4. Describe the main features of the derivative instruments that the company will use, if any:
The Company does not intend to make use of derivative instruments under the Buyback Program.
5. Describe, if any, any existing voting agreements or guidelines between the company and the counterparty of the transactions:
Not applicable, since the Company will carry out the transactions exclusively on the stock exchange, and there are no previously identifiable counterparties.
6. In the event of transactions conducted outside of organized securities markets, inform: (a) the maximum (minimum) price at which the stocks will be acquired (sold); and (b) if applicable, the reasons justifying the transaction at prices more than ten percent (10%) higher, in the case of acquisition, or more than ten percent (10%) lower, in the case of sale, than the average quotation, weighted by volume, on the ten (10) previous trading sessions:
Not applicable, since the Company will carry out the transactions exclusively on the stock exchange.
7. Inform, if any, the impacts that the negotiation will have on the composition of the shareholding control or the company’s administrative structure:
Not applicable, since the concretization of the negotiations should not affect the shareholding control or the Company’s administrative structure.
8. Identify the counterparties, if known, and, in the case of a related party to the company, as defined by the accounting rules that deal with this subject, also provide the information required by art. 9 of CVM Resolution No. 81, dated March 29, 2022:
Not applicable, since the Company will carry out the transactions exclusively on the stock exchange, and there are no previously identifiable counterparties.
9. Indicate the allocation of the earned income, if any:
Not applicable.
10. Indicate the maximum term for settlement of authorized transactions:
The maximum term for the settlement of the transaction is eighteen (18) months from the approval date of the Buyback Program by the Board of Directors (i.e., May 4, 2022), so that such term will end on November 4, 2023 (inclusive).