If there is any discrepancy between English version and Chinese version, Chinese version shall prevail.
Article 5: The members of the Remuneration Committee shall be elected by the Board.
Article 6: The Remuneration Committee shall have a chairperson, who shall be in charge of the work of the Remuneration Committee. The chairperson shall be an independent non-executive director of the Company, and nominated among the members by the chairman of the Board and elected by the Board.
Article 7: The term of office of the members of the Remuneration Committee shall correspond with the term of office of the Board. Upon expiration of the term of office, a member may serve another term of office upon reappointment. If a member no longer takes up the directorship of the Company during his term of office, he shall automatically be disqualified as a member and the Board shall appoint a replacement pursuant to the provisions hereof.
Article 8: An office shall be established under the Remuneration Committee and within the Human Resources Department of the Company. The head of the Human Resources Department shall concurrently serve as the office administrator and shall be primarily responsible for the day-to-day liaison work, the arrangement of meetings, the execution of the relevant resolutions made at such meetings, etc..
Article 9: No members of the Remuneration Committee may receive, directly or indirectly, any counseling fees, consultant fees or other rewards other than the remuneration from the Company.
Chapter 3: Duties and Powers
Article 10: The major duties and powers of the Remuneration Committee:
(1) to formulate a remuneration policy and an implementation scheme according to the main terms of reference, duties and significance of the management positions of the directors and officers, as well as on the basis of the pay levels for the relevant positions at other relevant companies;
(2) to carry out the remuneration policy and the implementation scheme, which primarily comprise performance appraisal standards and procedures, a main evaluation mechanism, award and penalty regimes and standards, etc.;
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