Sustainability: Supplementary Information BV External assurance Bureau Veritas has provided independent external assurance to a limited level on the following sustainability information contained within this Annual Report: > Key Performance Indicators – Be a Great sources fall within our consolidated Financial Place to Work, see page 21. databases and for all other fuels and emission > Bioethics, including Clinical trials, sources from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for Research use of human biological in our consolidated Financial Statements. National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. samples and Animal research, see pages 54 and 55. > Emerging market healthcare, see page 61. 1 > Responsible sales and marketing, see page 61. > Anti-bribery and anti-corruption, Tonnes CO2e see page 61. 2020 2019 2018 > Transparency reporting, see page 62. Emissions from: > Responsible supply chain, see page 63. > Human rights, see page 71. > Managing change, see page 71. > Employee relations, see page 71. > Safety, health and wellbeing, see page 71. > Sustainability, including Benchmarking and assurance, Our approach, Sustainability governance and Our Sustainability strategy, see pages 72 and 73. > Access to healthcare, including Healthy Lung, Healthy Heart Africa and Young Health Programme, see page 74. > Environmental protection, including million US dollar revenue. 293 299 299 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Energy use, Waste management, Water MegaWatt hours (MWh) stewardship, Product environmental stewardship and Pharmaceuticals in the environment, see pages 74 and 75. 1 Regular review of the data is carried out to ensure accuracy and consistency. This has led to changes in the data from > Contributing to society, including SUHYLRXV \HDUV. 7KH PDMRULW\ RI DGMXVWPHQWV PDGH DUH QRW PDWHULDO LQGLYLGXDOO\, H[FHSW IRU 6FRSH l URDG HHW (6FRSH l Community investment and Product reporting boundary adjusted to leased vehicles only, with personal vehicles accounted in Scope 3), business air travel donation programmes, see pages 76 (XSGDWHG PHWKRGRORJ\ LQFOXGLQJ ZHOO-WR-WDQN HPLVVLRQV DQG PRUH FRPSOHWH WUDYHOOHU GDWD, OHDGLQJ WR UHVWDWHG EDVHOLQH), and 77. DQG XSVWUHDP ORJLVWLFV (XSGDWHG PHWKRGRORJ\ LQFOXGLQJ ZHOO-WR-WDQN HPLVVLRQV, OHDGLQJ WR UHVWDWHG EDVHOLQH). 7KH GDWD > Taskforce on Climate-related Financial quoted in this Annual Report are generated from the revised data. Disclosures statement, see page 276. 2 Included in this section are GHGs from direct fuel combustion, process and engineering emissions at our sites and from fuel XVH LQ RXU YHKLFOH HHW. 3 *+*V IURP LPSRUWHG HOHFWULFLW\ DUH FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ WKH *+* 3URWRFRO 6FRSH 2 *XLGDQFH (-DQXDU\ 20l5) UHTXLULQJ GXDO BV Used throughout this Annual Report UHSRUWLQJ XVLQJ WZR HPLVVLRQV IDFWRUV IRU HDFK VLWH 0DUNHW-EDVHG DQG /RFDWLRQ-EDVHG. 2XU FRUSRUDWH HPLVVLRQV UHSRUWLQJ to denote the sustainability information DQG WDUJHWV IROORZ WKH 0DUNHW-EDVHG DSSURDFK. listed above, which has been 4 7KH DJJUHJDWH RI: (L) WKH DQQXDO TXDQWLW\ RI HQHUJ\ FRQVXPHG IURP DFWLYLWLHV IRU ZKLFK WKH &RPSDQ\ LV UHVSRQVLEOH, LQFOXGLQJ independently assured by WKH FRPEXVWLRQ RI IXHO DW D IDFLOLW\ RU WKH RSHUDWLRQ RI DQ\ IDFLOLW\; DQG (LL) WKH DQQXDO TXDQWLW\ RI HQHUJ\ FRQVXPHG UHVXOWLQJ Bureau Veritas. IURP WKH SXUFKDVH RI HOHFWULFLW\, KHDW, VWHDP RU FRROLQJ E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU LWV RZQ XVH. 5 8QGHU WKH QHZ &RPSDQLHV ('LUHFWRUV 5HSRUW) DQG /LPLWHG /LDELOLW\ 3DUWQHUVKLSV ((QHUJ\ DQG &DUERQ 5HSRUW) 5HJXODWLRQV Based on the evidence provided and subject 20l8, WKH &RPSDQ\ QHHGV WR GLVFORVH ZKDW SURSRUWLRQ RI WKLV JXUH UHODWHV WR HQHUJ\ XVH LQ WKH 8. DQG RVKRUH DUHD. )RU 2020, to the scope, objectives and limitations WKH SURSRUWLRQ RI WRWDO JOREDO HQHUJ\ DQG HPLVVLRQV RULJLQDWLQJ IURP $VWUD=HQHFDV 8. DQG RVKRUH DUHD IRRWSULQW ZHUH DV GHQHG LQ WKH IXOO DVVXUDQFH VWDWHPHQW, IROORZV: HQHUJ\ XVH 346 *:K (22%); 6FRSH l HPLVVLRQV 55 NW&22H (25%); 6FRSH 2 HPLVVLRQV XVLQJ 0DUNHW-EDVHG DFFRXQWLQJ nothing has come to the attention of Bureau 0 NW&22H (0%); 6FRSH 2 HPLVVLRQV XVLQJ /RFDWLRQ-EDVHG DFFRXQWLQJ l5 NW&22H (7%)%. Veritas causing them to believe that the sustainability information contained within For more information see ‘Energy Use’ on page 75. this Annual Report is materially misstated. Learn more in our 2020 Sustainability Report on our website, Bureau Veritas is a professional services company that has a long history of providing independent assurance services in environmental, health, safety, social and ethical management and disclosure. The full assurance statement, which includes Bureau Veritas’s scope of work, methodology, overall opinion, and limitations and exclusions, is available on our website, AstraZeneca Annual Report & Form 20-F Information 2020 / Sustainability: Supplementary Information 275 Additional Information Total energy consumption 4, 5 1,595,330 1,741,955 1,850,984 Scope 3 intensity measurement: Scope 3 emissions from all 15 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Categories normalised to Scope 3 Total: Emissions from all 15 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Categories 7,803,145 7,282,111 6,603,075 Company’s chosen intensity measurement: Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Market-based) emissions reported above normalised to million US dollar revenue 9.315.818.7 Scope 2 (Location-based): Electricity, heat, steam and cooling purchased for own use 3,5 212,003 233,951248,984 Scope 2 (Market-based): Electricity (net of market instruments), heat, steam and cooling purchased for own use 3,5 23,235 131,085140,350 Scope 1: Combustion of fuel and operation of facilities 2,5 224,771 254,402272,737 Global greenhouse gas emissions data for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 Statements. We do not have responsibility for any emission sources that are not included We have used the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition). Emission factors for electricity have been derived from the International Energy Agency (IEA), USEPA eGRID, US Green-e and the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) Greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting We have reported on all of the emission sources required under the Quoted Companies Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013. These