company’s contractual commitments. The Company’s performance obligations may September 30, 2019 606 twelve 50.4 7.2 thirteen sixty twelve twelve first three twelve twelve not not The following table sets forth customers who represented 10% three six September 30, 2019 2018 Three Months Ended Six Months Ended Reportable September 30, September 30, Segment 2019 2018 2019 2018 Inox Wind Limited Wind <10% 45 % 17 % 36 % Micron Technology Grid <10% <10% 14 % <10% Vestas Grid <10% 11 % <10% 23 % Quanta Power Grid — % 12 % — % <10% Hoffman Construction Grid 25 % — % 12 % — % M.J. Electric, LLC Grid 25 % — % 13 % — % |