7.4.1.To consign that the amount paid in advance as dividends, referred to in item “iii” above, represents ten point forty-one percent (10.41%) of the Company’s consolidated Operating Cash Generation in the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, in compliance with the mandatory minimum dividend provided for in Article 26 of the Company's Bylaws, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 202 of the Brazilian Corporations Law.
7.5.Considering the request received from shareholders owing more than 2% of the Company’s share capital, as allowed by the CVM Resolution No. 70, of March 22, 2022, and the indication of sufficient candidates in order to comply with the requirements of Section 161 of the Brazilian Corporations Law and Article 24 of the Company’s Bylaws, to approve the installation of the Company’s Fiscal Council, with (i) the definition of the number of members of the Company’s Fiscal Council in three (3) effective members and an equal number of alternate members, and (ii) the following members being reelected to the Fiscal Council until the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting that will deliberate on the financial statements for the year ending on December 31, 2023, registered the votes in favor, votes against and abstentions, as indicated bellow:
Elected through general election, (i) with 636,558,979 votes in favor, 177,146 votes against and 16,022,083 abstentions, Messrs. Luiz Augusto Marques Paes, Brazilian, married, lawyer, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 045.320.388-47, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 12.605.359-5 SSP/SP, resident and domiciled in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, with business address at Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1069, cj. 41, Vila Olímpia, Zip Code 04547-005, and Roberto Figueiredo Mello, Brazilian, married, lawyer, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 532.755.358-20, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 3.922.596 SSP/SP, resident and domiciled in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, with business address at Rua Líbero Badaró, 293 – 27th floor, Centro, Zip Code 01009-907, for the positions, respectively, of effective and alternate members of the Fiscal Council; and (ii) with 636,408,620 votes in favor, 327,306 votes against and 16,022,282 abstentions, Messrs. Rubens Barletta, Brazilian, divorced, lawyer, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 397.909.328-04, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 3.540.429-2 SSP/SP, resident and domiciled in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, with business address at Praça Ramos de Azevedo, 209, 5th floor, conjunto 52, República, Zip Code 01037-010, and Luiz Gonzaga Ramos Schubert, Brazilian, widower, lawyer, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 080.501.128-53, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 2.560.033-3 SSP/SP, resident and domiciled in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, with business address at Praça Ramos de Azevedo, 209, 5th floor, conjunto 52, República, Zip Code 01037-010, for the positions, respectively, of effective and alternate members of the Fiscal Council.
Elected through separate election, with 394,903,046 votes in favor, 855,931 votes against, and 601,595,299 abstentions, representing the majority vote of the Company’s minority shareholders, pursuant to in paragraph 4 of Section 161 of the Brazilian Corporations Law, Messrs. Eraldo Soares Peçanha, Brazilian, married, accountant, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 179.386.437-34, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 020.809/09 CRC/RJ, resident and domiciled in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida Prefeito Dulcidio Cardoso, 1400, apt. 1202, block I, Zip Code 22620-311, and Kurt Janos Toth, Brazilian, widower, economist, enrolled in CPF/MF under No. 193.789.557-20, bearer of the Identity Card (RG) No. 02437372-2 DETRAN/RJ, resident and domiciled in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Rua Lagoa das