CNPJ/ME under No. 19.281.495/0001-00, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Espírito Santo under NIRE 32.300.033.822, with head offices in the City of Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, at Avenida Nossa Senhora da Penha, No. 1255, Suite 502, Santa Lúcia, ZIP Code 29056-245; (j) Vitex BA Participações S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.173.154/0001-98, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Rio de Janeiro under NIRE 333.0033978-7, with head offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, No. 850, Block 2, Suite 215, Barra da Tijuca, ZIP Code 22775-057; (k) Parkia BA Participações S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 42.108.507/0001-03, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Rio de Janeiro under NIRE 33.3.0033827-6, with head offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, No. 850, Block 2, Suite 215, Barra da Tijuca, ZIP Code 22775-057; (l) Garacuí Comercial S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No.19.282.910/0001-32, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Bahia under NIRE 29.3.0003281-6, with head offices in the City of Teixeira de Freitas, State of Bahia, at Rua Marechal Costa e Silva, No.406, Bela Vista, ZIP Code 45990-307; (m) Vitex MS Participações S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.173.259/0001-47, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Rio de Janeiro under NIRE 333.0033980-9, with head offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, No. 850, Block 2, Suite 215, Barra da Tijuca, ZIP Code 22775-057; (n) Parkia MS Participações S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 42.566.153/0001-40, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Rio de Janeiro under NIRE 33.3.0033900-1, with head offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, No. 850, Block 2, Suite 215, Barra da Tijuca, ZIP Code 22775-057; and (o) Duas Marias Comercial S.A., a corporation, enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 19.328.576/0001-00, registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul under NIRE 54.300.005.606, with head offices in the City of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, at Avenida Afonso Pena, No. 5723, Suite 1601, Santa Fé, ZIP Code 79031-010, (jointly, as “Target Companies”) pursuant to the Protocol and Justification of Incorporation to be executed on August 26, 2022 (“Mergers” and “Merger Agreement”, respectively), which sets forth general terms and conditions applicable to the Mergers, their justification and criteria for purposes of appraising the net equity of the Target Companies, whose exhibits contain the appraisal reports of each of the Target Companies, prepared by the specialized companies PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes Ltda., a corporation enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No.61.562.112/0001-20, with head offices in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, No. 3732, 16th floor, Suites 1 to 6, at Edifício Adalmiro Dellape Baptista B32, Itaim Bibi, and Apsis Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda., a company enrolled with CNPJ/ME under No. 08.681.365/0001-30, with head offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Rua do Passeio, No. 62, 6th floor, Centro, ZIP Code 20021-290, pursuant to Section 227 of Law No. 6,404, of December 15, 1976, as amended, and has concluded, by unanimous vote and without any reservations, by the regularity of the Mergers, opining favorably on their approval by the Company’s Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting.
São Paulo/SP, August 26 2022.