Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of March, 2006
Commission File Number: 001-12440
Santa Rosa 76
Santiago, Chile
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in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): N/A
Santiago, March 22, 2006
MisterAlberto Etchegaray de la Cerda
Superintendent of Securities and Insurance
Dear Sir,
In accordance with article 68 of the Law N° 18,045, and as established in theCircular N° 3572 of year 2000 of that Superintendency, we enclose Anex N°1 which contains information regarding the election of the Board of Directors of Enersis S.A. for a period of three years, agreed at its Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, celebrated on March 21, 2006.
Yours sincerely,
Mario Valcarce D.
Chief Executive Officer
Bolsa Comercio de Santiago
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile
Bolsa Corredores de Valparaíso
Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgo
Representante Tenedores de Bonos Locales
Depósito Central de Valores
Messrs | ||||||||||
Registry of SVS Directors | ||||||||||
Date: | ||||||||||
22-Mar-06 | ||||||||||
Kind of Company: Corporation (Sociedad Anónima Abierta) | ||||||||||
Company Name | ||||||||||
ENERSIS S.A. | ||||||||||
Tax No: | ||||||||||
94.271.000 - 3 | ||||||||||
Administration: | ||||||||||
Tax No | Last name/Names | Position | Beginning | Ending | Reason for ending | |||||
Cod. | Month/Day/Year | Month/Day/Year | ||||||||
5.710.967 - K | Yrarrázaval Valdés, Pablo | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
0-E | Miranda Robredo, Rafael | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
4.132.185 - 7 | Somerville Senn, Hernán | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
5.715.860 - 3 | Tironi Barrios, Eugenio | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
0-E | De la Mata Gorostizaga, Juan Ignacio | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
0-E | Español Navarro, Rafael | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
5.206.994 - 7 | Claro Grez, Patricio | D | 3/21/2006 | --- | --- | |||||
5.126.588 - 2 | Silva Bafalluy, Ernesto | D | 11/28/1997 | 3/21/2006 | Termination Period | |||||
Mario Valcarce Durán
Chief Executive Officer
Enersis S.A.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
By: /s/ Mario Valcarce | ||
-------------------------------------------------- | ||
Name: | Mario Valcarce | |
Title: | Chief Executive Officer |
Date: March. 23, 2006