Moreover, it has a telephone banking service, a modern, safe and functional Internet banking platform, and a mobile banking app. As for its payroll, Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. has 6,233 employees, including 98 employees of BBVA Asset Management Argentina S.A., PSA Finance Argentina Compañía Financiera S.A. and Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A. (total effective employees, net of temporary replacements).
The loans portfolio net of allowances for loan losses totaled 218,537,669 pesos as of March 31, 2020, reflecting a decrease by 20.52% as compared to the previous year.
As it relates to consumer loans, including personal loans, credit cards, mortgage loans and pledge loans, the latter have experienced the most remarkable increase due to the consolidation, having increased by 247.37% compared with the previous year. Excluding such loans, credit cards have shown the most significant growth during the period, up by 4.07%, or 2,752,131 in nominal terms. Regarding mortgage loans, they show the impact of increasing inflation.
BBVA Argentina S.A.’s consolidated market share in private-sector financing was 8.35% at period-end, based on the BCRA’s daily information (principal balance as of the last day of each quarter on a consolidated basis).
In terms of portfolio quality, the Entity has managed to maintain very good ratios. The irregular portfolio ratio (Financings with irregular performance/total financing) was 2.78%, with a coverage level (total allowances/irregular performance) of 186.69% as of March 31, 2020.
The total exposure for securities totaled 77,017,329 pesos as of March 31, 2020, including repos both with the BCRA and Argentina.
In terms of liabilities, customers’ resources totaled 327,959,863, with a 20.68% decrease over the last twelve months.
The consolidated market share of deposits to the private sector of Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. reached 6.79% at period-end, based on the daily information of the BCRA (principal balance as of the last day of each quarter).
Breakdown of changes in the main income/loss items:
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. recorded an accumulated profit of 3,107,396 as of March 31, 2020, representing a return on average shareholders’ equity of 3.70%, a return on average assets of 0.56%, and a return on average liabilities of 0.66%.
Net accumulated interest income totaled 16,441,216, with a 9.29% growth as compared to March 2019, mainly driven by an increase in interest from government securities and interest from credit card loans, offset by an increase in interest expenses for time deposits.
Net accumulated commission income totaled 1,875,852, dropping 18.52% compared to March 2019. This decrease is mainly due to higher income due to the rise in prices, commissions linked to liabilities (deposits), credit cards and foreign trade and currency transactions, offset by commission expenses for credit and debit cards.
Accumulated administrative expenses and personnel benefits totaled 8,029,219, a 9.05% growth in relation to those recorded for March 2019. The increase in personnel expenses is mainly a consequence of salary increases agreed with the union. The remaining expenses grew due to the increased volume of activity, the general increase in prices, currency depreciation and increase in utility rates.
Information not Covered by the Review Report.