Loans and Allowance | Note 4. Loans and Allowance Major categories of loans are as follows: 2015 2014 2013 Mortgage: Residential $ 116,027,206 $ 120,933,420 $ 123,645,939 Commercial 62,469,425 62,601,469 67,195,806 Construction and land development 5,518,588 7,073,720 6,582,553 Demand and time 4,539,701 3,518,752 4,172,747 Installment 75,302,771 84,103,142 73,230,433 263,857,691 278,230,503 274,827,478 Unearned income on loans (1,070,734 ) (1,126,396 ) (1,171,339 ) 262,786,957 277,104,107 273,656,139 Allowance for credit losses (3,150,251 ) (3,117,870 ) (2,972,019 ) $ 259,636,706 $ 273,986,237 $ 270,684,120 The Bank has an automotive indirect lending program where vehicle collateralized loans made by dealers to consumers are acquired by the Bank. The Bank’s installment loan portfolio included approximately $60,607,000 The Bank makes loans to customers located primarily in Anne Arundel County and surrounding areas of Central Maryland. Although the loan portfolio is diversified, its performance will be influenced by the economy of the region. Executive officers, directors, and their affiliated interests enter into loan transactions with the Bank in the ordinary course of business. These loans are made on the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable loans with unrelated borrowers. They do not involve more than normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable terms. At December 31, 2015, 2014, and 2013, the amounts of such loans outstanding totaled $787,894, 569,000 $337,294 Allowance for Loan Losses Management has an established methodology to determine the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses that assesses the risks and losses inherent in the loan portfolio. For purposes of determining the allowance for loan losses, the Bank has segmented the loan portfolio into the following classifications: · Commercial and Industrial; · Commercial Real Estate; · Consumer and Indirect; · Residential Real Estate. Each of these segments are reviewed and analyzed quarterly using the average historical charge-offs over a current four year period for their respective segments as well as the following qualitative factors: · Changes in asset quality including past due (30-89 days) loans, nonaccrual loans, classified assets, watch list loans all in relation to total loans. Also policy exception in relationship to loan volume. · Changes in the rate and direction of the loan volume of the portfolio · Concentration of credit including the percentage, changes, and relative to goals. · Changes in macro economic factors including the rates and direction of unemployment, median income and population. · Changes in internal factors including external loan review required reserve changes, internal review penetration, internal required reserve changes and weighted required reserve trends. · Changes in the charge offs / recoveries adjusting with rate and direction. The above factors result in a FAS 5, as codified in FASB ASC 450-10-20, calculated reserve for environmental factors. All credit exposures graded above a rating of “4” with outstanding balances (see ratings on page 21) are to be reviewed no less than quarterly for the purpose of determining if a specific allocation is needed for that credit. The determination for a specific reserve is evaluated relative to the general reserve factor for assets of the same type and grade. If a specific reserve is appropriate and exceeds the general reserve factor, a specific reserve is to be established. Otherwise, the asset is included in the portfolio of assets that comprise the base upon which the general reserve is calculated. The establishment of a specific reserve does not necessarily mean that the credit with the specific reserve will definitely incur loss at the reserve level. It is only an estimation of potential loss based upon anticipated events. A specific reserve will not be established unless loss elements can be determined and quantified based on known facts. The total allowance reflects management’s estimate of loan losses inherent in the loan portfolio as of December 31, 2015. The following table presents the total allowance by loan segment: Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2015 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Unallocated Total Balance, beginning of year $ 385,631 $ 335,009 $ 1,281,222 $ 1,169,627 $ (53,619 ) $ 3,117,870 Provision for credit losses (78,901 ) (23,814 ) 296,437 1,299,194 202,084 1,695,000 Recoveries 1,400 13,468 486,776 10,473 - 512,117 Loans charged off (2,807 ) (63,000 ) (1,260,533 ) (848,396 ) - (2,174,736 ) Balance, end of year $ 305,323 $ 261,663 $ 803,902 $ 1,630,898 $ 148,465 $ 3,150,251 Individually evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 240,500 $ 100,745 $ 65,353 $ 697,088 $ - $ 1,103,686 Related loan balance 240,500 1,143,317 950,722 2,792,239 - 5,126,778 Collectively evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 64,823 $ 160,918 $ 738,549 $ 933,810 $ 148,465 $ 2,046,565 Related loan balance 4,299,201 63,128,304 74,352,049 116,951,359 - 258,730,913 Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2014 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Unallocated Total Balance, beginning of year $ 412,909 $ 898,362 $ 1,187,604 $ 593,463 $ (120,319 ) $ 2,972,019 Provision for credit losses (4,580 ) (448,027 ) 601,522 805,261 66,700 1,020,876 Recoveries 6,440 128,068 331,108 5,714 - 471,330 Loans charged off (29,138 ) (243,394 ) (839,012 ) (234,811 ) - (1,346,355 ) Balance, end of year $ 385,631 $ 335,009 $ 1,281,222 $ 1,169,627 $ (53,619 ) $ 3,117,870 Individually evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 252,500 $ 148,791 $ 186,226 $ 682,642 $ - $ 1,270,159 Related loan balance 252,500 2,155,816 1,106,217 2,931,143 - 6,445,676 Collectively evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 133,131 $ 186,218 $ 1,094,996 $ 486,985 $ (53,619 ) $ 1,847,711 Related loan balance 3,266,252 63,486,816 82,996,925 122,034,834 - 271,784,827 Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2013 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Unallocated Total Balance, beginning of year $ 541,916 $ 1,183,240 $ 1,057,531 $ 392,506 $ 132,727 $ 3,307,920 Provision for credit losses 46,303 (374,067 ) 468,559 372,251 (253,046 ) 260,000 Recoveries 26,804 89,189 313,795 7,714 - 437,502 Loans charged off (202,114 ) - (652,281 ) (179,008 ) - (1,033,403 ) Balance, end of year $ 412,909 $ 898,362 $ 1,187,604 $ 593,463 $ (120,319 ) $ 2,972,019 Individually evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 278,786 $ 550,794 $ 178,657 $ 155,330 $ - $ 1,163,567 Related loan balance 278,786 3,364,193 636,174 1,629,643 - 5,908,796 Collectively evaluated for impairment: Balance in allowance $ 134,123 $ 347,568 $ 1,008,947 $ 438,133 $ (120,319 ) $ 1,808,452 Related loan balance 3,893,961 65,414,415 72,594,259 127,016,047 - 268,918,682 As of December 31, 2015, the allowance for loan losses included an overage of $148,465 Credit Quality Information The following table represents credit exposures by creditworthiness category for the year ending December 31, 2015. The use of creditworthiness categories to grade loans permits management to estimate a portion of credit risk. The Bank’s internal creditworthiness is based on experience with similarly graded credits. Loans that trend upward toward higher credit grades typically have less credit risk and loans that migrate downward typically have more credit risk. The Bank’s internal risk ratings are as follows: 1 Superior – minimal risk. (normally supported by pledged deposits, United States government securities, etc.) 2 Above Average – low risk. (all of the risks associated with this credit based on each of the bank’s creditworthiness criteria are minimal) 3 Average – moderately low risk. (most of the risks associated with this credit based on each of the bank’s creditworthiness criteria are minimal) 4 Acceptable – moderate risk. (the weighted overall risk associated with this credit based on each of the bank’s creditworthiness criteria is acceptable) 5 Other Assets Especially Mentioned – moderately high risk. (possesses deficiencies which corrective action by the bank would remedy; potential watch list) 6 Substandard – (the bank is inadequately protected and there exists the distinct possibility of sustaining some loss if not corrected) 7 Doubtful – (weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, based on currently existing facts, improbable) 8 Loss – (of little value; not warranted as a bankable asset) Loans rated 1-4 are considered “Pass” for purposes of the risk rating chart below. The Bank contracts with an independent 3 rd Risk ratings of loans by categories of loans are as follows: Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2015 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Total Pass $ 3,878,588 $ 58,706,189 $ 72,975,858 $ 116,596,449 $ 252,157,084 Special mention 168,113 4,422,115 1,652,579 539,483 6,782,290 Substandard 493,000 1,143,317 509,211 2,075,950 4,221,478 Doubtful - - 165,123 531,716 696,839 Loss - - - - - $ 4,539,701 $ 64,271,621 $ 75,302,771 $ 119,743,598 $ 263,857,691 Non-accrual - - 596,329 3,183,420 3,779,749 Troubled debt restructures 240,500 - - 49,868 290,368 Number of TDRs accounts 1 - - 1 2 Non-performing TDRs - - - - - Number of TDR accounts - - - - - Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2014 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Total Pass $ 3,177,639 $ 58,837,254 $ 80,501,928 $ 121,244,374 $ 263,761,195 Special mention 88,613 4,649,562 2,555,654 832,546 8,126,375 Substandard 252,500 2,155,816 882,600 2,726,156 6,017,072 Doubtful - - 162,960 - 162,960 Loss - - - 162,901 162,901 $ 3,518,752 $ 65,642,632 $ 84,103,142 $ 124,965,977 $ 278,230,503 Non-accrual - 1,097,112 515,352 1,165,440 2,777,904 Troubled debt restructures 252,500 - - - 252,500 Number of TDRs accounts 1 - - - 1 Non-performing TDRs - - - - - Number of TDR accounts - - - - - Commercial Consumer and Commercial and Residential 2013 Industrial Real Estate Indirect Real Estate Total Pass $ 3,594,809 $ 59,914,422 $ 71,554,400 $ 126,774,441 $ 261,838,072 Special mention 299,152 5,499,993 1,102,091 1,312,103 8,213,339 Substandard 278,786 3,364,193 508,243 559,146 4,710,368 Doubtful - - 65,699 - 65,699 Loss - - - - - $ 4,172,747 $ 68,778,608 $ 73,230,433 $ 128,645,690 $ 274,827,478 Non-accrual 14,286 1,237,647 338,212 1,123,248 2,713,393 Troubled debt restructures - - - - - Number of TDRs contracts - - - - - Non-performing TDRs - - - - - Number of TDR accounts - - - - - At December 31, 2015, the recorded investment in TDR’s reflected one loan in the amount of $240,500 $49,868 The Bank has no commitments to loan additional funds to the borrowers of restructured, impaired, or non-accrual loans. Current, past due, and nonaccrual loans by categories of loans are as follows: 90 Days or 30-89 Days More and 2015 Current Past Due Still Accruing Nonaccrual Total Commercial and industrial $ 4,539,701 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,539,701 Commercial real estate 64,270,345 1,276 - - 64,271,621 Consumer and indirect 73,568,010 1,122,155 16,277 596,329 75,302,771 Residential real estate 115,715,127 806,566 38,485 3,183,420 119,743,598 $ 258,093,183 $ 1,929,997 $ 54,762 $ 3,779,749 $ 263,857,691 90 Days or 30-89 Days More and 2014 Current Past Due Still Accruing Nonaccrual Total Commercial and industrial $ 3,518,752 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,518,752 Commercial real estate 64,545,207 313 - 1,097,112 65,642,632 Consumer and indirect 81,315,689 2,272,101 - 515,352 84,103,142 Residential real estate 123,284,983 318,782 196,772 1,165,440 124,965,977 $ 272,664,631 $ 2,591,196 $ 196,772 $ 2,777,904 $ 278,230,503 90 Days or 30-89 Days More and 2013 Current Past Due Still Accruing Nonaccrual Total Commercial and industrial $ 4,158,461 $ - $ - $ 14,286 $ 4,172,747 Commercial real estate 66,191,062 173,000 1,176,899 1,237,647 68,778,608 Consumer and indirect 71,755,109 1,137,112 - 338,212 73,230,433 Residential real estate 126,934,475 157,123 430,844 1,123,248 128,645,690 $ 269,039,107 $ 1,467,235 $ 1,607,743 $ 2,713,393 $ 274,827,478 Loans on which the accrual of interest has been discontinued totaled $3,779,749, $239,038, $54,762, Non-accrual loans with specific reserves at December 31, 2015 are comprised of: Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Consumer and Indirect Loans Impaired Loans When management identifies a loan as impaired, the impairment is measured based on the present value of expected future cash flows, discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, except when the sole (remaining) source of repayment for the loan is the operation or liquidation of the collateral. In these cases management used the current fair value of the collateral, less selling cost when foreclosure is probable, instead of discounted cash flows. If management determines that the value of the impaired loan is less than the recorded investment in the loan (net of previous charge-offs, deferred loan fees or costs and unamortized premium or discount), impairment is recognized through an allowance estimate or a charge-off to the allowance. When the ultimate collectability of the total principal of an impaired loan is in doubt and the loan is on nonaccrual status, all payments are applied to principal, under the cost recovery method. When the ultimate collectability of the total principal of an impaired loan is not in doubt and the loan is on nonaccrual status, contractual interest is credited to interest income when received, under the cash basis method. The following table includes the recorded investment and unpaid principal balances for impaired financing receivables with the associated allowance amount, if applicable. Management determined the specific reserve in the allowance based on the present value of expected future cash flows, discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, except when the remaining source of repayment for the loan is the operation or liquidation of the collateral. In those cases, the current fair value of the collateral, less selling costs was used to determine the specific allowance recorded. Also presented are the average recorded investments in the impaired loans and the related amount of interest recognized during the time within the period that the impaired loans were impaired. When the ultimate collectability of the total principal of an impaired loan is in doubt and the loan is on nonaccrual status, all payments are applied to principal, under the cost recovery method. 2015 Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Interest Income Recognized Specific Reserve Average Recorded Investment Impaired loans with specific reserves: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 1,809,429 $ 1,809,429 $ 56,804 $ 697,088 $ 1,820,233 Commercial 300,112 300,112 - 100,745 314,929 Consumer 145,874 145,874 - 65,353 170,499 Installment - - - - - Home Equity - - - - - Commercial 240,500 240,500 10,517 240,500 246,571 Total impaired loans with specific reserves $ 2,495,915 $ 2,495,915 $ 67,321 $ 1,103,686 $ 2,552,232 Impaired loans with no specific reserve: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 982,810 $ 1,115,579 $ 14,664 n/a $ 1,170,747 Commercial 843,205 843,205 37,786 n/a 876,376 Consumer 364,695 449,370 1,696 n/a 452,682 Installment 440,153 440,153 - n/a - Home Equity - - - n/a - Commercial - - - n/a - Total impaired loans with no specific reserve $ 2,630,863 $ 2,848,307 $ 54,146 - $ 2,499,805 2014 Recorded Unpaid Interest Specific Average Impaired loans with specific reserves: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 2,726,247 $ 2,726,247 $ 177,707 $ 682,642 $ 2,747,299 Commercial 1,094,708 1,094,708 783 148,791 1,162,367 Consumer 611,728 611,728 30,903 186,226 622,854 Installment - - - - - Home Equity - - - - - Commercial 252,500 252,500 11,027 252,500 258,577 Total impaired loans with specific reserves $ 4,685,183 $ 4,685,183 $ 220,420 $ 1,270,159 $ 4,791,097 Impaired loans with no specific reserve: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 204,896 $ 266,091 $ 2,641 n/a $ 340,435 Commercial 1,061,108 1,061,108 48,548 n/a 1,089,641 Consumer 60,656 60,656 - n/a - Installment 433,833 433,833 - n/a - Home Equity - - - n/a - Commercial - - - n/a - Total impaired loans with no specific reserve $ 1,760,493 $ 1,821,688 $ 51,189 - $ 1,430,076 2013 Recorded Unpaid Interest Specific Average Impaired loans with specific reserves: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 559,146 $ 559,146 $ 15,768 $ 155,330 $ 563,961 Commercial 2,187,294 2,187,294 55,535 550,794 2,271,949 Consumer 393,740 393,740 20,767 178,657 394,356 Installment - - - - - Home Equity - - - - - Commercial 278,786 278,786 11,541 278,786 286,433 Total impaired loans with specific reserves $ 3,418,966 $ 3,418,966 $ 103,611 $ 1,163,567 $ 3,516,699 Impaired loans with no specific reserve: Real-estate - mortgage: Residential $ 1,070,497 $ 1,070,497 $ 39,257 n/a $ 1,071,479 Commercial 1,176,899 1,176,899 46,583 n/a 1,231,505 Consumer 10,602 10,602 - n/a - Installment 180,204 180,204 - n/a - Home Equity 51,628 51,628 - n/a 50,999 Commercial - - - n/a - Total impaired loans with no specific reserve $ 2,489,830 $ 2,489,830 $ 85,840 - $ 2,353,983 |