III. | Appointment of Director |
At the EGM, Mr. Wan Tao was elected as a non-independent director of the tenth session of the Board.
The 21st meeting of the 10th Board of the Company was held on 8 September 2022, and Mr. Wan Tao was considered and approved as the executive director, chairman, chairman of the strategy committee and member of the nomination committee of the Company.
For the biographical details of the newly appointed directors, please refer to the EGM materials published on the websites of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Company on 31 August 2022, or the circular to the holders of the Company’s H shares dated 15 August 2022.
IV. | Lawyer’s certification |
(1) | Legal advisor: Beijing Haiwen & Partners Shanghai Branch |
Lawyers: Sun Yi, Shen Qin
(2) | Lawyer’s certification: |
As attested by and stated in the legal opinion (the “Legal Opinion”) issued by Sun Yi and Shen Qin of Beijing Haiwen & Partners Shanghai Branch, the Company’s legal advisor as to the PRC laws, “the procedures for the convening and holding of the EGM, the qualification of the convener, the qualifications of shareholders or proxies who attended the EGM and the voting procedures at the EGM were in compliance with the provisions of the relevant laws and the articles of association of the Company. As a result, the voting results of the EGM are valid”.
By Order of the Board Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited Liu Gang Joint Company Secretary |
Shanghai, the PRC, 8 September 2022
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Wan Tao, Guan Zemin, Du Jun, and Huang Xiangyu; the non-executive directors of the Company are Xie Zhenglin and Peng Kun; and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Li Yuanqin, Tang Song, Chen Haifeng, Yang Jun and Gao Song.