Segment Reporting | Note 5 – Segment Reporting Segment information is used by management for making strategic operating decisions for the Company. Management evaluates the performance of the Company’s segments based primarily on operating income or loss. The Company’s reportable segments are as follows: Automotive • Industrial – the combined operating results of GPT, Gentherm Medical and Gentherm’s advanced research and development division. We perform advanced research and development on thermal management systems, including those that utilize new proprietary comfort software algorithms, to enhance the efficiency and functionality of our automotive heating and cooling products. Unlike research and development that relates to a specific product application for a customer, advanced research and development activities affect products and technologies that are not currently generating product revenues. The segment includes government sponsored research projects. Reconciling Items – The tables below present segment information about the reported product revenues, depreciation and amortization and operating income (loss) of the Company for three- and six-month period ended June 30, 2019 and 2018. With the exception of goodwill, asset information by segment is not reported since the Company does not manage assets at a segment level. As of June 30, 2019, goodwill assigned to our Automotive and Industrial segments were $37,466 and $27,648, respectively. As of June 30, 2018, goodwill assigned to our Automotive and Industrial segments were $38,072 and $30,773, respectively. Three Months Ended June 30, Automotive Industrial (1) Reconciling Consolidated 2019: Product revenues $ 229,700 $ 13,626 $ — $ 243,326 Depreciation and amortization 10,327 416 422 11,165 Operating income (loss) 37,931 (4,121 ) (13,753 ) 20,057 2018: Product revenues (1) $ 243,150 $ 23,250 $ — $ 266,400 Depreciation and amortization 11,263 1,008 660 12,931 Operating income (loss) 37,240 (7,881 ) (13,766 ) 15,593 (1) Industrial segment includes $10,418 in product revenue, $635 in depreciation and amortization, and $237 in operating income from CSZ-IC for the three-month period ended June 30, 2018. On February 1, 2019, we completed the sale of CSZ-IC. Note 5 – Segment Reporting – Continued Six Months Ended June 30, Automotive Industrial (1) Reconciling Consolidated 2019: Product revenues $ 472,057 $ 29,190 $ — $ 501,247 Depreciation and amortization 20,490 839 888 22,217 Operating income (loss) 77,827 (8,635 ) (27,290 ) 41,902 2018: Product revenues (1) $ 485,571 $ 45,415 $ — $ 530,986 Depreciation and amortization 22,368 2,063 1,392 25,823 Operating income (loss) 78,404 (14,561 ) (27,601 ) 36,242 (1) Industrial segment includes $3,418 and $20,631 in product revenues, $0 and $1,260 in depreciation and amortization, and $198 and $837 in operating income from CSZ-IC for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Automotive and Industrial segment product revenues by product category for the three- and six-month periods ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 are as follows: Three Months Ended June 30, 2019 2018 % Change Climate Control Seats (CCS) $ 88,437 $ 90,395 (2.1 ) % Seat Heaters 73,628 80,176 (8.2 ) % Steering Wheel Heaters 16,029 17,540 (8.6 ) % Automotive Cables 22,205 25,645 (13.4 ) % Battery Thermal Management (BTM) (a) 8,897 7,241 22.9 % Electronics 11,454 15,842 (27.6 ) % Other Automotive 9,050 6,311 43.4 % Subtotal Automotive $ 229,700 $ 243,150 (5.5 ) % Remote Power Generation (GPT) 3,745 5,270 (28.9 ) % Industrial Chambers — 10,418 (100.0 ) % Gentherm Medical 9,881 7,562 30.7 % Subtotal Industrial $ 13,626 $ 23,250 (41.4 ) % Total Company $ 243,326 $ 266,400 (8.7 ) % a) Battery Thermal Management or BTM product revenues include Gentherm’s automotive grade, low cost, heat resistant fans and blowers used by customer for battery cooling through ventilation and production level shipments of the advanced TED based active cool system. Note 5 – Segment Reporting – Continued Six Months Ended June 30, 2019 2018 % Change Climate Control Seats (CCS) $ 182,791 $ 178,613 2.3 % Seat Heaters 147,548 164,396 (10.2 ) % Steering Wheel Heaters 32,999 35,097 (6.0 ) % Automotive Cables 45,955 52,510 (12.5 ) % Battery Thermal Management (BTM) 19,641 11,402 72.3 % Electronics 24,306 31,819 (23.6 ) % Other Automotive 18,817 11,734 60.4 % Subtotal Automotive $ 472,057 $ 485,571 (2.8 ) % Remote Power Generation (GPT) 7,704 9,932 (22.4 ) % Industrial Chambers 3,418 20,631 (83.4 ) % Gentherm Medical 18,068 14,852 21.7 % Subtotal Industrial $ 29,190 $ 45,415 (35.7 ) % Total Company $ 501,247 $ 530,986 (5.6 ) % Total product revenues information by geographic area is as follows (based on shipment destination): Three Months Ended June 30, 2019 2018 United States $ 110,632 45.5 % $ 123,512 46.4 % Germany 20,300 8.3 % 23,626 8.9 % Japan 20,003 8.2 % 13,275 5.0 % China 16,410 6.7 % 24,927 9.4 % South Korea 15,577 6.4 % 15,783 5.9 % Czech Republic 10,009 4.1 % 11,106 4.2 % Canada 10,102 4.2 % 12,590 4.7 % United Kingdom 6,833 2.8 % 8,467 3.2 % Other 33,460 13.8 % 33,114 12.4 % Total Non-U.S. $ 132,694 54.5 % $ 142,888 53.6 % $ 243,326 100.0 % $ 266,400 100.0 % Six Months Ended June 30, 2019 2018 United States $ 229,086 45.7 % $ 243,862 45.9 % Germany 43,510 8.7 % 45,988 8.7 % Japan 38,594 7.7 % 26,848 5.1 % China 32,007 6.4 % 49,131 9.3 % South Korea 30,555 6.1 % 29,605 5.6 % Czech Republic 22,151 4.4 % 22,821 4.3 % Canada 20,393 4.1 % 25,703 4.8 % United Kingdom 15,665 3.1 % 19,312 3.6 % Other 69,286 13.8 % 67,716 12.8 % Total Non-U.S. $ 272,161 54.3 % $ 287,124 54.1 % $ 501,247 100.0 % $ 530,986 100.0 % |