OCTOBER 27, 2022 / 1:00PM, FCN.N - Q3 2022 FTI Consulting Inc Earnings Call
I became less bullish, however, when I began to isolate the underlying business from what were more onetime factors. And we’ve talked about this before. You always have to do that isolation because even though over any longer period of time, onetime factors tend to even out. In any given quarter, onetime factors, like remeasurement gains, FX remeasurement gains or losses or tax rates or success fees, can seriously affect quarterly results. If they happen to cut all negatively in the quarter, the numbers, in my opinion, end up understating the strength of the underlying business. But conversely, if they all cut positively, the reverse is true.
And in this quarter, there were some major onetime factors that happen to cut in our favor.
One of those we talked about last quarter, which was the major revenue deferrals in e-com, deferrals that we expected to recoup this order, and we did. Those deferrals, of course, mean that last quarter’s revenues and profits in some real sense understate the underlying performance of the business that quarter. And this quarter’s revenues and profits in some sense overstate — in the same sense overstate the underlying performance this quarter. That, of course, we knew about, and we talked about.
Perhaps more significant were 2 additional benefits for this quarter. We had substantial FX remeasurement gains this quarter. Those come and go. They’re very hard to predict. But this quarter, they happened to cut very positively, as Ajay will talk about in some detail. And for a variety of reasons, we ended up this quarter with a very low tax rate.
If you strip out the effects of all those onetime benefits, it was not a bad quarter, but neither was at the extraordinary one that $2.15 in EPS would suggest. That being said, if you dive down a level, some parts of our business did terrifically well and/or better than our expectations. But at the same time, other parts did not perform as well as we expected or hoped. And there are lots — as always, lots of examples and — but let me give you just a flavor of some of the tos and fros.
Within Corp Fin, our U.S. business continued to outperform, but some overseas markets, particularly Europe, were weak. And FLC Health Solutions and Cyber continued to soar, while some other businesses lagged our expectations. In Tech, we had record revenues, but the investment we have made in headcount and associated compensation, together with price pressure, and that EBITDA growth did not fully follow suit.
Let me spend a minute on EMEA. As we’ve talked about EMEA, I am and I think the entire leadership team and the entire company is extraordinarily proud of the multiyear trajectory our teams in Europe have been able to build there. And we are very bullish on the investments we are making for the next generation of growth.
However, some of the extraordinary stresses going on in Europe have meant that in this quarter, like, in fact, every quarter this year, that business has continued to fall short of our expectations. Ajay will give you more details on some of the various tos and fros. But my takeaway was overall that when you normalize for the onetime factors, this feels more like a solid quarter, a solid quarter rather than an extraordinary one, with some parts of the business is doing great and other parts dealing with market realities and with work to do.
So more typical than extraordinary. All of which leads me back to the third point, the one I automatically keep in mind and tend to be focused on not just on quarterly times, but always, which is orders are nice, but you have to look past the quarter. You have to look — to past the quarter to say where are we with respect to the multiyear trajectory that we aspire to for this company.
The goal of always being an ever stronger company, an ever more powerful company, more capable company, one that’s focused on the right parts of the market, being able to deliver for our clients, to attract great talent, to develop talent, and therefore, build a company that performs for our clients, that attracts and performs for our people and performs for you, our shareholders.
I think everyone on this call knows that over the last several years, the success we’ve had has not been because every business in every part of the world went up in a straight line every quarter. The world, the competitive landscape, the markets, the disruptions of the market always creates zigzags, zigzags that sometimes just require courage to stay the course, to persevere through short-term dislocations when you have the right focus and the right teams and other points zigzags that require work to do to adjust to new market realities.