SEGMENT INFORMATION | 2. SEGMENT INFORMATION Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating decision-maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing the performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the Board of Directors. Management has determined the operating segments based on the reports reviewed by the Board of Directors, which are used to make strategic decisions. The Board considers the business from a geographic perspective based on the Group’s management and internal reporting structure. Sales of product between companies in the Group are made on commercial terms which reflect the nature of the relationship between the relevant companies. Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise interest-bearing loans, borrowings and expenses and corporate expenses. Segment capital expenditure is the total cost during the year to acquire segment plant, property and equipment and intangible assets that are expected to be used for more than one period, whether acquired on acquisition of a business combination or through acquisitions as part of the current operations. The Group comprises two main geographical segments (i) the Americas and (ii) Rest of World. The Group’s geographical segments are determined by the location of the Group’s assets and operations. The Group has also presented a geographical analysis of the segmental data for Ireland as is consistent with the information used by the Board of Directors. The reportable operating segments derive their revenue primarily from one source (i.e. the market for diagnostic tests for a range of diseases and other medical conditions). In determining the nature of its segmentation, the Group has considered the nature of the products, their risks and rewards, the nature of the production base, the customer base and the nature of the regulatory environment. The Group acquires, manufactures and markets a range of diagnostic products. The Group’s products are sold to a similar customer base and the main body whose regulation the Group’s products must comply with is the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in the US. The following presents revenue and profit information and certain asset and liability information regarding the Group’s geographical segments. i) The distribution of revenue by geographical area based on location of assets was as follows: Rest of World Revenue Americas Ireland Other Eliminations Total Year ended December 31, 2020 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$’000 US$‘000 Revenue from external customers 77,688 24,292 - - 101,980 Inter-segment revenue 59,304 1,095 - (60,399 ) - Total revenue 136,992 25,387 - (60,399 ) 101,980 Rest of World Revenue Americas Ireland Other Eliminations Total Year ended December 31, 2019 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$’000 US$‘000 Revenue from external customers 64,045 26,390 - - 90,435 Inter-segment revenue 39,563 1,629 - (41,192 ) - Total revenue 103,608 28,019 - (41,192 ) 90,435 Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Eliminations Total Year ended December 31, 2018 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$’000 US$‘000 Revenue from external customers 65,863 31,172 - - 97,035 Inter-segment revenue 38,665 2,899 - (41,564 ) - Total revenue 104,528 34,071 - (41,564 ) 97,035 ii) The distribution of revenue by customers’ geographical area was as follows: Revenue December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 December 31, 2018 US$‘000 Americas 70,408 52,183 57,559 Asia / Africa 22,567 27,686 29,466 Europe (including Ireland) * 9,005 10,566 10,010 101,980 90,435 97,035 * Revenue from customers in Ireland is not disclosed separately due to the immateriality of these revenues. iii) The distribution of revenue by major product group was as follows: Revenue December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 December 31, 2018 US$‘000 Clinical laboratory goods 84,280 68,127 71,618 Clinical laboratory services 8,485 10,915 10,581 Point-of-Care 9,215 11,393 14,836 101,980 90,435 97,035 iv) The group has recognised the following amounts relating to revenue in the consolidated statement of operations: Revenue December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 December 31, 2018 US$‘000 Revenue from contracts with customers (a) 101,980 90,435 97,035 Revenue from other sources - - - 101,980 90,435 97,035 (a) Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers: The Group derives revenue from the transfer of goods and services over time and at a point in time in the following geographical areas: Timing of revenue recognition Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2020 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 77,060 24,292 — 101,352 Over time 628 — — 628 Total 77,688 24,292 — 101,980 Timing of revenue recognition Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2019 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 63,300 26,390 — 89,690 Over time 745 — — 745 Total 64,045 26,390 — 90,435 Timing of revenue recognition Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2018 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 64,941 31,172 — 96,113 Over time 922 — — 922 Total 65,863 31,172 — 97,035 (b) The Group derives revenue from the transfer of goods and services over time and at a point in time based on customers’ geographical area as follows: Timing of revenue recognition Americas Asia / Africa Europe Total Year ended December 31, 2020 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 69,780 22,567 9,005 101,352 Over time 628 — — 628 Total 70,408 22,567 9,005 101,980 Timing of revenue recognition Americas Asia / Africa Europe Total Year ended December 31, 2019 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 51,438 27,686 10,566 89,690 Over time 745 — — 745 Total 52,183 27,686 10,566 90,435 Timing of revenue recognition Americas Asia / Africa Europe Total Year ended December 31, 2018 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 At a point in time 56,637 29,466 10,010 96,113 Over time 922 — — 922 Total 57,559 29,466 10,010 97,035 v) The distribution of segment results by geographical area was as follows: Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2020 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 Result before impairment and unallocated expenses 14,495 4,264 (71 ) 18,688 Impairment (17,779 ) - — (17,779 ) Result after impairment (3,284 ) 4,264 (71 ) 909 Unallocated expenses * (827 ) Operating profit 82 Net financing expense (Note 8) (6,715 ) Loss before tax (6,633 ) Income tax credit (Note 9) 620 Loss for the year on continuing operations (6,013 ) Loss for the year on discontinued operations (Note 10) (375 ) Loss for the year (6,388 ) Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2019 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 Result before impairment and unallocated expenses 5,239 (4,334 ) (108 ) 797 Impairment (14,562 ) (9,733 ) — (24,295 ) Result after impairment (9,323 ) (14,067 ) (108 ) (23,498 ) Unallocated expenses * (614 ) Operating loss (24,112 ) Net financing expense (Note 8) (5,885 ) Loss before tax (29,997 ) Income tax credit (Note 9) 1,006 Loss for the year on continuing operations (28,991 ) Profit for the year on discontinued operations (Note 10) 77 Loss for the year (28,914 ) Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Total Year ended December 31, 2018 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 Result before impairment and unallocated expenses 5,514 1,900 (44 ) 7,370 Impairment (19,095 ) (7,837 ) — (26,932 ) Result after impairment (13,581 ) (5,937 ) (44 ) (19,562 ) Unallocated expenses * (665 ) Operating loss (20,227 ) Net financing expense (Note 8) (2,956 ) Loss before tax (23,183 ) Income tax credit (Note 9) 525 Loss for the year on continuing operations (22,658 ) Loss for the year on discontinued operations (Note 10) 568 Loss for the year (22,090 ) * Unallocated expenses represent head office general and administration costs of the Group, which cannot be allocated to the results of any specific geographical area. vi) The distribution of segment assets and segment liabilities by geographical area was as follows: Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Total As at December 31, 2020 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 Assets and liabilities Segment assets 58,164 37,632 3 95,799 Unallocated assets: Income tax assets (current and deferred) 7,271 Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments 27,327 Total assets as reported in the Group balance sheet 130,397 Segment liabilities 20,431 107,080 46 127,557 Unallocated liabilities: Income tax liabilities (current and deferred) 5,059 Total liabilities as reported in the Group balance sheet 132,616 Rest of World Americas Ireland Other Total As at December 31, 2019 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 US$‘000 Assets and liabilities Segment assets 69,224 37,212 1 106,437 Unallocated assets: Income tax assets (current and deferred) 8,234 Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments 16,400 Total assets as reported in the Group balance sheet 131,071 Segment liabilities 14,575 104,396 200 119,171 Unallocated liabilities: Income tax liabilities (current and deferred) 7,187 Total liabilities as reported in the Group balance sheet 126,358 vii) The distribution of long-lived assets, which are property, plant and equipment, goodwill and intangible assets and other non-current assets (excluding deferred tax assets and derivative financial instruments), by geographical area was as follows: December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 Rest of World – Ireland 19,927 14,626 Americas 22,835 38,803 42,762 53,429 viii) The distribution of depreciation and amortisation by geographical area was as follows: December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 December 31, 2018 US$‘000 Depreciation: Rest of World – Ireland 127 322 74 Americas 1,587 2,208 1,301 1,714 2,530 1,375 Rest of World – Ireland 32 642 655 Americas 1,371 1,726 2,170 1,403 2,368 2,825 ix) The distribution of share-based payment expense by geographical area was as follows: December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 Rest of World – Ireland 722 659 1,265 Americas 70 99 104 792 758 1,369 See Note 22 for further information on share-based payments. x) The distribution of interest income and interest expense by geographical area was as follows: Interest Income Year ended December 31, 2020 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Rest of world Other US$‘000 Eliminations US$‘000 Total US$‘000 Interest income earned 9 27 — — 36 Inter-segment interest income — 3,656 4,853 (8,509 ) — Total 9 3,683 4,853 (8,509 ) 36 Interest Expense Year ended December 31, 2020 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Rest of World US$‘000 Eliminations US$‘000 Total US$’000 Interest on finance leases 290 606 — — 896 Cash interest on exchangeable notes — 3,996 — — 3,996 Non-cash interest on exchangeable notes ( Note 25) — 643 — — 643 Non-cash financial expense — 1,216 — — 1,216 Inter-segment interest expense 6,668 363 1,478 (8,509 ) — Total 6,958 6,824 1,478 (8,509 ) 6,751 Rest of world Interest Income Year ended December 31, 2019 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Other US$‘000 Eliminations US$‘000 Total US$‘000 Interest income earned 47 417 — — 464 Non-cash financial income — 233 — — 233 Inter-segment interest income — — 4,853 (4,853 ) — Total 47 650 4,853 (4,853 ) 697 Rest of World Interest Expense Year ended December 31, 2019 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Other US$‘000 Eliminations US$‘000 Total US$’000 Interest on finance leases 294 653 — — 947 Interest on tax audit settlement (Note 6) — 1,000 — — 1,000 Cash interest on exchangeable notes — 3,996 — — 3,996 Non-cash interest on exchangeable notes ( Note 25) — 639 — — 639 Inter-segment interest expense 4,853 — — (4,853 ) — Total 5,147 6,288 — (4,853 ) 6,582 Rest of world Interest Income Year ended December 31, 2018 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Other US$‘000 Eliminations US$’000 Total US$‘000 Interest income earned 32 704 — — 736 Non-cash financial income — 1,388 — — 1,388 Inter-segment interest income — — 4,853 (4,853 ) — Total 32 2,092 4,853 (4,853 ) 2,124 Rest of world Interest Income Year ended December 31, 2018 Americas US$‘000 Ireland US$‘000 Other US$‘000 Eliminations US$’000 Total US$‘000 Interest on finance leases 7 32 — — 39 Cash interest on exchangeable notes — 4,352 — — 4,352 Non-cash interest on exchangeable notes ( Note 25) — 689 — — 689 Inter-segment interest expense 4,853 — — (4,853 ) — Total 4,860 5,073 — (4,853 ) 5,080 xi) The distribution of taxation (expense)/credit by geographical area was as follows: December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 December 31, 2018 US$‘000 Rest of World – Ireland 293 831 (59 ) Rest of World – Other (8 ) — (3 ) Americas 335 175 587 620 1,006 525 xii) During 2020, 2019 and 2018 there were no customers generating 10% or more of total revenues. xiii) The distribution of capital expenditure by geographical area was as follows: December 31, 2020 US$‘000 December 31, 2019 US$‘000 Rest of World – Ireland 5,609 20,758 Rest of World – Other - - Americas 4,317 12,863 9,926 33,621 |