Buenos Aires, May 15th 2020
Securities and Exchange Commission
RE: Relevant event. Dividends distribution.
We hereby address you, in our capacity as proxies of Banco BBVA Argentina S.A., in order to inform you that at the Meeting held today shareholders approved the distribution of cash dividends in the amount of $ 2,500,000,000, equal to $ 4,08056912 per share and delegated on the Board of Directors the power to determine the date of payment of such dividends.
The distribution of the dividends approved today is subject to the Argentine Central Bank’s prior authorization, which has not been granted yet. According to Communication “A” 6939, the distribution of financial institutions’ results is suspended until 30 June.
Yours faithfully,
Av. Córdoba 111, piso 31 (C1054AAA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
IGJ 17-10-19 N° 21.332 L.97 T SA (T.O)