Administrator. This request for review must be filed no later than 60 days after the Participant has received written notification of the denial.
(b) The Participant has the right to submit in writing to the Administrator any comments, documents, records or other information relating to his or her claim for benefits.
(c) The Participant has the right to be provided with, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to and copies of all pertinent documents, records and other information that is relevant to his or her claim for benefits.
(d) The review of the denied claim will take into account all comments, documents, records and other information that the Participant submitted relating to his or her claim, without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the initial denial of his or her claim.
Section 4.03 Administrator's Response to Appeal. The Administrator will provide the Participant with written notice of its decision within 60 days after the Administrator's receipt of the Participant's written claim for review. There may be special circumstances which require an extension of this 60-day period. In any such case, the Administrator will notify the Participant in writing within the 60-day period and the final decision will be made no later than 120 days after the Administrator's receipt of the Participant's written claim for review. The Administrator's decision on the Participant's claim for review will be communicated to the Participant in writing and will clearly state:
(a) the specific reason or reasons for the denial of the Participant's claim;
(b) reference to the specific Plan provisions on which the denial of the Participant's claim is based;
(c) a statement that the Participant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, the Plan and all documents, records, and other information relevant to his or her claim for benefits; and
(d) a statement describing the Participant's right to bring an action under Section 502(a) of ERISA.
Section 4.04 Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies. The exhaustion of these claims procedures is mandatory for resolving every claim and dispute arising under the Plan. As to such claims and disputes:
(a) no claimant shall be permitted to commence any legal action to recover benefits or to enforce or clarify rights under the Plan under Section 502 or Section 510 of ERISA or under any other provision of law, whether or not statutory, until these claims procedures have been exhausted in their entirety; and
(b) in any such legal action, all explicit and implicit determinations by the Administrator (including, but not limited to, determinations as to whether the claim,