Segment Information | NOTE 9 – SEGMENT INFORMATION Segment Information Our sales are primarily comprised of training and consulting services and our internal reporting and operating structure is currently organized around two divisions: the Enterprise Division, which consists of our Direct Office and International Licensee segments and the Education Division, which is comprised of our Education practice. Based on the applicable guidance, our operations consist of three reportable segments and one corporate services group. The following is a brief description of our reportable segments: Direct Offices – Our Direct Office segment has a depth of expertise in helping organizations solve problems that require changes in human behavior, including leadership, productivity, execution, trust, and sales performance. We have a variety of principle-based offerings that help build winning and profitable cultures. This segment includes our sales personnel that serve the United States and Canada; our international direct sales offices; our government services sales channel; and our book and audio sales. International Licensees – Our independently owned international licensees provide our offerings and services in countries where we do not have a directly-owned office. These licensee partners allow us to expand the reach of our services to large multinational organizations as well as smaller organizations in their countries. This segment’s sales are primarily comprised of royalty revenues received from these licensees. Education Practice – Centered around the principles found in The Leader in Me , the Education practice is dedicated to helping educational institutions build a culture that will produce great results. We believe these results are manifested by increases in student performance, improved school culture, decreased disciplinary issues, and increased teacher engagement and parental involvement. This segment includes our domestic and international Education practice operations, which are focused on sales to educational institutions such as elementary schools, high schools, and colleges and universities . Corporate and Other – Our corporate and other information includes leasing operations, shipping and handling revenues, royalty revenues from Franklin Planner Corp., and the cost of certain administrative functions. We have determined that the Company’s chief operating decision maker is the Chief Executive Officer, and the primary measurement tool used in business unit performance analysis is Adjusted EBITDA, which may not be calculated as similarly titled amounts disclosed by other companies. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. For reporting purposes, our consolidated Adjusted EBITDA may be calculated as net income excluding interest, income taxes, depreciation expense, intangible asset amortization expense, stock-based compensation, and certain other charges such as restructuring costs and impaired asset charges. We reference this non-GAAP financial measure in our decision making because it provides supplemental information that facilitates consistent internal comparisons to the historical operating performance of prior periods and we believe it provides investors with greater transparency to evaluate operational activities and financial results. Our operations are not capital intensive and we do not own any manufacturing facilities or equipment. Accordingly, we do not allocate assets to the reportable segments for analysis purposes. Interest expense and interest income are primarily generated at the corporate level and are not allocated. Income taxes are likewise calculated and paid on a corporate level (except for entities that operate in foreign jurisdictions) and are not allocated for analysis purposes. We account for the following segment information on the same basis as the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements (in thousands). Revenue From Quarter Ended External Adjusted May 31, 2024 Customers Gross Profit EBITDA Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 49,334 $ 40,172 $ 12,170 International licensees 2,701 2,435 1,334 52,035 42,607 13,504 Education practice 20,079 13,179 3,080 Corporate and eliminations 1,259 420 ( 2,660 ) Consolidated $ 73,373 $ 56,206 $ 13,924 Quarter Ended May 31, 2023 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 50,382 $ 40,425 $ 11,322 International licensees 2,835 2,549 1,415 53,217 42,974 12,737 Education practice 17,082 10,929 1,649 Corporate and eliminations 1,142 330 ( 2,487 ) Consolidated $ 71,441 $ 54,233 $ 11,899 Three Quarters Ended May 31, 2024 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 141,509 $ 115,186 $ 32,978 International licensees 8,826 7,861 4,571 150,335 123,047 37,549 Education practice 49,402 31,157 2,593 Corporate and eliminations 3,372 1,132 ( 7,802 ) Consolidated $ 203,109 $ 155,336 $ 32,340 Three Quarters Ended May 31, 2023 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 144,194 $ 116,199 $ 32,212 International licensees 9,048 8,184 4,787 153,242 124,383 36,999 Education practice 45,631 28,497 1,309 Corporate and eliminations 3,692 1,305 ( 6,750 ) Consolidated $ 202,565 $ 154,185 $ 31,558 A reconciliation of our consolidated Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated net income is provided below (in thousands). Quarter Ended Three Quarters Ended May 31, May 31, May 31, May 31, 2024 2023 2024 2023 Segment Adjusted EBITDA $ 16,584 $ 14,386 $ 40,142 $ 38,308 Corporate expenses ( 2,660 ) ( 2,487 ) ( 7,802 ) ( 6,750 ) Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 13,924 11,899 32,340 31,558 Stock-based compensation ( 2,828 ) ( 3,307 ) ( 7,092 ) ( 9,357 ) Restructuring costs ( 701 ) - ( 3,008 ) - Impaired asset - - ( 928 ) - Increase in the fair value of contingent consideration liabilities - - - ( 7 ) Depreciation ( 990 ) ( 934 ) ( 2,994 ) ( 3,131 ) Amortization ( 1,062 ) ( 1,086 ) ( 3,204 ) ( 3,270 ) Income from operations 8,343 6,572 15,114 15,793 Interest income 268 362 857 804 Interest expense ( 247 ) ( 354 ) ( 916 ) ( 1,173 ) Income before income taxes 8,364 6,580 15,055 15,424 Income tax provision ( 2,643 ) ( 2,017 ) ( 3,609 ) ( 4,455 ) Net income $ 5,721 $ 4,563 $ 11,446 $ 10,969 Revenue by Category The following table presents our revenue disaggregated by geographic region (in thousands). Quarter Ended Three Quarters Ended May 31, May 31, May 31, May 31, 2024 2023 2024 2023 Americas $ 62,084 $ 59,456 $ 169,840 $ 167,835 Asia Pacific 6,460 7,418 19,438 20,801 Europe/Middle East/Africa 4,829 4,567 13,831 13,929 $ 73,373 $ 71,441 $ 203,109 $ 202,565 The following table presents our revenue disaggregated by type of service (in thousands). Quarter Ended Services and Leases and May 31, 2024 Products Subscriptions Royalties Other Consolidated Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 22,682 $ 26,028 $ 624 $ - $ 49,334 International licensees 58 303 2,340 - 2,701 22,740 26,331 2,964 - 52,035 Education practice 9,117 10,397 565 - 20,079 Corporate and eliminations - - 313 946 1,259 Consolidated $ 31,857 $ 36,728 $ 3,842 $ 946 $ 73,373 Quarter Ended May 31, 2023 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 24,808 $ 25,033 $ 541 $ - $ 50,382 International licensees 89 321 2,425 - 2,835 24,897 25,354 2,966 - 53,217 Education practice 6,456 9,971 655 - 17,082 Corporate and eliminations - - 313 829 1,142 Consolidated $ 31,353 $ 35,325 $ 3,934 $ 829 $ 71,441 Three Quarters Ended May 31, 2024 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 61,398 $ 78,457 $ 1,654 $ - $ 141,509 International licensees 374 959 7,493 - 8,826 61,772 79,416 9,147 - 150,335 Education practice 16,783 29,662 2,957 - 49,402 Corporate and eliminations - - 939 2,433 3,372 Consolidated $ 78,555 $ 109,078 $ 13,043 $ 2,433 $ 203,109 Three Quarters Ended May 31, 2023 Enterprise Division: Direct offices $ 70,112 $ 72,233 $ 1,849 $ - $ 144,194 International licensees 276 1,016 7,756 - 9,048 70,388 73,249 9,605 - 153,242 Education practice 15,065 28,015 2,551 - 45,631 Corporate and eliminations - - 936 2,756 3,692 Consolidated $ 85,453 $ 101,264 $ 13,092 $ 2,756 $ 202,565 |