38 JBG Smith future Development Assets Note Table shown as of 9/30/2016. Estimated SF reflects latest development plans and are subject to change based on revisions and zoning approvals # of Total Est. Pro Rata Est. Asset Assets City Submarket Ownership Potential Density Potential Density Future Development Pipeline PenPlace 1 Arlington, VA Pentagon City 100.0% 1,982,000 1,982,000 RTC - West Land 1 Reston, VA Reston 100.0% 1,350,000 1,350,000 Falkland Chase - North Land 1 Silver Spring, MD Downtown Silver Spring 100.0% 1,276,000 1,276,000 Gallaudet 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 100.0% 1,224,000 1,224,000 Commerce Metro Land 1 Reston, VA Reston 100.0% 826,000 826,000 Potomac Yard Land Bay G 1 Alexandria, VA Potomac Yard 98.0% 823,000 806,540 RiverHouse 1 Arlington, VA Pentagon City 100.0% 772,492 772,492 1900 Crystal 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 707,000 707,000 Summit I & II Land 1 Reston, VA Reston 100.0% 700,000 700,000 223 23rd Street 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 641,000 641,000 Hoffman Town Center 1 Alexandria, VA Alexandria 100.0% 625,000 625,000 Square 649 1 Washington, DC DC - Southwest 100.0% 605,000 605,000 Wiehle Avenue Development Parcel 1 Reston, VA Reston 100.0% 498,500 498,500 1831 Wiehle Avenue Land 1 Reston, VA Reston 100.0% 455,000 455,000 Mall 1 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 445,000 445,000 Mets 8 1 Arlington, VA Pentagon City 100.0% 376,000 376,000 7900 Wisconsin 1 Bethesda, MD Bethesda 100.0% 365,000 365,000 Airport I Infill 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 315,000 315,000 965 Florida Avenue 1 Washington, DC DC - U Street/Shaw 70.0% 402,500 281,750 Square Block Retail 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 277,000 277,000 1770 Crystal Dr 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 269,000 269,000 Rosslyn Central 1 Arlington, VA Rosslyn 43.7% 604,037 263,964 Mets 7 1 Arlington, VA Pentagon City 100.0% 260,000 260,000 Rosslyn Office I 1 Arlington, VA Rosslyn 43.7% 594,719 259,892 Capitol Point - North Option 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 59.0% 439,000 259,010 DCDF - 801 17th Street, NE 1 Washington, DC DC - H Street/NoMa 100.0% 242,500 242,500 Capitol Point - North 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 59.0% 409,000 241,310 Gateway North Resi 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 208,197 208,197 L'Enfant Plaza Office - Center 1 Washington, DC DC - Southwest 49.0% 350,000 171,483 NoBe II Land 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% 672,500 121,050 Rosslyn Resi 1 Arlington, VA Rosslyn 43.7% 252,556 110,367 Bethesda North Marriott Land 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% 548,500 98,730 Rosslyn Gateway - South Land 1 Rosslyn, VA Rosslyn 18.0% 498,500 89,730 1250 1st Street 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 30.0% 251,000 75,300 Stonebridge Land 1 Woodbridge, VA Prince William County 10.0% 737,500 73,750 Rosslyn Gateway - North Land 1 Rosslyn, VA Rosslyn 18.0% 311,000 55,980 Fairway Land 1 Reston, VA Reston 10.0% 521,500 52,150 Courthouse Metro Land 1 Arlington, VA Clarendon/Courthouse 18.0% 286,500 51,570 50 Patterson Street 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 30.0% 161,500 48,450 Fairfax Square Density 1 Vienna, VA Tysons Corner 20.0% 200,000 40,000 51 N Street 1 Washington, DC DC - NoMa 30.0% 120,500 36,150 2121 Retail 1 Arlington, VA Crystal City 100.0% 23,000 23,000 5615 Fishers Drive 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% 106,500 19,170 Waterfront Station 1 Washington, DC DC - Southwest 2.5% 680,000 17,000 Courthouse Metro Land - Option 1 Arlington, VA Clarendon/Courthouse 18.0% 62,500 11,250 Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center - Phase II 1 Woodbridge, VA Prince William County 10.0% 51,500 5,150 12511 Parklawn Drive 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% 6,500 1,170 Twinbrook 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% -- -- Woodglen 1 Rockville, MD Rockville Pike Corridor 18.0% -- -- Potomac Yard Land Bay F 1 Alexandria, VA Potomac Yard 33.3% -- -- Future Development Pipeline 50 23,533,500 17,633,605