Loans | NOTE 4 – LOANS Loans generally are funded at a fixed interest rate with a loan term of up to five years. Loans acquired are generally done so within the first six months of origination, and purchased at the current par value, which approximates fair value. As of September 30, 2019, 37 (79%) of the partnership’s 47 loans (representing 96% of the aggregate principal of the partnership’s loan portfolio) have a term of five years or less. The remaining loans have terms longer than five years. Substantially all loans are written without a prepayment penalty clause. As of September 30, 2019, 15 (32%) of the loans outstanding (representing 63% of the aggregate principal balance of the partnership’s loan portfolio) provide for monthly payments of interest only, with the principal due in full at maturity. The remaining loans require monthly payments of principal and interest, typically calculated on a 30-year amortization, with the remaining principal due at maturity. Loans unpaid principal balance (principal) Secured loan transactions are summarized in the following table for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019 ($ in thousands). Three months ended September 30, 2019 Nine months ended September 30, 2019 Principal, beginning of period $ 96,132 $ 97,438 Loans originated 26,444 52,838 Loans sold to non-affiliate (7,740 ) (7,740 ) Principal collected (28,646 ) (56,346 ) Principal, September 30, 2019 (1) $ 86,190 $ 86,190 1) Borrower payments are deposited into an independent bank trust account established and administered by RMC, pursuant to California regulations, and are disbursed to the partnership after an appropriate holding period to ensure the funds are collected. Borrower payments deposited into the trust account are not included in the consolidated financial statements until disbursed to the partnership. At September 30, 2019, there was $69,325 in borrower payments held in the RMC trust account, all of which was disbursed to the partnership by October 22, 2019. In July 2019, the partnership sold to an unaffiliated third party, three loans with aggregate principal balance of approximately $7,740,000 at a price that netted an immaterial gain. One loan with a principal balance of approximately $650,000 was renewed during the three months ended September 30, 2019. Five loans with an aggregate principal balance of approximately $5,658,000 were renewed during the nine months ended September 30, 2019. See Note 3 (General Partners and Other Related Parties) for a description of loan transfers by executed assignments to affiliates. The partnership originates loans with the intent to hold the loans until maturity. From time to time the partnership may sell certain loans. Loan characteristics Secured loans had the characteristics presented in the following table as ($ in thousands). September 30, December 31, 2019 2018 Number of secured loans 47 56 Secured loans – principal $ 86,190 $ 97,438 Secured loans – lowest interest rate (fixed) 5.0 % 5.0 % Secured loans – highest interest rate (fixed) 10.5 % 10.5 % Average secured loan – principal $ 1,834 $ 1,740 Average principal as percent of total principal 2.1 % 1.8 % Average principal as percent of partners’ capital, net of formation loan 1.9 % 1.5 % Average principal as percent of total assets 1.8 % 1.5 % Largest secured loan – principal $ 10,200 $ 10,900 Largest principal as percent of total principal 11.8 % 11.2 % Largest principal as percent of partners’ capital, net of formation loan 10.3 % 9.5 % Largest principal as percent of total assets 10.2 % 9.4 % Smallest secured loan – principal $ 68 $ 56 Smallest principal as percent of total principal 0.1 % 0.1 % Smallest principal as percent of partners’ capital, net of formation loan 0.1 % 0.1 % Smallest principal as percent of total assets 0.1 % 0.1 % Number of California counties where security is located 16 18 Largest percentage of principal in one California county 43.1 % 26.7 % Number of secured loans with a filed notice of default — — Secured loans in foreclosure – principal $ — $ — Number of secured loans with prepaid interest 1 1 Prepaid interest $ 4 $ 341 As of September 30, 2019, the partnership’s largest loan, with an unpaid principal balance of approximately $10,200,000, had an interest rate of 9.50%, was secured by an industrial building in San Francisco County, and had a maturity of September 1, 2020. As of September 30, 2019, the partnership had no outstanding construction or rehabilitation loans and no commitments to fund construction, rehabilitation or other loans. Lien position At funding, secured loans had the following lien positions and are presented in the following table as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands). September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Loans Principal Percent Loans Principal Percent First trust deeds 27 $ 71,205 83 % 34 $ 80,348 82 % Second trust deeds 20 14,985 17 22 17,090 18 Total principal, secured loans 47 $ 86,190 100 % 56 $ 97,438 100 % Liens due other lenders at loan closing 30,869 37,632 Total debt $ 117,059 $ 135,070 Appraised property value at loan closing $ 218,140 $ 258,134 Percent of total debt to appraised values (LTV) at loan closing ( 2) 56.2 % 55.0 % 2) Based on appraised values and liens due other lenders at loan closing. The weighted-average loan-to-value (LTV) computation above does not take into account subsequent increases or decreases in property values following the loan closing, nor does it include decreases or increases of the amount owing on senior liens to other lenders. Property type Secured loans summarized by property type are presented in the following table as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands). September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Loans Principal Percent Loans Principal Percent Single family ( 3) 33 $ 31,601 37 % 32 $ 35,956 36 % Multi-family 2 7,073 8 3 1,713 2 Commercial 11 47,131 54 20 59,319 61 Land 1 385 1 1 450 1 Total principal, secured loans 47 $ 86,190 100 % 56 $ 97,438 100 % 3) Single family properties include owner-occupied and non-owner occupied 1-4 unit residential buildings, condominium units, townhouses, and condominium complexes. The single family property type as of September 30, 2019 consists of 14 loans with principal of approximately $8,571,000 that are owner occupied and 19 loans with principal of approximately $23,030,000 that are non-owner occupied. Single family property type at December 31, 2018 consisted of 16 loans with principal of approximately $12,839,000 that are owner occupied and 16 loans with principal of approximately $23,054,000 that are non-owner occupied. Distribution by California counties The distribution of secured loans outstanding by the California county in which the primary collateral is located is presented in the following table as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands). September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Principal Percent Principal Percent San Francisco Bay Area ( 4) San Francisco $ 37,128 43.1 % $ 26,026 26.7 % San Mateo 21,214 24.6 23,122 23.7 Alameda 3,011 3.5 4,212 4.2 Santa Clara 780 0.9 3,789 3.9 Napa 551 0.6 559 0.6 Marin 514 0.6 849 0.9 Contra Costa 295 0.3 314 0.2 Solano — — 3,560 3.7 63,493 73.6 62,431 63.9 Other Northern California Amador 724 1.0 737 0.8 Santa Cruz 611 0.7 2,121 2.1 Monterey 372 0.4 489 0.5 Mariposa 68 0.1 56 0.1 Sacramento — — 3,300 3.4 1,775 2.2 6,703 6.9 Total Northern California 65,268 75.8 69,134 70.8 Los Angeles & Coastal Los Angeles 11,388 13.2 18,236 18.7 Santa Barbara 2,089 2.4 2,099 2.2 Orange 650 0.8 654 0.7 14,127 16.4 20,989 21.6 Other Southern California San Bernardino 5,380 6.2 5,900 6.1 Riverside 1,415 1.6 1,415 1.5 6,795 7.8 7,315 7.6 Total Southern California 20,922 24.2 28,304 29.2 Total principal, secured loans $ 86,190 100.0 % $ 97,438 100.0 % 4) Includes the Silicon Valley Scheduled maturities Secured loans are scheduled to mature as presented in the following table as of September 30, 2019 ($ in thousands). Scheduled maturities, as of September 30, 2019 Loans Principal Percent 2019 (5) 3 $ 9,490 11 % 2020 22 43,266 50 2021 11 14,853 17 2022 3 2,703 4 2023 2 3,817 4 Thereafter 2 1,210 1 Total future maturities 43 75,339 87 Matured as of September 30, 2019 4 10,851 13 Total principal, secured loans 47 $ 86,190 100 % 5) Loans scheduled to mature in 2019 from October 1 to December 31. It is the partnership’s experience that loans may be repaid or refinanced before, at or after the contractual maturity date. For matured loans, the partnership may continue to accept payments while pursuing collection of amounts owed from borrowers. Therefore, the above tabulation for scheduled maturities is not a forecast of future cash receipts. Matured Loans Secured loans past maturity are summarized in the following table as of September 30, 2019 ($ in thousands). September 30, 2019 Number of loans 4 Principal $ 10,851 Advances 1 Accrued interest 424 Total secured loan balance past maturity $ 11,276 Principal past maturity as percent of total principal 13 % All of the loans which were past maturity at September 30, 2019 were designated as impaired. At September 30, 2019, all loans past maturity were designated as in non-accrual status, except one loan, with principal of approximately $3,896,000 and was 92 days delinquent at September 30, 2019, where the borrower continued making interest payments while it negotiated an extension agreement with management. Delinquency Secured loans summarized by payment delinquency are presented in the following table ($ in thousands). September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Loans Principal Loans Principal Past Due 30-89 days — $ — 1 $ 450 90-179 days 3 7,430 1 3,300 180 or more days 2 4,016 — — Total past due 5 11,446 2 3,750 Current 42 74,744 54 93,688 Total principal, secured loans 47 $ 86,190 56 $ 97,438 Interest income of approximately $273,000 and $88,000 was accrued on loans contractually past due 90 days or more as to principal and/or interest payments as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively. Four of the loans 90 or more days delinquent, with aggregate principal of approximately $10,851,000, were past maturity at September 30, 2019. One loan, with principal of approximately $594,900 was 153 days delinquent, and was designated as impaired and in non-accrual status, was not past maturity at September 30, 2019. Loans in non-accrual status Secured loans in non-accrual status are summarized in the following table as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands) September 30, December 31, 2019 2018 Number of loans 4 — Principal $ 7,550 $ — Advances 1 — Accrued interest 376 — Total recorded investment $ 7,927 $ — Foregone interest $ 18 $ — Four loans, with aggregate principal of approximately $7,550,000 were in non-accrual status at September 30, 2019, three of which, with an aggregate principal balance of approximately $6,955,000 were past maturity. No loans were in non-accrual status at December 31, 2018. At September 30, 2019, one loan with a principal balance of approximately $3,896,000 was contractually 90 or more days past due as to principal or interest and not in non-accrual status. At December 31, 2018, one loan with a principal balance of approximately $3,300,000 was contractually 90 or more days past due as to principal or interest and not in non-accrual status. Loans designated impaired Impaired loans had the balances shown and the associated allowance for loan losses presented in the following table as of September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands). September 30, December 31, 2019 2018 Principal $ 11,446 $ 3,300 Recorded investment ( 6) 11,872 3,388 Impaired loans without allowance 11,872 3,388 Impaired loans with allowance — — Allowance for loan losses, impaired loans ( 7) — — Number of Loans 5 1 LTV 65.6 % 36.1 % 6) Recorded investment is the sum of principal, advances, and interest accrued for financial reporting purposes. 7) The loans designated impaired for accounting purposes are well collateralized (i.e., their protective equity was such that collection was deemed probable for amounts owing) and there was no allowance for loan losses at September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018. Impaired loans had the average balances and interest income recognized and received in cash as presented in the following table as of, and for, the nine months ended September 30, 2019 and the year ended December 31, 2018 ($ in thousands). September 30, December 31, 2019 2018 Average recorded investment $ 7,630 $ 5,987 Interest income recognized 273 257 Interest income received in cash 242 210 Modifications, workout agreements and troubled debt restructurings At September 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the partnership had no modifications or workout agreements (or troubled debt restructurings) in effect. Allowance for loan losses At September 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, the partnership had no allowance for loan losses because all loans had protective equity such that at September 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, collection was deemed probable for amounts owing. Recovery from agreement with a borrower On September 30, 2019, RMI VIII received $1,612,500 pursuant to the terms of a workout agreement dated October 21, 2011, between RMI VIII and a borrower in default on certain loans secured by various California properties. As part of a workout, RMI VIII received an assignment of a non-voting economic membership interest in the developer’s joint venture, in an amount equal to 25% of all distributions of profit and return of invested capital attributable to the developer’s interest, but excluding management and development fees, payable to the developer from certain joint ventures from which the developer receives a share of the proceeds of the properties. In the third quarter of 2018 one of the two properties held by the joint venture was transferred to an affiliate of the joint venture. The joint venture operating agreement prohibits distributions prior to the sale of the last asset. Accordingly, RMI VIII disclosed a contingent gain based on that transfer beginning in its third quarter 2018 financial statements. The second and last asset held by the joint venture was sold in the second quarter of 2019. After that sale, the |