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XTO Energy Inc. | | January 31, 2018 Page 2 |
trust, in the working interest category, in the royalty interest category, and in each state. Projections of individual property future production and net revenues are included in separate volumes to this report. These exhibits and volumes should not be relied upon independently of this narrative.
The proved developed producing reserves and production forecasts were estimated by production decline extrapolations,water-oil ratio trends, P/Z declines, or in a few cases, by volumetric calculations. For some properties with insufficient performance history to establish trends, M&L estimated future production by analogy with other properties with similar characteristics. The past performance trends of many properties were influenced by production curtailments, workovers, waterfloods, and/or infill drilling. Actual future production may require that M&L’s estimated trends be significantly altered. Reserves estimates from volumetric calculations and from analogies are often less certain than reserves estimates based on well performance obtained over a period during which a substantial portion of the reserves was produced.
The data employed in M&L’s estimations of proved reserves and future net income was provided by XTO. The current expenses for each lease were obtained from operating statements provided by XTO except for certain leases where XTO deducted items considered by XTO to be nonrecurring expenditures. No overhead was included for those properties operated by XTO. For some properties, such as large waterfloods, XTO assumed a decline in operating costs due to depleting production that was derived by forecasting a decrease in the property well count. The data provided to M&L by XTO, including, but not limited to, graphical representations and tabulations of past production performance, well tests and pressures, ownership interests, prices, and operating costs, were accepted as represented and were considered appropriate for the purpose of this report. M&L employed all methods, data, procedures, and assumptions considered necessary and appropriate in utilizing the data provided to prepare this report.
The evaluations presented in this report, with the exceptions of those parameters specified by others, reflect M&L’s informed judgments and are subject to the inherent uncertainties associated with interpretation of geological, geophysical, and engineering information. These uncertainties include, but are not limited to, (1) the utilization of analogous or indirect data and (2) the application of professional judgments. Government policies and market conditions different from those employed in this study may cause (1) the total quantity of oil, natural gas liquids, or gas to be recovered, (2) actual production rates, (3) prices received, or (4) operating and capital costs to vary from those presented in this report. At this time, M&L is not aware of any regulations that would affect XTO’s ability to recover the estimated reserves.
Miller and Lents, Ltd. is an independent oil and gas consulting firm. No director, officer, or key employee of Miller and Lents, Ltd. has any financial ownership in XTO Energy Inc. or any related company. M&L’s compensation for the required investigations and preparation of this report is not contingent on the results obtained and reported, and we have not performed other work that would affect M&L’s objectivity. Preparation of this report was supervised by Katie M. Reinaker, P.E., an officer of the firm who is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and is professionally qualified, with more than nine years of relevant experience, in the estimation, assessment, and evaluation of oil and gas reserves.
M&L’s work papers and data are in our files and available for review upon request. If you have any questions regarding the above, or if M&L can be of further assistance, please call.
Yours very truly,
Texas Registered Engineering Firm No.F-1442
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| | Katie M. Reinaker, P. E. Senior Vice President |