JULY 25, 2024 / 1:00PM, FCN.N - Q2 2024 FTI Consulting Inc Earnings Call
So let me come back and elaborate a bit on the third point I made, which is the point that I referred to briefly last quarter, which is that we have been having and continue to have what I believe may be the most robust and broad set of discussions regarding potential senior talent that we’ve ever had or at least during my tenure here.
After I mentioned that last time a couple of people queried Mollie about the fact that it didn’t seem coterminous with a lot of announcements. So let me talk to that a bit. First of all, I hope by now you’re starting to see some of those announcements. I think so far we’ve announced 19 SMD hires, and it’s across the breadth of our segments and geographies.
Business transformation and strategy, transactions, IG, privacy and security, forensic accounting, cyber, and hires here in the US in Asia, on the continent, in the UK and elsewhere. So they’re starting to show up, and I hope you’re seeing them.
And of course, importantly, those are on top of a terrific set of promotions we made earlier in the year, 56 promotions at the SMD level and hundreds of promotions below that level. But beyond the promotions and the announced tiers, let me share a couple of other points.
We are having a lot of conversations with very senior people. When you at the very most senior levels, there’s often more of a lag between when we come to an agreement with the person commitments actually announced and publicly. Those senior people typically have important existing obligations at a company, and we typically will support them as they deliver on those expectations and our obligations.
But given that, we would typically may delay the announcement until they’re clear of the obligations, we probably have at least another 15 SMDs beyond the 19 that we’ve announced, that we’ve agreed to come have agreed to come join us and we simply haven’t announced them well, they’re delivering on their prior obligations.
And beyond the ones we’ve announced and the ones we’ve signed but not yet been able to announce, we’re also having an amazing set of further conversations. Now, of course, with any early stage conversation or even mid-stage conversation, the obvious question is, will they ultimately come to fruition?
First, do you give them an offer? Are they going to come? Of course, do not know on any individual conversation for sure. I will say, however, given the number of conversations underway, some of the people I’ve had a chance to talk to and they’re in the quality of that set of people we’re talking with and the richness of the dialogue we’re having with them. But I suspect a lot of them, in fact, will come to fruition.
As Ajay always points out, those investments could hurt our P&L in the second half of the year or into ‘25. And of course, they can. Typically senior hires because they often have non-competes or non-sources or even if not, we’re not going to just hire them. We’re going to hire people behind them.
For all those reasons, they typically do not make us money the minute they hit the ground. With that, I hope, it’s a conversation that you will recall from many of these calls. For me, it’s that commitment, the commitment to making those investments behind great talent, talent that can address important client needs in fundamentally important ways and our willingness to do that, yes, in good quarters, but also in bad quarters. It has been that commitment that has allowed us to turn this company into the growth engine that it is.
It’s one that has allowed us to build our businesses across so many geographies, in every segment that has allowed us to achieve multiple years of growth. And to me, has transformed our company’s reach, our relevance, our profitability, our reputation, and our ability to attract great professionals to deliver those results for our fabulous — fabulous results for our clients.
My sense is as long as we continue that philosophy, and yes, we always have to accompany it with the discipline around that philosophy, which is making sure that we are finding great hires. We’re spending time on those hires to make sure that people were truly excited about, and we spend time integrating them into our company.
But as long as we have that discipline and together with it, we maintain the commitment. When we are excited to invest boldly and with conviction in them and the teams that we build around them, my sense is as long as we continue that discipline and that boldness we will continue to build on this company’s strong history and if anything, accelerate this company’s powerful growth journey. With that, let me turn this over to Ajay for the details of the quarter.