Non-life and Life and Health Reserves | Non-life and Life and Health Reserves (a) Non-life reserves Non-life reserves are categorized into three types of reserves: case reserves, ACRs and IBNR reserves. Case reserves represent unpaid losses reported by the Company’s cedants and recorded by the Company. ACRs are established for particular circumstances where, on the basis of individual loss reports, the Company estimates that the particular loss or collection of losses covered by a treaty may be greater than those advised by the cedant. IBNR reserves represent a provision for claims that have been incurred but not yet reported to the Company, as well as future loss development on losses already reported, in excess of the case reserves and ACRs. See also Note 2(b). The Company’s gross liability for non-life reserves at December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows (in thousands of U.S. dollars): December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Case reserves $ 5,110,575 $ 4,881,892 ACRs 159,821 140,464 IBNR reserves 7,455,235 7,025,436 Non-life reserves $ 12,725,631 $ 12,047,792 The reconciliation of the beginning and ending gross and net liability for non-life reserves for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020 was as follows (in thousands of U.S. dollars): 2022 2021 2020 Gross liability at beginning of year $ 12,047,792 $ 11,395,321 $ 10,363,383 Reinsurance recoverable at beginning of year 1,532,666 782,330 754,795 Net liability at beginning of year 10,515,126 10,612,991 9,608,588 Net incurred losses related to: Current year 3,533,087 3,637,671 3,945,248 Prior years (219,853) (194,426) 71,456 3,313,234 3,443,245 4,016,704 Net paid losses related to: Current year (419,633) (437,938) (459,718) Prior years (2,238,503) (2,535,057) (2,772,886) (2,658,136) (2,972,995) (3,232,604) Retroactive reinsurance recoverable adjustment (35,695) (357,864) — Effects of foreign exchange rate changes and other (260,709) (210,251) 220,303 Net liability at end of year 10,873,820 10,515,126 10,612,991 Reinsurance recoverable at end of year 1,851,811 1,532,666 782,330 Gross liability at end of year $ 12,725,631 $ 12,047,792 $ 11,395,321 Prior Years' Reserve Development For the year ended December 31, 2022, the Company reported net favorable loss development for prior accident years resulting from favorable loss emergence in both the P&C and Specialty segments and a reduction in unallocated loss adjustment expenses. The favorable loss emergence within the P&C segment was across multiple accident years, mainly driven by the motor, catastrophe, and casualty business. The favorable loss emergence within the Specialty segment was across multiple accident years, predominantly from the financial risks, engineering, marine, and property business, which was partially offset by adverse loss emergence in the aviation business. For the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company reported net favorable loss development for prior accident years resulting from favorable loss emergence in both the P&C and Specialty segments. The favorable loss emergence within the Specialty segment was across multiple accident years, predominantly from financial risks lines. The favorable loss emergence within the P&C segment was primarily from a refinement of loss estimates for certain large catastrophic events from accident years 2017 - 2019. For the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company reported net unfavorable loss development for prior accident years resulting from adverse loss emergence in the Specialty segment, which was partially offset by favorable loss emergence in the P&C segment. The adverse loss emergence within the Specialty segment was across multiple accident years, predominantly from property, engineering, multiline and aviation business. The favorable loss emergence within the P&C segment was primarily from accident years 2015 and prior, mainly driven by the European casualty, motor and property business, which was partially offset by adverse loss emergence in the U.S. and Asia property business. Retroactive Reinsurance Recoverable During the second quarter of 2021, the Company entered into a loss portfolio transfer and adverse development cover agreement related to prior underwriting years on the Company's U.S. casualty and auto business within the P&C segment. Premium paid for the loss portfolio transfer and adverse development cover agreement, resulted in a cash transfer for the premium at inception of the agreement, and a reinsurance recoverable of $394 million at December 31, 2022 and $358 million at December 31, 2021. At December 31, 2022 and 2021, as a result of adverse prior years reserve development ceded under this agreement, a deferred gain of $47 million and $20 million, respectively, was recorded in Accounts payable, accrued expense and other in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. This transaction is presented retrospectively in the net loss and loss expenses incurred development table for the Casualty business in Section (c) below. Reinsurance recoveries under this transaction are attributed to calendar year and accident year based on the underlying distribution of losses subject to the agreement. In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Company entered into a loss portfolio transfer agreement transferring 100% of liabilities, including profit commissions, related to its wholesale managing general agent portfolio. As a result of the transaction, the Company recorded a reinsurance recoverable of $81 million and a related deferred gain of $14 million. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the Company completed a business transfer to extinguish the remaining $70 million of non-life reserves and derecognized the $70 million of related reinsurance recoverables. As a result, during 2020, the $14 million deferred gain was recognized within Losses and loss expenses in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. At settlement, $64 million of invested assets were transferred, and there was a corresponding decrease in Other reinsurance balances payable. Asbestos and Environmental Claims The Company’s net non-life reserves at December 31, 2022 and 2021 included $42 million and $44 million, respectively, related to asbestos and environmental claims. The gross liability for such claims at December 31, 2022 and 2021 was $49 million and $52 million, respectively. Ultimate loss estimates for such claims cannot be estimated using traditional reserving techniques and there are significant uncertainties in estimating the Company’s potential losses for these claims. In view of the legal and tort environment that affect the development of such claims, the uncertainties inherent in estimating asbestos and environmental claims are not likely to be resolved in the near future. There can be no assurance that the reserves established by the Company will not be adversely affected by development of other latent exposures, and further, there can be no assurance that the reserves established by the Company will be adequate. The Company does, however, actively evaluate potential exposure to asbestos and environmental claims and establishes additional reserves as appropriate. The Company believes that it has made a reasonable provision for these exposures and is unaware of any specific issues that would materially affect its unpaid losses and loss expense reserves related to this exposure. Non-life reserving methods The reserving methods commonly employed by the Company are summarized as follows: Chain Ladder (CL) Development Methods (Reported or Paid) These methods use the underlying assumption that losses reported (paid) for each underwriting year at a particular development stage follow a stable pattern. The CL development method assumes that on average, every underwriting year will display the same percentage of ultimate liabilities reported by the Company’s cedants at 24 months after the inception of the underwriting year. The percentages reported (paid) are established for each development stage after examining historical averages from the loss development data. These are sometimes supplemented by external benchmark information. Ultimate liabilities are estimated by multiplying the actual reported (paid) losses by the reciprocal of the assumed reported (paid) percentage. Reserves are then calculated by subtracting paid claims from the estimated ultimate liabilities. Expected Loss Ratio (ELR) Method This method estimates ultimate losses for an underwriting year by applying an estimated loss ratio to the earned premium for that underwriting year. Although the method is insensitive to actual reported or paid losses, it can often be useful at the early stages of development when very few losses have been reported or paid, and the principal sources of information available to the Company consist of information obtained during pricing and qualitative information supplied by the cedant. However, the lack of sensitivity to reported or paid losses means that the method is usually inappropriate at later stages of development. Bornhuetter-Ferguson (B-F) Methods (Reported or Paid) These methods aim to address the variability at early stages of development and incorporates external information such as pricing. The B-F methods are more sensitive to reported and paid losses than the ELR method, and can be seen as a blend of the ELR and CL development methods. Unreported (unpaid) claims are calculated using an expected reporting (payment) pattern and an externally determined estimate of ultimate liabilities (usually determined by multiplying an a priori loss ratio with estimates of premium volume). The accuracy of the a priori loss ratio is a critical assumption in this method. Usually a priori loss ratios are initially determined on the basis of pricing information, but may also be adjusted to reflect other information that subsequently emerges about underlying loss experience. Loss Event Specific Method The ultimate losses estimated under this method are derived from estimates of specific events based on reported claims, client and broker discussions, review of potential exposures, market loss estimates, modeled analysis and other event specific criteria. Method Weights In determining the loss reserves, the Company often relies on a blend of the results from two or more methods (e.g., weighted averages). The judgment as to which of the above method(s) is most appropriate for a particular underwriting year and reserving cell could change over time as new information emerges regarding underlying loss activity and other data issues. Furthermore, as each line is typically composed of several reserving cells, it is likely that the reserves for the line will be dependent on several reserving methods. This is because reserves for a line are the result of aggregating the reserves for each constituent reserving cell and that a different method could be selected for each reserving cell. The principal reserving methods used for each of the Specialty segment and P&C segment were ELR, Reported/Paid B-F, and Reported/Paid CL, with the exception of catastrophe risks within the P&C segment where the principal reserving methods used were ELR based on exposure analysis and loss event specific methods. (b) Life and Health Reserves The reconciliation of the beginning and ending gross and net liability for life and health reserves for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020 was as follows (in thousands of U.S. dollars): 2022 2021 2020 Gross liability at beginning of period $ 2,638,086 $ 2,704,229 $ 2,417,044 Reinsurance recoverable at beginning of period 21,000 35,662 16,183 Net liability at beginning of period $ 2,617,086 $ 2,668,567 $ 2,400,861 Net incurred losses (1) 1,434,169 1,440,739 1,318,196 Net losses paid (1,390,848) (1,413,316) (1,230,383) Effects of foreign exchange rate changes and other (181,789) (78,904) 179,893 Net liability at end of period $ 2,478,618 $ 2,617,086 $ 2,668,567 Reinsurance recoverable at end of period 31,675 21,000 35,662 Gross liability at end of period $ 2,510,293 $ 2,638,086 $ 2,704,229 (1) During 2021 and 2020, certain life and health treaties were recaptured, resulting in total gains upon recapture of $15 million and $28 million respectively, recorded as a reduction to net incurred losses. Net incurred losses includes unfavorable prior years' reserve development of $46 million for the year ended December 31, 2022, favorable prior years' reserve development of $5 million for the year ended December 31, 2021, and unfavorable prior years' reserve development of $52 million for the year ended December 31, 2020, which was driven by the Company's disability business. The Company used interest rate assumptions to estimate its liabilities for policy benefits for life and annuity contracts which ranged from 0% to 11% at December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. Life and health reserving methods The reserving methods commonly employed by the Company are summarized as follows: Mortality The reserves for the short-term mortality/morbidity business consist of case reserves calculated at the treaty level based upon cedant information. IBNR is calculated at the reserving segment level using either the ELR method or CL development method described above for Non-life business. The reserves for the traditional and limited payment long-duration contracts are established based upon accepted actuarial valuation methods which require us to make certain assumptions regarding future claims and policy benefits and includes a provision for adverse deviation. The provision for adverse deviation contemplates reasonable deviations from the best estimate assumptions for the key risk elements relevant to the product being evaluated, including mortality, disability, critical illness, expenses, and discount rates. The assumptions are locked in at contract inception and are subject to annual loss recognition testing (LRT). LRT occurs at the product group level, based on the manner of acquiring, servicing and measuring profitability of the reinsurance contracts. The LRT framework incorporates deferred acquisition cost (DAC) recoverability testing and involves determining an LRT reserve by re-measuring the policy benefit liabilities using current best estimate actuarial assumptions and current discount rates without any provisions for adverse deviation. If the aggregate LRT reserve is higher than the carrying amount of future policy benefit liabilities, net of DAC and VOBA, for a particular product grouping then a loss recognition event occurs. The DAC and VOBA asset balances for the given product grouping are first reduced, and if the balances are fully written off, the reserves will be increased, such that the current best estimate assumptions become the new locked-in basis. The reserves for the guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) reinsurance business are established similar to provisions for universal life contracts. Key actuarial assumptions for this business are mortality, lapses, interest rates, expected returns on cash and bonds and stock market performance. For the latter parameter, a stochastic option pricing approach is used and the benefits used in calculating the liabilities are based on the average benefits payable over a range of scenarios. The assumptions of investment performance and volatility are consistent with expected future experience of the respective underlying funds available for policyholder investment options. Recorded reserves for GMDB reflect management’s best estimate based upon actuarial indications. Longevity Reserves for the annuity portfolio of reinsurance contracts within the longevity book are established using the reserving methodology discussed above for long-term traditional mortality. (c) Losses and Loss Expenses Losses and loss expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020 were comprised as follows (in thousands of U.S. dollars): 2022 2021 2020 Non-life $ 3,313,234 $ 3,443,245 $ 4,016,704 Life and Health 1,434,169 1,440,739 1,318,196 Losses and loss expenses $ 4,747,403 $ 4,883,984 $ 5,334,900 Non-life net incurred and paid losses and loss expense development The net incurred and paid losses and loss expenses development by accident year for each of the years ended December 31, 2013 through 2022, and the total of IBNR plus expected development on reported claims included within the net incurred claims amounts, as at each of the years ended December 31, 2013 through 2022, are presented in the tables below (in thousands of U.S. dollars). The tables below reflect losses incurred and paid losses translated to U.S. dollars at the exchange rate as of the balance sheet date whereas the Losses and loss expenses in the Consolidated Statement of Operations reflect losses incurred at the average exchange rate for the period. NET INCURRED LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - NON-LIFE For the year ended December 31, December 31, 2022 Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total of IBNR plus expected development on reported claims (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 2,664,745 $ 2,722,788 $ 2,400,977 $ 3,277,749 $ 2,787,608 $ 2,313,004 $ 2,301,835 $ 2,276,767 $ 2,262,098 $ 2,242,254 $ 23,890 2014 2,481,720 2,514,200 2,368,967 2,349,869 2,353,759 2,315,021 2,277,135 2,262,546 2,232,454 35,019 2015 2,502,854 2,611,184 2,527,784 2,550,830 2,520,182 2,475,960 2,451,141 2,432,324 89,338 2016 2,451,204 2,559,851 2,516,126 2,486,199 2,467,920 2,484,069 2,476,383 130,477 2017 2,549,737 2,801,179 2,698,916 2,651,730 2,663,904 2,658,571 179,473 2018 2,596,552 2,974,243 2,969,810 2,972,766 3,009,359 387,763 2019 2,931,280 3,519,556 3,510,991 3,523,443 681,501 2020 4,186,395 3,586,462 3,499,097 976,332 2021 2,880,141 2,829,876 1,580,019 2022 3,410,844 2,119,500 Total $ 28,314,605 $ 6,203,312 NET PAID LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - NON-LIFE For the year ended December 31, Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 267,413 $ 1,237,315 $ 1,577,293 $ 1,771,134 $ 1,900,282 $ 1,997,543 $ 2,061,865 $ 2,097,390 $ 2,121,980 $ 2,146,574 2014 336,270 1,291,273 1,594,146 1,810,171 1,946,054 2,044,804 2,118,939 2,164,676 2,196,720 2015 306,562 1,159,655 1,564,173 1,798,537 1,959,722 2,067,935 2,142,234 2,198,481 2016 321,351 1,272,443 1,627,697 1,893,694 2,030,728 2,123,169 2,211,977 2017 394,394 1,421,140 1,804,959 2,072,838 2,195,236 2,314,529 2018 271,827 1,276,542 1,811,055 2,093,543 2,283,931 2019 462,939 1,438,793 1,961,928 2,341,116 2020 480,122 1,277,034 1,805,063 2021 373,191 1,088,143 2022 394,598 Total $ 18,981,132 Net reserves for accident years and exposures included in the triangles $ 9,333,473 All outstanding liabilities before accident year 2013, net of reinsurance 1,239,090 Total outstanding liabilities for unpaid claims $ 10,572,563 AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE PAYOUT OF INCURRED CLAIMS BY AGE, NET OF REINSURANCE - NON-LIFE (unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Non-life 13% 33% 15% 10% 6% 4% 3% 2% 1% 1% NET INCURRED LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - PROPERTY For the year ended December 31, December 31, 2022 Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total of IBNR plus expected development on reported claims (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 622,984 $ 560,072 $ 519,883 $ 505,636 $ 500,527 $ 492,673 $ 490,699 $ 489,268 $ 487,571 $ 485,091 $ 421 2014 469,568 488,446 463,409 458,609 452,907 450,487 447,816 447,894 444,808 588 2015 537,193 565,816 537,792 528,106 524,147 519,568 525,203 523,475 1,175 2016 663,490 681,050 644,349 625,873 622,562 624,375 623,593 2,622 2017 971,607 1,022,186 952,613 923,025 915,166 910,105 3,934 2018 805,960 820,675 799,735 778,867 766,591 10,844 2019 703,097 782,453 720,079 711,928 45,376 2020 1,252,575 1,070,935 1,061,772 134,726 2021 919,517 918,629 202,188 2022 944,920 557,288 Total $ 7,390,912 $ 959,162 NET PAID LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - PROPERTY For the year ended December 31, Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 90,086 $ 320,510 $ 419,541 $ 453,191 $ 469,346 $ 472,517 $ 477,180 $ 479,094 $ 479,023 $ 479,578 2014 95,013 323,309 395,102 423,339 432,567 438,152 442,581 444,798 445,375 2015 85,015 330,876 435,539 469,036 481,879 489,195 498,557 501,524 2016 132,914 446,804 538,988 579,381 595,159 604,980 609,257 2017 214,026 694,240 805,627 853,945 862,942 870,638 2018 81,830 494,608 628,458 666,919 687,439 2019 78,527 426,566 545,163 586,587 2020 115,165 515,030 681,851 2021 121,453 491,546 2022 103,876 Total $ 5,457,671 Net reserves for accident years and exposures included in the triangles $ 1,933,241 All outstanding liabilities before accident year 2013, net of reinsurance 122,792 Total outstanding liabilities for unpaid claims $ 2,056,033 AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE PAYOUT OF INCURRED CLAIMS BY AGE, NET OF REINSURANCE - PROPERTY (unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Property 15% 47% 16% 6% 2% 1% 1% —% —% —% NET INCURRED LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - CASUALTY For the year ended December 31, December 31, 2022 Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total of IBNR plus expected development on reported claims (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 747,448 $ 853,023 $ 757,402 $ 734,732 $ 732,716 $ 726,420 $ 714,114 $ 695,346 $ 691,195 $ 678,905 $ 19,235 2014 804,571 848,698 814,622 810,349 826,000 791,768 766,415 753,383 739,605 28,354 2015 699,327 783,275 761,091 803,497 770,242 751,652 726,451 714,608 76,827 2016 670,767 756,954 767,366 747,814 740,047 750,268 747,402 103,979 2017 621,095 743,114 720,966 709,881 716,862 720,732 136,389 2018 767,559 905,491 895,978 903,353 920,169 258,229 2019 999,955 1,226,210 1,272,980 1,273,687 519,757 2020 1,344,430 1,115,751 1,094,890 624,521 2021 1,013,896 967,726 920,590 2022 1,495,131 1,043,559 Total $ 9,352,855 $ 3,731,440 NET PAID LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - CASUALTY For the year ended December 31, Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 49,468 $ 152,575 $ 260,249 $ 339,320 $ 410,241 $ 470,029 $ 510,855 $ 533,983 $ 558,218 $ 578,496 2014 69,119 189,458 292,152 387,182 470,964 536,883 594,035 631,367 654,893 2015 73,252 184,520 303,213 398,790 505,067 577,907 627,964 667,748 2016 28,304 140,081 244,560 369,651 455,982 520,069 586,050 2017 55,617 157,792 246,615 334,296 411,806 488,164 2018 59,105 201,190 323,510 425,887 532,717 2019 100,639 274,821 430,192 580,304 2020 112,281 176,740 304,592 2021 80,434 225,846 2022 120,660 Total $ 4,739,470 Net reserves for accident years and exposures included in the triangles $ 4,613,385 All outstanding liabilities before accident year 2013, net of reinsurance 1,023,715 Total outstanding liabilities for unpaid claims $ 5,637,100 AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE PAYOUT OF INCURRED CLAIMS BY AGE, NET OF REINSURANCE - CASUALTY (unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Casualty 8% 14% 13% 13% 12% 9% 7% 5% 3% 3% NET INCURRED LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - SPECIALTY For the year ended December 31, December 31, 2022 Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total of IBNR plus expected development on reported claims (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 1,294,313 $ 1,309,693 $ 1,123,692 $ 2,037,381 $ 1,554,365 $ 1,093,911 $ 1,097,022 $ 1,092,153 $ 1,083,332 $ 1,078,258 $ 4,234 2014 1,207,581 1,177,056 1,090,936 1,080,911 1,074,852 1,072,766 1,062,904 1,061,269 1,048,041 6,077 2015 1,266,334 1,262,093 1,228,901 1,219,227 1,225,793 1,204,740 1,199,487 1,194,241 11,336 2016 1,116,947 1,121,847 1,104,411 1,112,512 1,105,311 1,109,426 1,105,388 23,876 2017 957,035 1,035,879 1,025,337 1,018,824 1,031,876 1,027,734 39,150 2018 1,023,033 1,248,077 1,274,097 1,290,546 1,322,599 118,690 2019 1,228,228 1,510,893 1,517,932 1,537,828 116,368 2020 1,589,390 1,399,776 1,342,435 217,085 2021 946,728 943,521 457,241 2022 970,793 518,653 Total $ 11,570,838 $ 1,512,710 NET PAID LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES DEVELOPMENT TABLE - SPECIALTY For the year ended December 31, Accident year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 2013 $ 127,859 $ 764,230 $ 897,503 $ 978,623 $ 1,020,695 $ 1,054,997 $ 1,073,830 $ 1,084,313 $ 1,084,739 $ 1,088,500 2014 172,138 778,506 906,892 999,650 1,042,523 1,069,769 1,082,323 1,088,511 1,096,452 2015 148,295 644,259 825,421 930,711 972,776 1,000,833 1,015,713 1,029,209 2016 160,133 685,558 844,149 944,662 979,587 998,120 1,016,670 2017 124,751 569,108 752,717 884,597 920,488 955,727 2018 130,892 580,744 859,087 1,000,737 1,063,775 2019 283,773 737,406 986,573 1,174,225 2020 252,676 585,264 818,620 2021 171,304 370,751 2022 170,062 Total $ 8,783,991 Net reserves for accident years and exposures included in the triangles $ 2,786,847 All outstanding liabilities before accident year 2013, net of reinsurance 92,583 Total outstanding liabilities for unpaid claims $ 2,879,430 AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE PAYOUT OF INCURRED CLAIMS BY AGE, NET OF REINSURANCE - SPECIALTY (unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Specialty 15% 39% 16% 10% 4% 3% 1% 1% —% —% The Company is predominantly a reinsurer of primary insurers and does not have access to claim frequency information held by our cedants due to the majority of the Company’s business being written on a proportional basis. As such, the Company considers it impracticable to disclose information on the frequency of claims. The reconciliation of the net incurred and paid claims development information above to the Non-life reserves in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2022 was as follows (in thousands of U.S. dollars): December 31, 2022 Total outstanding liability for unpaid claims Property $ 2,056,033 Casualty 5,637,100 Specialty 2,879,430 Total outstanding liabilities for unpaid claims $ 10,572,563 Unallocated loss expenses $ 119,274 U.S. health net reserves (1) 168,146 Other 13,837 Total other liabilities $ 301,257 Net liability at end of year $ 10,873,820 Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims Property $ 922,141 Casualty 585,737 Specialty 343,933 Reinsurance recoverable at end of year $ 1,851,811 Gross liability at end of year $ 12,725,631 (1) U.S. health business is not meaningful to include in the development tables as the estimated average duration of the health reserves is less than one year and substantially all claims are expected to be paid within two years, based on historical payout patterns. |