Article 24 – The Audit Board is a non-permanent body, and shall be duly installed upon request of the shareholders, in accordance with the applicable laws. One installed, the Audit Board shall be comprised by three (3) to five (5) sitting members and an equal number of substitute members, appointed by the Shareholders Meetings, and shall be govern by the applicable laws and rulings, by these Bylaws and by its Internal Rules.
§ One – In the event of impediment or absence of any member, or a vacancy, members of the Audit Board shall be replaced by their respective substitute members.
§ Two – The sitting members of the Audit Board shall be entitled to receive a fixed compensation determined by the Shareholders Meeting, respected the minimum legal limit, and shall not be entitled to receive any additional compensation of the Company, by any company controlled by it or colligated, except if this additional compensation arises from, or is related to, services rendered to the Company prior to its appointment, or may not compromise the exercise of the duties of audit board member.
Article 25 – The Company shall have a Statutory Audit Committee (“SAC”), a collegiate body of advice and instruction directly related to the Company’s Board of Directors, with the purpose of supervising the quality and integrity of financial reports, adherence to legal, statutory and regulatory laws, adequacy of processes related to risk management and activities of internal and independent auditors.
§ One – The SAC shall have its own Internal Rules, approved by the Board of Directors, which shall provide in detail its duties, as well as operational procedures, in compliance with the laws in force and the rules issued by the regulatory bodies of the capital markets and stock exchanges in which the Company’s securities are listed.
§ Two – The SAC is a permanent body, and shall be comprised by, at least, three (3) and, at most, five (5) members, with a two (2) year term of office, appointed and removed by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the following criteria: (i) at least one of the members of the SAC shall be an independent member of the Company, according to the definition of the Novo Mercado Rules; (ii) at least one of the members of the SAC shall not be a member of the Board of Directors of the Company; (iii) the members of the SAC shall not integrate the Statutory Executive Board of Officers of the Company; (iv) the majority of the members shall meet the independence requirements indicated in CVM Instruction No. 308, of May 14, 1999, as amended; (v) at least one (1) member shall have a recognized experience in matters of corporate accounting, as set forth in the Internal Rules of the SAC, in the applicable legislation and in the rules issued by the regulatory bodies of the capital markets and stock exchanges in which the securities are listed of the Company; and (vi) the same member may accumulate the characteristics described in items “i” and “v” above. The SAC shall have a Coordinator, whose activities shall be defined in the Internal Rules of the SAC.