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Ablifa, Aboronye, Abronye, absence, Acacia, accompanied, accompanying, Accra, accreditation, accrual, accrue, accrued, accuracy, Achaean, acid, acquire, acquired, acquiring, active, actively, activity, add, adding, addressed, addressing, adequacy, Adiokrom, adit, adjacent, adjoining, Admin, administration, administrative, advance, advanced, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, affiliate, affiliated, African, AG, age, Agency, agglomeration, aggregate, aging, agree, agreed, agreement, agricultural, agriculture, ahead, aim, aimed, air, airborne, airport, Akyem, Akyempim, Alberta, Allen, alteration, altered, amalgamation, amenable, America, amortization, analytical, anastomosing, ancillary, andr, Andrew, Anfargah, angle, angled, AngloGold, Ankobra, annum, anomaly, anthropogenic, anthropological, Anu, Apanto, applied, apply, approach, approximately, April, Archean, archived, arise, Ariston, Arizona, arrange, arrangement, arrival, arsenopyrite, ascertained, ascertaining, Ashanti, Asikuma, aspect, assay, assayed, assaying, assemblage, assented, assert, assessing, assessment, asset, assigned, assist, assistance, assumption, AST, Ateiku, attack, attend, attendance, attention, attract, attracted, attractive, attributable, Au, auger, augmented, August, Augusta, Aurelian, AusIMM, Australia, Australian, Avanti, average, averaged, averaging, avoid, avoiding, Award, awarded, awarding, aware, azimuth, Bachelor, back, backfilled, background, Badoo, bag, bagged, Baker, balance, banded, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bargaining, Barminco, Barnex, baseline, basic, basin, bear, Beare, bearing, bed, bedrock, began, beginning, belief, belt, bench, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, Benso, Beta, BGI, BGL, BHP, Bibiani, bid, billed, Billiton, bioclimatic, biodiversity, biography, BIOX, Birim, Birimian, blade, blank, blended, block, blockage, blog, BMO, body, Bogoso, Bolivar, Bonday, Bondaye, bonding, border, bore, borehole, borrowing, bottom, bought, boundary, bounded, brake, braking, Bray, Brazil, breach, breached, breadth, breakdown, Breakwater, Breathe, breccia, brecciated, bridge, bring, Brio, British, broad, broader, broadly, broken, brought, Brown, Bruce, Brumasi, BSc, Buesichem, build, building, bulk, Bullion, Bulyanhulu, burdensome, Butre, buy, BVM, call, Camera, campaign, Campbell, cancellation, capable, Cape, capping, captured, career, carpentry, carried, carry, carrying, cassava, Castle, cautionary, caveat, Cayman, Caystar, Cazenove, CCAA, Cdn, cell, cemented, center, central, Centre, century, ceremony, certainty, certified, cessation, chain, chair, channel, character, characterised, characterized, Cheetah, chemical, chemistry, Chile, chrome, Chujah, CIL, circuit, circular, circulation, circumstance, Citibank, citizen, civil, claim, claimed, clarify, classroom, clastic, Clausen, clay, cleaning, clear, cleared, closure, Coal, Coalcorp, coarse, coast, cocoa, cocoyam, coetzer, Coipa, collaboration, collar, collared, collated, collateral, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, College, Colombia, colonial, colony, Colorado, colour, Columbia, combination, combined, comfort, Commerce, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, Compact, compacted, comparison, compensate, compensation, compensatory, competing, complex, complexity, component, composed, composite, comprehensive, compressed, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, concentrated, concept, concession, Concurrent, confer, conference, conferred, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conflict, conformance, conjunction, consecutive, conservation, conservatively, considerable, consideration, consortium, constant, constating, constitute, constituting, Constitution, constrained, Consultant, Consultative, consulted, consulting, consuming, contact, contamination, contemplated, content, context, contract, contracted, contracting, contractor, cookery, Copper, core, Cornwall, correct, correctly, corridor, corrupt, corruption, costly, count, court, coverage, coveted, craig, created, creating, creation, credit, creditor, Crew, criminal, critical, Critically, Crosscut, crushability, crustal, cuddy, cultivation, cultural, culturally, culture, Cure, custody, customary, customer, cut, cutter, cutting, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cyclone, Daboase, daily, Dalhousie, damage, Daniel, database, daughter, DD, de, Dead, deal, dealing, death, debenture, debt, decide, decided, declared, decline, declining, decrease, dedicate, Dedicated, deducted, deemed, deep, deepened, deeper, default, Defense, deferral, deferred, deflation, deflected, deformation, deformational, deformed, degraded, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, delineate, delineated, delineating, delisted, deliverable, delivered, demand, democratically, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, Denison, Denver, departure, depend, dependent, depending, depleted, deposit, deposited, deposition, depreciation, depressed, depth, Deputy, desire, destruction, detail, detailed, deter, Detour, detrimental, Deutsche, deviation, device, Dhir, diagram, diamond, diesel, difficult, difficulty, dig, dilational, diligence, dip, dipping, direct, directed, direction, directional, directly, director, Directorate, Disability, disadvantage, discharge, disciplined, discourage, discover, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, Discretionary, dismembered, dispatch, dispatched, displacement, disposition, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distance, distinguished, distribution, district, disturbed, diversification, diversion, divert, divided, dividend, dividing, Division, Doctor, document, documentation, Dome, dominantly, dominated, Dominican, dor, double, doubling, doubt, Downhole, downstream, draft, drainage, draining, dramatically, drawdown, drawn, driest, driller, drillhole, driven, driver, drop, dry, Dumasi, dump, Dunkwa, duration, dust, Dutch, duty, dynamic, earlier, earned, earning, ease, easily, east, eastern, Eburnean, Ecobank, ecological, ecology, economy, ecotone, Ecuador, Edinburgh, education, effort, Eldorado, electrical, electricity, Electromagnetic, elevation, embankment, embarked, employ, employed, employing, empowered, enable, enabled, enclosed, encounter, encountered, encroach, endangered, Energy, enforce, English, enhance, ensure, ensured, ensuring, enter, entered, enterprise, entity, envisioned, Eoeburnean, EPA, Equator, equatorial, equivalent, era, Essaman, essentially, estate, Euro, event, evidence, evident, evolution, evolving, exact, excavated, excavator, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excluding, exclusive, exerting, expend, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, expertise, expire, expiring, expiry, exploitation, export, exportation, expose, expropriation, extension, extensive, extent, face, facilitating, Facilitation, facility, facing, fact, fairly, fall, fan, farm, farmer, farming, farmland, fashion, Father, fault, faulted, feature, February, fed, federal, fee, feed, Fellow, fence, fewer, field, fill, filled, film, final, finalized, Finally, finely, fire, fix, fixed, flagging, flat, flatter, flew, flexibility, flitch, float, flotation, flown, fluctuation, fluent, fluidized, focused, focusing, focussed, focussing, fold, folded, folding, foliation, foot, forb, force, forced, forecasted, foreseeable, forest, forma, formal, formalisation, formation, forum, forward, Foundation, founder, fourth, fraud, fraudulent, free, Frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, freshwater, fruit, fruiting, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fundamental, FW, gain, gala, gas, gathering, gave, GCB, gearbox, gently, geochemical, geochemistry, geologist, geology, geometry, geophysical, geotech, geotechnical, Gesellschaft, GH, GHS, Gil, Gio, GIZ, gland, Glencar, GMP, good, gouge, Governor, Gradient, graduate, Graham, Gran, graphic, graphite, graphitic, gravity, Green, greenstone, grid, ground, group, grow, growing, GSBPL, GSC, GSE, GSLEP, GSOPP, GSR, GSS, GSSTEP, GSWL, guarantee, Guinea, Gulf, gyro, hail, half, halt, hand, handle, handling, hanging, hardware, Harvard, haul, haulage, hauled, health, heap, hear, hearing, heavily, height, heightened, helicopter, Hemlo, HGM, high, highest, highly, Hill, hire, hiring, historic, historical, historically, history, holder, hole, Holt, Honorable, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, host, hosted, hour, HQ, HR, HudBay, human, humidity, hundred, Hwini, Hydraulic, hydraulically, ii, iii, illustrate, image, imagery, imbricated, immaterial, immigration, impair, impairment, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, improper, improve, inaccurate, inadvertent, inadvertently, inauguration, inception, inch, incidental, incised, inclement, inclined, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistent, incorrect, indefinitely, indenture, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, infill, inflation, influence, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, injury, inserted, insolvency, Inspectorate, installation, installed, insufficient, insurance, insure, intensity, intent, interbedded, intercalated, intercept, intercompany, interim, interlaced, intermediate, Internationale, internationally, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, intersect, intersected, intersection, Intertek, interval, intervening, intimate, introduce, introduced, invasion, invest, investigate, investigated, investigating, investigation, investing, investment, investor, invited, invoiced, Involuntary, involved, involvement, involving, Irish, iron, ISO, isolated, issuable, ITA, iv, ix, Jaguar, January, JCI, joined, joining, JP, judgment, July, June, jurisdiction, Justice, justify, Katanga, King, km, knowledge, KPMG, kt, Kumasi, Kuwait, Kwame, La, lab, labelled, laboratory, labour, laid, laminated, land, landform, language, large, largely, largest, lateritic, Latin, layout, leach, leachate, lead, Leader, leadership, Leagold, leakage, Learning, lease, led, left, legislation, legitimate, lending, length, letter, level, LI, LIBOR, library, licence, licensee, licensing, lie, lieu, light, lightly, likelihood, Likewise, limb, line, linear, liner, liquid, liquidation, liquidity, Literacy, litho, lithology, LLM, LLP, loaded, localised, lode, lodged, logged, logging, LoM, London, long, longer, longhole, lose, lost, low, lull, Ma, machinery, macroeconomic, mafic, magnetic, magnetite, main, maize, majeure, Man, Mancha, Manroc, Mansi, Mansiso, map, mapped, mapping, margin, marginal, marine, Marlu, Marshall, master, matrix, mature, maturity, maximum, MBA, McOuat, MCZ, mechanical, mechanized, media, median, medium, Medoro, megawatt, Mellon, membership, mentioned, merged, merger, Meridian, merit, mesothermal, Metallica, metasedimentary, Meteorological, method, metre, Mexico, MGMAL, mid, middle, Mike, million, mineralogy, minimal, Minister, minute, mitchel, Mitchell, mitigate, mixing, mixture, mm, mobile, model, modeled, modelled, modelling, moderately, Modern, modification, modified, modify, modifying, moist, MOKASA, Mona, monetary, monitoring, Montana, month, monthly, moratorium, Morgan, morphology, mortality, mortgaged, mother, motor, Mountain, moved, moving, Moydow, Moz, Mpohor, MRL, Mt, Mtpa, multiple, multipurpose, municipal, NA, Naguib, narrow, negligent, negotiate, negotiated, negotiating, neighbor, Neil, nelsen, neonatal, net, network, Nickel, niekerk, Nkrumah, nominal, nominally, nominate, nominated, nominee, north, northeast, northern, northernmost, northwest, Notably, note, noted, notice, notified, November, nullification, numeric, objective, objectivity, oblique, obliquely, Obuasi, occasionally, occupational, occupied, occurrence, October, official, oil, oldest, ongoing, operationalised, Opon, opportunity, opposed, optimal, optimization, optimized, option, order, ordered, ordinary, orebody, organization, organizational, organized, orientated, orientation, original, originally, orogenic, orogeny, orthogonal, orthogonally, ounce, outcrop, outlined, output, oversee, overseeing, Overview, owe, Owiredu, ownership, oxidised, oxygen, oz, Pacific, package, paddock, paid, paleoplacer, Paleoproterozoic, palm, parallel, parent, parliament, partner, partnership, party, passed, passive, Patch, pattern, Paul, paved, pay, payable, PDAC, Peak, peer, pelitic, penetrative, people, percentage, perception, periphery, permissible, pertain, PFIC, PGR, phase, phenomena, phone, photographed, phyllite, physical, Physiography, piece, pilot, piloted, Pincock, pineapple, pipe, piping, PL, placement, Placer, plane, plantain, Plantation, plastic, platform, Plc, pledged, plunge, point, pollution, pond, poor, population, port, portfolio, portion, position, positive, postgraduate, postpone, Pound, poverty, Pra, Precambrian, precise, precision, predicated, predict, predicted, predominantly, preference, preferential, preferred, premium, prepayment, presence, preservation, pressure, prevailing, previously, primarily, primary, Prime, prior, prioritized, priority, privacy, pro, proactively, procedure, proceed, proceeding, procurement, profile, profit, profitability, profitably, program, progressively, prolonged, prolonging, proposal, propose, proposed, prospected, prospecting, prospective, protect, protected, protecting, protection, protective, proven, Province, provincial, proximity, publicly, published, Pueblo, PUG, pumping, punctuated, pursue, pushback, PVC, PwC, pyrite, QEF, QP, QPs, quality, quantity, quarterly, Quartey, quartz, Quaw, Queen, questionable, Quinnipiac, quoted, RAB, Radiometric, rail, rainforest, rainy, Rand, range, ranging, rank, ratable, ratably, ratio, rationale, RC, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reactive, reactor, read, readily, real, realizable, realize, realized, reassessment, receive, received, receiver, recent, recently, reclassified, recognised, recognition, recommencement, recommend, recommendation, recommending, reconciliation, reconnaissance, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recruiting, Redden, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reef, refinance, refinery, refining, Reflex, refurbished, refurbishment, refuse, region, regional, registrar, regolith, regularly, reimbursed, reinterpretation, reject, relationship, release, relevant, relied, relocated, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remediate, removed, removing, remuneration, render, rendered, rendering, renegotiation, renewable, renewal, renumbered, reopened, reopening, repaid, repair, repatriation, repayable, repayment, reprocessing, republic, reputation, rescheduling, research, resettlement, reside, residential, Resignation, resigned, Resistivity, resolution, restrict, restricted, resubmitted, resumed, resumption, resurvey, resurveyed, resuscitation, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, retraction, Retrieval, return, returned, revegetation, revenue, reversal, reverse, revoked, RGLD, rich, Riffle, riffled, rig, Riley, Rim, river, road, roaster, roasting, robust, rockfill, Rod, role, rolling, Rosebel, roughly, round, rounding, routine, royalty, run, running, runoff, Rye, safeguard, SAK, sale, Salford, Sam, sample, sampled, sampling, samuel, sanctioned, sanitation, saprolitic, satellite, satisfactory, satisfy, Satisfying, sawn, scale, School, Science, scientific, scope, sea, season, seasonal, secondary, Secretary, sector, sedar, sediment, sedimentary, Sefwi, selected, selection, sell, selling, September, sequence, serve, served, serving, settle, settlement, settling, sewage, SGL, SGMC, SGS, shaft, shallow, shape, shear, sheared, shed, shell, shield, shift, shifted, shipment, shop, short, shortage, shortened, shot, show, showed, shut, signatory, signature, significantly, Siguiri, Sikaman, silicified, silver, Similarly, SIMNET, simple, single, sinking, size, slightly, slope, small, smaller, social, socioeconomic, software, soil, solid, solution, sophistication, sought, sourced, southerly, southern, southwest, spaced, spacing, Spain, Spanish, spanning, sparsely, speak, speaker, spear, specific, specifically, spectrum, spending, spent, splay, split, splitter, splitting, sporadic, spot, spread, spreading, spreadsheet, square, SRK, SSC, stability, stabilization, stable, stage, standalone, standard, standardised, standardization, standstill, Starter, startup, statutory, steep, steepen, steeply, step, sterilization, Stillwater, stoppage, storage, stored, storey, storm, strain, strategic, strategy, stream, streaming, Street, stricter, strike, striking, stringent, strong, structural, structurally, structure, structuring, study, style, subdivided, submission, Subri, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, subsistence, substance, subvertical, successful, successfully, succession, successive, suggest, suggested, suggesting, suitable, Suite, sulphidation, sulphide, sum, summary, Superintendent, Superior, supernatant, supervisory, supply, support, supported, supporting, suppression, surface, Suriname, surrender, surrendered, survey, surveyed, surveying, surviving, suspended, suspension, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, swamp, swing, swollen, symbol, systematically, tabular, tail, Takoradi, tampering, Tanzania, Tanzanian, tape, Tarkwa, Tarkwaian, task, taxable, taxpayer, teak, team, technology, tectonic, temporary, tendency, tenement, term, termed, terminated, termination, territorial, terrorism, test, tested, testing, testwork, thereunder, therewith, thickest, thicket, threatened, thrust, tied, tightened, Togbekrom, tone, tonne, top, topography, topsoil, town, toxic, track, trade, trading, traditionally, trained, training, transfer, transferred, Transworld, tray, Treasurer, treasury, treat, treated, treating, treatment, trenching, trend, trending, tropical, truck, trucked, true, Trust, trustee, TSF, Tuapim, tube, turbiditic, turmoil, turn, turnaround, twin, TWL, typical, typically, UK, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unauthorized, unchanged, unconformable, undeformed, underlain, underlying, undertaken, undertook, underway, Underworld, undetected, uneconomic, unforeseen, unilaterally, Union, unique, University, unlimited, unpaid, unpaved, unprofitable, unregistered, unrelated, unreliable, unrest, unsecured, unsuccessful, unsuitable, untested, untreated, unusual, upholding, upper, urge, USA, usable, usage, utilized, utilizing, valid, validated, validation, validity, valley, valuation, van, Vancouver, variability, varied, variety, vary, varying, vegetation, vein, veining, vendor, ventilation, verified, Versatile, vertical, vi, viability, vicinity, Viejo, view, vii, viii, village, violation, violence, violent, vision, visit, vital, void, volcanic, voltage, volume, voluntary, VTEM, vulnerability, wall, wallrock, Walsh, war, warehouse, Warranty, washed, wealth, wedge, wedged, weight, weighted, western, wet, wettest, whichever, whilst, wholly, wide, width, windfall, winding, wireframe, withdrawn, withdrew, witnessed, Women, won, workforce, world, worsen, Wray, Xstrata, yard, yielding, York, youngest, youth, Zaldivar, ZinQ, Zusammenarbeit
attached, attestation, blackout, book, BTR, Certificate, CFO, chapter, communicated, complying, contractual, COSO, depart, detect, deteriorate, disposing, domestic, effected, establishing, ethical, exempt, exercisable, exhibit, Framework, furnish, furnished, grant, hardship, hereto, herewith, home, honest, Interactive, Item, labor, LLC, mandated, opinion, Oxley, PCAOB, posted, preceding, prescribed, presentation, promptly, proxy, proxyholder, rare, registrant, relaxing, relief, respond, shorter, solicitation, solicited, Sponsoring, submit, summarized, suspected, thereat, thereon, Treadway, unconsolidated, undersigned, Web, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
- 99.13 Exhibit 99.13
- 99.14 Exhibit 99.14
- 99.15 Exhibit 99.15
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