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6-K Filing
POSCO (PKX) 6-KCurrent report (foreign)
Filed: 3 Feb 20, 6:23am
Exhibit 99.1
2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 Posco With POSCO
Disclaimer This presentation was prepared and circulated to release the informations regarding the company’s business performance to shareholders and investors prior to the completion of auditing for the period of the year 2019. As figures in this presentation are based on unaudited financial statements, certain contents may be subject to modification in the course of auditing process. This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements relating to the business, financial performance and results of the company and/or the industry in which it operates. The forward-looking statements set forth herein concern future circumstances and results and other statements that not historical facts, and are solely opinions and forecasts which are uncertain and subject to risks. Therefore, the recipients of this presentation shall be aware of that the forward-looking statements set forth herein may not correspond to the actual business performance of the company due to changes and risks in business environments and conditions. The sole purpose of this presentation is to assist persons in deciding whether they wish to proceed with certain investments to the company. The company does not make any representation or warranty, expressly or impliedly, as to the accuracy and completeness of this presentation or of the information contained herein and shall not have any liability for the informations contained in this presentation. 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020
Contents 2019 Business Performance- Parent Performance- Consolidated Performance- Subsidiary Performance 2020 Business Outlook Mid-term Dividend Policy (FY2020~FY2022) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020
Parent Performance Production / Sales Production Sales38,007 YoY YoY(thousand tons) 37,738 (thousand tons, %)+269 35,99037,206 35,588 +402Crude Steel Sales Volume 34,70957.555.3 35,989 35,901 -88 Domestic Product 54.0 -2.2%p 35,210 Sales Ratio WTP +0.9%pSales Ratio 30.4 29.72017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 In WTP volume, semi-products and un-ordered products are excluded from total sales Crude steel production in 2019 increased in preparation for a revamp Product sales went up on plate sales growth for shipbuilding and construction sectors scheduled in 2020, product production remained previous year level·Sales volume by product(k tons) : HR +99, Plate +283, etc. ·Gwangyang Works produced larger volume of crude steel y-o-y by 143k tons to prepare for a revamp of blast furnace #3 in 2020 WTP sales increased, mainly eco-friendly premium products to construction and wind power sectors in domestic and overseas- BF #3 expansion revamping will last for about 3 months starting from Feb 2020 · WTP sales volume(k tons) : ‘18) 9,612 ‘19) 10,110 (+498)[Product Sales] [Product Production](thousand tons) (thousand tons) 2017 2018 2019 YoY 2017 2018 2019 YoYCarbon Domestic 18,755 20,457 19,909 -548 33,182 33,956 33,931 -25 Export 15,954 15,131 16,081 +950 STS 2,028 2,033 1,970 -63 Inventory 1,323 1,500 1,107 -393*WTP(World Top Premium) includes World First/World Best products 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 4
Parent Performance P/L Financial Structure(billion KRW) 30,659 YoY YoY30,374 22.1% 19.6% -285 16.9%Revenue Liabilities28,554 +2.5%p Ratio3,809Operating 2,903Profit 2,586 -1,22312.4% 10.2%Net Debt -2.35% -3.9%p -2.5 +0.5 OP Margin (trillion KRW)-3.02017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Operating profit reduced on manufacturing cost increase from Preemptively issued bonds in preparation for debt repayment, iron ore price hike and sales price decline which increased liabilities and cash balance·Iron ore spot price($/ton) : ‘17) 71 ‘18) 70’19) 94 ·Issued bonds : 1.5 trillion KRW, U$1 billion global bond (Platts Fe 62% Fine Ore CFR)* Repayment schedule : ‘20) 1.0 ‘21) 1.4 trillion KRW Operating Profit (billion KRW) YoY [Cash Balance & Debt]-473 -1,223(bn KRW) 2017 2018 2019-1,025 +236 YoY Sales price, 3,809 2,586Production +39Costs* Cash Balance 6,157 7,285 8,822 +1,537 volume Raw material Sales price Volume Debt 3,901 4,271 6,338 +2,0672018 2019* Sub-materials(87bn KRW), electricity(80bn KRW), etc. cost down 5
Consolidated Performance P/L Financial Structure(billion KRW) YoY YoY64,978 66.5% 67.3%64,367-611Revenue 60,655 Liabilities65.4%Ratio -1.9%pOperating 5,5434,622 -1,674 Profit 3,8698.5% 11.57.6% Net Debt 9.56.0% -2.5%p 8.0 -1.5 OP Margin (trillion KRW)2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 While Global & Infra Business Segment continued to be strong, Consolidated liabilities ratio dropped on debt reduction efforts consolidated operating profit declined due to softer steel earnings made by subsidiaries while parent debt level temporarily went up· Domestic subsidiaries ·Steel : Profitability affected with mill margin squeezed· Global & Infra : P-Int’l and P-Energy recorded solid earnings : P-Int’l -1,278, P-Energy - 411 billion KRW, etc. · Overseas steel subsidiaries : PT.KP -136, P-America -118 billion KRW, etc. Aggregated Operating Profit (bn KRW) 2017 2018 2019 Cash Balance & Debt YoY Steel 3,605 4,516 2,687 -1,829 (bn KRW) 2017 2018 2019YoYOverseas steel 489 490 -29 -519Cash Balance 9,595 10,678 12,463 +1,785 Global & Infra 995 1,033 1,180 +147 New Growth 96 104 83 -21 Debt 21,064 20,209 20,442 +233 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 6
Subsidiary Performance Domestic POSCO International POSCO E&C· Achieved largest operating profit on strong performance in · Revenue increased by accelerating construction progress production/sales of Myanmar gas business while trading rate in housing segment, but operating profit went down revenue was reduced due to global trade dispute from recognizing losses in several overseas projects- Gas sales (billion ft3): ‘18) 144 ‘19) 216 - Haeundae LCT, Songdo Residential Complex, etc. gained in revenue23,309 7,209 22,744 6,626Revenue 20,892 Revenue6,317568341Operating Profit Operating Profit 314 385 284(billion KRW) 353 (billion KRW)2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019POSCO Energy POSCO Chemical· Operating profit went up on enhanced cost competitiveness ·Revenue picked up on expansion of cathode/anode sales, by direct import of LNG for Power Plant Unit #3 in Incheon, operating profit decreased from refractories material price CP price increase and restructuring of fuel cell business- Cathode/Anode revenue(billion KRW) : ‘18) 91 ‘19) 219- CP(Capacity Payment, KRW/kWh) : ‘18) 9.0 ‘19) 9.2- Capacity expansion : (Cathode) Gwangyang 6k tons/year, (Anode) Sejong 20k tons/year1,841 1,8021,435Revenue 1,578 Revenue 1,341 1,164Operating Profit 141 121 Operating Profit24(billion KRW) (billion KRW) 101 102882017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 7
Subsidiary Performance Overseas PT. Krakatau POSCO Zhangjiagang STS (PZSS)·Production/sales marked the highest, but operating · While sales volume peaked led by WTP sales growth, profit shrank due to raw material price hike and weaker operating profit decreased due to declined mill margin sales of high-margin products from intense competition- Sales price(y-o-y) : Slab -15%, Plate -6% - Sales volume(k tons) : ‘18) 1,227 ‘19) 1,247 (+20)1,701 1,635 . WTP sales : +10k tons(354 364)Revenue 1,446 2,797 2,735Revenue 2,589182Operating Profit 125 Operating Profit 114 12(million USD)(million USD) 22017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019POSCO Maharashtra POSCO SS VINA· Under slowed economic growth and sluggish auto sector ·Operating loss widened with weaker prices due to inflow of in India, sales volume and price both slipped, which reduced cheap products and worsened competition, and lower operating profit production/sales volume - Sales volume(k tons) : ‘18) 1,778 ‘19) 1,567 (-211) - Sales volume(k tons) : ‘18) 918 ‘19) 824 (-94) - Push forward to improve profitability by business restructuring 1,4651,244 562Revenue 1,190 Revenue 460 442109Operating Profit 89Operating Profit -31 -22 -41(million USD) 3 (million USD)2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 8
2020 Business Outlook Parent Consolidated (trillion KRW)30.0 Revenue 63.8Crude Steel Production 36.7 million tons Product Sales 35.0 million tons4.1 Capex* 6.07.2 Debt 22.0 * 2019 capex execution rate : Parent 70%, Consolidated 50% 9
Mid-term Dividend Policy (FY2020~FY2022)Improve predictability of dividend policy by announcing mid-term target Dividend Policy Dividend Per Share Target Pay-out Ratio around 30% (KRW)(Based on the profit attributable to owners of the controlling company)10,000 10,000In calculating the profit, one-off costs not generating cash outflow will be adjusted 8,000Year-end dividend will be decided after comprehensive consideration of factors such as mid-term business plan, dividend yield, and FCF Mid-term dividend policy will be reviewed and announced on a 3-year basisFY2017 FY2018 FY2019(f) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 10
Appendix Market & Outlook- Global Steel Demand- Domestic Steel Demand- Raw Materials Outlook Summarized Financial Statements Aggregated Earnings by Segment Earnings Trend and Financial Soundness 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020
Global Steel Demand Chinese Steel Demand Demand by Region “Chinese steel price continued to be strong with winter “Global steel demand growth in 2020 likely to slow down with production cut while steel demand sustained solid” low economic growth rate and continued trade dispute”? Construction sector showcased results better than expected although ? Chinese demand in 2020 is expected to grow around 1.0% from last economic growth slowed and manufacturing weakened year to maintain 900 million tons mainly due to weakness in - 2019 properties development investment up +9.9%, construction manufacturing sector and limited room for economic boost measure starts gained +8.5%- Manufacturing PMI went above baseline 50 for 2 consecutive months? Advanced countries will show only 0.6% demand growth as U.S. and in Nov and Dec at 50.2 EU expect low economic growth rate and sluggish industrial activities In 4Q19, steel price remained strong temporarily by restocking ? Emerging markets will pull global demand supported by demand and winter production control, but auto and other demand government-led stimulus and expanded infrastructure investment in sectors will still be weak India, ASEAN and Russia- Distributors’ inventory slipped for 10 consecutive weeks from Oct to Dec Chinese Steel Price & Distributors’ Inventory Steel Demand Outlook (million tons)588 582 576568 572 Region 2017 2018 2019(f) 2020(f)566 YoY YoY560 558 556538 539 U.S 97.7 99.8 100.8 1.0% 101.2 0.4%18.7 528 16.0 51412.7 EU 163.1 168.9 166.8 -1.2% 168.6 1.1%12.5 12.5 11.2 11.0 11.5 10.8 10.2 China 773.8 835.0 900.1 7.8% 909.1 1.0%9.9 7.6 7.7 India 88.7 96.7 101.6 5.0% 108.7 7.0% ASEAN 73.5 77.1 79.5 3.1% 83.9 5.6%MENA 71.7 68.9 66.1 -4.0% 66.9 1.1% ‘19.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ‘20.1 World 1,634 1,709 1,775 3.9% 1,806 1.7%Distributors’ Inventory (mn tons) Domestic HR Price(U$/ton)* Bloomberg(2020.1), CISA(2020.1) * World Steel Association(2019.10) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 12
Domestic Steel Demand Demand Industry Automobile Shipbuilding Construction In 2020, auto production may fall under 4 mn New orders expected to grow as global Construction investment will decrease yoy units due to delayed recovery in domestic and demand recovers along with environment- but the rate will be narrower as public export markets, but will show slight recovery yoy friendly ship demand investment is expected to expand- Weak domestic performance due to liabilities - Replacement demand will increase on IMO - Government will increase SOC to vitalize and end of government subsidies environment regulation the economy Production New Orders Construction Investment(thousand cars) (million GT) (YoY)7.3% 4,115 26.2 4,029 24.8 3,951 3,983 20.0 17.4- 2.3% - 4.3% - 4.0%2017 2018 2019 2020(f) 2017 2018 2019 2020(f) 2017 2018 2019 2020(f)* Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (2020.1), * Clarkson(2020.1), POSRI(2020.1) * Bank of Korea(2020.1) , POSRI(2020.1) POSRI(2020.1)Steel Supply and Demand(million tons)2017 2018 2019(e) 2020(f)YoY YoY Nominal Consumption 56.3 53.7 53.3 - 0.7% 52.6 - 1.4% Export 31.7 30.4 30.4 - 0.2% 30.5 + 0.4%Production 77.1 75.2 73.7 - 2.1% 73.4 - 0.3%Import 10.9 8.9 10.0 + 12.4% 9.6 - 4.2%Including Semi-Product 19.7 15.4 16.8 + 9.2% 15.8 - 6.1%* POSRI(2020.1) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 13
Raw Materials Outlook Iron Ore Coking Coal Demand was significantly weakened due to Chinese While steel demand is slack, iron ore supply increased government’s strict regulation on coal import, credit by major miners, which lowered the price down under crunch in India and continued depression of steel U$80 early November. Since mid-Nov, demand 4Q19 4Q19 demand in Europe and Japan followed by production strengthened as Chinese steel market improved and cut. 4Q average coal price recorded U$140/ton, which winter environment control was loosened, which marked the lowest in 3 years pushed up the price to record U$89/ton average in 4Q“1Q fine ore price expected at U$90~95/ton” “1Q HCC price expected at U$150~160/ ton” In China, coal import is likely to increase as domestic Steel production in China is sustained and restocking coal price is continuously higher than import coal and 1Q20 demand is expected ahead of rainy season in Australia/ 1Q20 demand for import will grow due to renewal of annual Brazil from Dec to Mar. Iron ore price is expected to import quota. Coal demand will also rebound in India trend between U$90~95/ton depending on steel as domestic steel sector is on a recovery. 1Q coal price demand and Chinese port inventory will be higher than 4Q20[Iron Ore Price] (US$/ton) [Coking Coal Price] (US$/ton)100 102 22990-95(f) 221 89206 20383 190 18874 16172 150~160(f)67 140652018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 20201Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q(f) 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q(f) *62% Fe IODEX CFR China (Quarterly Spot Average) *Premium Coking Coal FOB Australia (Quarterly Price) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 14
Summarized F/S Parent Income Statement2017 2018 2019 YoY Crude Steel Production (thousand tons) 37,206 37,738 38,007 +269Product Sales (thousand tons) 34,709 35,588 35,990 +402STS 1,997 2,001 1,968 -33Carbon Steel Sales Price (thousand KRW) 691 733 722 -11(billion KRW)Revenue 28,554 30,659 30,374 -285Cost of Goods Sold 23,833 25,728 26,701 973 Gross Profit 4,721 4,931 3,673 -1,258SG&A 1,818 1,122 1,087 -35Operating Profit 2,903 3,809 2,586 -1,223(Operating Margin) (10.2%) (12.4%) (8.5%) (-3.9%p)Non-Operating Profit 452 -1,575 -755 820Net Profit 2,546 1,073 1,176 103(Net Margin) (8.9%) (3.5%) (3.9%) (+0.4%p)* Transportation charge is re-categorized from SG&A to cost of goods sold in accordance with the amendment of K-IFRS 1115 (Recognized since 4Q18) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 15
Summarized F/S Parent Balance Sheet(billion KRW)2017 2018 2019 YoY Current Assets 14,840 16,796 18,216 +1,420 Cash Balance* 6,157 7,285 8,822 +1,537 Accounts Receivable 3,868 3,968 3,987 +19 Inventories 4,544 5,288 4,989 -299Current Ratio 415.7% 431.1% 546.8% +115.7%p Non-Current Assets 38,852 37,330 37,495 +165Other Long-term financial assets 1,393 1,177 1,258 +81PP&E 21,561 20,154 20,132 -22Total Assets 53,692 54,126 55,711 +1,585Liabilities 7,751 8,854 10,097 +1,243 Current Liabilities 3,570 3,896 3,331 -565 Non-Current Liabilities 4,181 4,958 6,765 +1,807 Interesting-bearing Debt 3,901 4,271 6,338 +2,067Liabilities Ratio 16.9% 19.6% 22.1% +2.5%pEquity 45,941 45,272 45,614 +342* Cash Balance : Cash and cash equivalents, Short-term financial instruments, Short-term trading securities, Short-term securities, Current portion of held-to-maturity securities 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 16
Summarized F/S Consolidated Income Statement(billion KRW)2017 2018 2019YoYRevenue 60,655 64,978 64,367 -611Gross Profit 8,356 7,972 6,250 -1,722(Gross Margin) (13.8%) (12.3%) (9.7%) (-2.6%p)SG&A 3,734 2,430 2,382 -48Operating Profit 4,622 5,543 3,869 -1,674(Operating Margin) (7.6%) (8.5%) (6.0%) (-2.5%p)Non-Operating Profit -341 -1,554 -719 +835Share of Profit (Loss) of Equity-accounted Investees 11 113 274 +161Finance Income and Costs -112 -538 -370 +168Foreign Currency Transaction & 170 -204 -36 +168Translation Gain(Loss)Net Profit 2,974 1,892 1,983 +91(Net Margin) (4.9%) (2.9%) (3.1%) (+0.2%p)Profit Attributable to Owners of the 2,790 1,691 1,835 +144Controlling Company* Transportation charge is re-categorized from SG&A to cost of goods sold in accordance with the amendment of K-IFRS 1115 (Recognized since 4Q18) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 17
Summarized F/S Consolidated Balance Sheet(billion KRW)2017 2018 2019 YoY Current Assets 31,127 33,651 34,842 +1,191Cash Balance* 9,595 10,678 12,463 +1,785 Accounts Receivable 8,951 9,283 9,078 -205 Inventories 9,951 11,500 10,920 -580 Current Ratio 164.3% 177.7% 213.5% +35.8%p Non-Current Assets 47,898 44,597 44,216 -381Other Long-term financial assets 1,912 1,648 1,669 +21PP&E 31,884 30,018 29,926 -92 Total Assets 79,025 78,248 79,059 +811 Liabilities 31,561 31,489 31,264 -225Current Liabilities 18,946 18,938 16,324 -2,614 Non-Current Liabilities 12,615 12,551 14,940 +2,389 Interesting-bearing Debt 21,064 20,209 20,442 +233 Liabilities Ratio 66.5% 67.3% 65.4% -1.9%pEquity 47,464 46,760 47,795 +1,035Owners of the Controlling Company 43,733 43,371 44,472 +1,101* Cash Balance : Cash and cash equivalents, Short-term financial instruments, Short-term trading securities, Short-term securities, Current portion of held-to-maturity securities 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 18
Aggregated Earnings by Segment (billion KRW)Revenue Operating Profit Net Profit Segment2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019Steel 47,611 50,421 49,808 3,605 4,516 2,687 2,791 1,272 586 Global & Infra 45,892 50,409 49,808 995 1,033 1,180 304 -14 657 Trading 34,878 38,319 37,625 423 491 654 113 50 160 E & C 7,286 7,321 7,713 289 326 266 25 0.2 30 Energy 1,697 1,983 1,944 185 72 166 100 -38 390 I C T 956 934 977 57 41 48 42 -34 40 New Growth* 1,231 1,428 1,513 96 104 83 65 78 85 Total 94,734 102,258 101,129 4,696 5,653 3,950 3,160 1,336 1,328 * New Growth segment includes the segment previously categorized as chemical business 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 19
Earnings Trend and Financial Soundness Maintain profitability and improve financial structure continuously against market volatility Operating Profit Financial Structure (tn KRW) Parent Consolidated Consolidated (%) Parent Consolidated Cash Bal(L) Cash Bal(L) Liabilities Ratio(R) 6.0 (tn KRW) 5.6 5.5 5.5 14.0 100.012.5 4.8 90.0 5.0 4.6 12.04.3 10.7 80.0 3.9 9.6 65.44.0 3.7 3.8 10.0 70.08.7 3.2 60.03.0 7.6 8.8 2.9 8.02.8 2.8 7.1 3.0 6.8 7.3 2.6 2.6 6.4 6.5 50.02.4 2.4 6.2 2.2 2.2 6.0 5.2 4.9 40.0 2.0 4.3 3.7 30.0 4.0 3.2 3.1 2.5 2.4 20.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19OP margin(%) ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19Consolidated 11.3 7.8 5.7 4.8 4.9 4.1 5.4 7.6 8.5 6.0 Consolidated 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.6 4.5 4.7 4.1 2.9 2.5 3.0 Parent 14.7 11.1 7.8 7.3 8.0 8.7 10.8 10.2 12.4 8.5 D/E(x) ** Debt/EBITDA : Moody’s formula applied (Off-balance sheet liabilities included in debt, finance costs included in EBITDA) 2019 Earnings Release January 31, 2020 20