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academic, Academy, Acadia, ACH, acuity, Adam, advisor, advisory, Aetna, agilon, agriculture, AHIC, Aid, AMN, analyzed, Ann, anniversary, APR, Apria, Arbor, Aresenal, arm, ashworth, asterisk, Athletico, Aurora, AVIA, awardee, AxelaCare, bachelor, backdating, Bain, Bar, Bard, BCG, BDP, behavioral, benchmarking, Berkeley, biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, BlackRock, Blue, Blvd, Bohnert, Boston, Broadstep, Brookdale, Bruce, California, Cano, CareCentrix, career, cast, CCP, CHA, chair, chairperson, charter, CHC, Chemed, ChenMed, China, CHS, Cisco, civic, clawback, cliff, College, color, column, Commissioner, compatible, compensatory, Composite, composition, conflict, Connecture, Consonance, Contessa, Contra, Conviva, Cosmetic, Costa, Coye, craft, creation, culture, Cum, Curai, DaVita, deal, death, dedicated, delegate, delegated, delegation, deliberating, deliberation, Denise, dental, Deputy, Dermatology, description, desire, deter, device, diagnostic, Diego, digital, diminution, discretion, disorder, dissolution, diversified, Divisional, DJO, Doctor, double, Dr, Drs, dual, empower, Enclara, encourage, Endowment, Enhabit, Ensign, ENT, environmental, EPCA, Ernst, erroneously, ESPP, ethical, evergreen, Evolent, EVP, expert, feedback, fell, Fellow, felt, fill, footnote, Ford, Fortune, Forum, forward, Francisco, GA, gate, Ginn, global, great, grew, GTE, HAP, Harvard, head, heading, Headspace, Healthpilot, Healthsense, HealthSouth, HealthVest, Heavy, Henry, HHC, highest, holding, Holton, Homebase, honest, honor, honoree, Hope, housing, Humana, HVLDL, Hygiene, Imaging, immigration, incentivize, inclusive, inconsistent, Indiana, Infantry, insider, interacted, Interfaith, interpolation, Intersect, Ivanetta, Janux, Jersey, Kalamazoo, Kentucky, Kindred, Klapstein, Kline, Kusserow, Laude, led, LHC, LHP, linear, linearly, link, linked, literate, Louisville, loyalty, lump, MA, Magna, Malvern, manufacturing, Marine, marked, Marwood, Matrix, MatrixCare, MCCI, McKinsey, MD, meaningful, Medecision, medicine, Medtronic, Meharry, methodology, metric, Mexico, Michigan, mitigate, MMBP, MMCV, ModivCare, Molly, motivate, motivating, Mountain, MultiPlan, Muscato, music, Nashville, Naval, Nephrology, NextGen, Nick, nominee, nonvested, Northwestern, Numotion, NuVasive, NYSE, Oak, officio, OMI, OnCare, OncoHealth, opioid, optimizing, Oregon, Otonomy, Outperformed, outperforming, overhang, overseeing, Oxford, package, Panoramic, PATH, Paul, payout, Pediatrix, peer, Pennsylvania, Pharmacia, pharmacist, philosophy, Phoenix, Phycom, Picwell, platform, played, portfolio, Portland, predicated, premised, Presbyterian, preview, PRF, prize, profession, PSA, Puerto, ranking, reappointment, recipient, recuse, Reinforce, relocation, Remedi, repricing, Residence, residency, resign, resignation, ResMed, restricted, Revecore, revoke, revoked, reward, rewarded, RF, richard, Rico, Rideout, Roaring, Robust, row, RSU, run, safety, SameSky, San, Sanofi, SaVida, Scholar, Science, Scion, score, Scott, Seim, sending, SeniorCare, SenoRx, session, SFJAZZ, Shield, short, Silverback, slate, sliding, Smith, SMS, Solvency, sophisticated, sound, spanned, spent, stage, standing, Stanford, star, statewide, stretch, studied, subpage, substance, Substitute, successor, Sunquest, SVP, Synthorx, talent, teaching, Telemedicine, Teresa, text, thereunto, threshold, tie, tied, Tivity, tone, top, topic, TriZetto, TSR, turnaround, Turnkey, tying, UCLA, UHC, undergraduate, underpayment, undivided, UnitedHealth, unvested, USAA, usage, validate, Vanderbilt, Vanguard, Vickie, vulnerability, VWAP, waiver, Walgreen, website, woman, women, won, Workgroup, writing, wrongdoing, XENT, Young, Ysidro, Ziegler
abandonment, absolute, acceptable, accepted, accessible, accomplish, accounted, accreditation, accredited, accrual, accrued, accurately, achieve, acquiring, acting, active, adequate, Adjunct, adjuster, administered, administrative, advertising, affect, age, agency, agreed, AICPA, Alabama, alternative, amortized, Andersen, anticipated, APB, application, applied, apply, approximate, area, arising, arranging, Arthur, assessed, Assistant, assisted, assumption, attached, attainment, attractive, attributed, auditing, automobile, bankruptcy, basic, bathing, bearing, belonging, billing, Biographical, BIPA, bonded, borne, broad, budgeted, built, Bulletin, cafeteria, cancer, capitalized, CareSouth, Carolina, carried, certainty, certificate, Chapter, charged, civil, claim, claimed, claiming, classified, closed, collateral, collateralized, collected, collection, combined, comfort, commit, communication, compete, competition, comply, computed, computer, CON, conducted, conform, conformity, conjunction, consist, consolidated, consolidation, consummated, contingent, continuum, contract, convenience, convertible, coordinated, copayment, correlate, costly, Council, court, coverage, created, credited, criminal, criteria, customer, daily, david, Dean, debt, decade, decrease, decreased, deducted, defer, deferred, deficit, delay, demand, depend, dependent, deposit, derivative, derived, determinable, developed, devote, diluted, discontinued, disease, disposed, disposition, disseminating, distributed, District, dominance, dominate, doubtful, durable, duty, economic, educational, efficient, efficiently, eliminated, eliminating, employ, empowerment, enacted, enactment, enhance, enhancing, enteral, entry, environment, episode, essence, evidence, evolved, examine, examining, excellent, exclude, exclusion, exemption, exercisable, existing, expand, expanding, expected, experienced, expiration, expire, expressly, external, extraordinary, false, FASB, faster, favor, favorable, federally, feet, fiduciary, financing, floating, Florida, foot, force, forced, foreseeable, forty, founded, fourth, fragmented, free, Freeman, frequent, frequently, Ft, fulfill, funded, funding, furnishing, FY, gain, geographic, Georgia, goodwill, governing, government, governmental, Graham, Haven, hereto, HHRG, highly, history, hourly, impairment, important, impose, imposition, improved, inception, incident, incorporation, increasingly, incurred, indebted, indirect, individually, induce, inflation, influenced, infusion, inherently, initial, institute, institutional, insured, insurer, intangible, integral, intended, intercompany, interim, intermediary, internally, interpreted, intervening, inventory, issue, jake, JCAHO, job, Joint, jointly, key, labor, laboratory, laborde, Larry, layering, lease, leased, legislation, lender, length, letter, liability, license, licensing, licensure, liquid, liquidity, list, LLP, loan, local, located, location, lowering, maintaining, maintenance, matching, matter, Mead, measured, measuring, Medicaid, method, Metropolitan, Middle, misstatement, mobility, modify, monetary, monitoring, month, motion, nature, NCFE, necessarily, negative, negotiated, netted, networking, newspaper, niche, Northern, NPF, obligation, obtain, office, offset, Oglethorpe, Oklahoma, older, opened, operate, opinion, oral, ordering, ordinary, orientation, OTC, outpace, outsourced, owed, owner, par, parenteral, passed, payor, periodic, personnel, peter, phone, Piccadilly, placement, planning, pneumonia, portability, positioned, positive, potentially, PPS, preceding, preferred, presently, pricing, prime, processing, Professor, profitability, prohibit, projected, promissory, promoted, properly, property, proprietary, Prospective, protection, publicly, quoted, range, rapidly, reach, read, realizable, receipt, receivable, receiving, recently, reclassified, recognition, recommendation, reconciliation, record, recorded, recoverability, recoverable, recruited, recruiting, reduced, reducing, referenced, referral, referred, regulated, reimbursable, released, reliance, remuneration, rent, rental, repair, representing, reputable, reputation, require, reserved, resolution, resource, respiratory, responsibility, restaurant, restore, restructuring, resulted, retroactive, revolving, ricchiuti, RNs, Road, ronald, rural, sale, scope, secured, seeking, selected, selective, sell, separately, settled, sheet, shorter, single, sitter, sixty, solicitation, South, southeastern, southern, space, speak, Speech, spending, spurred, square, Stark, statute, submission, submitted, subsequent, substantial, successfully, suffer, sufficient, suit, summarized, supplemental, supporting, technical, test, therapy, thereof, thereon, trade, traded, traditional, trained, transfer, transferred, Tulane, twelve, typically, ultimate, unaudited, undertaken, undervalued, undiscounted, utilization, utilized, utilizing, valuation, Virginia, visit, volatility, wage, walking, warrant, web, week, wide, widespread, wife, william, working, wound
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