AS OF AUGUST 29, 2006
Set forth herein is Danielson Associates Inc.'s ("Danielson
Associates") updated independent appraisal of the "fair" market value of the
common stock of Harbor Bankshares Corporation ("Harbor" or "the Bank") of
Baltimore, Maryland as of August 29, 2006. The original opinion was dated
December 8, 2005. Market value is defined as the price at which the common stock
would change hands between a willing seller and a willing buyer, each having
reasonable knowledge of relevant facts and assuming a significant amount of
stock changing hands daily to assure a true reflection of market forces.
This fairness opinion is based on data supplied by Harbor to Danielson
Associates and its regulators, but it also relies on some public information.
All information received is believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or
completeness of such information cannot be guaranteed. In particular, this
fairness opinion assumes that there are no significant loan quality problems
beyond what has been stated in Harbor's quarterly reports to the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation ("FDIC").
In determining the fair value of the common stock of Harbor, primary
emphasis has been given to the stock prices of banks that have comparable
financial, market and structural characteristics, and the relationship of these
prices to earnings.
Based on these updated comparisons, an analysis of Harbor's past
performance and future potential and by applying discounts for market, stock
liquidity and its minority ownership, it has been established that the fair
value of its common stock as of August 29, 2006 is between $30.53 and $32.17 per
share with the midpoint being $31.35 per share. Any price in this range would be
fair to current shareholders.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ David G. Danielson
David G. Danielson, President
Danielson Associates Inc.
AS OF AUGUST 29, 2006
8300 Boone Blvd, Suite 200, Vienna, VA 22182 - (703) 564-9120
AS OF AUGUST 29, 2006
Opinion Letter.............................................................1
Financial Summary..........................................................2
Market Value Adjustments...................................................3
1 Financial Summary......................................................10
2 Urban Exchange Group...................................................11
3 Urban Over-the-Counter Group...........................................15
4 Urban Most Applicable Group............................................19
5 Publicly-Traded Minority-Owned Banks and Thrifts.......................23
6 Minority-Owned Group...................................................24
7 Stock Trades in 2005...................................................28
8 Discounted Dividends Applied to Harbor.................................29
9 Summary of Valuation Multiples.........................................30
10 Pricing Applied to Harbor..............................................31
AS OF AUGUST 29, 2006
Set forth herein is Danielson Associates Inc.'s ("Danielson
Associates") updated independent appraisal of the "fair" market value of the
common stock of Harbor Bankshares Corporation ("Harbor" or "the Bank") of
Baltimore, Maryland as of August 29, 2006. The original opinion was dated
December 8, 2005. Market value is defined as the price at which the common stock
would change hands between a willing seller and a willing buyer, each having
reasonable knowledge of relevant facts and assuming a significant amount of
stock changing hands daily to assure a true reflection of market forces.
This fairness opinion is based on data supplied by Harbor to Danielson
Associates and its regulators, but it also relies on some public information.
All information received is believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or
completeness of such information cannot be guaranteed. In particular, this
fairness opinion assumes that there are no significant loan quality problems
beyond what has been stated in Harbor's quarterly reports to the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation ("FDIC").
In determining the fair value of the common stock of Harbor, primary
emphasis has been given to the stock prices of banks that have comparable
financial, market and structural characteristics, and the relationship of these
prices to earnings.
Based on these updated comparisons, an analysis of Harbor's past
performance and future potential and by applying discounts for market, stock
liquidity and its minority ownership, it has been established that the fair
value of its common stock as of August 29, 2006 is between $30.53 and $32.17 per
share with the midpoint being $31.35 per share. Any price in this range would be
fair to current shareholders.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ David G. Danielson
David G. Danielson, President
Danielson Associates Inc.
Since its inception, Harbor has been a slow growing bank. This, though,
can still be considered good growth as its primary market has a declining
population base and comparatively low income levels. In 1990, its eighth year of
operations, the Bank had assets of $38 million and grew these assets to $62
million by the end of 1993. In 1994, the Bank purchased 2 branches from the
Resolution Trust Corporation, which moved its assets above $100 million for the
first time. From the beginning of 1998 through the end of 2001 - a four year
period - Harbor's growth stalled as assets hovered around $184 million. Growth
picked up again in 2002 when Harbor purchased a branch in Randallstown from
Carrollton Bancorp. With the purchase of this branch, the Bank's assets in 2002
surpassed $200 million and as of June 30, 2006 it had assets of $258 million.
Harbor has earned in excess of $1 million annually since 2002, and
annualized earnings for the six months ended June 30, 2006 are just under $1.8
million. These earnings produced returns on equity in the 8% to 12% range during
this period and while these are good results, they were helped by capital that
was less than 7% of assets. Returns on assets were not as good, ranging from a
low of .54% to a high of .84% during this same period (see Table 1).
In order to determine a "fair" price for shares of Harbor's common
stock, it is necessary to consider how it differs from the two primary groups to
which it has been compared - the urban most applicable group and the
minority-owned group - and make the adjustments reflecting the differences, if
needed. These adjustments should consider such items as profitability, capital,
growth momentum, market, deposit mix, asset mix and quality, management,
liquidity of stock as well as any unique circumstances. Background information
on these items appears in the original opinion or in the updated tables at the
end of the report.
Earnings, when they are normal, are the primary determinant of the
value of a stock, but relationships based on earnings have to consider their
sustainability. Harbor's earnings have been consistent over the last four years,
and its overall financial condition make it likely that it can, and will,
sustain similar earnings and earnings growth going forward. Thus, in an
earnings-determined valuation, there is no cause for an adjustment based on
Harbor's capital-to-asset ratio is low but so were several banks in the
comparable groups. The current amount of capital is sufficient to continue to
grow at historical rates and should not have an impact on restraining earnings
growth. Thus, there is no cause for a value adjustment based on capital.
In 2006, the Bank's going private transaction will cause the holding
company to purchase, approximately, 14,000 shares of Harbor common stock for an
amount less than $420,000. This will reduce Harbor's capital ratios, but not
enough to cause a value adjustment.
Harbor's growth has been adequate. Some of this growth was fueled by
branch acquisitions, but this has helped Harbor hold onto its current local
market share. Thus, growth is not a reason for a value adjustment.
The Bank has continued to look for branches in growing areas within its
market, but the majority of its branches and deposits are in Baltimore City, a
declining market. This is particularly important in a valuation since part of
the value of a bank is its growth opportunities and the likelihood that it will
be acquired. Harbor's market limits both its potential growth and is likely to
deter most potential acquirers. Thus, market is a reason for a downward value
adjustment in comparison to the urban most applicable group, which generally
served better markets, but not the minority-owned group, which mostly served
similar large urban markets.
The comparable banks take into account Harbor's size. As a result, size
is not a reason for a value adjustment.
Asset Mix and Quality
Harbor's asset mix is good and contributes toward the Bank's
profitability. Thus, since asset mix is factored into an earnings-determined
value, a value adjustment is not necessary.
Asset quality is also good and is comparable to the asset quality of
the comparable groups. Thus, asset quality is not a reason for a value
Deposit Mix
Harbor's deposit mix is excellent, but these good deposits are a major
part of the determination of profits. Thus, deposit mix is factored into an
earnings-determined value and is not a reason for a value adjustment.
Since there has not been any substantial change in management for many
years, the impact of management on value is reflected in all of the above
value-determining categories. Thus, management also is not a reason for a value
Stock Liquidity
Harbor differs from the comparable banks in the illiquidity of its
stock. The banks in the comparable groups, generally, do not trade extensively,
but they are listed on either a national exchange, the Nasdaq or trade
over-the-counter. Harbor is not listed on any exchange, nor does its stock trade
on the Nasdaq or over-the-counter. Its stock does trade occasionally but not in
any organized manner. Thus, stock liquidity is a reason for a value discount in
relation to the comparable groups.
Unique Characteristics
The only unique characteristic of Harbor that is not addressed above is
Harbor's minority-ownership. This characteristic is reflected in the
minority-owned group, but not in the urban most applicable group. This
minority-ownership impacts the value of the stock by decreasing the likelihood
the bank will be sold, and thus its potential sale value. Investors do not
consider minority banks likely to sell, and, thus, no acquisition premium is
normally included in the value. The reason for this perception is that minority
banks seldom are sold willingly because there is a stronger community commitment
than for most non-minority urban banks and non-minority banks, which represent
the bulk of possible buyers, have minimal interest in acquiring minority banks
because of the poor economic dynamics of the urban markets they normally serve
and the potential larger than normal run-off of customers after a merger. A
non-minority bank will buy a minority bank, but it will not pay a full premium.
Thus, Harbor's status as a minority-owned bank is a reason for a value discount
relative to the urban most applicable group.
When all of the elements of possible adjustment to the value of
Harbor's value are considered, it merits discounts to the urban most applicable
group based on market, stock liquidity and minority ownership. In relation to
the minority-owned group, the only discount would be for the illiquidity of its
In establishing a "fair" price for shares of an unlisted stock, there
are numerous methodologies that can be used including a) sale prices of similar
companies, b) liquidation value, c) discounted dividends analysis under certain
earnings and growth assumptions and d) comparisons with stock prices of similar
companies that are publicly-traded or trade on the Nasdaq or over-the-counter.
The latter is by far the most commonly-used method and is the best method by
which to value Harbor's stock. The first three methods are primarily utilized
when there is either a likely sale of the company, a possibility of failing,
and/or adequate comparisons do not exist. These methods have not been used
because Harbor is not considering a sale, it is not in danger of failing and
there are enough applicable banks with a traded stock on which to base a
valuation. Thus, the value of Harbor's stock has been established by comparisons
to urban and minority-owned banks with similar size, performance and market
characteristics after which certain discounts were applied.
Earnings derived Valuation
There are several methods by which bank stocks are normally valued.
Price times earnings, price-to-book and price-to-assets. The best method of
valuation when earnings are "normal", or can be "normalized", is earnings.
Price-to-book is used when price times earnings cannot be used because earnings
are not "normal" or cannot easily be "normalized". Price-to-assets is used when
price-to book does not provide a meaningful valuation. Thus, as Harbor's
earnings are "normal" and have been sustained for several years the best method
of a valuation is one based on earnings.
The first two groups considered were the urban exchange group and the
urban OTC group. While many of the banks in these two groups were eliminated to
form a single group with more similarities to Harbor, it is helpful to consider
their pricing multiples as each is a much larger group than the final two
comparative groups. The urban exchange group had thirteen banks and a median
price times earnings multiple of 19.6. The urban OTC group had ten banks and had
a median price times earnings multiple of 17.8 (see Table 2 & 3).
When the new banks and high performers in the urban exchange group and
the OTC group were eliminated there were five banks remaining. These five banks
comprise the urban most applicable group and had financial conditions and
performance quite similar to Harbor. The median price times earnings of this
group was 15.4. That the price times earnings multiple fell is not surprising as
new banks are often valued based on anticipated future performance and high
performing banks may merit a higher multiple (see Table 4).
The final comparative group and the most relevant to Harbor is the
minority-owned group. Four of these six banks are African-American owned and
serve large urban areas like Harbor. In addition, they all have similarities in
financial condition and performance. The median price times earnings for this
group is 14.0 (see Table 5 & 6).
The price times earnings multiples for the four comparables groups were
19.6X, 17.8X, 15.4X and 14.0X. The latter two multiples - for the urban most
applicable and the minority-owned group - are the most comparable.
Stock Transactions
Trading in shares of Harbor common stock is very infrequent as there
have only been sixteen known stock transactions since the beginning of 2005. In
2005, the stock traded consistently around $25 per share except for two trades
around $19 per share. In 2006, the stock continued trading around $25 per share
but the three most recent trades were for $29.73, $28.00 and $31.00 per share.
At a price of $31.00 based on current financial data, the Bank trades for 11.6
times fully-diluted earnings and 122% of book. Trading volume in 2006 was just
11,181 and in 2005 34,875 shares traded. These are too few shares traded on
which to base a valuation and they are not considered in this valuation (see
Table 7).
Discounted Dividends
Using the discounted dividends investment calculation and price times
earnings of 12 and 14, Harbor's price per share varies from $24.13 to $32.10.
The low price of $24.54 per share is under a 12% discount rate and 12 times
earnings and the high price of $33.72 per share is under a 10% discount rate and
14 times earnings (see Table 8).
Application of earnings multiples
Using the earnings multiple from the urban most applicable group of
15.4 times earnings, a value of $27.6 million, or $38.72 per fully-diluted share
is reached. Since the majority of banks in this group are located in better
urban markets and thus have better growth opportunities a downward adjustment in
value is necessary. Further adjustments take into account that these banks all
have some liquidity in their stock which exceeds the few trades in Harbor's
stock. Finally, an adjustment should be made because the minority-ownership of
Harbor limits the potential sale value of the Bank, and thus makes its stock
less attractive.
It is our opinion that in comparison to the urban most applicable group
a discount of 20% to 30% would be appropriate to account for the poor market
dynamics, illiquidity of stock and minority-ownership of Harbor. When these
discounts are applied to a 15.4 times earnings multiple the value is 10.8 to
12.3 times earnings, $19.3 to $22.1 million, or $27.91 to $31.52 per
fully-diluted share. The midpoint is $20.7 million, or $29.71 per fully-diluted
share, which is 11.6 times earnings, or 119% of book.
In using the minority-owned group the price times earnings multiple is
14.0 and discounts would only be taken for the illiquidity of stock since the
other minority-owned banks are located in similar urban markets. At 14.0 times
earnings, these minority-owned financial institutions suggest an unadjusted
value of $25.1 million, or $35.45 per fully-diluted share.
It is our opinion that a discount of 5% to 15% would be appropriate to
account for the illiquidity of Harbor's stock in comparison to the
minority-owned group. When this discount is applied, the resulting value is 11.9
times earnings to 13.3 times earnings, $21.3 to $23.8 million; or $30.53 to
$33.81 per fully-diluted share. The midpoint is $22.6 million or $32.17 per
fully-diluted share, which is 12.6 times earnings, or 130% of book.
In our opinion, the best guide as to the value of Harbor's stock is the
price times earnings multiples of other minority-owned banks having similar size
and performance, and being located in urban markets. The value determined by the
urban most applicable group - which is slightly lower - should also be
considered, but only to determine that the value is toward the lower half of the
range determined by the minority-owned group. This range is $21.3 to $22.6
million, or $30.53 to $32.17 per fully diluted share. This is 123% to 130% of
book value. As of August 29, 2006, any price in this range would be a "fair"
price at which to exchange stock (see Tables 9 and 10).
This updated fairness opinion is provided in connection with a proposed
"going private transaction," in the form of a merger in which Harbor common
stock owned by shareholders who own 100 or fewer shares would be exchanged for
cash. Record holders of more than 100 shares of Harbor common stock would not
receive cash for their shares in the merger and would remain Harbor
shareholders. Harbor would be the surviving company in the merger. Any price in
the indicated range would be "fair" to current Harbor shareholders, including
shareholders who would be cashed out in the merger and shareholders who would
not be cashed out in the merger and would remain shareholders of Harbor.
Percent of Assets Return
Net Net on Avg.
Assets Equity Income Capital Income Equity
------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------
(In millions) (In thous.)
2006* $258 $17.2 $1,790 6.17% .70% 10.59%
2005 257 17.0 1,883 6.61 .78 11.57
2004 235 16.2 1,462 6.90 .63 9.33
2003 220 15.3 1,785 6.96 .84 12.22
2002 210 14.1 1,077 6.73 .54 8.22
2001 187 12.2 730 6.56 .37 6.24
2000 185 10.2 565 5.55 .32 7.03
1999 178 7.5 1 4.20 - .01
1998** 184 16.4 1,009 8.91 .70 6.21
1997 136 16.0 905 11.77 .69 5.99
1996 130 14.5 777 11.21 .67 5.90
1995 113 11.3 901 10.00 .84 8.14
1994 106 10.9 703 10.26 .79 8.92
1993 62 4.5 475 7.25 .78 11.18
1992 57 4.1 346 7.15 .67 8.99
1991 45 3.7 107 8.24 .25 2.95
1990 38 3.5 149 9.35 .40 -
*June 30, 2006 or six months annualized.
**Bank level data for 1998 and proceeding years.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Full Name City, State Assets**
- --------- ----------- ------
(In mill.)
American Community Bancshares, Inc. Charlotte, N.C. $461
Annapolis Bancorp, Inc. Annapolis, Md. 324
Bank of Wilmington Corporation Wilmington, N.C. 397
Cardinal State Bank Durham, N.C. 176
Carolina Bank Holdings, Inc. Greensboro, N.C. 390
Crescent Financial Corporation Cary, N.C. 471
First National Bancshares, Inc. Spartanburg, S.C. 386
Glen Burnie Bancorp Glen Burnie, Md. 332
Greenville First Bancshares, Inc. Greenville, S.C. 455
Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc. Jacksonville, Fla. 310
Millennium Bankshares Corporation Reston, Va. 486
Monarch Bank Chesapeake, Va. 378
Valley Bancorp Las Vegas, Nev. 441
Harbor Bankshares Corporation Baltimore, Md. $258
*Non-minority urban banks on the east coast with assets between $150 and
$500 million and returns on average assets over .50%.
**June 30, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
As a Percent of Assets or Avg. Assets
------------------------------------- Return
Net on Avg.
Short Name Assets Equity NPAs** Income Equity
- ---------- ------ ------ ---- ------ ------
(In mill.)
American Community $461 11.42% .68% 1.05% 9.09%
Annapolis 324 6.71 .31 .99 14.68
Bank of Wilmington 397 6.32 .23 .62 8.61
Cardinal State 176 11.19 .51 .48 4.03
Carolina Bank 390 6.10 .92 .67 10.43
Crescent Financial 471 9.13 .06 .91 10.07
First National 386 6.02 - .99 16.08
Glen Burnie 332 7.77 .11 .86 10.40
Greenville First 455 7.02 .50 .71 9.11
Jacksonville 310 6.75 .05 .92 12.97
Millennium 486 9.73 .30 .50 4.49
Monarch 378 8.31 - .98 9.90
Valley 441 10.31 .02 1.72 15.95
--- ----- --- ---- -----
Median $390 7.77% .23% .91% 10.07%
Harbor $258 6.67% .14% .77% 11.65%
*June 30, 2006 or the twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**Includes loans 90 days past due.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Percent of Average Assets
Net Int. Net Oper. Net Oper. Contr. to Net
Short Name Income Expense Income Reserves Other Income
- ---------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ----- ------
American Community 4.09% 2.11% 1.98% .33% .01% 1.05%
Annapolis 3.77 2.18 1.59 .08 .06 .99
Bank of Wilmington 3.37 1.98 1.39 .42 (.01) .62
Cardinal State 3.76 2.92 .84 .36 - .48
Carolina Bank 3.20 1.77 1.43 .35 - .67
Crescent Financial 3.77 2.18 1.59 .17 - .91
First National 3.55 1.79 1.76 .26 .01 .99
Glen Burnie 3.73 2.69 1.04 (.02) .02 .86
Greenville First 3.37 1.55 1.82 .30 (.38) .71
Jacksonville 3.73 2.09 1.64 .19 - .92
Millennium 3.00 2.06 .94 .03 (.17) .50
Monarch 4.11 2.31 1.80 .26 - .98
Valley 4.98 2.12 2.86 .20 (.04) 1.72
---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----
Median 3.73% 2.11% 1.59% .26% - .91%
Harbor 4.53% 3.24% 1.29% .12% .03% .77
*Twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Price* Avg. Shares
Stock Times Percent Traded
Short Name Price* Earnings of Book Daily**
- ---------- ----- -------- ------- -----------
American Community $11.39 17.5X 150% 5,867
Annapolis 9.50 13.0 179 1,533
Bank of Wilmington 12.50 21.9 179 5,880
Cardinal State 12.27 36.1 141 1,651
Carolina Bank 13.50 15.7 155 4,359
Crescent Financial 13.32 19.6 180 7,172
First National 17.20 20.5 248 1,314
Glen Burnie 17.20 15.4 165 923
Greenville First 19.25 17.3*** 177 1,359
Jacksonville 37.82 26.6 311 869
Millennium 8.87 29.6*** 167 19,585
Monarch 17.68 24.6 222 2,325
Valley 44.72 19.6 278 8,951
---- --- -----
Median 19.6X 179% 2,325
*August 29, 2006 stock price and financial data as of June 30, 2006 or the
twelve months ended June 30, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
**One year.
***Adjusted to remove unusual quarters.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Full Name City, State Assets**
- --------- ----------- ------
(In mill.)
BCB Bancorp, Inc.*** Bayonne, N.J. $489
Business Bank Corporation Las Vegas, Nev. 459
Capital Bancorp, Inc. Nashville, Tenn. 514
First South Bancorp, Inc. Spartanburg, S.C. 347
First Trust Bank*** Charlotte, N.C. 350
Grandsouth Bancorporation*** Greenville, S.C. 290
Greater Sacramento Bancorp Sacramento, Calif. 288
Hampton Roads Bankshares, Inc. Chesapeake, Va. 424
North State Bancorp*** Raleigh, N.C. 423
VSB Bancorp, Inc. Staten Island, N.Y. 224
Harbor Baltimore, Md. $258
*Non-minority urban banks on the east coast with assets between $150 and
$500 million and returns on average assets above .50%.
**June 30, 2006.
***De novo bank.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
As a Percent of Assets or Avg. Assets
------------------------------------- Return
Net on Avg.
Short Name Assets Equity NPAs** Income Equity
- ---------- ------ ------ ---- ------ ------
(In mill.)
BCB $489 10.35% .31% 1.11% 12.40%
Business Bank 459 8.75 .36 1.60 19.19
Capital 514 5.95 .41 .77 12.49
First South 347 9.63 .85 1.53 16.27
First Trust 350 8.29 - 1.18 13.10
Grandsouth 290 6.08 .73 1.22 19.45
Greater Sacramento 288 6.36 .12 1.12 17.62
Hampton Roads 424 11.75 .40 1.46 12.42
North State 423 5.46 - .76 13.20
VSB 224 6.77 .17 1.14 16.76
--- ---- --- ---- -----
Median $386 7.53% .34% 1.16% 14.74%
Harbor $258 6.67% .14% .77% 11.65%
*June 30, 2006 or the twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**Includes loans 90 days past due.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Percent of Average Assets
Net Int. Net Oper. Net Oper. Contr. to Net
Short Name Income Expense Income Reserves Other Income
- ---------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ----- ------
BCB 3.75% 1.74% 2.01% .25% - 1.11%
Business Bank 5.53 2.86 2.67 .21 (.01)% 1.60
Capital 3.72 2.15 1.57 .37 - .77
First South 4.30 1.70 2.60 .21 - 1.53
First Trust 3.96 1.87 2.09 .18 - 1.18
Grandsouth 4.64 2.50 2.14 .37 - 1.22
Greater Sacramento 4.42 2.49 1.93 .12 - 1.12
Hampton Roads 5.00 2.70 2.30 .04 (.03) 1.46
North State 3.67 2.25 1.42 .21 - .76
VSB 4.46 2.36 2.10 .02 .05 1.14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Median 4.36% 2.31% 2.10% .21% - 1.16%
Harbor 4.53% 3.24% 1.29% .12% .03% .77%
*Twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Price* Avg. Shares
------------------------- -----------
Stock Times Percent Traded
Short Name Price* Earnings of Book Daily**
- ---------- ----- -------- ------- -------
BCB $15.12 13.4X 150% 2,521
Business Bank 53.20 17.9 290 1,432
Capital 21.50 21.7 249 884
First South 28.90 12.4 184 848
First Trust 22.90 20.3 239 1,542
Grandsouth 17.00 20.0 324 175
Greater Sacramento 22.00 17.7 259 834
Hampton Roads 11.49 16.2 191 3,952
North State 19.50 32.0 366 1,080
VSB 14.75 11.2 184 271
---- --- ---
Median 17.8X 244% 982
*August 29, 2006 stock price and financial data as of June 30, 2006 or the
twelvemonths ended June 30, 2006.
**One year.
***Adjusted to remove unusual quarters.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Full Name City, State Assets**
- --------- ----------- ------
(In mill.)
Annapolis Bancorp, Inc. Annapolis, Md. $324
Capital Bancorp, Inc. Nashville, Tenn. 514
Carolina Bank Holdings, Inc. Greensboro, N.C. 390
Glen Burnie Bancorp Glen Burnie, Md. 332
VSB Bancorp, Inc. Staten Island, N.Y. 224
Harbor Bankshares Corporation Baltimore, Md. 258
*Non-minority urban banks with assets between $150 and $500 million and
returns on average assets above .50% excluding banks established on or
after 1998 and top performing banks with a return on average assets over
**June 30, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
As a Percent of Assets or Avg. Assets
------------------------------------- Return
Net on Avg.
Short Name Assets Equity NPAs** Income Equity
- ---------- ------ ------ ---- ------ ------
(In mill.)
Annapolis $324 6.71% .31% .99% 14.68%
Capital 514 5.95 .41 .77 12.49
Carolina Bank 390 6.10 .92 .67 10.43
Glen Burnie 332 7.77 .11 .86 10.40
VSB 224 6.77 .17 1.14 16.76
--- ---- --- ---- -----
Median $332 6.71% .31% .86% 12.49%
Harbor $258 6.67% .14% .77% 11.65%
*June 30, 2006 or the twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**Includes loans 90 days past due.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Percent of Average Assets
Net Int. Net Oper. Net Oper. Contr. to Net
Short Name Income Expense Income Reserves Other Income
- ---------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ----- ------
Annapolis 3.77% 2.18% 1.59% .08% .06% .99%
Capital 3.72 2.15 1.57 .37 - .77
Carolina Bank 3.20 1.77 1.43 .35 - .67
Glen Burnie 3.73 2.69 1.04 (.02) .02 .86
VSB 4.46 2.36 2.10 .02 .05 1.14
---- ---- ---- --- --- ----
Median 3.73% 2.18% 1.57% .08% .02% .86%
Harbor 4.53% 3.24% 1.29% .12% .03% .77%
*Twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
------------------------- Avg. Shares
Stock Times Percent Traded
Short Name Price* Earnings of Book Daily**
- ---------- ------ -------- ------- -------
Annapolis $9.50 13.0X 179% 1,533
Capital 21.50 21.7 249 884
Carolina Bank 13.50 15.7 155 4,359
Glen Burnie 17.20 15.4 165 923
VSB 14.75 11.2 184 271
---- --- ---
Median 15.4X 179% 923
*August 29, 2006 stock price and financial data as of June 30, 2006 or the
twelvemonths ended June 30, 2006.
**One year.
***Adjusted to remove unusual quarters.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Full Name City, State Assets*
- --------- ----------- ------
(In mill.)
Banks - over $900 million
Cathay General Bancorp, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. $ 7,458
East West Bancorp, Inc. San Marino, Calif. 10,018
International Bancshares Corporation Laredo, Texas 10,649
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MetroCorp Bancshares, Inc.** Houston, Texas 1,188
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preferred Bank Los Angeles, Calif. 1,216
Banks - under $900 million
Abigail Adams National Bancorp, Inc. Washington, D.C. $ 372
Albina Community Bancorp Portland, Org. 125
Canyon National Bank Palm Springs, Calif. 240
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Citizens Bancshares Corporation** Atlanta, Ga. 331
IBW Financial Corporation** Washington, D.C. 335***
M&F Bancorp, Inc.** Durham, N.C. 251
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pan American Bancorp Los Angeles, Calif. 43
Sun American Bancorp Miami, Fla. 321
Saehan Bancorp Los Angeles, Calif. 531
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carver Bancorp, Inc.** New York, N.Y. $ 655
Independence Federal Savings Bank** Washington, D.C. 170***
Mutual Community Savings Bank, Inc.** Durham, N.C. 90
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harbor** Baltimore, Md. $ 258
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*June 30, 2006.
**African-American owned banks.
***March 31, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Short Name City, State Assets**
---------- ----------- ------
(In mill.)
Abigail Adams Washington, D.C. $372
Albina Community Portland. Org. 125
Carver*** New York, N.Y. 655
Citizens*** Atlanta, Ga. 331
IBW*** Washington, D.C. 335****
M&F*** Durham, N.C. 251
Median $333
Harbor*** Baltimore, Md. $258
*Minority owned with assets under $900 million.
**June 30, 2006.
***African-American owned banks.
****March 31, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
As a Percent of Assets or Avg. Assets
------------------------------------- Return
Net on Avg.
Short Name Assets Equity NPAs** Income Equity
- ---------- ------ ------ ---- ------ ------
(In mill.)
Abigail Adams $372 7.62% .31% .85% 10.28%
Albina Community 125 5.80 .38 .52 6.67
Carver 655 7.51 .45 .59 7.78
Citizens 331 8.36 1.22 .87 10.53
IBW*** 335 7.61 .65 .61 8.04
M&F 251 8.38 .70 .64 7.50
--- ---- --- ---- ----
Median $333 7.62% .55% .63% 7.91%
Harbor $258 6.67% .14% .77% 11.65%
Canyon National $240 8.99% .74% 1.67% 20.42%
Independence*** 170 8.43 .36 (.55) (5.62)
---------------- -------------------
Mutual Community 90 7.33 1.42 (.82) (10.29)
Pan American 43 13.70 .50 .30 2.23
Saehan 536 8.99 .21 1.48 16.51
Sun American 321 19.39 .01 .96 5.20
NOTE: Bolded numbers are reason for exclusion.
*June 30, 2006 or the twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**Includes loans 90 days past due.
***March 31, 2006 or the twelve months ended March 31, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
Percent of Average Assets
Net Int. Net Oper. Net Oper. Contr. to Net
Short Name Income Expense Income Reserves Other Income
- ---------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ----- ------
Abigail Adams 4.59% 3.03% 1.56% .10% (.06)% .85%
Albina Community 4.02 3.10 .92 .20 - .52
Carver 3.02 2.15 .87 - (.08) .59
Citizens 4.32 3.38 .94 .05 .12 .87
IBW** 4.29 3.67 .62 .01 (.07) .61
M&F 4.07 3.27 .80 .05 .14 .64
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---
Median 4.18% 3.19% .90% .05% (.04)% .63%
Harbor 4.53% 3.24% 1.29% .12% .03% .77%
*Twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**Twelve months ended March 31, 2006.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
-------------------------- Avg. Shares
Stock Times Percent Traded
Short Name Price* Earnings of Book Daily***
- ---------- ------ -------- ------- --------
Abigail Adams $13.78 16.4X 168% 3,775
Albina Community 17.50 17.2 224 36
Carver 16.64 11.5 85 1,786
Citizens 10.45 7.7 79 1,028
IBW** 35.90 24.4**** 94 18
M&F 11.25 10.8**** 91 516
---- -- ---
Median 14.0X 93% 772
*August 29, 2006 stock price and financial data as of June 30, 2006 or the
twelve months ended June 30, 2006.
**August 29, 2006 stock price and financial data as of March 31, 2006 or
the twelve months ended March 31,2006.
***One year.
****Adjusted to remove unusual quarters.
Source: SNL Financial, Charlottesville, Virginia.
STOCK TRADES IN 2005 & 2006
Trade Shares
Date Traded Price
---- ------ -----
8/22/06 300 $31.00
6/14/06 100 28.00
5/18/06 200 29.73
5/2/06 100 26.50
4/28/06 100 25.50
4/4/06 100 25.50
2/13/06 10,000 25.00
1/1/06 281 25.00
-------- -----
Total 2006 11,181 $25.29**
11/11/05 154 $24.65
7/22/05 10,000 25.00
6/2/05 1,668 19.25
3/16/05 1,668 19.00
4/27/05 10,000 25.00
4/21/05 308 25.00
4/19/05 77 25.00
1/14/05 11,000 25.00
------ -----
Total 2005 34,875 $24.44**
*Through August 23, 2006.
**Weighted average.
Source: Internal report and
Discount Rate
10% 11% 12%
--- --- ---
Value (in millions)
12 times earnings*** $21.0 $18.5 $16.4
14 times earnings*** 22.5 19.8 17.4
Per Share**
12 times earnings*** $30.14 $26.87 $24.13
14 times earnings*** 32.10 28.57 25.43
Times Earnings
12 times earnings*** 11.7X 10.3X 9.2X
14 times earnings*** 12.6 11.0 9.7
12 times earnings*** 121% 107% 95%
14 times earnings*** 130 114 101
*Assumes 6% earnings growth, capital in excess of 6.50%
dividended out and a tax rate of 36%.
**Shares outstanding of 641,784 options outstanding of 123,284 with
a weighted strike price of $16.70.
***Earnings of $1,790,000.
****Equity of $17,320,000.
------------------------- Number
Times Percent in
Comparable groups Earnings of Book Group
----------------- -------- ------- -----
Urban exchange group 19.6X 179% 13
Urban OTC group 17.8 244 10
Urban most applicable 15.4X 179% 5
Minority-owned group 14.0 93 6
Discounted dividends** 10.3X 107 -
*August 27, 2006 stock price and financial data for the year ended
June 30, 2006 or June 30, 2006 or most recent available.
**Based on a 11% discount rate and a terminal value of 12 times
Discount - All*
Based on urban most applicable group 20% 25% 30%
- ------------------------------------ --- --- ---
P/E** 15.4X 12.3X 11.6X 10.8X
Value (in mill.) $27.6 $22.1 $20.7 $19.3
Per share*** 42.95 34.36 32.21 30.07
Per Share Diluted*** 38.72 31.52 29.71 27.91
Price-to-book**** 159% 127% 119% 111%
Discount for illiquidity
Based on minority-owned group 5% 10% 15%
- ----------------------------- -- --- ---
P/E** 14.0X 13.3X 12.6X 11.9X
Value (in mill.) $25.1 $23.8 $22.6 $21.3
Per share*** 39.05 37.10 35.14 33.19
Per Share Diluted*** 35.45 33.81 32.17 30.53
Price-to-book**** 145% 137% 130% 123%
*Discount for poor market dynamics, illiquidity of stock and
**Earnings of $1,790,000.
***Shares outstanding of 641,784 options outstanding of 123,284 with a
weighted strike price of $16.70.
****Equity of $17,320,000.